Lake Zone as a Catalyst in Implementing the Tangible Goals

Tanzania Society of Agricultural Education
and Extension (TSAEE) – Lake Zone
as a Catalyst in Implementing the Tangible
Goals Approach to Successful Rural
Development with Women and Youth
Mr. Beny Mwenda
Dodoma Extension Stakeholders Meeting, March 2012
Who is TSAEE?
Aim and Objectives
• The aim of the organization is to promote professional spirit among
agricultural teachers, trainers, researchers, extension agents,
managers and administrators.
The objectives of the society are:
1. To provide a forum for the exchange of knowledge and ideas
through scientific research, instruction, publications, meetings and
other such activities.
2. To focus attention on the challenges of agricultural education and
extension with a view to improving effective communication for
agricultural development.
3. To review the policy and practices of agricultural education,
training and extension in order to identify problems and suggest
4. To cooperate and liaise with related institutions and organizations,
both national and international, in all matters of mutual interest.
Lake Victoria
Organizational Successes
1. Membership has grown from 7 in 2002 to 284 in
2. Inaugurated elected committees in 10 branches
3. Strategic plan, mission statement and vision.
4. National and district government recognition
5. Contracts for rural development projects
6. TSAEE model is used in extension farmer field schools
7. Geographic expansion to Western (2006) and Eastern
(2008) Zones of Tanzania
8. Gender desk and environment/climate change desk
Vision of TSAEE Lake Zone
In 2020, TSAEE is an efficiently-run professional
organization where members can actively
exchange knowledge and experiences and
provide agricultural education and extension
services to rural and peri-urban communities
leading to rural development in Tanzania.
• TSAEE promotes professional spirit among qualified
agricultural experts to voluntarily facilitate farmers’
initiatives to increase agricultural production and
income and improve livelihood among rural and periurban farmers in Tanzania.
• Dedicated members provide training, guidance,
consultation and technical assistance to attain
community-based participatory rural development.
• TSAEE operates as a leading edge non-profit
organization to advance the art and science, practices,
policies and study of rural extension in Tanzania.
Mission of Lake Zone
TSAEE promotes professional spirit among qualified
agricultural experts to voluntarily facilitate farmers’
initiatives to increase agricultural production and
income and improve livelihood among rural and periurban farmers in Tanzania.
Dedicated members provide training, guidance,
consultation and technical assistance to attain
community-based participatory rural development.
TSAEE operates as a leading edge non-profit organization
to advance the art and science, practices, policies and
study of rural extension in Tanzania.
Economic Successes
Improved crop diversification for highest gain.
Individual income growth:
Magu: from 25,000 T/sh per month to 100,000 T/sh
Ukerewe: from 15,000 T/sh per mo. to 75,000 T/sh
Misungwi: from 25,000 T/sh per mo. to 60,000 T/sh
Improved food availability from 2 to 3 meals per day
Improved decision-making for women in household food
Value of tangible goals secured by groups to date in Magu and
Ukerewe totals $220,000 (CDN)
Increased circulation of money in local communities through
increases in capital
Increased member self-employment
Production Results
Yield increases after training include
• Paddy: 24-81%
• Tomato: 40-75%
• Maize: 40-100%, and
• Cassava: 18-63%.
20 distinct practices such as
• Improved Poultry and/or Fowl Residue
• Drip Irrigation,
• Water Use Planning,
• Irrigation and Drainage Maintenance &
• Manure Use and Management,
• Composting,
• Fertilization and Fertility Management,
More BMPs
Botanical Pest and Disease Control,
Proper Agro Chemical Use & Storage,
Improved Stoves & Biomass Efficiency,
Crop Scheduling and Rotations,
Improved Spacing (Maize and Paddy),
And more BMPs
Intercropping (trees/maize, legumes/maize),
Improved Seed and Variety Selection,
Staking & Pruning of Vegetable Crops,
Crop Establishment,
Contour Cropping,
Tied Ridging and Terracing.
Results include:
• Increased food security and food access for poor
communities and particularly for those impacted
• Rural household income increased.
• Successful environmentally sustainable
agricultural practices are implemented.
• Women are active participants and beneficiaries
of agricultural endeavours.
• Formation of groups to increase the sharing of
information, marketing opportunities, labour and
• TSAEE observed that, at the conclusion of many
projects coordinated by other NGOs, the rural
beneficiaries and villages had little observable
evidence of a project having been implemented,
despite good intentions and good planning.
• TSAEE wanted to participate in a project in which
the rural clients could stay motivated, see the
impact and results of their efforts, and gain some
lasting benefits.
• TSAEE designed and implemented an innovative
28 step Tangible Goals Approach
Tangible Goals Approach
Group mobilization
Confirming the groups
Entrepreneurship Skills
Setting goals
How to generate funds for achieving the goals
Development and implementation of tailor
made courses
7. Ongoing Mentoring, Monitoring and Evaluation