sample student write-ups

These are samples of write-ups voluntarily turned in by students to contribute to class learning. They aren’t required “models” for others
to follow, since each student should use the write-up approach that suits them best. The annotations in red parentheses reflect simple
ways in which the write-ups could have been professionally enhanced (for the student to consider in future write-ups). Additional
annotated write-ups will be added to these throughout the semester.
#1 WRITE-UP FORMAT USED: Hypothetical Examples/Illustrations
In the power point “Makin’ Plays”, making plays refers to when managers and employees have to make on the spot decisions. These
decisions are usually made by employees who are regularly in contact with customers. The decisions or “plays” can either have a
positive outcome with customers and keep or strengthen the relationship or a negative outcome that damages or destroys the
relationship with the customer. (SUMMARY OF CLASS MATERIAL NOT NECESSARY) Say that Bill works as a salesman for a
package delivery company around Christmas time. Bill knows that his drivers are behind on deliveries and cannot make a delivery to
one of the company’s best clients on time. Bill decides to leave work early and take his own car and deliver the packages to the client
himself in order to keep them happy and ensure their future business. Bill has made a positive/good play in this scenario. (EXPLAIN A
LITTLE WHY) Paul is a store manager at a personal computer company. One day a man come in to the store with ten laptops that all
seem to be in damaged boxes. Paul recognizes that the man is a regular customer who buys computers for his accounting firm at
Paul’s store. Paul decides to not let the man return the computers because the boxes are damaged and it is against store policy. As a
result the man decides to use a different store in the area to by his company’s computers. Paul has made a “busted” or poor decision
because in declining to allow the man to return the computers, he lost out on a lot more computer sales because he destroyed the
relationship with the customer.
#2 WRITE-UP FORMAT USED: Org drama scenarios
The following is a drama based on the principles in the slides titled “Attribution Perception”.
Mark is a manager at a grocery store. He notices that his fruits and vegetables are going bad and rotting days before they are
supposed to. So he calls the supplier of the fruits and vegetables to try and get to the root of the situation. Mark tells the suppliers “why
are you selling me bad products!” the supplies look at each other and respond by saying, “we sell you the same products that we sell to
every other store. We supply thirteen stores and yours seems to be the only one that has a problem with the food spoiling and rotting
early. Maybe your equipment is not running properly”. Mark refused this idea. Since Mark’s store is located in a more urban part of town
and starts to believe that the suppliers are trying to take advantage of him because of this. Mark tell the suppliers, “do you think just
because we are in an urban part of the city that we do not know how our fruits and vegetables are supposed to look? I think that you
are cheating us. If the next supply of food that you bring us starts to spoil early than we are going to find a new supplier.” The suppliers
look confused but agree to the deal. The next week Mark walks by the fruits and vegetables aisle and finds that several products have
gone rotten. He cuts connections with the suppliers and starts to look for new ones. He went through five new suppliers and every time
the food would spoil early. Mark finds out later that he was supposed to have his fruit and vegetables refrigerators inspected five
months prior but failed to do so. It turns out that the refrigerators where not running properly which caused the food to rot and spoil
faster. Mark made a bad attribute perception because he jumped to conclusions as to why his food was going bad early. He did not
take the time to check all avenues of the problem and see if he was the one making the mistake or others. He used his emotion to jump
to conclusions and did not base his judgement on past experiences. This caused Mark to break connections with a good supplier.
#3 WRITE-UP FORMAT USED: Personal experience example
Dysfunctional Workplace Behavior
My first real job was working as a hostess in a fancy restaurant in downtown Austin. The job itself could get stressful and a
little chaotic but it didn't help that my boss wasn't able to help. I learned many of the skills I have today through teaching myself by trial
and error. (SHORT EXAMPLE?) My boss no longer works there and for good reasons. He was an alcoholic and we sell a lot of wine so
many nights he was drunk and had a "no care in the world" kind of attitude. He would flirt with the hostesses and guests as well and
sometimes would make them feel uncomfortable. Another mistake I saw him making a lot was allowing customers to bring in their own
alcohol, which is against the law but he went around this by having the customer give the wine to him as a "gift" and then in turn he
could "share" it with them and pour them the wine in the restaurant. Also he hired the bosses daughter, which got him favored but she
was a very lazy worker, didn't want to deal with the customers and always took multiple smoke breaks in the middle of her shifts so I
was always having to pick up her slack. It was very difficult to work in these situations (SHORT EXAMPLE?) but I learned a lot of what
not to do in a business through this experience (SUCH AS?). In the workplace you may not get the exact behavior you want from
others but you have to take the higher road and if you feel completely uncomfortable you need to let others know how you are feeling
about the situation you may be in. The most important thing is to learn from yours and others mistakes to continue to grow in your
#4 WRITE-UP FORMAT USED: Pros and Cons of CCM
This is a list of the Pros and Cons of groups which are discussed in the slides titled “Group Dynamics”
Pros: Groups can have several good qualities. These qualities are only shown if the group is functioning properly. If the group is
functioning properly that means that the group allows for open ideas and discussion and is not exclusive to anyone or judges anyone’s
ideas. (SHORT EXAMPLE?) In functional groups the members are outward focused on what they need to do and how that will better
impact the team as well as others outside of the team that are effected by the decision. These outward focusing groups are more
focused on the WE instead of the ME. (SHORT EXPLANATION WOULD HELP) Once a functional group is established, the group may
have proper discourse and intelligent action as well as positive outcomes. These positive outcomes give new insight, showcase new
ideas, display selfless ideals, keep the group in-touch with the people that are effected, and internalize the mission and objective of
what the group was set up or created to do. An example of an outward focusing group would be if there was a couple of people started
a charity that raised money for the city of Waco. This group would not have any requirements to join the group and the purpose of the
group was to help any charitable organization that needed help. (SHORT CLARIFICATION WOULD HELP)
Cons: Groups can have negative effects. Groups often create negative conversation and outcomes when they are more
focused on the members instead of the people that are effected by the group’s decisions. These types of groups are called inward
focusing groups. These groups can be made if groups are too controlling of its members and outcomes of debate. (SHORT EXAMPLE
NEEDED)This can also be the product of when groups make its members conform to a way of thinking or to a certain idea. These
negative groups usually end up making requirement in order to join the group, throwing out ideas that do not conform to their preset
way of thinking and automatically shunning opposing ideas without hearing them out. This can cause groups to be destructive and
exclusionary. An example of a destructive inward focusing group would be if a branch of a company wanted to make technological
advances to the system. In order to be in the group they made to solve the problem you had to be over 50 and at least the ranking of
manager. Because of these barriers to entry the group made no real change because they did not have technologically skilled young
people in the group to come up with new out of the box ideas. (REAL WORLD CONCUSIONS?)
