Progress and plans for PPM in the South-East Asia Region Fifth PPM Subgroup Meeting 3 - 5 June, Cairo TB incidence rates per capita per 100 000 population TB in SE Asia 5 m prevalent cases 3 m new cases and 500 000 deaths/ yr < 10 10 to 24 25 to 49 50 to 99 100 to 299 300 or more No Estimate ~150,000 new MDR-TB cases/yr ~ 2.5 - 3 million TB-HIV co-infected Countries with GF support for PPM All countries in the Region with the exception of Myanmar and DPR Korea benefit from support from the Global Fund for expanding private and public partnerships Regional Progress • Bangladesh: >90% of TB services through NGOs; Prisons, medical colleges, railways, garment industries being involved • India: 262 medical colleges; >17695 PPs; >2946 NGOs; > 150 corporate houses; tea estates, railways, employees state insurance hospitals, Ministries of Shipping, Mines, Petroleum and Oil, Indian Medical Association; District TB Societies • Indonesia: All lung clinics and 37% of large hospitals; 7 medical schools; Ministry of Defence, Police and Prisons Dept • Myanmar: Private providers; Railways; Ministries of Defence, Religious affairs; Labour, Education and Home Affairs • Nepal: Private providers; teaching hospitals, communities through village and district DOTS committees • Thailand: NHSO, Ministry of Labour; prisons systems; private hospitals association; community based organizations, local and international NGOs; Thai business coalition Successful approaches Some examples • Intensified training of private and public hospital and laboratory staff in Indonesia • Introduction of coordination meetings between community health facilities and hospitals: Yogyakarta, Indonesia; between partners: Myanmar • Franchising, allowing for ensuring of quality throughout network: PSI Sun Quality Health Network • Inclusion of private laboratories in diagnostic network & QA systems in, India; SQH and accredited labs in Myanmar • Establishing of referral networks and better follow up of transfers eg., in Padang, Indonesia, between lung clinic and puskesmas; provision of a list of DOTS centres for referral to teaching institutes in India • Endorsement of the International Standards of TB Care by professional bodies-- Medical associations in India, Indonesia Regional Priorities: 2008-2009 • Catalyze wider implementation (India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal) Document on-going initiatives, disseminate best practice examples for wider use • More actively engage with professional associations, teaching universities for dissemination of the ISTC, and use of recommended guidelines • Ensure coordination mechanisms/forums for information exchange at all levels in countries • Expand collaboration with industry, corporate sector (not much progress here– may be an area for the PPM sub-group to focus on) • Help in developing clear strategies and operational guidelines based on lessons learnt (Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand) sectors not yet involved • Support pilots in (Bangladesh, Thailand) • Organize a regional training for national consultants/focal points on strengthening public-private partnerships (long-standing dream!) PPM activities in priority countries Priority countries National Situation PPM focal assessment person conducted appointed PPM Operational guidelines developed Bangladesh Yes, included in the Yes, focal point 5-year NTP plan exists at NTP, (2006-2011) Min of H&FW PPM is mainstreamed into the technical and operational guidelines of the programme. PPM guideline is also available as schemes for collaboration. India Yes, included in the Yes, focal point 5-year NTP plan exists at Central (2006-2011) TB Division, Min of H&FW PPM mainstreamed into technical and operational guidelines of the programme. Separate guidelines also available as schemes for collaboration. PPM activities in priority countries Priority countries National Situation PPM focal assessment person conducted appointed PPM Operational guidelines developed Indonesia Yes-2003 and during the subsequent external MMs, in 2005 and 2007 Yes Yes Myanmar Yes – during the joint MMs in 2004 and 2007 Yes Yes – under revision Thailand No No No Progress: Bangladesh Provider group Involvement Contribution Professional associations No There are schemes to involve these associations for ACSM activities Corporate Sector Yes. Three corporate sector health care units are involved Hospitals Yes DOTS Corners functional at 24 medical colleges by end 2007 Informal providers Yes. Very good involvement (Shasthyo Sebikas, Village doctors: Contribution is in terms of referral of TB suspects for diagnosis and acting as DOT-providers Private laboratories No There are schemes for involvement of private labs as designated microscopy centres for the programme NGOs and private practitioners Yes 29 NGOs involved as partner of NTP by the end of 2007 and private practitioners are being oriented and involved Bangladesh Plans for PPM 2008-2009 • Actively engage professional bodies, BMA,BPMPA, specialists using the International Standards for TB Care • Enhance coordination and collaboration between different Ministries • Expand collaboration with industry, corporate sector and pharmacy holders through respective association • Development and distribution of advocacy materials to private providers Progress: India Provider group Involvement Contribution (Measured in terms of numbers of patients only in 14 sentinel sites) Professional associations Yes. Involvement of a few associations Establishment of the Indian Medical Professional Association Coalition against TB (IMPACT) in 2007. GFATM supported project being implemented by the Indian Medical Assoc (IMA) since 2007. Endorsement of ISTC by members of the IMPACT in their personal capacity: March 2008 (endorsement by member associations in process) Joint consensus statement on pediatric TB by IAP in place and used Corporate Sector Yes. About 150 corporate sector health units involved Hospitals Very good involvement Over 262 medical colleges involved by end of 2007 Informal providers Yes. Referral of suspects for diagnosis; act as DOT providers Private laboratories Yes. Schemes for involvement of private labs as designated microscopy centres for the programme NGOs and private practitioners