You may remember that the SDFRW 'Caring for America” project this

September SDFRW Newsletter
Well…My big kid has started her first year of high school! The summer just slipped
right by. I hope you all had a nice summer break and kiddos/grandkiddos are back
in school and enjoying getting back into a routine!
Striking isn’t it? Wouldn’t it be nice to
have your very own badge to wear to your meetings, Lincoln Day dinners, central committee
meetings, chamber meetings, wherever you go? And YOU can have one too! We are taking orders
and all you have to do is send a check for $20.00 to treasurer, Nancy Jensen, 5440 Plains Vista Ct.
Rapid City, SD 57701 and she will make sure that you will have one quick as a wink…well almost!
Just tell her what you want on it; your name (of course), title (if you wish), and maybe just your
club. She can also help you with that decision…she’s a pretty sharp lady, you know 😊
Who Mistreats Women?
As Clinton Makes A Desperate Attack Comparing
GOP Candidates To Terrorists, A Look At The
Women's Rights Records Of Some Of The Clinton
Foundation's Donors
Yesterday, Clinton Outrageously Compared Republicans' Views On Women To That Of Terrorist
Groups. CLINTON: "Now, extreme views about women, we expect that from some of the terrorist groups,
we expect that from people that don't want to live in the modern world, but it's a little hard to take coming
from republicans who want to be the President of the United States. Yet they espouse out of date and out of
touch policies. They are dead wrong for 21st century America. We are going forward, we are not going back."
(Hillary Clinton, Remarks At A Campaign Event, Cleveland, OH, 8/27/15)
After Clinton Stepped Down As Secretary And Joined The Clinton Foundation, It "Dropped Its SelfImposed Ban On Collecting Funds From Foreign Governments And Is Winning Contributions At An
Accelerating Rate…" "The Clinton Foundation has dropped its self-imposed ban on collecting funds from
foreign governments and is winning contributions at an accelerating rate, raising ethical questions as Hillary
Clinton ramps up her expected bid for the presidency." (James V. Grimaldi and Rebecca Ballhaus, "Foreign
Government Gifts To Clinton Foundation On The Rise," The Wall Street Journal, 2/17/15)
Earlier This Year, Clinton Found Herself "Under Attack" For Her Foundation's Acceptance Of
Donations From "Countries Known For Violence Against Women And For Denying Them Many Basic
Freedoms." "Instead, as Mrs. Clinton commemorates her 1995 women's rights speech in Beijing in back-toback events in New York, she finds herself under attack for her family foundation's acceptance of millions of
dollars in donations from Middle Eastern countries known for violence against women and for denying them
many basic freedoms." (Amy Chozick, "Hillary Clinton Faces Test Of Record As Women's Advocate," The
New York Times, 3/8/15)
The Clinton Foundation Has Accepted Millions In Foreign Donations From Countries That
"The State Department Has Faulted Over Their Records On Sex Discrimination And Other
Human-Rights Issues." "But the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation has accepted tens of
millions of dollars in donations from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar,
Algeria and Brunei - all of which the State Department has faulted over their records on sex
discrimination and other human-rights issues." (Amy Chozick, "Hillary Clinton Faces Test Of Record
As Women's Advocate," The New York Times, 3/8/15)
The Foundation Accepted Millions In Contributions From Foreign
Governments During Clinton's Time As Secretary Of State
"The Clinton Foundation Accepted Millions Of Dollars From Seven Foreign Governments During
Hillary Rodham Clinton's Tenure As Secretary Of State…" "The Clinton Foundation accepted millions of
dollars from seven foreign governments during Hillary Rodham Clinton's tenure as secretary of state,
including one donation that violated its ethics agreement with the Obama administration, foundation officials
disclosed Wednesday."(Rosalind S. Helderman and Tom Hamburger, "Foreign Governments Gave Millions
To Foundation While Clinton Was At State Dept.," The Washington Pos t , 2/25/15)
"Some Of The Donations Came From Countries With Complicated Diplomatic, Military And
Financial Relationships With The U.S. Government…" "Some of the donations came from
countries with complicated diplomatic, military and financial relationships with the U.S. government,
including Kuwait, Qatar and Oman." (Rosalind S. Helderman and Tom Hamburger, "Foreign
Governments Gave Millions To Foundation While Clinton Was At State Dept.," The Washington
Post , 2/25/15)
Saudi Arabia
Including A Contribution In 2014, The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia Contributed Up To $25 Million To
The Clinton Foundation. ("Contributor And Grantor Information," The Clinton Foundation, Accessed
According To The State Department's 2014 Human Rights Report On Saudi Arabia, Spousal Rape Is
Not Recognized As A Crime. "Rape is a criminal offense under sharia with a wide range of penalties from
flogging to execution. …. Consequently, due to the legal and social penalties, authorities brought few cases
to trial. The law does not recognize spousal rape as a crime." (U.S. Department Of State, Saudi Arabia 2014
Human Rights Report, Accessed 6/25/15, p.41)
Report: "Women Continued To Face Significant Discrimination Under Law And Custom, And Many
Remained Uninformed About Their Unequal Rights." "Women continued to face significant discrimination
under law and custom, and many remained uninformed about their unequal rights. Although they may legally
own property and are entitled to financial support from their guardian, women have fewer political or social
rights than men, and society treats them as unequal members in the political and social spheres." (U.S.
