To: AP German students From: Frau Bauer Re: Summer Assignments 2015 Assignment 1: (60 – 90 minutes) You will be expected to read 2 German news articles this summer. (1 hour) 1. Go to my webpage, AP site. On this site you will find links for German newspapers, magazines and press agencies. Good sites are Dein Spiegel (news for teens – easier reading level), Deutsche Welle - Top Thema. 2. Choose two articles (minimum 1 page) on a topic that interests you. Print it out and read it. Complete the summary worksheets provided. Make sure to include a list of 10 new words you learned from the article. Write the English definition for each word and use each in a sentence. Assignment 2: (1.5 - 2 hours) 1. Research four of the following topics on culture and prepare 2 paragraphs for each about what you learned or already know. Include Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede, deine eigenes Erfahrung, und was typisch in Deutschland und in den USA sind. Auf Deutsch! Gesundes Essen Militärpflicht Kredit und Geld Your choice not on list Umwelt/Recycling Teenagers und ihrer Freizeit Education System Haustiere You will be responsible for sharing at least one during the first week of school. Assignment 3: (3 – 3.5 hours) Write answers to exercises in Grammatiktraining Deutsch; handout provided. You only need to complete half of each section. For example - if 10 questions, you only need to answer 5. Check answers with key on p. 100 and make corrections. Use the check list to indicate your comfort level with the topics in the chapters. If there is a concept you may not understand, read another explanation. Look online for resources. For example search: genitive grammar and German Please notate which concepts you learned on your own. Assignment 4: For fun!!!! YOU CHOOSE BETWEEN TWO OPTIONS Option 1 Movie Review (4 hours) Watch a German movie in the target language and chose one of the following: a. Write a review, film it or present in class b. Summarize it as a children’s book and share it in class. c. Act out a scene from movie, film it or present in class Review: summarize movie and then give your opinion! (60 – 90 seconds) (need script, graded on both) Book: include illustrations and at least 10 – 12 pages Scene: memorize the scene in German (45 seconds –one minute) (need script, graded on both) Option 2 Persuasive Essay: (2-2.5 hours)you choose topic Prepare Intro, 2 paragraph and conclusion. Need 2 resources in German, one article supporting your view and one article opposing your view. Prepare persuasive essay on any issue and support your opinion. All Assignments due first day of school: ___Grammar exercises ___2 articles and the completed worksheets for each ___4 culture comparisons ___ Movie review/book/scene act out. OR Persuasive Essay (-20 points each day late up to 1 week); then 50% of grade earned. This assignment is worth 300 points (100 each). Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Meets Expectation Below Expectation 20 More than minimum words per article correctly defined in English. 20 More than minimum sentences provided 18 At least 10 words per article defined. Nearly all words are correctly defined 18 At least 10 sentences which are well written 16 At least 10 words per article are defined, but several per article are incorrect. 16 At least 10 sentences per, but short and poorly written 12 Less than 10 words per article and/or no definition for more than half of the words 12 Less than 10 sentences and/or written poorly Article worksheet complete 15 pt. deduction for each article not completed 30 (15 each) Summaries includes all important points made in the article and each question is thoughtfully answered 24 (12 each) Summaries capture correct information from article, but may leave out some important information and each question is answered, but with some gaps or incomplete. 16 (8 each) Summaries are completed, but questions contain some inaccuracies about the article and/or make only some sense. Grammatiktraining 50 All chapters completed. Student has checked in the back of the book and there are no errors. 40 Completed 4 summaries in German and includes comparison of both US and Germany. 40 Language is used correctly/well written 45 All chapters completed. Some errors found upon spot-checking accuracy. 30 Completed 3 summaries in German and includes comparison of both US and Germany. 30 Language is mostly correct/mostly well written 40 All chapters completed. Many errors found upon spot-checking accuracy. 20 Completed 2 summaries in German and includes comparison of both US and Germany. 