June Agenda (1)

CAU Neuropsychology Club
Meeting Agenda
June 7, 2014
Re-introduce officers
o ANST Representative: Amina
o President: Patty
o Vice President: Monica
o Secretary: Michelle
o Communications/Networking: Kayleen
o Research Manager: Erica
Update that meeting notes are on the website
Amina’s ANST messages
o Call for presentations for division 22: Rehabilitation Psychology, Due 6/22/14 by
o Webinars:
 Psychopharmacology for Neurobehavioral Dysfunction after TBI,
Wednesday, June 11, 2014 from 12-1:30pm
 The Association of Neuropsychology Students in Training
(ANST), the Society for Clinical Neuropsychology’s Education Advisory
Committee (SCN EAC), and the Association of Postdoctoral Programs in
Clinical Neuropsychology (APPCN) are working together to design a free
webinar for trainees about the postdoctoral fellowship application process.
 Email: Octavio A. Santos, ANST Liaison Officer
at osantossolano@gmail.com
 Please include the subject line: Webinar on Post-doc App.
 Submissions are due on July 4, 2014.
o APPIC will be distributing some important announcements about the Match, the AAPI
Online, the APPIC Directory Online, and other important news items
 subscribe-match-news@lyris.appic.org
o Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience 2015
 http://sicn.cmb.ucdavis.edu/
o 5th Annual Women in Leadership (WIL) Scholarship for NAN members
 Four scholarship recipients will receive the following: free registration for one
three-hour CE workshop at the 2014 NAN Conference, free registration for
the WIL Networking Event, and $350 to defray travel expenses. Recipients
are expected to assist with registration at the WIL Networking Event.
 500 word (min) to 1000 word (max) essay on the following topic. Due no
later than 5:00pm eastern time on July 1, 2014.
 NANWIL@nanonline.org
o 2014 Annette Urso Rickel Foundation Dissertation Award for Public Policy
 Call for Proposals; foundation supports dissertation research on public policy,
which has the potential to improve services for children and families facing
psychosocial issues such as prevention of child abuse, school programs for
children with psychological issues, services for youth in the criminal justice
system, healthy parenting, and math and science education, and contributing
to the adoption of sound policy affecting children, youth and families.
o AANC Conference (anything related to the conference will be posted to our website)
 APPCN Booth (Association of Postdoctoral Programs in Clinical
Neuropsychology): Training directors and current trainees will be available to
answer questions about the Match. Free items!
 AACN Student Social
Thursday June 26 @ 8:30 pm
Galway Pub
7 E 36th St, New York, NY 10016
o CONA (Committee on Aging)
 Blog written by CONA member: http://psychologybenefits.org/2014/05/23/ifyoure-ageist-and-you-know-it-raise-your-hand/.
 What Mental Health Providers Should Know About Working with Older
Adults: http://www.apa.org/pi/aging/resources/guides/practitioners-shouldknow.aspx
o A web page of APA resources related to
dementia: http://www.apa.org/pi/aging/resources/dementia-efforts.aspx
o Clinician Corners on age-related topics:
 Promoting Successful and Healthy Adult Development presented by Dr.
Manfred Diehl, via live webcast on Friday, June 27th and
 Caregiver Family Therapy: An Integrative Intervention for Family
Caregivers presented by Dr. Sara Qualls on Friday, November 7th .
 Pre-convention workshop at APA Conference in D.C. - What Psychologists
Should Know about Working with Older Adults link.
gradpsychblog.org (share on screen if possible)
o discuss latest blog on publication writing
FPA hosting: Basic Training in the Interdisciplinary Team Model of Collaborative
o 8/15-16; 9-5 @ Barry
o engage in discussion on collaborative practice
Supervision articles
o Discussion on supervision
FPA student poster presentation contest
o Conference: 7/17-20
 Try to get a group to join
Caregiver Family Therapy: An Integrative Intervention for Family Caregivers
o Live-webcast - November 7, 2014, 1-4 pm
o Oftentimes, caregivers experience increased burden and distress while the care recipient
struggles to adapt. This impact reverberates throughout the family. Psychologists can
help families address the challenges and opportunities of caregiving, and navigate the
transitions. CFT offers a systemic approach to intervention that integrates many evidence
based approaches within a structured model. Clinicians use key questions to help families
to tailor interventions that guide families through difficult decisions, changes in roles, and
more effectiveness within the healthcare system. Clinical cases are used throughout this
workshop to illustrate the tools and strategies that help family systems adapt.
 Learning Objective 1
Describe how stages of caregiving influence focus of assessment and intervention.
 Learning Objective 2
Discuss how the CFT model guides families to address caregiving challenges.
 Learning Objective 3
Identify strategies that can change in families that are stuck.
 Presenter: Sara Honn Qualls, PhD
Promoting Successful and Healthy Adult Development and Aging, Live-webcast - June 27,
2014, 1-4 pm ET
o This workshop will focus on what clinicians should know about the promotion of
successful and healthy adult development and aging. Because clinicians are in their dayto-day work mostly exposed to the “dark side” of the human aging process, the workshop
will highlight that the majority of adults actually grow old without major physical or
psychological impairments. In terms of optimizing successful and healthy aging, the
workshop will focus on three major behavioral domains: (1) physical activity and its
effect on physical and cognitive health; (2) cognitive abilities and the role of engagement
in the maintenance of cognitive functioning; and (3) social/interpersonal relationships and
their relevance for health and well-being.
 Learning Objective 1
Identify the key concepts of adult development and aging.
 Learning Objective 2
Identify the main empirical findings in the physical health, cognitive health, and
psychosocial domain showing that successful and healthy aging can be achieved.
 Learning Objective 3
Explain how to incorporate the key elements from the workshop into their clinical
 Presenter: Manfred Diehl, PhD
o Discuss latest article on ageism
Trivia question of the day: where is the CSF secreted/produced? (choroid plexus)
o Winner gets free magazine and bragging rights
NAMI walk
Discuss article
o Erica discusses article
o Assign discussant for next meeting
Tips for future meetings
o Have supervisors come and talk
o Volunteer work
o Movie night
o Trivia night
o Mentoring potluck
o http://www.dana.org/BAW/content.aspx?id=44679
o http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/experi.html