Lesson Plan: WebQuest Prior Knowledge: Computer Skills Knowledge of PowerPoint Downloading pictures off the Internet and inserting them into a project Cutting and pasting text into a Word document is also helpful Introduction: From a galaxy on the other side of the universe, a group of aliens are creating an intergalactic museum. They have sent a team of researchers to Earth to see if our culture and history holds anything of interest. They never heard music until they arrived here. They decided they really liked it and have asked some of the smartest people on Earth to create a sampler CD of the different musical eras that they can take back to their home planet and study. They said the museum space is limited and will only be able to house a display for one of the eras. Tasks: It is up to you and your teammates to create an entry for the collection. You will research the musical era assigned to you. You will use PowerPoint to create a slide show the aliens will take back with them. You will include information about composers, instruments, and song styles of that era. You will also include a little historical background for the era you selected. Be sure to use sound files and the lyrics or musical notation in your project. You will include information stating why your group feels the era and composers you choose to present are important. It is up to you to convince the aliens the era you are researching is the best. Process: Students will be divided into groups of three. Each student will then be assigned one of three roles. The assigned roles are Composer Researcher, Instrument Researcher, and the Song Style Researcher Role (descriptions below). Together as a group you will decide on 3 famous composers for your era. You are expected to cite your web sources correctly. You will keep a list of all websites you take pieces of information from. Your group will then meet to create a graphic organizer showing how you will organize and create your presentation. Each researcher will make slides about his/her area of research. All the slides will then be put into one large presentation for the aliens to take back to their planet. All three researchers will decide on a song or musical piece of the composer to put in the final slide of the PowerPoint presentation. This slide will include any lyrics and an explanation as to why it was chosen. Song excerpts should be included. Your group will then present the PowerPoint project to the class. Composer Researcher Role The Composer Researcher will learn about the composer the group has decided on. This person will be responsible for gathering detailed information about the composers and their lives. You will also want to “capture” some pictures of your composers from the Internet. Please name the main styles these people composed, and the instruments they used. Here is a list of questions that you need to address in your presentation: o What are the names of your three composers? o List the years of their lives o List the nationalities of your composers. (Where they were born and where they died.) o Give AT LEAST three interesting facts about each composer o What are their composition styles and which one did they concentrate on the most? o Name some of the compositions your composers wrote o Which instruments did your composers write for? o Make three concept maps and outlines. You will hand in both the outlines and the concept maps. Song Style Researcher Role The Song Style Researcher will give general information about the music styles. Here is a list of questions that you must address in your presentation: o Name 3 - 5 song styles from this time period o Define each style as sacred or secular o Define each style as unison or harmony o Define each style as unison or harmony o Define each style as vocal or instrumental o List a composer for each song style o List instruments for each song style o Make 3 - 5 concept maps. Next you will convert them to outlines. Print out both the concept maps and the outlines. You will hand in both the outlines and the concept maps. Instrument Researcher Role: The Instrument Researcher will find out what instruments were used during that era. You will also find pictures and sound files of these instruments. You should also list the kind of songs these instruments were used for, the family they fit into, and how they were played. Here is a list of questions which you must address in your presentation: o Name 5 - 10 instruments o Into which family do the instruments fit? o How are the instruments played? o What kind of group was this instrument played with? (Small ensemble, large orchestra, choir, etc.) o Did this instrument perform solos often? o Name 3 composers who wrote music for this instrument? o When were these instruments first created? o What other instruments were their predecessors? o Using Inspiration, make 5 - 10 concept maps, one per instrument. Next you will convert them to outlines. You will hand in both the outlines and the concept maps. Group Presentation Here is a list of questions that you must address in your presentation: o Name the dates of this era. o Give historical facts of this time period that reflect the culture at that time. o Was sacred music more popular than secular music at this time? If so, why? o What was the role of women in music at this time? o Name the countries or region that dominated the music of this time period. o Create an outline of your information using Inspiration. o Using Inspiration, make a concept map. Next you will it to an outline. Print out both the concept map and the outline. You will hand in both the outlines and the concept maps. Prehistoric Era http://www.stevenestrella.com/composers/index.html?ancientmusic.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prehistoric_music http://www.ipl.org/div/mushist/ http://www.classicalworks.com/his.pages/timeline.html http://www.abc.net/directory/Kids_and_Teens/Arts/Music/History/ Middle Ages/Medieval Era http://www.music.iastate.edu/antiqua/instrumt.html http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/History/Medieval/ http://www.ipl.org/div/mushist/ http://www.classicalworks.com/his.pages/timeline.html http://www.ariama.com/eras/eras.html Renaissance Era http://w3.rz-berlin.mpg.de/cmp/musical_history.html http://www.dreamscape.com/quando7/index.htm http://www.twingroves.district96.k12.il.us/Renaissance/GeneralFiles/RenL inksMusic.html http://www.ariama.com/eras/eras.html http://www.classicalworks.com/his.pages/timeline.html http://www.ipl.org/div/mushist/ Baroque Era http://baroque-music.com http://www.classicalworks.com/his.pages/timeline.html http://history.evansville.net/baroque.html Classical Era http://w3.rz-berlin.mpg.de/cmp/musical_history.html http://www.ariama.com/eras/eras.html http://www.classicalworks.com/his.pages/timeline.html http://www.ipl.org/div/mushist/ http://people.wku.edu/charles.smith/music/ http://www.classicalarchives.com Romantic Era http://w3.rz-berlin.mpg.de/cmp/musical_history.html http://www.fact-index.com/r/ro/romantic_music_1.html http://www.ipl.org/div/mushist/ http://www.classicalworks.com/his.pages/timeline.html http://cnx.org/contents/e71564ba-cafd-442a-97f630b9d2ee4af0@11/The_Music_of_the_Romantic_Era http://old.radio.cz/en/html/hudba_stredovek.html 20th Century Era http://old.radio.cz/en/html/hudba_stredovek.html http://www.classicalworks.com/his.pages/timeline.html http://www.ariama.com/eras/eras.html http://www.top20musichistory.com http://www.ipl.org/div/mushist/ Conclusion (After Presentations) Congratulations! You have completed your task and sent the aliens off with their CD sampler. Individually reflect on the following questions: o o o o o o o How did music evolve? Can you list at least four of the musical eras in order without looking? Do historical events influence composers and the music they write? Has this WebQuest influenced your feelings about the different musical eras? How would you apply what you learned to develop one of the songs we are working on in the class? From what musical era is it? How would you compare a genre of music today to a musical genre from one of the other time periods? What can you say about one of the composers from your musical era? o o o Did you think we are still in the 20th century musical genre? Why or why not? How did you locate appropriate websites for this activity? If you had to do this WebQuest again, what would you do differently?