Personal Finance Course Syllabus – Fall 2015 Academic Integrity

Personal Finance
Ms. Holmquist
Course Syllabus – Fall 2015
Room A132
Welcome to Personal Finance, one of the most important classes there is in high
school. Whether you are planning on going on to a four year college, a two year
college, a technical training school or straight on to the workforce when you
graduate from Hinsdale High School, what you learn in personal finance will make
you better prepared as you take your place in the adult world. This class places a
heavy emphasis on student research, activities and projects.
Course Description - Personal Finance (754)
Sem. – ½ credit
This course provides students with skills they will need in life to make valuable
decisions regarding money management, career planning, saving and investing,
credit management and retirement planning. Students will apply rational decisionmaking processes in their roles as citizens, workers, and consumers. They will be
able to evaluate services provided by financial institutions. Emphasis will be placed
on the responsible role of the student as they enter the adult world and deal with
choices regarding credit, including cost of credit and legal aspects of credit use.
They will be able to understand credit ratings and credit reports. Further, students
will know the services of banking institutions (savings accounts, checking accounts)
and other banking services and well as investment risks and potential returns.
Students will become familiar with 1040EZ and 1040A tax returns. Through project
learning, students will understand the process of car buying and apartment rentals.
11 or 12th grade
Prerequisite: Economics
This course is required for graduation.
Personal Finance
Course Syllabus – Fall 2015
Personal Finance Objectives/Course Outline
 Banking – You will learn how to evaluate banking products and compare
services of area banks. You will learn how to write checks and balance a
checking account.
 Choices that affect income – You will explore career options and
understand how the choices you make will affect your income over time.
We will analyze projected employment outlooks and discuss the impact of
student loans.
 Income – You will construct a resume, complete employment applications
and understand payroll deductions.
 Taxes – You will prepare basic federal income tax returns (1040A and
 Digital Footprint – You will understand the impact of your digital footprint
and the importance of managing online information.
 Spending and Credit – you will recognize the importance of maintaining
good credit, understand how the use of credit impacts your bottom line,
and know how to challenge errors in a credit report and credit statement
 Buying a Car – You will have a budget with which to purchase and register a
car which you will shop for online. You will understand the difference
between buying and leasing a vehicle.
 Renting an Apartment – You will understand some of the factors that go in
to renting an apartment, how to find an apartment and what are the costs
 Insurance – You will learn how to analyze insurance options for protection
against risk and financial loss.
 Identity Theft – You will learn basic safeguards to control the risk of identity
 Final Exam/Capstone Project
Personal Finance
Course Syllabus – Fall 2015
Personal Finance Standards
Personal Finance is a course designed to help students learn and apply valuable
life skills in money management, career planning, saving and investing, credit
management and retirement planning. By exploring successful strategies to grow
and protect wealth, students discover the richness of information available to
manage their lives and financial resources.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to
 Apply reliable information and systematic decision making to personal
financial decisions
 Use a career plan to develop personal income potential
 Organize personal finances and use a budget to manage cash flow
 Maintain creditworthiness, borrow at favorable terms, and manage debt
 Use appropriate and cost-effective risk management strategies
 Implement a diversified investment strategy that is compatible with
personal goals
Required Materials
All students should have:
 a three ring notebook – this is important as there will be a significant
amount of handouts
 pen/pencil
 notebook paper
Participation/Bell work
Projects and Writing Assignments
Personal Finance
Course Syllabus – Fall 2015
Come Prepared to Work
Please come to class prepared to work. We are fortunate this year to be located
in the computer classroom so we will be incorporating technology into our
lessons on a daily basis. When you arrive in the classroom, check the board to see
how we will be beginning class. On most days, you will log in to your computer
and complete a short problem or write a short response to a question (bell work).
Classroom Policies and Procedures
We will comply with school district policies as outlined in your student handbook.
Please be sure you have reviewed the school’s policies. As you are aware, this
includes no cell phone use at school. I expect you to arrive on time, be prepared
to work and treat others (and yourself) respectfully. I promise to do the same.
Late Work/Absences
You are responsible for making up any work missed due to absence. Please make
every effort to have your work in on time. We will comply with the school wide
policy with respect to late work.
Homework is an important part of our students’ academic growth and development. As
part of our 21st century learning expectations, the habits of good organizational skills
and time management skills are integral to successful task completion. Homework is
expected to be turned in on the due dates assigned by teachers. Failure to do so will
impact the grades on homework. The school-wide policy is as follows:
One day late – 10 points off
Two days late – 20 points off
Three days late – 30 points off
No credit for work turned in after three days late
Exceptions to this policy will require approval by both the teacher and administration.
Students having difficulty completing homework should make arrangements for help
with their teacher of during HIP.
Personal Finance
Course Syllabus – Fall 2015
Academic Integrity
You are welcome to work together, however your work should be original.
Plagiarism, copying or cheating on any kind will not be tolerated and will result in
a grade of zero and a referral to administration. If the offense is significant, it may
result in failing the class.
Personal Finance
Ms. Holmquist
Course Syllabus – Fall 2015
Room A132
I have read and understand the expectations for this class and will be an active
participant in my learning experience.
Student Name ______________________________________________________
(please print)
Student Signature ______________________________________Date_________
____ I have access to a computer with internet and Word at home.
____ I have access to a computer and Word but not internet at home.
____ I do not have access to a computer with internet at home.
Personal Finance
Ms. Holmquist
Course Syllabus – Fall 2015
Room A132
Dear Parent/Guardian:
This class will include the use of videos which may include, but are not limited to,
newscasts, documentaries and movies. We will also be using the internet for
research and classwork.
Although most of our online activities do not require an email address, we may be
doing some online activities that do require students to have an email address. In
most cases the email address is needed to recover forgotten passwords.
Your signature below acknowledges this and indicates your permission for your
son/daughter to participate in these activities. If you have any concerns, please
let me know in the space below or you may email me at
I am also available by phone at 603-336-5984.
Student Name ______________________________________________________
(please print)
Parent Name _______________________________________________________
(please print)
Parent Signature _______________________________________Date_________
Parent Comments
Parent email:_______________________________________
Parent Phone:_______________________________________
Parent preferred contact method: email_____ Phone_______