Department Of State, Saudi Arabia 2014 Human Rights Report, Accessed 6/25/15, p. 43)
Report: "Women Have Fewer Political Or Social Rights Than Men, And Society Treats Them
As Unequal Members In The Political And Social Spheres." "Although they may legally own
property and are entitled to financial support from their guardian, women have fewer political or
social rights than men, and society treats them as unequal members in the political and social
spheres." (U.S. Department Of State, Saudi Arabia 2014 Human Rights Report, Accessed 6/25/15,
p. 43)
Report: "Women Also Faced Discrimination In Courts, Where The Testimony Of One Man
Equals That Of Two Women." (U.S. Department Of State, Saudi Arabia 2014 Human Rights
Report, Accessed 6/25/15, p. 44)
United Arab Emirates
Including A Contribution In 2014, The United Arab Emirates Contributed Up To $5 Million To The
Clinton Foundation. ("Contributor And Grantor Information," The Clinton Foundation, Accessed 8/27/15)
The State Department's 2014 Human Rights Report Found That The UAE's Penal Code "Does Not
Address Spousal Rape" And That Men Are Permitted "To Use Physical Means, Including Violence, At
Their Discretion Against Female And Minor Family Members." "The law criminalizes rape, and it is
punishable by death under the penal code. The penal code does not address spousal rape. The penal code
allows men to use physical means, including violence, at their discretion against female and minor family
members." (U.S. Department Of State, United Arab Emirates 2014 Human Rights Report, Accessed 6/25/15,
p. 20)
Report: "In General The Government Did Not Enforce Domestic Abuse Laws Effectively, And
Domestic Abuse Against Women, Including Spousal Abuse, Remained A Problem."(U.S.
Department Of State, United Arab Emirates 2014 Human Rights Report, Accessed 6/25/15, p. 20)
Report: " Additionally, Female Victims Of Rape Or Other Sexual Crimes Faced The
Possibility Of Prosecution For Consensual Sex Instead Of Receiving Assistance From
Government Authorities." (U.S. Department Of State, United Arab Emirates 2014 Human Rights
Report, Accessed 6/25/15, p. 20)
Report: "Women Faced Legal And Economic Discrimination." (U.S. Department Of State, United Arab
Emirates 2014 Human Rights Report, Accessed 6/25/15, p. 21)
Including A Contribution In 2014, The Sultanate Of Oman Contributed Up To $5 Million To The
Clinton Foundation. ("Contributor And Grantor Information," The Clinton Foundation, Accessed 8/27/15)
The State Department's 2014 Human Rights Report Found That Oman "Does Not Explicitly Ban
Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting." "The law does not explicitly ban female genital mutilation/cutting
(FGM/C). The government, however, prohibits FGM/C in hospitals and clinics." (U.S. Department Of
State, Oman 2014 Human Rights Report, Accessed 6/25/15, p. 15)
Report: "The Law Does Not Specifically Address Domestic Violence." (U.S. Department Of
State, Oman 2014 Human Rights Report, Accessed 6/25/15, p. 15)
Report: "The Government Did Not Support International Or Domestic Human Rights Organizations
Operating In The Country…" "The government did not support international or domestic human rights
organizations operating in the country, but it invited the UN special rapporteur on the rights to freedom of
peaceful assembly and of association to visit the country." (U.S. Department Of State, Oman 2014 Human
Rights Report, Accessed 6/25/15, p. 14)
This may be an idea for your club! Minnehaha-Lincoln Republican Women
produced their business cards using our state logo picture and added their own name. They also
deleted the picture of the boots and added their club meeting information and the NFRW symbol.
On the back side of the card is a design representing the combination of their two counties,
(Minnehaha and Lincoln). Each member can then have it personalized or some can be blank for any
member’s contact information.
Thank you, President Karon Gubbrud, for this great idea!!!
We are so excited to be headed to
The National Federation of Republican
Women Biannual Convention
in just a few days!!! There are 18 ladies from South
Dakota heading to Phoenix for this exciting event September 10-13. We will have big news and reports
to share with you in the next newsletter so you’ll not want to miss it.