#5 WRITE-UP FORMAT USED: Personal experience example
Mentoring & Coaching
When I was about to become a senior in high school, I got a job as a hostess working in a fancy Italian restaurant in downtown
Austin. I matured in my performance everyday by working there and learning from my mistakes and others. The restaurant I worked at
had very long waits since it is a popular place to go, therefore I had to accurately give guests wait times. If the wait was too long, the
guests could get mad at you and walk away or if you give a wait time that is too short you can make them mad if they actually wait
longer than that time. I once had a customer throw all the business cards on the desk in my face because I had told him it was going to
be a 2.5 hour wait to get a table. (REAL WORLD LESSON?) Some other skills I learned was how to organize the seating of parties. It
is a fairly small restaurant so when we have multiple large parties come in its a big puzzle as to where everyone will go and what tables
we can push together to make it work. The main thing I learned from working there was remaining to be a professional and keep
customers as calm as possible. If they were mad or upset about something I would have to figure out how to make them happy and
what I could do to make that happen. This job was a lot of maturing for me (HOW?), trial and error, and a lot of apologies. In a
professional setting I think it is beneficial to learn from trial and error. The only way to grow is to "feel" your surroundings and learn what
is right to do for that specific type of job, and sometimes that means failing and apologizing but then you know from then on out that
that's what not to do and how to grow from there. (THIS WRITE-UPS IS TOO GENERIC OVERALL, BECAUSE IT DOESN’T
#6 Conflict Management Slides: Format #4
The best way to control conflict is by fixing the problem as soon as signs of an issue arise. Also by constantly staying aware of
how employees are acting towards any sort of changes within the office, these issues can be nipped before they initial flame even
sparks. As soon as conflict is detected, it is important to figure out the best way to solve it. I learned from the slides that there are five
different tactics that could be used; Accommodation, Avoiding, Collaborating, Competing, and Compromising. Each serves best under
certain circumstances. (Parroting from class material not needed) For example, if you know that you won’t be able to win (either
times are changing so you must as well, or the opponent has a stronger point than yours) then you must be able to accommodate.
Collaborating works well if both sides aren’t willing to let up; therefore you can use the good from both sides to find a solution utilizing
both perspectives. If the conflict is at its peak and you do not have a plan yet, then avoiding until a solution pops up and some of the hot
emotions die down might be best. (Example needed)
While conflict can be bad if it gets out of hand, some conflict can really grow a company. Most companies expand and end up
really taking flight after some much needed conflict. That’s where ideas are thrown out, critiqued, and eventually the start of something
new takes place which drives the company towards further success. “Cool” conflict is the good kind of conflict needed within a
company. This conflict involves thoughts, debate, and reasoning. “Hot” conflict is the conflict that should not take place in companies. It
needs to be dealt with immediately. (Parroting from class material with no original insights) Hot conflict is characterized by
emotions, agendas, and insults. In my opinion, if hot conflict is not handled correctly by those in leadership positions, then it can really
set the stage for how well that company will prosper in future years. A company can only last so long if hot conflict ends up dictating
most of the agendas of employees.
#7 Affective Employee Commitment Slides: Format #9 used.
In my own personal professional experience I have seen the different affective employee commitment ranges firsthand. While
in high school I worked for a family owned barbeque restaurant. I worked as often as they would allow me because I loved working and
learning more and more about how this business ran. While all I did was serve people their food, prep food in the back, and clean up
the kitchen, I was still able to learn a lot about how the restaurant operated. It intrigued me because I wanted to learn more about
business operation so that I would be more knowledgeable for a future career on what works and what doesn’t when trying to lead
employees towards success. While I was very hard-working and striving to build my resume up for future career opportunities, another
employee seemed to have a different attitude towards his job. He was the dish washer/cleaner for the restaurant. He would randomly
not show up sometimes meaning I would have to end the night mopping/doing dishes since I was the youngest employee there. He
knew that my boss wasn’t going to fire him though because she was struggling financially in the business and didn’t have money to
afford the other cleaning employees to take his place, so he took advantage and would either not show up some days or not put all his
effort into the job by only doing things half speed and not nearly as precisely as he should have. I exhibited positive AEC because I
came to work and tried to further my career success, I was building my resume, and was focused on professional achievements. Also I
was looking towards the future and trying to improve on my work skill before an eventual career after college. On the other side, the
cleaning employee illustrated negative AEC characteristics. He only worked for the money, and did not show any drive or passion in his
job. He did not strive for success but rather tried to cut corners to get done his tasks. He had no intention of trying to move up
professionally and get a promotion but rather just wanted to stay where he was. (Why?) These two sides of employee commitment
illustrate the two types of people in a workforce. There are those constantly trying to succeed and improve so that they can get
promotions and move up the workforce ladder, and then there are those content where they are, just trying to remain in the status quo
and just make money to support themselves rather than strive for bigger raises in the future.
#8 Attitude Consonance Slides: Format #1.
Julie had an interview for a job. On her resume she included that she was in a sorority (Kappa Delta) and as she was going
through the interview the boss mentioned that she was also a Kappa Delta. A week later Julie received a call that she got the job and
she immediately started the job soon after. She became really close with her boss and they became good friends since they shared the
bond of “sisterhood”. While Julie did seem to work hard, she didn’t have the natural skill that most other employees had so she
struggled a bit. However her boss told her that sisters have each other’s backs so don’t worry, if she ever gets behind just let her know
and she will take care of it.
