Parts of Speech Story

Freshman Rhetoric
Parts of Speech Story
Your job is to build a story about yourself or someone imaginary using various parts of speech. You may
refer to the PowerPoint on my website to help you understand more of the specifics.
I will refer to these parts of speech in a variety of ways as I conference with you about your writing. This
lesson is designed to help you familiarize yourself with the language that we use in this class to talk
about our writing.
Decide what you want to write about. You can use any point-of-view. You may write about a
special time in your life. You may wish to write it in the form of a letter to someone you know.
Maybe you want to convince your favorite actor or musician to give you VIP, behind-the-scenes
access to their work. Maybe you’ll re-write a favorite children’s book as a horror story. You
might want to convince your parents to help you redesign your dream bedroom. You might
want to tell a story about alien sea monkeys. It’s up to you.
2. Fill in the chart with the topic with the parts of speech you intend to use. This will count as prewriting for this 200-word essay. You might change this later, but use the PowerPoint to help you
get down some sample words.
3. Write the first draft in your Freshman Rhetoric folder in Google Docs. This essay has to be 200
words, minimum, which is about 1 typed page, double-spaced.
4. Print out your draft and get some feedback from at least one person, who must put his or her
name on the top corner of your paper, and underline or highlight his or her favorite part and
explain why. Save your draft with feedback.
5. Complete your final edits, bold the parts of speech in this chart, and identify them in a
superscript (formatsuperscript). Submit the final draft to by the deadline. Turn in
this completed handout, the printed draft with feedback, and a printed final draft as part of your
final grade.
concrete noun
abstract noun
proper noun
action verb
linking verb
helping verb
personal pronoun
indefinite pronoun
Provide a little background for your story. Why did you choose this topic? What feeling do you want the
reader to feel as he or she is reading it? Which parts of the assignment were easy, and which were
□ MLA heading & Interesting title 5 pts.
□ 13 chart items, bolded and correctly identified in superscripts 25 pts.
□ Draft with feedback; printed (rough draft) 10 pts.
□ 200-word story with a clear beginning, middle, and end (final draft); printed and submitted to 50 pts.
□ Reflection 5 pts.
□ Follows all directions and behaves appropriately during class time 5 pts.
Name (fill this in):__________________________
Final score (leave this blank):_________