Pictured above with Sandye are Senator Ted Cruz and Presidential Candidate, Carly Fiorina, two of the
speakers from whom we will be hearing. What a fantastic experience!
Do you have your "Wee-Publicans" all decked out with a cute shirt like this? You can! You’d
better hurry though because inventory is limited. Get them while you can! These ‘awesomesauce’ tshirts are a bargain at a mere $15.00. They are available in sizes 12 mo-size 6. Call Sandye Kading if
you are interested in a purchase. The T-shirts will be making their way to the NFRW convention…sure
to be a hit there!
From our President:
WHAT???? School has started? Summer is over??? Fair season has ended but for the State
Fair happening now. Always a Labor Day favorite! Once again, special thanks to the Beadle
county Republicans for being in charge of the Republican building for the whole week of the
fair and to Rosie and Gary Harrington for their chairmanship.
Special thanks to all of you who worked the fair booths in your counties. There were many
new voters registered, many hands shaken and just good Republican conversation. There is
so much frustration in Washington DC that we as Republican Women have a special calling to
educate, empower and pass on some enthusiasm. Our country is hurting, it is wounded but
there are many patriots who continue to fight for her preservation. We are among them and
our optimism will encourage others to the battle.
Pictured here is
our contribution to the NFRW Silent Auction. Just as SDFRW asks each
club to donate for our fundraising efforts, NFRW does the same at their board meetings and the
convention. All our items were donated with the exception of the lovely Landstrom’s Original Black
Hills Gold and Silver cuff bracelet which we have asked each club to donate to SDFRW a minimum of
$10 to help defray the cost. If your club has not sent in your check as yet, you may do so to treasurer,
Nancy Jensen, 5440 Plains Vista Ct. Rapid City, SD 57701. Thank you so much for helping invest in this
donation to the national federation.
You may remember that the SDFRW ‘Caring for America” project this year was to
be ‘Remembering
Your First Responders.”
With so much disrespect and killings of our
police officers I had them in mind. Here in Rapid City we recently lost one of our fire fighters and I
know that Valley Springs lost one of theirs as well. While we run from harm and chaos, these heroes
run to it to protect us and save lives. My goal was to just have them be remembered that the
Republican Women appreciate them and their families for the sacrifices they make for us. Karon
Gubbrud, President of the Minnehaha-Lincoln club in Sioux Falls, along with her grandson Adam,
recently did just that by taking freshly baked cookies and breads out to two Sioux Falls fire and rescue
stations. She has also ‘adopted’ fire stations in Garretson and Dell Rapids for the year and has
encouraged and challenged her club members to ‘adopt’ all the fire and rescue stations in Minnehaha
and Lincoln counties. Great Job MLRW, Keep up the Good Work. Thank you for Sharing!
I would like to share a quote that I used at the Board of Directors meeting in June in Sioux Falls. It is
from Samuel Adams’ speech before Congress when it was feared that the British would win the
Revolutionary War.
Your spirits appear oppressed with the weight of the public calamities. Your sadness and countenance
reveals your disquietude. A patriot may grieve at the distress of his country, but he will never despair
of the commonwealth. Our affairs, it is said, are desperate! If this be our language, they are indeed.
If we wear long faces, long faces will become fashionable.
The eyes of the people are upon us. The tone of their feelings is regulated by ours. If we despond,
public confidence is destroyed, the people will no longer yield their support to a hopeless contest, and
American liberty is no more.
But, we are not driven to such narrow straits. Though fortune has been unpropitious, our condition is
not desperate. Our burdens, though grievous, can be borne. Our losses, though great, can be
retrieved. Through the darkness, which shrouds our prospects, the ark of safety is visible.
Despondency becomes not, the dignity of our cause, nor the character of those who are its supporters.
Let us awaken then, and evince a different spirit – a spirit that will inspire the people with confidence
in themselves and in us – a spirit that will encourage them to persevere in this glorious struggle, until
their Rights and Liberties shall be established on a rock!
Good tidings will soon arrive! We shall never be abandoned by Heaven while we act worthy of its aid
and protection.”
Samuel Adams April 30, 1776
The next
presidential debate is Wednesday, September 16 at the Ronald Reagan
Library in California. Watch for the times and consider holding a ‘Debate Watch’ party!!
Hot off the press…After much effort and great tenacity on the part of Carly Fiorina, CNN
has agreed to amend the criteria used to determine who gets to be in the much sought top
tier of debaters in the upcoming broadcast. Way to go, Carly!!!
RNC Statement on CNN Amending Debate Criteria
WASHINGTON– Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus released the following statement
in response to CNN amending its debate criteria:
"I applaud CNN for recognizing the historic nature of this debate and fully support the network’s decision to amend
their criteria," said RNC Chairman Reince Priebus.
