Chapter 12 Essential Questions How did northerners’ image of the Old South differ from the way in which southerners saw themselves? What major social divisions segmented the white South? How did slavery affect social relations in the white South? What conditions in the Old South made it possible for a distinctive culture to develop among the slaves, and what were the predominant features of that culture? King Cotton 1790 South’s economy stagnanttobacco not prosperous By 1850 South was the “Cotton Kingdom” from South Carolina to Texas “No power on earth dares to make war upon it. Cotton is king.” - Senator James Henry Hammond South Carolina A History of Slavery 1619 First blacks arrive at Jamestown, NOT Haitian Revolt slaves of indentured servants seen as an advantage tobacco 1800s Nature of slavery changes Age of Jackson Rise of Abolitionism Word “Slave” appears ○ 1676 ○ VA, MD, NC, SC legalize slavery ○ 1739 60,000 dead, republic of free slaves 1660s New “black codes” Toussaint L’Ouverture 1640s-1650s View of using black “free” workers instead 1790s Stono Rebellion in SC = harsh new slave laws 1776-1789 Blacks participate in revolution ○ ○ 1900 William Lloyd Garrison Quakers Sarah and Angelica Grimke Sojourner Truth Frederick Douglas Lure of Cotton South had Warm climate, wet springs/summers, dry autumns Advantages Didn’t require expensive irrigation or costly machinery (unlike sugar) Profitable on any scale Compatible with production of corn Slavery Gave an advantage Doubled 1810-1830 Diverges North urbanizing Tobacco, vegetable, hemp, wheat South Rural Banks existed only to finance plantations Lack of industries Southern factories small Slavery ○ Limited investment in Industry ○ South profitable, no reason to change Rejection of compulsory education ○ High illiteracy ○ Middle class had “no need” Upper South Lower South Sugar, Cotton cash crops United Many settlers of lower south from upper south All white southerners benefitted from 3/5ths clause All stung by abolitionist criticism of slavery Economic ties Social Groups 4 main groups Planters ○ + 20 slaves ○ Plantation society “little nation itself” Plantation mistresses ○ High degree of division of labor ○ Most wealth in slaves ○ Psychological strains Slave mistresses Mulatto children Slaveholders (small) ○ -5 slaves ○ Not all farmers ○ Conflicting loyalties + ambitions ○ Younger than planters Yeoman ○ Family farmers, livestock ○ Non-slaveholders ○ Largest group of white southern males ○ Subsistence farmers Reason for lack of industry in south ○ Piedmont region ○ “poor white trash” Pine barrens ○ Non-slaveholders ○ Squatted on land ○ Self-reliant, independent ○ choice North Carolina Yeomen Conflict Planters Decreasing slave-holding Whigs Needed credit Urban commercial allies Slavery population “Impending Crisis of the South” 1857 Civil War: Yeomen ○ Wanted to own slaves ○ Racism ○ No one knew where slaves Democrats Economically self-sufficient Economically dependent Unity Whites didn’t work for whites Lived in different geographic areas would go Pro-Slavery Compared to Athenian slavery “wage slavery” in North Bible- St. Paul Natural submission Church supported slavery racism Violence in Old South Dirty fighting Eye gouging Ear biting Murder rate 10X that in North Code of Honor/dueling Conception of “good society” diverged more from northern egalitarian and individualistic idea Southern pride ○ Especially in front of slaves Sensitivity to reputation How gentlemen dealt without results ○ Law was cowardly, shameful ○ Only “gentlemen” dueled Southern Evangelicals and White values Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians Against dueling Reached out to women, slaves, poor Soon absorbed gentry values and vice versa ○ Ex. Stonewall Jackson The “Peculiar Institution” An institution unique to southern society North depended on it too Cotton helped finance industrial development, internal improvements Cotton carried to New York, Europe Northern bankers financed plantations, insured slave property Northern factories manufactured cotton into cloth Slavery concentrated in areas with most fertile soil and easiest access to national and international markets 2nd middle passage 1808 international slave trade abolished Internal trade developed “White Gold” Manufactured in Mass, Great Britain, France, Russia Most important US export by 1803 Eve of civil war represented over HALF of total value of US exports 1860: economic investment in slaves exceeded value of nation’s factories, railroads, and banks COMBINED Life under Slavery Oppressive institution Appropriated the life and labor of one race for the material benefit of another Plantation System Typical to work on large farm, plantation Routine Slave drivers, overseers Social hierarchy of slaves Significant changes between 1780 and 1830 Paternalist ethos Average Slave: ○ 1700: male, 20s, African, no real family life ○ 1830: male or female, spoke English, born in US, family life Work and Discipline of Plantation Slaves ○ House vs field slaves Slave Family Planters encouraged weddings for procreation Buying/selling disrupted family Tight-family bonds, kinship Life under Slavery Longevity, Diet, Health Lived longer and reproduced faster in US Why? ○ Gender ratio equalized ○ Plenty of food ○ Great immunities Free Blacks More likely to live in cities ○ 1/3 in Upper South ○ ½ in Lower South Why? ○ Specialized economies Carpenters, coopers, barbers, traders Slaves off Plantations Greatest opportunities ○ Laborers, extractive industries Shortage of labor in nonagricultural sectors ○ Lumbering, stevedores, black engineers, iron workers Tolerable working conditions ○ Fraternal orders ○ churches Rate of free blacks slowed after 1810 ○ Nat Turner Rebellion 1831 Exceptions ○ New Orleans, Natchez Contradictions ○ Mixed blacks Life under Slavery Slave Resistance Lots of talk, little action Nat Turner 1831 ○ Only main significant rebellion Why lack of rebellion? ○ Formidable white presence in south ○ Feared risking family ties Escape to North ○ Fugitive slaves ○ Underground railroad Reality ○ Escape not reality “Non-violent resistance” ○ Poisoning ○ Leaving tools out ○ Not working hard Amistad 1839 53 slaves that took control of a slave ship Forced navigator to steer it to Africa Opposition ○ President Van Buren wants to return it to Africa ○ Abolitionists want Supreme Court Decision ○ John Quincy Adams defense ○ Captives released to Africa Consequences ○ Creole 1841 ○ British gave refuge Emergence of African-American Culture Language Pidgin ○ No native speakers ○ Learned on slave ships ○ Contained African words ○ No genders, no instead of not Gullah Religion Early slaves mainly practiced Native African religions or Islam Very naturalistic/spiritual Accepted Christianity ○ Water- baptism sacrament ○ Like revivalists Cane Ridge, KY Highlighted contradictions Protestant missionaries ○ conversion = obedience Music and Dance Culture extremely expressive Religious services ○ Singing ○ Dancing ○ spirituals Rhythm clapping ○ Patting juba Instruments ○ banjo Questions Given that by 1860 the economic investment represented by the slave population exceeded the value of the nation’s factories, railroads, and banks combined, explain how important slavery was to the national economy and the emergence of the United States as a great power. Why did many white southerners support slavery even when they did not actually own any slaves? What forms of slave resistance were practiced in the American South? Slavery Jigsaw Activity 1st questions: What was the most interesting thing you discovered about this subject's life? What was their overall experience like? Did they discuss daily life or family life? Does their narrative reinforce or challenge your conceptions of slavery? Jigsaw Activity 2nd Questions What aspects of slavery were shared in common by these men and women? What was working life like for them? What major differences do you see? Is there an overall commonality to these narratives in the description of their experiences? Planters Industrialization Political Parties slavery Education Honor Code Slave Family Small Slaveholders Yeomen Pine Barrens