ACADEMIC WRITING English for General Academic Purposes / Interdisciplinary Course Irina Korotkina Duration: 14 hours Academic Writing is an EGAP course taught as an interdisciplinary course to upperintermediate and advanced students of the MSSES in the first half-semester. It is also taught to students of the intermediate level later in the academic year, after they have obtained enough practice in other EGAP courses to start their own writing in English. The aim of the course is to develop academic writing skills essential for studying at a British university and to raise students’ academic literacy level, so that they can successfully communicate their ideas to the international academic community. It provides students with the tools and structures that enable them to express and support their own opinions, provide evidence, build up arguments and overcome the lack of logic, cohesion and consonance of their texts. The course offers a structured approach to writing, presenting a text as a whole individual product, yet constructed according to the internationally accepted rules. Contents: I. Introduction: observing an academic text at the macro-level. Culture, structure, or literature? Who is responsible for understanding an academic text? Text structure and organization: ‘hamburger techniques’ vs. the Russian ‘vinaigrette’ Criteria for assessing writing at university level. II. Starting with the micro-level: sentence structure The ‘political system’ of the English sentence Dependent and independent clauses. Coordinators and subordinators. Punctuation: the mighty comma. III. Editing Coping with fragments, comma splices and run-on sentences Parallelism Keeping in touch with the macro-level: editing a text IV. Paragraphing Planning a paragraph: outlining The three parts of a paragraph Topic sentences: the topic and the controlling idea Linkers and transition signals Writing a paragraph V. Writing an essay Generating ideas. The ‘triad’ principle Brainstorming and mind-mapping Writing an academic text Feedback Teaching aids 1. Bailey, S. Academic Writing: a Practical Guide for Students. London and New York : Routledge Falmer; Taylor & Francis Group, 2004. 2. Bean, J. C. Engaging Ideas. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2011. 3. Boardman, C. A. J. Writing to Communicate 2 : Paragraphs and Essays. 3rd ed. / C. A. Boardman, J. Frydenberg. New York: Pearson, Longman, 2008. 4. Brandon, L. Paragraphs and Essays with Integrated Readings. 11th ed / L. Brandon, K. Brandon. Boston, MA : Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2011. 5. Galko, F. D. Better Writing Right Now! Using Words to Your Advantage. New York : Learning Express, LLC, 2002. 6. Graff, G. Scholars and Sound Bites: the Myth of Academic Difficulty. PMLA, 2000. Vol. 115, No. 5. Рp. 1041—1052. 7. Hacker, D. & Sommers, N. A. Writer’s Reference. 7th ed. D. Hacker, N. A. Sommers. Boston : Bedford/St.Martin’s, 2011. 8. Leki, I. Academic Writing: Exploring Processes and Strategies. 2nd Ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999. 9. Literacy in 3D: Аn integrated perspective in theory and practice. B. Green, C. Beavis (Eds.). Camberwell : ACER Press, 2012. 10. Lynn, S. Rhetoric and Composition. Cambridge : Cambridge UP, 2010. 11. McCormack, J. Extended Writing and Research Skills. J. McCormack, J. Slaght. Reading : Garnet Education, 2012. 12. Morley, J., P. Doyle, I. Pople. University Writing Course. Berkshire : Express Publishers, 2007. 13. Murray, R. Writing for Academic Journals. Maldenhead : Open University Press, 2005. 14. Oshima, A., Hogue, A. Writing Academic English. New York : Pearson, 2006. 15. Smalzer, W. R. Write to Be Read: Reading, Reflection, and Writing. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1996. 16. Sowton, C. 50 Steps to Improving Your Academic Writing. Reading : Garnet Education, 2012. 17. Wagner, E.N. Express Yourself: Writing Skills for High School. New York : Learning Express, LLC, 2002. 18. Young, A. Teaching Writing Across the Curriculum. New Jersey : Pearson; Prentice Hall, 2006. 19. Zemach, D. E., Rumisek, L. A. Academic Writing from Paragraph to Essay. Macmillan Education, 2009. АКАДЕМИЧЕСКОЕ ПИСЬМО Английский для общих академических целей / Межфакультетский курс И.Б.Короткина Продолжительность: 14 часов Курс академического письма является ключевым компонентом программы для слушателей Шанинки как российско-британского университета, поскольку навыки научного письма являются центральными в западных университетах, а требования, предъявляемые к письменным работам, в них значительно строже. В связи с этим курс академического письма считается межфакультетским и входит не только в программу МКАЯ, но и в программу ряда факультетов. Для слушателей с уровнем IELTS 6.0 и выше он ведется на английском языке в рамках программы кафедры «Английский для общих академических целей», а для слушателей с более низким уровнем – на русском языке в рамках программ факультетов. Целью курса на английском языке является развитие навыков написания академически грамотных научно-исследовательских текстов, соответствующих требованиям международной научной коммуникации. Внимание уделяется логике и организации текста как в целом, так и на уровне его элементов (абзац, предложение). Слушатели развивают навыки аргументированного и связного изложения собственных идей на английском языке.