Neehr Perfect Activity: Reporting in the EHR Overview This activity is intended for the Intermediate and Advanced student. The student will utilize the report functions in the EHR to query patient information. Student instructions Your instructor will assign the chart(s) to access and use for documentation Pre-requisites • • • • Neehr Perfect Student or Instructor User Guide Scavenger Hunt Activity User Guide -- Available for faculty in theCommunity Complete Orientation Activity (Level I) Scavenger Hunt Level II, III and IV Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. Apply current knowledge of electronic health records and location of information. Demonstrate the ability to filter and locate the correct chart. Identify different types of reports/queries Demonstrate ability to create reports for internal and external reporting Activity Clinical Data is information captured during the process of diagnosis and treatment, supports direct patient care and is used for health care reimbursement, planning and research purposes. It is often necessary to extract this information from the EHR. There are several ways to Report information from the EHR. This activity will demonstrate how to create different types of clinical reports, including an adhoc report and graphing. Using Clinical Reports 1. Sign into the EHR using your Credentials. Select patient “Roberts, Kyle” to complete this activity. Go to the Reports Tab in the EHR. 1 Neehr Perfect EHR Activity: Reporting in the EHR Archetype Innovations LLC ©2013 2. On the Reports tab use the CLINICAL REPORT Function answer the following questions. Expand each section by clicking on the “plus” sign. Be sure to select the correct time frame. 1. During the year Mr. Roberts had several Glucose POC test done. What was the highest? Lowest. 2. On the discharge summary from June 22, 2013 what was the discharge diagnosis? 3. Review Mr. Roberts vital signs over the last two years. What was his highest BP? 2 Neehr Perfect EHR Activity: Reporting in the EHR Archetype Innovations LLC ©2013 Using Adhoc Reports An ad-hoc reporting tool, by definition, allows users to extract data from a database. Use the following directions to create an Adhoc Report. 1. On the Reports tab, expand the “Health Summary” section and select “Adhoc Report”. 2. On the Adhoc Health Summary highlight the proper items and double click or use the arrow to move them to the component selections. Create a report containing only the following items: a.) Adverse Reactions/Allegies [ADR]; b.) Lab Chemistry &Hematology; c.) Vital Signs Detailed Display[VSD]; e.) Progress Note Selected [ SPN] – Medic: Admit Note 3 Neehr Perfect EHR Activity: Reporting in the EHR Archetype Innovations LLC ©2013 3. On the Patient Note Selected screen type in “Medic” and select the Medic: Admit Note. Double click or use the arrow to move your selection to the “file entries selected” area. 4. After all selections for the report are done, select “OK” to display report. Refer to your instructor on how to submit your work. Graphing in the EHR Creating graphs is a quick way to see data at a glance. It can be useful for comparison data analysis. Use the following directions to create a graphical display of Mr. Roberts Vital signs for the last year. 5. In Reports Tab select the “Graphing (Local Only)”. Be sure to unselect the “split view” box and the individual graphs box. To select more than one item, hold down the control button while left clicking on the item. 4 Neehr Perfect EHR Activity: Reporting in the EHR Archetype Innovations LLC ©2013 6. Select “One Year”. Hold down the control button and select “Blood pressure, Pulse, Respiration and Temperature. Capture the graph, and save your work for submission to your instructor. *Adapted from HiTech comp 7 Unit 4 activity 5 Neehr Perfect EHR Activity: Reporting in the EHR Archetype Innovations LLC ©2013 6 Neehr Perfect EHR Activity: Reporting in the EHR Archetype Innovations LLC ©2013