Beadle County Republican Women
Peggy Woolridge Besch
At our regular monthly meeting in August we had the pleasure of visiting with our new South
Dakota State Fair Manager. Peggy Woolridge Besch addressed our group at our noon meeting
stating, “The State Fair has a proud tradition and now I have the chance to add to the
magic.” Woolridge Besch has worked for the Huron Chamber and Visitors’ Bureau for 23 years
and served the last 14 years as their president and CEO. Some of her accomplishments
included recruiting national and international conventions to Huron such as National Red
Power Round Up in partnership with the South Dakota State Fair. She currently serves on the
board of directors for the SD Visitor Industry Alliance, SD Chamber and Economic Development
Council and SD Convention and Visitors’ Bureau Association among others. The South Dakota
State Fair Park spans 165 acres, holds 90 buildings, hosts 94 events and attracts an average of
over 250,000 visitors annually.
The Beadle County Women have been busy this month once again preparing the Republican
building on the South Dakota State Fair Grounds for the upcoming fair, September 3-7. We
hope you all can stop by and enjoy a beverage and some great baked goods while you are at
the Fair!
Cen-Kota Republican Women hosted their monthly meeting
on Wednesday, August 5. This month’s meeting featured a
tour of the South Dakota National Guard museum. We
encourage all GOP women to make a stop here the next time
they are in the Pierre. There is no cost for the tour but the
museum does accept donations.
Find out more here:
Tour Guide and SDNG Museum Curator
Seb Axtman
For our quarterly evening meeting in
September, the CenKota Republican Women
are going to volunteer with Feeding South
Dakota and package food boxes that get
distributed to low-income senior citizens
throughout central South Dakota.
Remember to like us on Facebook and follow us
on Twitter!
Kelsey Webb
Cen-Kota Republican Women, President
C: (605) 210-3342
District 24 Representative Tim Rounds
May 15, 2015
Our guest speaker for May was Diane Stiles, she is the Vice President of Lake Area
Technical Institute in Watertown, SD.
May 8th was graduation day for LATI and President Obama was the commencement
speaker. There were many steps LATI had to do so the President would be protected
as he arrived in town, spoke at the school and departed from town!
June 19, 2015
We met on June 19th at the Wheel Inn Cafe. We had a short business meeting and
then went for a tour of the Mellette House in Watertown. The home of Governor
Arthur and Maggie Mellette is open for tours
during the summer months. The home has been well taken care of and is furnished in
that time period with some of the family items.
July 17, 2015
Our July meeting started at 11:30 AM at the Wheel Inn. Following our board meeting,
Brenda Hanten, Codington County Commissioner, spoke about the Judicial Committee
meetings, which are open to the public. The Judicial Committee is having open
forums about the needs for a new Justice Center in Watertown. It would house a Jail,
Court Rooms
Sheriff’s office Clerk of Courts office, States Attorney office. The Committee has
gathered a lot of information and has traveled to other Counties to see different
August 21 2015
We met at the Wheel Inn at 11:30 AM for our meeting. Elise Schweer, Watertown High
School student, spoke about her participation in Girls State this summer. Our club
sponsors a student each year. She gave a synopsis of the activities she participated
in. She enjoyed the experience and is appreciative of our sponsorship for her.
Toby Wishard, Codington County Sheriff, spoke about the Judicial Committee
meetings and explained what the process has been to gather all of the information
needed to present to the public. The meetings are open to the public.
Carol Johnson, Recording Secretary
The Meade County Republican hosted our annual summer picnic on June 28th at the
Ross Lamphere Campground. Having the best steak tips in the state and ending the
evening with an ice cream social was fantastic. Marty Jackley, the South Dakota
Attorney General was our guest speaker. Honored guest Nora Hussey, who gracefully
turned 100 years old this year!!!
July 10th was our regular club meeting in Sturgis and we were busy making plans for
our first annual LIBERTY FEST and coordinating who would be going to the NFRW
Convention in Phoenix September 11- 13th.
August 16th from 3pm - 6pm, the Meade County Republican Women hosted the first
annual LIBERTY FEST fundraiser. We had many activities and raised over
$3,000.00!!! From bingo, a Kiss the Pig contest, a style show with local businesses, a
talent contest, local artists exhibiting their art work, a Laura Ingalls presentation, a
silent auction and a life auction, to free snow was had by all in
And who didn't hear about the 75th Sturgis Motorcycle Rally with over a million people
in attendance in our great town?! It was a memorable event and now things are back
to normal.
We are going to kick off our regular fall meeting on Friday, September 3rd from noon
- 1:00pm at Caddy's/Philtown in Sturgis with guest speaker, Mark Skogobo "The
Patriotic Poet". Please feel free to join us.
