Using IC KY Data Extract Utility and VB Scripts to automate student

Using IC KY Data Extract Utility and VB
Scripts to automate student account
Jimmy Pack
Chief Information Officer
Franklin County Public Schools
Time: 1:15-2:15
Session #4
Date: 3/8/2012
Session Room: Beckham
Twitter - #kyste2012
• Borrow code from someone
▫ Cory Goode, Barren County Schools
• Setup Data Extract in IC
▫ Most already using this for Food Services,
Transportation or Library management software
Determine what to create or modify
Modify code
Debug – Debug – Debug
VbsEdit –trial version, never expires, is editor
Key Points - 1
• Using extensionattribute4 in AD properties for
user unique identifier (key)
• If starting today with this, all existing
users must have this in their attributes,
otherwise you get all new userids
▫ A script has been created to just update that field
for existing users
• Currently using for students only
Key Points - 2
• Student userids = fmlname
▫ John L Doe = jldoe
▫ Johnny L Doe = jldoe1
• Default passwords can be unique for different
• Email can be enabled or disabled
• Accounts can be enabled or disabled
• Inactive students in IC can have accounts
disabled automatically
Key Points - 3
Can specify grade levels to update
Can update only, not create new, or vice-versa
Logfile is written for reporting purposes
Approximately 20 minutes to run for our
approximately 4,000 student accounts, for
updates and new students during the year
• A 1 second pause is required at times to allow
proper credentials and creation of items
Output file from IC
0 = Student ID
1 = Social Security #
2 = State ID
3 = Status
4 = School #
5 = District ID
6 = NHR
9 = Last Name
10 = First Name
11 = Middle Name
12 = Birthday
13 = Sex
14 =Grade
Output file from IC
Too many fields for this script, just using fields 0-14.
Fields separated by ~
The only fields referenced in the script are: Student ID, Status, School #, Last, First
and Middle names and Grade
File format is:
“StudentID””~””SSN” ~””StateID” ~””Status” ~””School#” ~””DistrictID” ~””NHR?” ~””?” ~””?”
~””Lastname” ~””Firstname” ~””Middlename” ~””Birthday” ~””Sex” ~”Grade”… (15 other fields)
Sample format to use with testing can be shorter:
ICAD - Log 2/13/2012 1:46:51 PM
Updated school group, 1234567890, DWSmith, SmithDavid W, LDAP://cn=EM Students,OU=_Groups,OU=Students,DC=franklin,DC=ketsds,DC=net
Existing account already disabled, 1234567890, SSmith, Smith-Sarahi , Withdrawn in IC
Updated school group, 1234567891, ANSmith, Smith- Amber N, LDAP://cn=FC Students,OU=_Groups,OU=Students,DC=franklin,DC=ketsds,DC=net
Updated school group, 1234567892, JLSmith, Smith- Jamyah L, LDAP://cn=EM Students,OU=_Groups,OU=Students,DC=franklin,DC=ketsds,DC=net
Updated school group, 1234567893, DDSmith, Smith- Daimon D, LDAP://cn=ED Students,OU=_Groups,OU=Students,DC=franklin,DC=ketsds,DC=net
Updated graduation year, 1234567894, LBSmith, Smith- Laura B, 2012
Updated home folder, 1234567894, LBSmith, Smith- Laura B, \\e181000s1\students\2012\lbsmith
Script Overview
• Read in IC export file line by line
• Break apart fields and store in variables
• Look for existing userid (match on
• If no match, create new user
• If match, look for changes that need updating
Adding New User
• Check for existing userid
▫ Check student and then staff userids
▫ If exists, add digit to end until no match found
• Create userid and set
▫ Names
▫ Password
▫ Home directory and actual folder with permissions
▫ Graduation year in Department
▫ Extensionattribute4
▫ Enable account and email if desired
▫ Add to correct school groups and internet access groups
Updating Existing User
• Look for updates to
School group memberships
Home directory and Home drive
Account active status
Common Issues
• Errors with manual account creations
▫ Forget to add extensionattribute4
▫ Copying account and not updating
▫ Typo for extensionattribute4
• Students repeating a grade and thus changing
graduation year, home folder location
• Inaccurate IC entry
• Impatient STCs if script is not run periodically
• School OU and group data
▫ Sub SetSchoolVars
• LDAP values should reflect your environment
▫ LDAP://OU=Students,DC=franklin
Logfile location
IC text file location
student_username customization
Default password – student_pw
Home directory and home drive
Other Scripts
• Fix_student_groups – used to reset school OU
groups once userid has changed OUs
• icad_fix_fullname2.0 – working on this to fix
what is displayed in ADUC (instead of userid)
• icad_update_ssids – updates existing userids
with extensionattribute4
▫ Not perfect but will help