Desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa Fernando Rubio Universidad de Huelva Etapa previa al desarrollo de los estudios sobre competencia comunicativa • Análisis lingüísticos de lenguas. • Método audio-oral. • Investigación en la naturaleza de la interlengua, con énfasis en el error. Conceptualización de competencia comunicativa • Término acuñado por Dell Hymes (1967). • Competencia lingüística y comunicativa: – “…knowledge about language forms and knowledge that enables a person to communicate functionally and interactively”. Conceptualización de competencia comunicativa • James Cummins (1979) propuso: – Capacidad académica/cognitiva de la lengua. – Destrezas comunicativas interpersonales. Conceptualización de competencia comunicativa • Michael Canale y Merrill Swain (1980): Cuatro componentes.– Competencia gramatical. – Competencia discursiva. – Competencia sociolingüística. – Competencia estratégica. Conceptualización de competencia comunicativa • Lyle Bachman distingue competencias organizativa y pragmática (aspectos funcionales y sociolingüísticos). Esquema de Bachman Competencia de la lengua Competencia organizativa Competencia gramatical Competencia pragmática Competencia textual Competencia llocutiva Vocabulario Cohesión Morfología Organización retórica Sintaxis Fonología Competencia sociolingüística Funciones manipulativas Heurísticas, imaginativas Sensibilidad a dialectos Sensibilidad a registros Sensibilidad a naturalidad Referencias culturales y figuras retóric Components of Communicative Language Ability in Communicative Language Use (Bachman, 1990, p. 85) KNOWLEDGE STRUCTURES LANGUAGE COMPETENCE Knowledge of the world Knowledge of language STRATEGIC COMPETENCE PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL MECHANISMS CONTEXT OF SITUATION Communicative Competence (Celce-Murcia, Dörnyei, & Thurrell, 1995) Old Paradigm and New Paradigm Objectives Stated in terms of Stated in terms of what grammatical knowledge learners should know and be as provided in textbook able to do with the language Content/ Culture Content limited to bits and pieces of cultural information included in textbook; connections to other disciplines absent Interdisciplinary and cultural connections; integration of cultural and academic content; culture explored by means of products, practices, and perspectives Old Paradigm and New Paradigm Skills Practice of individual Integrated practice of three skills: listening, speaking, modes of communication, reading, writing which build on one another The Learner Mostly passive and learns Actively engaged in learning the material presented and has opportunities to by the teacher explore her/his own interests Old Paradigm and New Paradigm The Teacher The center of instruction and the audience for learners; students work to impress the teacher Materials Textbook as primary material Facilitates instruction and guides student learning; designs opportunities for cooperative learning; audience includes peers and community Textbook as one of many tools; others include authentic materials (tape recordings, videos, magazines, short stories, folklore), World Wide Web, visuals, realia Old Paradigm and New Paradigm Assessment Purpose to evaluate student achievement; focus on discrete-point grammar items, often out of context; primarily paper-and-pencil testing; learners provide one right answer Purpose to assess progress in meeting standards and to improve instruction; assessment strategies include integration of modes for meaningful purposes, exploration of content, completion of real-world tasks, self-assessment by learners Shrum & Glisan, 2005, p. 68