Monae Johnson, President
Meade County Republican Women
SD Attorney General, Marty Jackley, and Nora Hussey. Happy Birthday, Nora!
Pennington County is making plans to have a big presence at the National Convention
in Arizona for September.
Confirmed to attend are: Annette Brant, President; Julie Lien, 1st Vice President;
Nancy Jensen, 2nd Vice President, will all be in attendance as well as about 5-6
additional PCRW members- . Look for our reports coming forward for next month on
all the information and ideas gathered at convention!!!
Our past two months we have been evaluating a few non-profits for our Caring for
America Project with guest speakers in the areas of Human Trafficking and Teenage
Suicide prevention here in the local area. September will bring a change in our date
for our regular meeting in that we will be at the Holiday Inn at 11:30 on the FOURTH
Thursday of the month instead of our regular third. Come join us!!!
The Tough Sell
John Kerry Has His Work Cut Out For Him As
He Tries To Sway The American Public On The
Clinton-Obama Iran Nuclear Deal
Today, Secretary Of State John Kerry Will Deliver A Speech Touting The Iran Nuclear
Deal."Secretary of State John Kerry will deliver a speech on the nuclear agreement with Iran at 11
a.m. on Wednesday, September 2, at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania."
(Press Release, "Secretary Kerry To Deliver Speech On Nuclear Agreement With Iran," U.S.
Department Of State, 8/31/15)
"A Growing Majority Of Americans Are Turning Against The Nuclear Deal With Iran And
Believe Congress Should Reject The Deal …" "A growing majority of Americans are turning
against the nuclear deal with Iran and believe Congress should reject the deal brokered between the
U.S., five other world powers and Iran." (Jennifer Agiesta and Jeremy Diamond, "Poll: Most
Americans Want Congress To Reject Iran Deal," CNN, 8/20/15)
 56 Percent Of Americans Believe Congress Should Reject The Nuclear Deal With Iran,
While Just 41 Percent Believe It Should Be Approved. (CNN/ORC Poll, 1,001 A, MoE
3%, 8/13-16/15)
55 Percent Of Voters Oppose The Nuclear Deal With Iran, While Just 25 Percent Support
It.(Quinnipiac Poll, 1, 563 RV, MoE 2.5%, 8/20-25/15)
 59 Percent Of Independent Voters Oppose The Nuclear Deal With Iran, While Just 24
Percent Support It. (Quinnipiac Poll, 1, 563 RV, MoE 2.5%, 8/20-25/15)
56 Percent Of Voters Believe The Nuclear Deal With Iran Makes The World Less Safe, While
Just 28 Percent Believe It Makes The World Safer. (Quinnipiac Poll, 1, 563 RV, MoE 2.5%, 8/2025/15)
 56 Percent Of Independent Voters Believe The Nuclear Deal With Iran Makes The
World Less Safe, While Just 29 Percent Believe It Makes The World
Safer. (Quinnipiac Poll, 1, 563 RV, MoE 2.5%, 8/20-25/15)
The Bad Polling Numbers Are A Problem For Democrats, Which Is
Also Bad News For Clinton
The Daily Beast 's Jackie Kucinich: The Unpopularity Of The Iran Nuclear Deal "Really Seems
To Be" A Problem For Democrats And Clinton Is "Very Tied To This." DIAZ-BALART: "Let's talk
a little about this national Quinnipiac poll that was released this morning. 55 percent of the people that
were polled opposed the Iran deal and 56 percent say will make the U.S. less safe. Hillary Clinton is
set to give a backing of the deal next week. Is this something that is going to cause problems for the
democrats?" KUCINICH: "It really seems to be. Hillary Clinton is very closely tied to this Iran
agreement, of course, because her top adviser Jake Sullivan was a part at the beginning of it. She is
very tied to this." (MSNBC's "The Rundown With Jose Diaz-Balart," 8/31/15)
 NBC's Andrea Mitchell: Clinton Will "Have To Own" Any Nuclear Deal With
Iran.ANDREA MITCHELL: "And right now the Iranian foreign minister is meeting with
Secretary Kerry. We should point out that John Kerry is here. … .But he has been part of
secret negotiations that go back to Hillary Clinton. She's going to have to own this
politically, the pros and cons of this deal, if it comes together." (MSNBC's "Andrea
Mitchell Reports," 7/2/15)
 CNN Headline: "Hillary Clinton Can't Escape Iran Deal In Presidential Run" (Jeremy
Diamond, "Hillary Clinton Can't Escape Iran Deal In Presidential Run," CNN, 7/28/15)
Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY): "I Have Decided I Must Oppose The Agreement And
Will Vote Yes On A Motion Of Disapproval." "Advocates on both sides have strong cases for their
point of view that cannot simply be dismissed. This has made evaluating the agreement a difficult and
deliberate endeavor, and after deep study, careful thought and considerable soul-searching, I have
decided I must oppose the agreement and will vote yes on a motion of disapproval." (Chuck
Schumer, "My Position On The Iran Deal, Medium, 8/6/15)
 Schumer: The Iran Inspections Regime Has "Lots Of Holes In It." SCHUMER: "Well,
that's what I've done with Iran, I found the inspections regime not anywhere anytime but
with lots of holes in it. Particularly troublesome, you have to wait 24 days before you can
inspect. That will allow some of the radioactivity to be seen but not non radioactivity that
goes into building a bomb, all of the other things you need." (Chuck Schumer, Remarks,
Rochester New York, 8/10/15)
Click To Watch
Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) Announced His Opposition To The Iran Nuclear Deal,
Saying It Would "Allow Iran To Become 'Flush With Money', Which It Could Use 'To Further
Pursue Their Destabilizing Hegemonic Goals In The Region.'" "New Jersey's Bob Menendez on
Tuesday said in a speech in his home state that he opposes the deal which would curb Iran's nuclear
program in exchange for relief from economic sanctions. The deal would allow Iran to become 'flush
with money', which it could use 'to further pursue their destabilizing hegemonic goals in the region.'