Yes 2946 NGOs and 17695 private practitioners involved by end of 2007 Intensified urban PPM districts; India (14): Summary of contribution by different health sectors – 3rd qtr 2006 to 2nd qtr 2007) India Plans for PPM 2008-2009 • Revise PPM guidelines for NGOs and private practitioners • Work with the IMA to increase the number of private practitioners collaborating with national programme • Develop guidelines for further involvement of the Employee State Insurance and Railways health facilities in TB control Progress: Indonesia Provider group Involvement Contribution Professional associations Yes Endorsement & roll out of ISTC Corporate Sector Yes Guidelines on TB in work place introduced on a pilot basis Hospitals Yes Hospital assessment done in 117 hospitals. HDL guidelines developed. TO placed in large hospitals Informal providers Limited to pilot studies under FIDELIS etc Pilot studies done on involvement of PP in Bali & Yogja Private laboratories Limited to pilot studies Same as above Prison medical services Yes MOU signed between Min of Justice & MOH. Guidelines developed. Training started for 30 prisons Progress: Indonesia Achievements A hospital assessment study on the implementation of DOTS strategy conducted Guidelines on Hospital DOTS Linkage (HDL) developed and 15 Technical and Surveillance Officers for HDL have been placed in 12 clusters of districts Integration of DOTS into medical school curriculum implemented ISTC translated and adapted into Bahasa (Indonesian language), officially endorsed and rolled out to the professional organizations Ministerial decree issued to support DOTS implementation under different Directorate Generals Directive letter from DG Medical Care on DOTS implementation in hospital issued Guidelines on TB in workplace, prison and army developed, and activities initiated CEA study initiated on PPM approaches Constraints Varying degree of commitment and quality of services in DOTS implementation Plans for 2008-2009 Dissemination of HDL guidelines/ training Strengthening linkages and surveillance in HDL Further expansion of HDL to other public and private hospitals, Institutionalizing of ISTC, incl. certification/accreditation Hospital assessment study in outer Java Progress: Myanmar – National PPM DOTS Sub group established – PPM capacity at WHO strengthened (international MO + national consultant) – PPM capacity at MMA strengthened (national PPM team + 2 Divisional Coordinators and part-time Township Coordinators/ full time social outreach workers in all townships) Achievements: PPM DOTS Sub group in Myanmar • Standardized Training Manual PPM DOTS • 3Diseases Orientation Package for GPs •Implementation Guide on PPM DOTS (draft) • Strategy Paper on PPM DOTS in Myanmar (draft) Progress: Myanmar Provider group Involvement Contribution Professional associations Yes 1. Corporate Sector Yes (Railways, Labour) Hospitals Yes 4 Tertiary Specialist Hospitals Pilot Project, Yangon Division Informal providers Yes Private laboratories Yes Through PSI social franchising scheme and through MMA Other provider groups Yes Ministry of Defence, Religious affairs, Education and Home affairs Myanmar Medical Association( MMA )526 General Practitioners involved in 23 townships)- Contributed 20.27% of sputum smear positive cases to National Tuberculosis Programme Myanmar Plans for PPM 2008-2009 Public Private Mix DOTS 1. Finalize Implementation Guide on PPM DOTS and Strategy paper on PPM DOTS in Myanmar 2. Sustain in implementing townships and scale up public private mix DOTS project • Myanmar Medical Association( MMA ) 600 General Practitioners involved in 26 townships • to include private and charity hospitals, religious hospitals • Population Services International (PSI) –to scale up number of Sun Quality Health Care Doctors • CARE Myanmar to sustain in 10 townships • IOM to sustain 6 townships • JICA under the Major infectious diseases control project, to scale up to 6 townships • Myanmar Red Cross Society and Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association members act as DOT Providers Public Public Mix DOTS • To consolidate the public public mix demonstration projects in 4 tertiary specialist Hospitals • Develop Interim Guidelines on Public Public Mix DOTS • End 2008: joint workshop on TB control between NTP and Prison Department ISTC • Workshop with leading medical specialists on Adapting ISTC to Myanmar context, July 2008 • Conduct similar workshop for GP branch of the Myanmar Medical Association • Implement and roll out the ISTC stepwise approach Progress: Thailand MOU with National Health Security Office MOU with Ministry of Labour to implement TB control in the workplace MOU with MSF for TB treatment and care among migrants Coordination with Department of Corrections to continue TB control in prisons Collaboration with US. CDC for TB surveillance and research Engagement of Private Hospital Association to provide TB care according to ISTC ISTC translated into Thai and endorsed by NTP Involvement of NGOs (World Vision, American Refugee Committee, Thailand Bossiness Coalition of AIDS) to control TB in vulnerable population Progress: Thailand Provider group Involvement Contribution Professional associations No TB control in the workplace Corporate Sector Yes Hospitals Yes Informal providers No Private laboratories No Other groups Yes About 60 Private hospitals implementing TB activities with TB recording and reporting system TB control activities with R&R system in 144 prisons Thailand Plans for PPM 2008-2009 – – – – Establishment of working group to develop a plan, oversee the implementation and coordinate mechanisms at all levels of the programme Officially appointment of a focal person for PPM National situational analysis of PPM Continuation for PPM collaborative activities with: • • • • • Private Hospitals Factories Prisons NGOs Health insurance organization Tuberculosis prevalence rates in SEAR countries 1990 2006 1,200 TB prevalence per 100,000 population 1,100 1,000 900 800 789 700 625 621 568 600 500 438 431 391 400 411 340 299 300 253 244 244 180 200 197 169 147 108 96 100 54 80 0 Timor-Leste Bangladesh Nepal India Indonesia Source : WHO, Global Tuberculosis Control Report 2008 DPR Korea Myanmar Bhutan Thailand Maldives Sri Lanka