This is a situation which exemplifies the negative side of attitude consonance. Attitude consonance is positive or negative bias
towards coworkers based on similarities between the boss/worker. In this case, since the boss had decided to hint that she would help
Julie out over her fellow employees due to their sisterhood bond, this illustrates negative attitude consonance. Since the boss is
choosing favorites, a negative workforce is being displayed and since she is keeping Julie over hiring a better well-suited employee this
is ultimately hurting the business as a whole. When other employees see that Julie is getting special attention and not having to work as
hard, this might cause their work ethic to also suffer leading to less productivity business wide. In order to create a more positive work
force, the boss should not base her decision on firing/keeping Julie just because they share “sisterhood”. Rather she should have a
discussion with her as she would any employee on how she needs to improve in order to keep her position. She could mention that the
reason she hired Julie was because she had heard from fellow sisters that she was very hardworking and was a fast learner, but she
hasn’t seen this side of her yet; So in order to prove them right she needs to start showing this side or else this position would be better
suited for someone else. It is okay to sometimes use similarities to hire people and gain connections, but those connections should ever
lead to favorites over other employees. It is important to keep your professional side above your personal life when working.
#9 Create my own format- Following, Leading, Managing Slides
(Write-ups 9-15 are all in the A grade range.)
A triangle is used to symbolize how to manage the aspects of following, leading, and managing. In order for a member of the workforce
to be effective, they must have an equal amount of experience and/or knowledge about each FLM skill, just as each side of the triangle
are of equal lengths. It is vital to possess each skill but you should know when to use each one appropriately. For example, a web
designer uses their following skills when listening to how a company wants their website to look. They then use the leading skill to
create a unique and groundbreaking idea or format for the website. Since it requires a lot of work to create a website, they often are
resort to use managing skills in order to portray the ideas of how the website should look and give their coworkers the freedom of
creativity to help create the website as well. CEOs of companies often think that their only role is to lead and manage the organization
and some never learn how to take a step back, listen, and follow their workers’ ideas. Not being able to accomplish this specific aspect
of FLM can be detrimental to their company in the sense that their followers/employees do not feel like their ideas are being heard and
appreciated, which in turn will cause them to lose motivation and drive to help the company grow in the future, just as a triangle loses its
shape and strength when not all sides are equal. The ultimate goal of a business is to make the most profit with the least amount of
expenses. One way to accomplish this is to hire a smaller number of people that can get the job done efficiently. Therefore, companies
try to hire employees that can fill multiple roles. One way to set employees apart from other employees in the workforce is when they
are ambidextrous, which is possessing all of the FLM skills. Ambidextrous people can fill multiple roles within a company in the sense
that they can listen to the ideas of people around them, have the drive and motivation to act on the ideas and create a positive change
for the company while also being able to make sure the task is getting accomplished. As a result, a company could save money by only
having to hire an ambidextrous person instead of hiring three different people to complete the task.
#10. My own professional experience related to CCM- Following, Leading, and Managing Slides
I once worked at a Wal-Mart that was just opening up, so my role was to help assemble and stock the shelves. I was such a hard
worker in the women’s clothing department that I was requested to transfer to the cosmetic department with one other person, where
we would have the sole responsibility of putting all of the cosmetic section together. In the beginning of the transition, our role was to
listen and follow the directions that the corporate employees instructed us to complete. Once the corporate managers felt like we
understood our job task, they left us the responsibility of completing the cosmetic section. My coworker and I then transitioned into a
leading role where we decided to forgo our individual works and instead we worked together. I would put the shelves together and tell
her what peg number that should attach to and she would actually attach the shelf to the wall since she was taller and stronger than I
was. We demonstrated a leadership role in the sense that we both worked off each other’s strengths and changed the culture of how
the section was systematically put together. We implemented a new idea as to how to assemble the section at a quicker pace than
normal. Once the managers saw how productive our new idea was, they decided to move more employees to work in our section. My
coworker and I were then in charge of managing and directing the new employees of the system we had created. We then divided the
employees into partners and distributed different sections of the cosmetic department to each partnership for them to complete.
According to the corporate managers, we were able to complete the entire cosmetic section in a more time fashion than any other store
they had previously set up. I contribute this honor to the fact that my coworker and I were able to successfully navigate between the
FLM skills because we were able to take directions, create breakthrough ideas that changed the culture, and were able to direct people
according to the new assembling process it created. Through this experience, I learned that FLM skills are not only utilized on an
individual basis but can also be successful in a partnership or group environment as well.
#11. Professional Success Recommendations- Emotional Intelligence Slide
I personally feel that emotional intelligence is one of the most important skills to have in the business world due to the fact that you have
to interact with so many different people (ranging from customers, coworkers and managers) that all behave differently. Therefore, one
should be able to understand and find a way to connect to all different types of people.
One way companies can establish emotional intelligence within their employees is by participating in company retreats. Retreats often
take people out of their comfort zone by having them participate in group activities that they are not used to doing. During the
exercises, employees can see how their coworkers respond or behave when they are uncomfortable or feel awkward. The observations
that people make can them help them in the office by seeing if someone feels uncomfortable and can ask what is wrong and address
the problem, rather than ignore people’s feelings. Another reason a retreat is beneficial to a company is that the workplace is often an
uninviting place where people are focused on getting their work assignments done and social interaction is not encouraged since it is
taking away for the amount of work that should get accomplished. It is not possible to establish emotional intelligence with people if you
do not know anything about them, especially what motivates or encourages them in life. Therefore, a retreat will allow the employees to
get to know each other on a personal, deeper and emotional level. At the retreat, team members could perform team-building activities
such as a problem solving scenario or a scavenger hunt completed in teams where people must cooperate together. These types of
activities can show which people are more competitive, which often carries over into the workforce in the sense that they are the people
working towards promotions and may act amorally in order to accomplish their goals. As well, these activities can show which people
are more reserved or who possesses management skills by directing each person and giving them a specific task. It could also point
out who demonstrates leadership skills if someone were to motivate a team in despair or encourage excitement and teamwork from
other team members.