20 Language has many errors/somewhat well written 10 (5 each) Summaries are inadequate due to either insufficient information or frequent inaccuracies. Questions not answered adequately and/or many mistakes, makes little sense. _____ Not all chapters completed. Grade is percentage of points corresponding to accuracy . 10 Completed 2 summaries in German and includes comparison of both US and Germany. 10 Language has many errors/poorly written Vocabulary (back of article) 10 pt. deduction for each article not completed. Cultural Comparisons 5 points deducted for each comparison not completed. Movie Presentation Or Persuasive Essay 100 Based on rubric Grammatiktraining Deutsch 1 Substantive…der, die oder das? 1, 2, 3, 4 2 Artikel (der(m), die(f), das(n) = bestimmt; ein(m,n), eine(f)=unbestimmt) 1,2, 3,4 Bestimmter Artikel Unbestimmter Artikel N A D G N A D G der den dem des ein einen einem eines die die der der eine eine einer einer das das dem des ein ein einem eines die die der der keine keine keiner keiner m f n pl Ex. #2 When do you NOT use a definite article? 3. Noun Plurals (endings are --, -e, -er, --en, -n or –s; some add umlauts) 4,5,6,7,8 4. See charts in #2 above. # Ex. 1,2 are accusative; Ex. #3,4 are dative, Ex. #5,6 are genitive; Ex. #7 mixed. 5. Pronouns Ex. #7 is chart. Replace a masculine noun with er, ihn, ihm; a feminine noun with sie, ihr: a neuter noun with es, ihm; and a plural noun with sie, ihnen. Ex. #1-2 Nominative; Ex #3 Dative; Ex. #4 Accusative #6 mixed cases. Ex. #8-9 Order of Direct and indirect objects: The direct object is first if it is a pronoun; otherwise the indirect object is first. 6 #1,3,4,5 ich/mein du/dein er/sein wir/unser ihr/euer Sie/Ihr Use same endings as #2 ein chart above. sie/ihr sie/ihr es/sein 7 Dies-,manch-, jed-,jen-, solch-, welch- follow #2 der chart. Ex. #1-Nominiastive, 2-Genitive, 3-Dative, 4-Mixed 8 Relativpronomen – mean who, whom, which, that. Use gender of noun before comma, use case for role in sentence. #1,2 1, 1 Ich schreibe aus einem Café, _____ hier in der Nähe des Hotels ist. Cafe is neuter; Subject (Nominative) of which is near the hotel; therefore das Nominative Accusative Dative Genitive der den das dessen die die der deren das das dem dessen die die denen deren m f n pl 9 Present tense #2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17 haben, sein, werden, wissen are irregular. stem-changing aä schlafen, fahren, tragen, gefallen, fallen, graben, (ONLY du, er, sie, es) laufen, schlagen, ei nehmen*, sprechen, geben, essen, vergessen, werfen eie sehen, lesen, empfehlen, stehlen 10 Narrative Past Tense 3,4,5,6,8,9 On list: Not on list en te ten st t test tet en te ten 11 Conversational Past (with past participles) 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,10,12 Verbs ending in –ieren and verbs with INSEPARABLE prefixes do not have a ge-. 12 Imperative (commands) 1,2,3,4 du stem of verb plus optional –e ending; keep all stem changes EXCEPT ä) ihr ihr form of verb Sie Sie form of verb + Sie wir wir form of verb + wir (let’s go, run, swim, etc.) 13 Modalverben 1,2,3,4,5 no endings on ich, er, sie, es; stem change on most for ich, du, er, sie, es; no umlauts on singular forms. 14 Adjective endings 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 15 After der-words or ein-words with endings N A D G m e en en en f e e en en n e e en en pl en en en en Alone or ein-words without an ending N A D G m er en em en f e e er er n es es em en pl e e en en 15 Adverbien 3 16 Komparation 1,2,3,4,5 Add –er, -st; some are irregular (gut, besser, best; viel, mehr, meist; hoch, höher, höchst; nah, näher, nächst) some add umlauts (alt, lang, stark, warm, jung, dumm, kurz, klug) so schnell wie; schneller als; am schnellsten 17 Präpositionen 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,15, 16 18 Zahlwörter 19 Aussagesätze (Statements) 1,2,3 Verb 2nd, Time, manner, place 20 Fragesätze (questions) 1,2,3, 5, 6, 21 Negation 1,3,4,5 nicht – adverb kein-adjective 22 Infinitivkonstruktionen 1,2,5 hören, sehen work like modals...otherwise „zu“ verb at end! 23 Konjunktionen 1,2,3,4,5 und, aber, oder, denn, sondern DO NOT affect word order at all! als – one time in past 2, 3, 4, 5 Name _______________________________ Easy 1 Gender 2 Articles 3 Plurals 4 Cases 5 Pronouns 6 Possesive Adjective 7 Dieser words 8 Relative Pronouns 9 Present tense verbs 10 Narrative past verbs 11 12 Conversational past verbs Commands 13 Modal verbs 14 Adjectives 15 Adverbs 16 Comparisons 17 Prepositions 18 Numbers 19 Statements 20 Questions 21 Negation 22 Infinive phrases 23 Conjunctions I kind of get it I have no clue I taught myself from internet source.