'We want the right deal and a deal that does nothing more than delay the inevitable is not a deal we
are willing to make,' Menendez said to applause during his speech at Seton Hall University's School
of Diplomacy and International Relations." (Halimah Abdullah, "Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez
Announces Opposition To Iran Nuclear Deal," NBC News, 8/18/15)
Democrat Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY): "Unfortunately, I Cannot Support The Joint Comprehensive
Plan Of Action." "Over the last two years, I've supported our negotiating team in the P5+1, seeking
to give them time and space to achieve a diplomatic breakthrough and foreclose Iran's pathways to a
nuclear weapon. I'm grateful for the tireless efforts by President Obama, Secretary Kerry, Secretary
Moniz, Secretary Lew, and Undersecretary Sherman as well as our P5+1 partners in concluding an
agreement with Iran. Unfortunately, I cannot support the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action." (Eliot
Engel, Statement On Iran Deal, 8/6/15)
Obama Admitted That The Deal Simply Pushes The Iran Nuclear Can
Down The Road
In August, Obama Conceded That 15 Years From Now, Iran's Nuclear Breakout Time "Shrinks
Back" To A Mere "Matter Of Months." STEVE INSKEEP: "I just want to be absolutely clear on
this: 15 years from now, as some provisions expire, what is Iran's breakout time going to be?"
OBAMA: "Well, it shrinks back down to roughly where it is now." INSKEEP: "Which is close to zero?"
OBAMA: "Well, which is a matter of months. Because keep in mind that theoretical breakout times
don't match up with practical breakout times." ( NPR Interview With Barack Obama, 8/10/15)
 Council On Foreign Affair's Richard Haass: "The Agreement Does Not In Any Way
Resolve The Problems Posed By Iran's Actual Or Potential Nuclear Capabilities
And Indeed, Many Of These Problems Grow Significantly Worse…" HAASS: "And
secondly, the agreement does not in any way resolve the problems posed by Iran's actual
or potential nuclear capabilities And indeed, many of these problems grow significantly
worse as we come out to 10 or 15 years." (Committee On Armed Services, U.S.
