Hey , have you bougt ?

【1111 Shopping Carnival】
Have you bought
1111 shopping carnival creates
another miracle Shopping
Ali Baba's T-mall
obtains 35 billion
Yuan of transactions
within 24 hours, and
this event has
caused the Chinese
people's great
concern for ecommerce.
On November 11 each year , T-mall just seems
to bring passion to people to create a retail
miracle, this day seems crazy for shopping.
the final day , T-mall’s sales reach 35 billion
Yuan, equivalent to the Wang Fu Jing
Department Store three-quarter sales of 2.4
times, the equivalent of half of Wal-Mart's
China sales; equivalent to the National Day
Golden Week, Beijing 110 key suppliers
enterprise 5.3 times sales, 46 times the big
shopping malls in Guangzhou 9.
The income of
395 shops Of Cyber Monday
Shanghai in
$1.98 billion
Golden week is
$1.02 billion
$5.75 billion
"Cyber Monday, " a term to describe the Monday after the Thanksgiving holiday, is the unofficial kickoff for the busy online retail season
Now , just compare China's 1111 shopping carnival
with the United States event cyber Monday
Cyber Monday is a marketing term for the
Monday after Thanksgiving in the United States.
Cyber Monday has become an international
marketing term used by online retailers in
Canada, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Germany,
Chile, Colombia, and Japan.
The United States “Cyber
Monday" online sales is
$1.98 billion(the sales
includes all the Electricity
supplier’s business), less
than $5.7 billion ,the 1111
shopping carnival, and
China’event is one victory.
We just wonder how it
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T-mall created Double 11, which is on Nov 11, nicknamed after
Bachelor’s Day by Chinese. Bachelor’s Day is a spread in the
youth entertainment festival .And on Nov 11 , 2012,which is
considered to be the last Bachelor’s Day, a large number
of single or unmarried youth are more attracted in it,
and it also improves the enthusiasm of participating in
activities. So 1111 carnival became popular . Also, in
November each year in China , the weather gets colder,
people need to buy some clothes to adapt to climate
change, which is a must for people .
1111 shopping carnival have been particularly popular
Annual November and December,most of
the sellers would have a clearance sale
to empty the warehouse and get the money
back . So November is an important sale
period. For the reason , Many
businesses have come up with many
marketing methods, such as discount
coupons. Price discount attract more
people to pay attention to 1111 carnival,
and ultimately to choose shopping, to
go crazy shopping.
The T-mall has already been the bellwether
of the B2C market. Most of us would think
about the T-mall when we have to buy
something online.
Some professor think that core value is
inspired equality consumption demand,
demand and power together promoted
the domestic demand ,and they have a
positive attitude to the event .
But after a burst of hot sales,
merchandise sales will gradually become
depressed, it will bring a lot of negative
effects, and the negative effects will
continue to spread quite a while. In
addition, many businesses will give much
false information, to the detriment of the
interests of consumers, and thus produce
many negative social effects
The huge sales of double eleven shopping
carnival will bring enormous pressure for the
logistics company, which caused the backlog.
And double eleven pressure will be applied to
the logistics workers. Also, Some people
don’t receive his goods until more than half a
month after buying .
Was it right for
T-mall ?
As China's largest e-commerce
platform, Alibaba brings a new
set of business models. And Tmall 1111 shopping Carnival
play this business model well.
As a new model, on the one
hand, it will give great impetus
to the model of China's private
economy. At the same time, it
drives more people into
employment, more people
obtain great of interests
through this form .
The huge success of T-mall also
arouse great interest on ecommerce, more people are
ready to participate in the ecommerce team, and compete
with each other. And November
11 is not just the shopping
festival of Alibaba , it is becoming
our online shopping section of
the Chinese people , just like the
United States Shopping Festival
on Monday. I think this pattern is
very conducive to the
development of China's ecommerce platform.
T-mall’s shopping section on
November 11, 2013 brings much
shaken. This, but, also deserves our
profound reflection. , there are some
problems with vendors, logistics and
other aspects. For example, some
merchants of deceit, too much
pressure on logistics, e-businesses
with enormous contradictions
between the real retail business
operators. Is it right that such
consumption patterns should
We should be more rational
The answer is yes. This is
conducive to the expansion of
China's economic
consumption. But we should
think about the process,
identify and resolve
problems, and to create a
more positive and healthier