Geometry - Richards Career Academy

Richards Career Academy
Mathematics Department
Teacher: Ms. Tarau
Room #304
Course Description: Plane Geometry is a regular level course. It includes the exploration of inductive and
deductive reasoning through the study of traditional relationships from Euclidean Geometry including points,
lines, planes, triangles, polygons, circles, areas, and volumes. Problem solving skills and proof writing are
Textbook/materials for Everyday:
Textbook: Glencoe Geometry
3-ring binder with 3 section dividers(Do Now, Notes, Class work / Homework / Quizzes, Tests)
Pencils and Erasers
A pack of loose leaf paper or a notebook.
Grade Categories:
Class work:
Grading Scale:
A 90-100%
B 80-90%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F 59% and below
Parent Access to Grades: I update Gradebook every week. It is important that you and your family use this
tool to stay aware of your overall grade in the class as well as how you are performing in each of the categories
mentioned above. If you have concerns about anything you see on Gradebook related to your grade, please let
me know promptly.
Academic Integrity: Working together on HW and project were appropriate is strongly encouraged. However,
copying other people’s work is prohibited. If you copy from another student or any other source (or allow a
student to copy your work), you will receive a zero for the assignment and will not be permitted to redo the
Proper Page Heading: All assignments completed on a separate piece of paper must have a proper heading in
the upper right hand corner. The heading must include: Your name, the date, the class, and assignment. An
assignment will not be credited if it lacks the proper heading.
Homework: Homework will be graded based on completion. Every homework assignment will be completed
on loose leaf paper with the proper heading. All problems must be written out completely and all work must be
shown. You must show the original problem, all work, and how you arrived at the solution to receive credit for
your homework. “I did it in my head” will NOT earn you credit for homework. A list of “answers only” will not
earn you credit for homework. I expect that each problem will be attempted and some work, graph, or diagram
is shown. Underline, circle, or box the final answers. An assignment sheet will be given each chapter.
Notes: You should write down all class notes and order them by date in your binder. Make sure to include a
proper heading and that they contain everything that was written on the overhead, blackboard, and discussed in
Quizzes and Tests: At least one test and several quizzes will be given per chapter. All quizzes can be retaken,
as many times as necessary, to show mastery on individual learning goals. Tests can be retaken provided that
students complete two study sessions with the teacher, and completed within a two week window from when
the test was returned.
Unexcused Tardiness: In order to make the most of our time together, it is important that you come to class on
time and begin working right away. Being tardy means you are missing important components of the day’s
activities. If you have an unexcused tardy, you will NOT be given additional time to complete tests, quizzes, or
class work already in progress.
Absences: If you are absent for class, it is your responsibility to pick up any worksheets or notes that were
completed in class.
 Excused Absences: If you are absent the day before a test, you will still take it on the scheduled day. If
you are absent the day of a test, you must take it up the day of your return. All make up tests and quizzes
will be given outside of the regular class either after school or during your lunch hour.
 Unexcused Absences: If you have an unexcused absence you will not be able to turn in HW that was
collected or checked in during your absence and you lose the privilege of turning in late HW. You will
not get an extension on any assignments due the day you return, and you will not be able to make up
tests, quizzes, or class work missed.
Classroom Rules:
1) Obviously, all Richards High School rules will apply to our classroom (see student
handbook/Richards website). For example, ABSOLUTELY NO food/beverages or unauthorized electronic
devices allowed (ZERO tolerance -- they will be confiscated if seen in use), IDs must be worn at all time, you
must be in dress code, etc...
2) EVERYONE must be sitting in their desk before the bell rings with all the materials (pencil, binder,
book, and calculator) ready to use.
3) Raise your hand to ask questions or participate in class.
4) Remain in your assigned seat unless you have permission to get up.
5) No bathroom breaks during the first and last 15 minutes of class, you can only get one bathroom
break per week.
***Final Note: I will be available to provide tutoring every Wednesday after school in room 304. On any other
day, if you have any questions/concerns that you need to discuss, please let me know in advance that you will
be coming after school.
I have read and understand the guidelines and procedures for Ms. Tarau’s class and have shared them with my
Student’s Name: _____________________________________________________ Period______________
Student’s Signature: _______________________________________________________
Parent’s Signature: ________________________________________________________
Thank you! I look forward to working with you and your child this year!