Senate, Hearing, 8/4/15)
Obama Has Repeatedly Argued That Iran "Will Be And Should Be A
Regional Power"
Obama: "And The Truth Of The Matter Is, Is That Iran Will Be And Should Be A Regional
Power."OBAMA: "What I'd say to them is this offers a historic opportunity. Their economy has been
cratering as a consequence of the sanctions. They have the ability now to take some decisive steps
to move towards a more constructive relationship with the world community. And what I would say to
them is the same thing I said earlier this morning, they need to seize that opportunity; their leaders
need to seize that opportunity. And the truth of the matter is, is that Iran will be and should be a
regional power. They are a big country and a sophisticated country in the region." (Barack
Obama, Interview With Thomas Friedman, Washington, D.C., 7/14/15)
Obama: "Iran Will Remain A Regional Power With Its Own Set Of Challenges." OBAMA: "So
contrary to the alarmists who claim that Iran is on the brink of taking over the Middle East, or even the
world, Iran will remain a regional power with its own set of challenges." (Barack Obama, Remarks,
Washington, D.C., 8/5/15)
Due To The Nuclear Deal, "The Theocratic Regime That Rules Iran-A Regime That Is A
Committed And Proficient Sponsor Of Terrorism, According To John Kerry's State
Department-Will Be More Powerful Tomorrow Than It Is Today…" "The theocratic regime that
rules Iran-a regime that is a committed and proficient sponsor of terrorism, according to John Kerry's
State Department-will be more powerful tomorrow than it is today, thanks to the agreement it has just
negotiated with the Obama administration, America's European allies, and two U.S. adversaries as
well." (Jeffrey Goldberg, "The Single Most Important Question To Ask About The Iran Deal," The
Atlantic, 7/14/15)
 "It Is Hard To Imagine A Scenario-At Least In The Short Term-In Which Hezbollah And
Other Terror Organizations On The Iranian Payroll Don't See A Windfall From The
Agreement." (Jeffrey Goldberg, "The Single Most Important Question To Ask About The
Iran Deal," The Atlantic, 7/14/15)
Kerry Admitted That He Neither Possessed Nor Had Seen Copies Of
The Iran Side Deals
"Important Components Of The Complex Agreement Are Emerging That Will Be Shrouded
From The Public And In Some Cases From The U.S. Government Itself." "As the White House
campaign to persuade Congress about the wisdom of its Iran nuclear deal moves into its second
week, important components of the complex agreement are emerging that will be shrouded from the
public and in some cases from the U.S. government itself." (Eli Lake and Josh Rogin, "Congress
Alarmed By Iran Pact's Secret Understandings," Bloomberg, 7/25/15)
 In July, Kerry Told Lawmakers "That He Neither Possessed Nor Had Read A Copy Of
Two Secret Side Deals Between The IAEA And Iran." "The controversy began on
Wednesday when Secretary of State John Kerry told House lawmakers behind closed
doors that he neither possessed nor had read a copy of two secret side deals between
the IAEA and Iran, according to Representative Mike Pompeo, a Republican member of
the House Intelligence Committee who was inside the session. Congress hasn't seen
those side agreements either." (Eli Lake and Josh Rogin, "Congress Alarmed By Iran
Pact's Secret Understandings," Bloomberg, 7/25/15)
Iran Has Vowed Its Contentious Policy Towards The U.S. Would Not
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei Told Supporters "That U.S. Policies In The Region
Were '180 Degrees' Opposed To Iran's, At A Speech… Punctuated By Chants Of 'Death To
America' And 'Death To Israel.'" "Ayatollah Khamenei told supporters on Saturday that U.S. policies
in the region were '180 degrees' opposed to Iran's, at a speech in a Tehran mosque punctuated by
chants of 'Death to America' and 'Death to Israel.'" ("Kerry Says Iran Vow To Defy U.S. Is 'Very
Disturbing,'"Reuters, 7/21/15)
 "'Even After This Deal Our Policy Toward The Arrogant U.S. Will Not Change,'
Khamenei Said." ("Kerry Says Iran Vow To Defy U.S. Is 'Very Disturbing,'" Reuters,
Kerry Conceded That Iran's Vow "To Defy American Policies In The Region Despite A Deal
With World Powers Over Tehran's Nuclear Program Was 'Very Disturbing.'" "U.S. Secretary of
State John Kerry said a speech by Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on Saturday vowing to defy
American policies in the region despite a deal with world powers over Tehran's nuclear program was
'very disturbing.' 'I don't know how to interpret it at this point in time, except to take it at face value,
that that's his policy,' he said in the interview with Saudi-owned Al Arabiya television, parts of which
the network quoted on Tuesday." ("Kerry Says Iran Vow To Defy U.S. Is 'Very Disturbing,'" Reuters,
 Kerry: "I Don't Know How To Interpret It At This Point In Time, Except To Take It At
Face Value, That That's His Policy." "'I don't know how to interpret it at this point in
time, except to take it at face value, that that's his policy,' he said in the interview with
Saudi-owned Al Arabiya television, parts of which the network quoted on Tuesday."
("Kerry Says Iran Vow To Defy U.S. Is 'Very Disturbing,'" Reuters, 7/21/15)
By Building Up Its Nuclear Capacities, Iran Could Already Be
Jeopardizing The Agreement
This Week, The Iranian Nuclear Chief Said They Were "Putting Together A 15-Year Plan To
Enhance Its Nuclear Capabilities Following The Signing Of A Landmark [Nuclear]
Agreement.""Iranian nuclear chief Ali Akhbar Salehi announced Monday that the Islamic Republic is
putting together a 15-year plan to enhance its nuclear capabilities following the signing of a landmark
agreement with world powers last month." ("Iran Unveils 15-Year Nuclear Enhancement
Program," The Times Of Israel, 8/31/15)
 The Times Of Israel Headline: "Iran Unveils 15-Year Nuclear Enhancement
Program"("Iran Unveils 15-Year Nuclear Enhancement Program," The Times Of Israel,
According To A New Report By The UN Nuclear Watchdog, "Iran Appears To Have Built An
Extension To Part Of Its Parchin Military Site Since May." "Iran appears to have built an extension
to part of its Parchin military site since May, the U.N. nuclear watchdog said in a report on Thursday,
as part of its inquiry into possible military dimensions of Tehran's past nuclear activity." (Shadia
Nasralla, "Iran May Have Built Extension At Disputed Site: U.N. Nuclear Watchdog," Reuters,
 Reuters Headline: "Iran May Have Built Extension At Disputed Site: U.N. Nuclear
Watchdog" (Shadia Nasralla, "Iran May Have Built Extension At Disputed Site: U.N.