#12. Opinions on CCM- Emotional Intelligence
My personal definition of emotional intelligence is having the knowledge and awareness of your own and your coworkers’ feelings and
emotions. I do not think that this skill is directly related to how intelligent you are, but rather how socially aware you are. The more social
that a person is, the easier it is to connect with people, understand their feelings and how they affect the person. However, intelligent
people are often considered socially awkward because they are so smart that a lot of people cannot understand what they are talking
about. This in turn, makes the smart person feel embarrassed and uncomfortable which will cause them to hide in their shell and run
away from the outside world. Many genius people in history, such as Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs, demonstrated this socially
awkward and emotionally dead stigma. Steve Jobs was a leading innovator in technology. However, he was not a very well liked man to
work for due to his lack of emotional skills. Although he was extremely smart and often operated on his own agenda, he neglected to
see how his employees felt and interacted. He would call people out and humiliate them if their work was not up to his standards. He
demanded so much out of his employees without little return or emotional reward for them. He led with a very strict manner and paid
little to no attention to the morale or feelings of his employees. Many of his former employees said that they would never work for him
again. Therefore, as you can see, emotional intelligence and IQ do not have a direct correlation. However, I feel that in order to be
affective in the business world, you need to have an equal amount of skill in both emotional skills and intelligence. An employee should
have the knowledge of the company and how it works, but they also need to be able to see how people feel working within the
company. This will lead to better morale on all levels.
#13. Opinions on CCM- Emotional Intelligence
I feel that women are better at demonstrating emotional intelligence than men. From a very young age, girls are encouraged to have a
more nurturing personality. Girls often play with dolls where they develop a loving and nurturing attitude. They learn how to show their
emotions in a way that demonstrates compassion for the dolls. By the teenage years, girls are often worried about how other people
view them. Through this phase in their lives, they begin to develop a self-awareness where they become confident in who they are and
how they want to be viewed. This helps them to become in touch with their emotions and can help them to understand how other
people feel when others are judging them. On the contrary, boys play with toy cars and dinosaurs where they enact fights and cause
destruction. When faced with emotional situations, males are often encouraged to “man up” and act tough. This results in masking their
true emotions and in a lack of emotions displayed. Over time, this leads to the male population being less aware of the impact that
emotions have on situations. While my mother worked at a trucking company, a guy in the field broke his leg. As a result, he was
assigned light duty and had to work in the office doing a desk job. The guys in the field gave him a hard time and called him a “lightweight sissy” because he couldn’t toughen up and work through the pain. On the other hand, the women in the office felt sorry for the
guy so they catered to his every need. They would constantly pamper him and check in on him to see how he was handling the pain. In
this situation, you could see how the females were more emotionally involved in the situation.
#14. Pros and Cons- Change Management Slides
Change is inevitable. In order for an organization or business to survive the test of time, they have to change along with the change in
society, such as improvement in technology. However, not all change is positive and can have negative impacts on a business. Let’s
suppose that a manager quits, prompting a new manager to be hired that has not worked for the company before. The pro’s to this
change is that the new manager will bring fresh and new ideas to the company. Since they have not worked with the company before,
they will not know the past ideas that the company has had. This forces the company to expand in new areas and helps keep the
company from becoming stagnant and complacent in current business progress. The new hire will cause the current employees to be
vocal and transparent in communicating their ideas about how the business currently operates to the new hire. Through this
transparency, current employees might realize a flaw in the system and are forced to address the issue. On the other hand, there are
con’s to hiring a new manager from outside the company. One such issue would be that the new manager has very different views than
the past manager. An example would be that they encourage less social interactions at work. This change could anger the current
employees, cause them to compare the managers, or even retaliate against the ideas that the new manager is trying to implement.
Some employees may feel hurt that the old manager quit and abandoned the company, which in turn makes employees cautious of the
company and how it operates. Through change, it is vital for there to be communication between all employees in a business. If trust is
not established between the new manager and his employees, than they might have a hard time expressing their ideas and feeling
about the company. It is difficult to establish trust and loyalty, so there could be a rough time within the company as they transition
through this change of management.
#15. Personal Experience- Change Management
In an organization I currently participate in, we experienced a tremendous change over the summer. All of our faculty members quit,
prompting a hire of a completely new staff. The old faculty had worked with the organization for several years where they had
established close relationships with some of the students. These students felt extremely hurt that everyone was abandoning them and
moving on to better things in life. During the interviewing process, students were encouraged to meet these people and had a voice into
which they would personally prefer for the position. This was the beginning of an effecting change management because students were
given the opportunity to participate in and benefit in the current change. The students felt needed and important to the organization,
which brought a lot of encouragement for the upcoming year.
The first six months into the change was really difficult. The new faculty had their own agenda that they operated on. They completely
disregarded how the program operated in the past and had this idea of how we could leave an impact on communities outside of
Baylor. However, they ignored the issues within the organization. They never once asked for the students’ feedback and the students
were never involved or had a say in the new changes. However, six months into the change, we held a leadership retreat where we
could evaluate how the organization was operating. At the end of the retreat, an open discussion was held where students could ask
the faculty any kind of question. This was the first time students were able to voice their opinions and were critical of how the faculty
was leading the organization. The students were able to give open feedback and be as transparent and authentic as possible. The
faculty finally heard our feelings and was given insight into how the organization was operating from people within the organization.
After the retreat, they reacted to the feedback and are initiating a positive change for the organization. As you can see, change can help
propel an organization or business to new heights if it is handled appropriately. The most important aspect to handling change is the
ability to effectively communicate with each other in a transparent and authentic manner. People should be vocal about their ideas and
should not be afraid to voice their opinions about how they are reacting to the change.
#16 Hypothetical examples/illustrations of CCM
The topic of affective employee commitment discusses the positive and negative reasons for why people come to work. When given the example of
Jenna Haverty, the stewardess for Meridian Airlines, it is evident that she is a negative AEC employee because she has little interest in the
advancement of her career and is only working to support herself and her daughter. On the other hand, Justin Thompson, the property manager, is a
positive AEC employee because he is developing his career by increasing his responsibilities and his motto is a clear example of ambition. By
determining the purpose of the employee in acquiring the job, the employer can see how strong the work ethic of the employee will be in the future.
