
Analysis of Performance – example questions
1. Rules (and their role in sport), regulations and terminology
1. What are the two elements of dance that pupils are assessed on practically?
Performance and Choreography
2. Name 5 elements of good studio practice that a dancer must undertake?
Warm up and cool down / good diet and nutrition / dehydration / avoidance or care of injuries
/ correct fitting clothing / appropriate clothing / hair tied back / no chewing / wear bare feet or
jazz shoes
3. What should be central to a dance idea?
A motif
4. What types of things can be altered to change a dance motif? Name at least 6.
Using a different body part / using different supports / changing the order / facing a different
direction / performing it backwards / performing in a different area of the stage / changing the
focus / changing the speed / changing the level / Changing the direction / changing the size /
changing the energy / add a new action / take out actions / changing the floor or air patterns
/ vary the pathway / vary the relationship
5. Apart from music and song, what other sounds could accompany a dance? Name 3.
Silence / Human voice / Natural sounds e.g. running water / Found sounds e.g. machinery,
aeroplane flying / Chants / Script
6. What safety would you check before allowing someone to participate in a dance
class? jewellery, appropriate footwear, appropriate clothes, hair tied back, no chewing, work
space is clear and dry, listen to instructions
7. What are some of the main considerations when choreographing a dance?
Space, levels, motif etc
8. Name 3 dance moves and describe them
9. What would you be judged on in a dance competition?
10. How many officials are there in a competition?
11. What is the role of the official(s)?
2. Observation and analysis
1. Observe participant A and analyse their dance moves.
2. Observe participant B - what are their strengths and weaknesses. How would you
correct their weaknesses
3. Describe exactly what you see happening
4. Explain why he/ she is performing the way he/ she is
5. How does this affect the overall performance and implications for a competition?
3. Evaluation & Recognising Strengths & Weaknesses
1. Comment on the strengths and weaknesses of their performance
Performance includes: posture / gesture / focus / projection / space / relationship /
technical nature (e.g. balance, alignment, control, flow, spatial awareness, strength) /
2. What would you improve?
3. Comment on the strengths and weaknesses of their choreography
Choreography includes: stimuli / dance ideas / dance style / solo / duo / group / style of music
/ motif / phrases / highlights / climax / contrast / unison / cannon / mirroring and matching
4. Select one particular weakness in their performance and describe a practice / give a
suggestion with relevant teaching points to help them improve.1.
5. Identify a perfect model in your sport
6. What are their a) sport specific skills b) components of health related fitness and c)
components of skill related fitness that makes them the perfect model?
7. If you were to watch both the perfect model and the observed player performing the
same skill, what differences and / or similarities would there be?
8. If you were to compare your own performance to the perfect model, what differences /
or similarities would there be?
9. Describe what makes up the modern day “perfect” fielder?
4. Planning strategies, tactics, practices and training to Improving performance
You did a 6 week PEP program on improving your cardiovascular fitness / etc:
For your particular role within your dance:
1. What general fitness does your dance require and why?
2. What skill related fitness do you require and give examples?
3. What principles of training have you applied when planning your training programme?
4. What training methods have you used?
5. Why have you used these training methods?
6. Choose one training method and describe it?
7. What energy systems are used in dance and when?
8. If you did a PEP to improve dance, what fitness components would you concentrate
on? muscular strength, power, flexibility
9. What type of training method would you use?
10. How will this improve your overall performance in dance?
Conditioning, strength and overall cardiovascular fitness… ability to keep on going throughout
routine without tiring. You could include any fitness components in the circuit.
11. Give an example of circuit training activities to improve the flexibility, strength and
5. Understanding the principles and roles of leadership to improve performance
1. What do you understand by leadership?
2. What characteristics determine a good leader?
3. Who are the leaders in dance?
4. Explain what you think makes a successful coach
5. What’s the difference between formal and informal leadership?
6. What should a good coach do after a competition?
7. Describe the main roles and responsibilities of the dance teacher?
8. A dancer is finding it difficult to perform a complex piece of choreography. What
would you expect the dance teacher to do to get them to learn it properly?
9. Explain how being in a dance competition can have either a positive or negative effect
on a dancer’s performance?
10. Explain the role of a dance instructor?
Motivate, performance analysis, choreography, training, safe teaching processes, competitions
11. Explain the role of a judge in competitions – analyse performance and grade
performers in order, according to a pre-defined model