Nuclear Watchdog," Reuters, 8/27/15)
IRAN UPDATE: These U.S. Senators Need
to Hear From You
The debate on the Iran deal is about to begin. Things are coming down to the wire, and we need to
redouble our efforts to stop this deal!
Hundreds of thousands of concerned Americans have already called the U.S. Senate to register
their strong opposition to the Iran Nuclear Agreement, but we must keep up the pressure! Each of
the Senators below needs to hear from you, even if you've already called.
Supporters of the deal are working the phones day and night. We cannot let them outwork us on this
Please contact these U.S. Senators today and tell them to vote against the Iran agreement,
and also vote to override President Obama's promised veto. We continue to hear that some
Senators will not accept email from outside their own states, so phone calls are recommended over
Every phone call you make could make the difference between victory and defeat!
Sen. Bob Casey, D-PA
Phone: (202) 224-6324
Sen. Joe Manchin, D-WV
Phone: (202) 224-3954
Sen. Michael Bennett, D-CO
Phone: (202) 224-5852
Sen. Mark Warner, D-VA
Phone: (202) 224-2023
Sen. Ben Cardin, D-MD
Phone: (202) 224-6324
Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-MD
Phone: (202) 224-4654
Sen. Chris Coons, D-DE
Phone: (202) 224-5042
Sen. Ron Wyden, D-OR
Phone: (202) 224-5244
Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-OR
Phone: (202) 224-3753
Sen. Gary Peters, D-MI
Phone (202) 224-6221
Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-ND
Phone: (202) 224-2043
We must continue to make the phones ring! Also, please click here to call, or click here to writeyour
own Senators and Representatives and tell them that this Iran deal must not happen!
Remember, when each of us does a little, together we can accomplish a lot!
Another tragedy happened that took the life of a well-known young man who grew up in Hot
Springs. Scot Brost was the son of Jim and Sheryl Brost. Sheryl was a well-liked, now retired
teacher at Hot Springs high school. His sister, Brenda was in my Sunday school class and 4-H
club. Brenda was in school plays with my son, Patrick. Scot was younger and Patrick remembers
him coming into the lunchroom having lunch with his mom. I do not know Jim as well as the rest of
the family. Scot was a son, husband, father, brother and uncle.
God tells us that He knew us before we were conceived. He picked us out, put us together and gave us
our DNA. God knows the number of our days. God numbered the hairs on our heads. (Yes, I
think he marks them off when they fall out.) God knows all about us. We can never hide from Him.
He sees and hears everything we say or do. He even knows our thoughts. We can deny, but we can
never hide our actions, words or thoughts from God.
Hot Springs Star editor and publisher, Brett Nachtigall, was childhood friends with Scot. I want
to share some of what he wrote this week. “When I awoke last Monday morning my first image was
of my schoolmate and his trademark, big wide grin. My thoughts immediately switched to trying to
convince myself that the news of him dying in a car accident was only a dream. It couldn’t be true. It
only took a few seconds to realize it was no dream and his tragic death was very much real.” I am
sure many people, including myself, had the same thoughts as Brett. Brett continued to write: “I
always admired him for his success as a Pharmacist, and our mutual love of hunting and fishing,
and for the family from which he came, as well as the family he and his wife created with their three
“At the funeral, the Canyon Lake United Methodist Church in Rapid City was filled to capacity an
hour before the service began. I was told there were more than 700 signatures listed in the guest
books. As my wife and I sat with literally hundreds of Scot’s other friends in a separate room-which
provided over flow space for all those unable to fit in the church sanctuary – we were treated to a
slideshow of Scot’s 42 plus years as we listened to the funeral service via speaker. Mixed in with the
photos was a slide with the quote, --We do not remember the days, we remember the moments--.
Today when I think of Scot, I still see that great smile. But that smile now also reminds me to
cherish all of the moments in my life, don’t sweat the small stuff, and to always live life to the
fullest.” So think about how our days are numbered, we are not promised tomorrow. Live every day
to the fullest and cherish each moment God gives you. Please take time to read Psalm 139.
Betty Wyatt
September 2015