Consider this hypothetical illustration; Jack and Jill are both applicants for a biomedical research position at Baylor University. Jack is a pre-medical
student, who is applying for the sole reason to enhance his resume. Jill is a student who wants to use the biomedical research and take it to a higher
level. The employer should select someone who is passionate in advancing the research project. It is important to choose a positive AEC employee
because he/she will enjoy coming to work each day and will be committed to the project. The person will make the most effort in their work to move
up the ladder. Whereas, a negative AEC employee will simply work to check a feature off of his to do list. He/she will have little interest in the
progress of the project. In this case, jack is the negative AEC employee and Jill is the positive AEC employee. Since university research is usually
stressful and not very well funded, it is important to select positive AEC employee that can make an useful impact to the project. The lead researcher
should hire Jill.
#17 Hypothetical examples/illustrations of CCM
The topic of affective employee commitment discusses the positive and negative reasons for why people come to work. When given the example of
Jenna Haverty, the stewardess for Meridian Airlines, it is evident that she is a negative AEC employee because she has little interest in the
advancement of her career and is only working to support herself and her daughter. On the other hand, Justin Thompson, the property manager, is a
positive AEC employee because he is developing his career by increasing his responsibilities and his motto is a clear example of ambition. By
determining the purpose of the employee in acquiring the job, the employer can see how strong the work ethic of the employee will be in the future.
Consider this hypothetical illustration; Jack and Jill are both applicants for a biomedical research position at Baylor University. Jack is a pre-medical
student, who is applying for the sole reason to enhance his resume. Jill is a student who wants to use the biomedical research and take it to a higher
level. The employer should select someone who is passionate in advancing the research project. It is important to choose a positive AEC employee
because he/she will enjoy coming to work each day and will be committed to the project. The person will make the most effort in their work to move
up the ladder. Whereas, a negative AEC employee will simply work to check a feature off of his to do list. He/she will have little interest in the
progress of the project. In this case, jack is the negative AEC employee and Jill is the positive AEC employee. Since university research is usually
stressful and not very well funded, it is important to select positive AEC employee that can make an useful impact to the project. The lead researcher
should hire Jill.
#18 My Own experience relating to CCM
As a 21st century professional, I believe being interdependent is essential for the success of my work. This is necessary because it is the biggest
ingredient in any kind of organization productivity. Nowadays, most careers in the fields of healthcare, politics, and business require teamwork to
make a profit. I am an interdependent person on a scale of professionalism. I work at the Center of Global Engagement as a office assistant. My
duties include answering phone calls, scheduling appointments, processing visa and passport documentation, and helping new international students
at Baylor. In order for me to do my job, new students need to complete and submit their documents on time and my co-workers need to work with me
during orientations. My employer is dependent on me to do my job and successfully accomplish the assigned tasks. With my help, lists of students
are more accessible for the Baylor administration. It also shows that I am responsible, a clear communicator, and a leader. These are only a few
examples of what my duties are and show that I believe in teamwork. My dependency on other students and my boss's dependency on me show that
even minimum wage jobs requires interdependency. In the workplace, it is important to surround yourself with dedicated people who believe in your
goals, so that they help you and you help them. This relieves the enormous amount of energy required to accomplish goals. This will enable you to
listen to different ideas, network with various people, and understand the world on a different level.
#19 Professional success recommendations
Responsibilities directs the lives of people. Whether it is making a good grade on an assignment, meeting the quota for the fiscal year, or cleaning the
baby’s play pen, stress is a part of everyday life for a student, professional, or a parent. Although there are multiple ways to reduce stress, some
strategies that a professional can follow are listed on the CCM called Stress Prevention. Stress can be caused by a lot of factors such as insufficient
time to get work done, inadequate training of employees, improper teamwork, poor treatment of employees, and one-way communication. To be
successful in a stressful environment, this is important to first avoid this type of stress through direct communication. It is important to confess to coworkers and employers about increased stress levels. This way, the manager and co-workers can help reduce the workload and help through the
difficult time. If the stress is related to working alone, then it is important to get some help and ask co-workers for opinions. If the stress is related to
having too much responsibility, then it is time to downsize the stress by sharing responsibilities. It may also be wise to gain more knowledge of the
company, find patterns between fiscal years, and relate it back to the original own condition. In addition, prioritize and complete the responsibilities
in order instead of getting everything done at once. If these recommendations are followed, then both the employer and employee can attain success.
#20. Create your own format: Lifestyle Changes to Relieve Stress
As mentioned above, stress can result from multiple environments. According to the Health Guide from the New York Times, a healthy lifestyle can
aid any stress prevention program. Getting regular exercise, eating a balanced and healthy diet, and resisting urges to consume excessive alcohol,
caffeine, and tobacco are some ways to reduce stress. Since stress raises blood pressure and heart rate, performing various types of exercise can
maintain a steady rate for both variables. It can also distract a person from a stressful environment, pump endorphins, and improve a person’s mood.
Eating healthy and regularly helps a person’s immune system and gives the brain a source of energy. If the brain does not receive the proper
nutrients, then it will have trouble producing serotonin. Serotonin is a hormone that gives humans the sense of happiness and feeling good. A healthy
lifestyle also includes proper amount of sleep. Stress can cause anxiety, which can keep people up at night. Not getting adequate sleep can create
more stress and an unhappy lifestyle. Most people think that alcohol and smoking helps them cope with stress. This is not the case. Although it
initially releases chemicals in the body that calm the body, it raises blood pressure and heart rate. The chemical also causes the body to crave it over
and over again, which induces higher levels of stress. Employers and employees should realize that adding stress onto themselves and others will
impact them negatively. Therefore, it is important to control stress to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a stable work environment.
