Lesson 2 - WordPress.com

Jenna Santora “Funky Fractions”
Lesson 2
Subject: Mathematics
Grade Level: 3rd
Time: 45 Minutes
Topic: Equal Parts
Common Core Learning Standards: 3.NF.1
Materials: Brain Pop Jr., smart board, MFJ, pencil, fraction circles, baggies,
Students will be able to identify that a fraction has “x” amount of
equal parts depending on the size of the denominator.
Students will be able to explain why parts have to be equal.
Essential Question:
Can student identify that a fraction is broken into equal parts
What is the importance of equal parts?
1.) Students will watch the Brain Pop Jr. video on basic parts of a whole:
http://www.brainpopjr.com/math/fractions/basicpartsofawhole/. This will
review vocabulary learned in yesterdays lesson such as: fraction, numerator,
denominator, and whole. Today students will learn more about the fraction
names and the importance of equal pieces.
2.) Students will then be given fraction circles that they will cut out and
label the pieces on each fraction circle.
3.) Students will talk about unit fractions, that each piece of a whole is 1
4.) Students will practice saying the names of the different fractions.
Jenna Santora “Funky Fractions”
5.) The fractions circles will go in a plastic baggie and be kept for a future
6.) The students will then write a math story that describes a time they had
to share something that needed to be split equally with one or more people.
They need to identify the unit fraction and draw a picture that represents
what was split into equal pieces and label it. See MFJ for example.
Assessment: Brain Pop Jr. hard quiz