CSI: Hollywood

• The CSI team at the Hollywood Police Department
got a call one Tuesday morning about a murder at
the Canterbury Hotel.
• When the team got to the crime scene, they
realized they weren’t dealing with just any ole
murderer; this guy cleaned up very well after himself
and seemed to have had some practice at killing
people. The only DNA they could find that wasn’t
the vicitim’s, Harry Glass, was a microscopic drop of
blood of what they assumed was the killer’s.
Victim: Harry Glass
• Back in the lab, the forensic specialist, Annie Stanfill,
went right to work on trying to identify the unknown
blood sample of the killer.
• The sample was too small to work with so she
amplified it by a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).
• She then analyzed the DNA to see if it matched any
of the DNA sequences in the police records since it
looked like the killer was no stranger to murders.
• Annie cut the DNA by restriction enzymes and ran it
through gel electrophoresis. The RFLP analysis of the
sample was not a match to any records.
• While Annie was working hard in the lab, the rest of
the team had been investigating all of the people
that had been in the hotel and had narrowed down
to two suspects: Jane Doberman and Willis Hunter.
• They got DNA samples of the suspects and Annie
went back to the lab, hoping to have some luck this
Suspect 1: Jane Doberman
Suspect 2: Willis Hunter
• She ran the two suspects’ DNA through Southern
Blotting with a labeled probe and used RFLP
analysis again to compare the two. She still didn’t
get a match to the DNA sample from the crime
• The team was certain that the killer had to be one
of the two suspects, but the DNA analysis was just
not matching up and DNA does not lie.
• They searched though the suspects’ home and
found a peculiar vial of some substance and a
syringe in Jane Doberman’s apartment. It was not
labeled so they took it to Annie and had her run
tests on it.
• The vial turned out to contain plasmids with cDNA.
• The tests found that Jane Doberman had inserted
cloned DNA of someone else into her and
fabricated the crime scene to point the fingers at
someone else.
• This is why the DNA did not match anyone from the
hotel or computer data base.
• Jane was arrested for the murder of Harry Glass and
is currently serving 50 years in prison.