#21. Professional lessons learned from CCM
Attribution Perception deals with understanding the cause and effect of a particular situation. It also allows you to critically analyze the tactics used in
the situation and improve the results. Some professional lessons learned from the topic are to keep up with current events, open communication, and
seek out feedback. If an unfortunate event occurred in a company, then it is important to understand why something happened, how things should be
done differently, and predict the future based on the present conditions. To do this, it is important to understand the politics of the office and speak with
employees. During these conversations, the employer should ask for the professional opinions of the employee in respect to the problem. After gathering
this information, compare and contrast the varying opinions, and make a clear decision. This decision should be stated to all employees in order to keep
them updated about the conditions and situation of the company. The major professional lesson learned is that open communication in the workplace
is necessary. If the management can communicate their expectations and goals, awards achievements, and spur teamwork, then it will reduce the stress
of employees and employer and increase the loyalty to the company.
#22. Opinions about CCM (backed up with CCM info)
I agree with the reading article over feminine management styles because it is a good era for women to be employed. Most females have different
characteristics than men regarding their perspective on employment. For instance, when females are in a managerial position, they tend to be team
players, democratic, transformational, and reward-oriented. These characteristics help the company reach higher success rates. Instead of having a
punishment-orientation like some men, they reward their employees for achievements. This, along with their teamwork skills, engage the company to
work together and make employees happy. In fact, more managers want to employ women in their companies to increase diversity amongst their
companies. Since there is a shortage of women in engineering industries, women are highly encouraged in pursuing engineering degrees. Their
applications also stand out to employers and there is a high success rate for women in those industries. Also, women in leadership positions inspire
more women to work in the fields of their choice. Their ability to manage both home and work duties are attractive because it shows that they can
multitask and are independent. This characteristic are lucrative in any field. When employed, women are authoritative, but also supportive which
creates a pleasant environment for everyone. This shows that they have excellent interpersonal skills and consultative styles, and humanizes the
#23. Org drama scenarios (your own creation)
Corruption within an organization may not be seen by outsiders, but the insiders (employees) are aware of the situation. When there is corruption
within an organization, there tends to be more power amongst a few people. Those people are usually situated on the highest level of the chain of
command. In addition to power, the people are able to influence others to behave according to their professional agendas. An example of an org
drama scenario using a power play is frequently seen in companies owned by influential dads. There were two directors managing the finance
department of a certain company. Both, mistakenly, made bad decisions regarding budgets that cost the company a lot of money. One director was
the son of the company’s founder, while the other director earned his position based on merit. The board of directors for the company reviewed the
case and called both employees in for questioning. In the end, the son got to resume his job without suspension, while the other was fired and his
mistake was reported to other companies. This is an example of a power play because the son used his dad’s name to save his job. Since his dad
found the company and pays the board of directors their annual salary, the board of directors were influenced to ignore the son’s mistake.
Understanding influence is valuable to professionals because they can see who in the company is being manipulated. If an employer wants his/her
company to succeed, then he/she should hire employees based on merit instead of influence.
#24. Pro’s & Con’s analysis of CCM or class discussions
Making plays is critical in any type of business because it increases the company’s chance for success. Whether a play is needed to beat a competitor
or rise from the bottom of finance hierarchy, making a play is necessary. It requires a vision for the future and outside-of-the-box thinking. Instead of
thinking about the consequences of path leading to the final goal, the main focus is on the final goal. With this being said, there are many advantages
and disadvantages of making plays. An advantage is that employees who make plays are strategic planners that are creative and unique, increasing
the value of the company. They do not need to plan before taking action. They are able to quickly deduce the problem on the spot and make an
effective play. In fact, this is beneficial to a company if it is a pro play because it serves the company. Another advantage is that the business is able
to progress and reach new levels because of the pro plays. An example is the head manager of the clothes store in El Paso, TX. He refunded $6,000 to
customer for a jacket that cannot be sold again because the customer who returned it was one of his biggest customers. Instead of thinking about the
cost of the jacket, he taught about the future revenues. Some disadvantages to making plays are unintended consequences, employees making plays to
serve themselves, and hurting the reliability associated with a company’s image. If there is miscommunication during a play, then an unintended
consequence will occur such as the botched military strategies used in events after “9/11”. In order to get money, some employees will take on extra
clients that the company should not be linked with. For example, a “go-green” company may have employees that are trying to reduce costs by
taking on clients that promote wrapping their products in plastic. This will only hurt the image of the company and make it unreliable because plastic
is not necessarily the best thing in the environment.
#25. Who What Why When Where How analysis
There are many scientifical factors that can be discussed in the lesson called behavior conditioning. This is mostly due to the fact that human
behavior is guided by negative and positive outcomes. In a “who, what, why, when, where, how analysis”, the “who” would be any living organism.
This includes plants and animals because they adapt to environment in order to live longer (positive result). Behavior conditioning starts at birth and
is carried all the way through old age. For example, a child knows that eating all the veggies will result in extra playtime with a toy. The “what” is the
definition of behavior conditioning in which living organisms engage in certain behaviors that increase their chance of survival. During old age,
people will try to keep active in order to avoid future health problems. The same goes for the middle-aged people who have jobs. Workers will repeat
behaviors that result in positive outcomes and avoid those that have negative outcomes. The “how” of the analysis is modeled in the following
example: a worker notices that his/her boss rewards workers who are early to work and complete their assignments on time. The worker, then, comes
to work early and accomplishes all work in an efficient manner in hopes of getting a raise or a promotion. The “why” would be that they favor the
positive results over the negative results. If a person wants to get rewarded in life, then he/she should avoid doing things that hurts their chance of
achieving the reward. The “when” and “where” is anytime and place that may lead to a good outcome. As long as there is not a large expenditure of
energy, then organisms condition themselves to perform certain tasks that elicit a positive response. For example, plants will attract animals to carry
their pollen to other flowers by offering nectar and releasing fragrances to attract them. Plants usually behave this way during the day and in their
natural habitat. These relationships between behaviors and outcomes are valuable to the employer because they analyze their staff. The employer can
offer more desk space to the employee who brings in the most revenue (positive outcome).
#26. Intended vs. unintended outcomes/consequences analysis
For everything you intend, there may be an unintended result. A scenario of intended vs unintended outcome is getting promoted from a dentist
assistant to dental hygienist. The intended outcomes of the promotion are a greater salary, more respect in the dental world, and more responsibilities.
Dental hygienists get to work on their own and have the dentist occasionally check their work, whereas dental assistants work under the supervision
of a dentist, clean the surgical area, and at times assist the dental hygienists. Therefore, being a dentist hygienist is more lucrative more than just a
raise. An unintended consequence is that to be a dental hygienist, you need an associate degree. They also have less variability in tasks then dentist
assistants. In addition, they have to spend more time with patients and keep up with their records every time the patients visit the office. Since dental
hygienists work alone, if something goes wrong during a cleaning, then the dental hygienist is responsible for the problem. Dental hygienists have
more risk associated with their work than dental assistants. In the business world, the hardest things to do is predict the future. Therefore, it is
necessary to use logic to assess both sides of a result. It is important to think about the positive and negative outcomes because it will help analyze
the actual profit of a certain outcome. Adding probability to the outcome can also serve to see if the outcome is truly positive or negative. Once the
list is made, then taking the promotion or rejecting it would be a easy decision.
#27. Hypothetical examples/illustrations of CCM
The topic of affective employee commitment discusses the positive and negative reasons for why people come to work. When given the example of
Jenna Haverty, the stewardess for Meridian Airlines, it is evident that she is a negative AEC employee because she has little interest in the
advancement of her career and is only working to support herself and her daughter. On the other hand, Justin Thompson, the property manager, is a
positive AEC employee because he is developing his career by increasing his responsibilities and his motto is a clear example of ambition. By
determining the purpose of the employee in acquiring the job, the employer can see how strong the work ethic of the employee will be in the future.
Consider this hypothetical illustration; Jack and Jill are both applicants for a biomedical research position at Baylor University. Jack is a pre-medical
student, who is applying for the sole reason to enhance his resume. Jill is a student who wants to use the biomedical research and take it to a higher
level. The employer should select someone who is passionate in advancing the research project. It is important to choose a positive AEC employee
because he/she will enjoy coming to work each day and will be committed to the project. The person will make the most effort in their work to move
up the ladder. Whereas, a negative AEC employee will simply work to check a feature off of his to do list. He/she will have little interest in the
progress of the project. In this case, jack is the negative AEC employee and Jill is the positive AEC employee. Since university research is usually
stressful and not very well funded, it is important to select positive AEC employee that can make an useful impact to the project. The lead researcher
should hire Jill.
#28. My Own experience relating to CCM
As a 21st century professional, I believe being interdependent is essential for the success of my work. This is necessary because it is the biggest
ingredient in any kind of organization productivity. Nowadays, most careers in the fields of healthcare, politics, and business require teamwork to
make a profit. I am an interdependent person on a scale of professionalism. I work at the Center of Global Engagement as a office assistant. My
duties include answering phone calls, scheduling appointments, processing visa and passport documentation, and helping new international students
at Baylor. In order for me to do my job, new students need to complete and submit their documents on time and my co-workers need to work with me
during orientations. My employer is dependent on me to do my job and successfully accomplish the assigned tasks. With my help, lists of students
are more accessible for the Baylor administration. It also shows that I am responsible, a clear communicator, and a leader. These are only a few
examples of what my duties are and show that I believe in teamwork. My dependency on other students and my boss's dependency on me show that
even minimum wage jobs requires interdependency. In the workplace, it is important to surround yourself with dedicated people who believe in your
goals, so that they help you and you help them. This relieves the enormous amount of energy required to accomplish goals. This will enable you to
listen to different ideas, network with various people, and understand the world on a different level.
#29. Professional success recommendations
Responsibilities directs the lives of people. Whether it is making a good grade on an assignment, meeting the quota for the fiscal year, or cleaning the
baby’s play pen, stress is a part of everyday life for a student, professional, or a parent. Although there are multiple ways to reduce stress, some
strategies that a professional can follow are listed on the CCM called Stress Prevention. Stress can be caused by a lot of factors such as insufficient
time to get work done, inadequate training of employees, improper teamwork, poor treatment of employees, and one-way communication. To be
successful in a stressful environment, this is important to first avoid this type of stress through direct communication. It is important to confess to coworkers and employers about increased stress levels. This way, the manager and co-workers can help reduce the workload and help through the
difficult time. If the stress is related to working alone, then it is important to get some help and ask co-workers for opinions. If the stress is related to
having too much responsibility, then it is time to downsize the stress by sharing responsibilities. It may also be wise to gain more knowledge of the
company, find patterns between fiscal years, and relate it back to the original own condition. In addition, prioritize and complete the responsibilities
in order instead of getting everything done at once. If these recommendations are followed, then both the employer and employee can attain success.
#30. Create your own format: Lifestyle Changes to Relieve Stress
As mentioned above, stress can result from multiple environments. According to the Health Guide from the New York Times, a healthy lifestyle can
aid any stress prevention program. Getting regular exercise, eating a balanced and healthy diet, and resisting urges to consume excessive alcohol,
caffeine, and tobacco are some ways to reduce stress. Since stress raises blood pressure and heart rate, performing various types of exercise can
maintain a steady rate for both variables. It can also distract a person from a stressful environment, pump endorphins, and improve a person’s mood.
Eating healthy and regularly helps a person’s immune system and gives the brain a source of energy. If the brain does not receive the proper
nutrients, then it will have trouble producing serotonin. Serotonin is a hormone that gives humans the sense of happiness and feeling good. A healthy
lifestyle also includes proper amount of sleep. Stress can cause anxiety, which can keep people up at night. Not getting adequate sleep can create
more stress and an unhappy lifestyle. Most people think that alcohol and smoking helps them cope with stress. This is not the case. Although it
initially releases chemicals in the body that calm the body, it raises blood pressure and heart rate. The chemical also causes the body to crave it over
and over again, which induces higher levels of stress. Employers and employees should realize that adding stress onto themselves and others will
impact them negatively. Therefore, it is important to control stress to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a stable work environment.
#31. Professional lessons learned from CCM
Attribution Perception deals with understanding the cause and effect of a particular situation. It also allows you to critically analyze the tactics used in
the situation and improve the results. Some professional lessons learned from the topic are to keep up with current events, open communication, and
seek out feedback. If an unfortunate event occurred in a company, then it is important to understand why something happened, how things should be
done differently, and predict the future based on the present conditions. To do this, it is important to understand the politics of the office and speak with
employees. During these conversations, the employer should ask for the professional opinions of the employee in respect to the problem. After gathering
this information, compare and contrast the varying opinions, and make a clear decision. This decision should be stated to all employees in order to keep
them updated about the conditions and situation of the company. The major professional lesson learned is that open communication in the workplace
is necessary. If the management can communicate their expectations and goals, awards achievements, and spur teamwork, then it will reduce the stress
of employees and employer and increase the loyalty to the company.
#32. Opinions about CCM (backed up with CCM info)
I agree with the reading article over feminine management styles because it is a good era for women to be employed. Most females have different
characteristics than men regarding their perspective on employment. For instance, when females are in a managerial position, they tend to be team
players, democratic, transformational, and reward-oriented. These characteristics help the company reach higher success rates. Instead of having a
punishment-orientation like some men, they reward their employees for achievements. This, along with their teamwork skills, engage the company to
work together and make employees happy. In fact, more managers want to employ women in their companies to increase diversity amongst their
companies. Since there is a shortage of women in engineering industries, women are highly encouraged in pursuing engineering degrees. Their
applications also stand out to employers and there is a high success rate for women in those industries. Also, women in leadership positions inspire
more women to work in the fields of their choice. Their ability to manage both home and work duties are attractive because it shows that they can
multitask and are independent. This characteristic are lucrative in any field. When employed, women are authoritative, but also supportive which
creates a pleasant environment for everyone. This shows that they have excellent interpersonal skills and consultative styles, and humanizes the
#34. Org drama scenarios (your own creation)
Corruption within an organization may not be seen by outsiders, but the insiders (employees) are aware of the situation. When there is corruption
within an organization, there tends to be more power amongst a few people. Those people are usually situated on the highest level of the chain of
command. In addition to power, the people are able to influence others to behave according to their professional agendas. An example of an org
drama scenario using a power play is frequently seen in companies owned by influential dads. There were two directors managing the finance
department of a certain company. Both, mistakenly, made bad decisions regarding budgets that cost the company a lot of money. One director was
the son of the company’s founder, while the other director earned his position based on merit. The board of directors for the company reviewed the
case and called both employees in for questioning. In the end, the son got to resume his job without suspension, while the other was fired and his
mistake was reported to other companies. This is an example of a power play because the son used his dad’s name to save his job. Since his dad
found the company and pays the board of directors their annual salary, the board of directors were influenced to ignore the son’s mistake.
Understanding influence is valuable to professionals because they can see who in the company is being manipulated. If an employer wants his/her
company to succeed, then he/she should hire employees based on merit instead of influence.
#35. Pro’s & Con’s analysis of CCM or class discussions
Making plays is critical in any type of business because it increases the company’s chance for success. Whether a play is needed to beat a competitor
or rise from the bottom of finance hierarchy, making a play is necessary. It requires a vision for the future and outside-of-the-box thinking. Instead of
thinking about the consequences of path leading to the final goal, the main focus is on the final goal. With this being said, there are many advantages
and disadvantages of making plays. An advantage is that employees who make plays are strategic planners that are creative and unique, increasing
the value of the company. They do not need to plan before taking action. They are able to quickly deduce the problem on the spot and make an
effective play. In fact, this is beneficial to a company if it is a pro play because it serves the company. Another advantage is that the business is able
to progress and reach new levels because of the pro plays. An example is the head manager of the clothes store in El Paso, TX. He refunded $6,000 to
customer for a jacket that cannot be sold again because the customer who returned it was one of his biggest customers. Instead of thinking about the
cost of the jacket, he taught about the future revenues. Some disadvantages to making plays are unintended consequences, employees making plays to
serve themselves, and hurting the reliability associated with a company’s image. If there is miscommunication during a play, then an unintended
consequence will occur such as the botched military strategies used in events after “9/11”. In order to get money, some employees will take on extra
clients that the company should not be linked with. For example, a “go-green” company may have employees that are trying to reduce costs by
taking on clients that promote wrapping their products in plastic. This will only hurt the image of the company and make it unreliable because plastic
is not necessarily the best thing in the environment.
#36. Who What Why When Where How analysis
There are many scientifical factors that can be discussed in the lesson called behavior conditioning. This is mostly due to the fact that human
behavior is guided by negative and positive outcomes. In a “who, what, why, when, where, how analysis”, the “who” would be any living organism.
This includes plants and animals because they adapt to environment in order to live longer (positive result). Behavior conditioning starts at birth and
is carried all the way through old age. For example, a child knows that eating all the veggies will result in extra playtime with a toy. The “what” is the
definition of behavior conditioning in which living organisms engage in certain behaviors that increase their chance of survival. During old age,
people will try to keep active in order to avoid future health problems. The same goes for the middle-aged people who have jobs. Workers will repeat
behaviors that result in positive outcomes and avoid those that have negative outcomes. The “how” of the analysis is modeled in the following
example: a worker notices that his/her boss rewards workers who are early to work and complete their assignments on time. The worker, then, comes
to work early and accomplishes all work in an efficient manner in hopes of getting a raise or a promotion. The “why” would be that they favor the
positive results over the negative results. If a person wants to get rewarded in life, then he/she should avoid doing things that hurts their chance of
achieving the reward. The “when” and “where” is anytime and place that may lead to a good outcome. As long as there is not a large expenditure of
energy, then organisms condition themselves to perform certain tasks that elicit a positive response. For example, plants will attract animals to carry
their pollen to other flowers by offering nectar and releasing fragrances to attract them. Plants usually behave this way during the day and in their
natural habitat. These relationships between behaviors and outcomes are valuable to the employer because they analyze their staff. The employer can
offer more desk space to the employee who brings in the most revenue (positive outcome).