August 2010 Minutes (DOC)

Business Teachers Association of New York State
Chartered by the New York State Board of Regents
Ramada Inn
August 20 & 21, 2010
1305 Buckley Road
Syracuse, NY
Christine Choi
Kathleen DeKalb
Joanne Ryan
John Greenwalt
Ida Marra
Walter Zeznick
Julie Keenan
Stephen Stengel
Marsha Iverson
Ana Tuzzolino
Scott Greene
Tracy Farrell
Tim Ahle
Carol Kozin
Susan Siuta
Phyllis Mattson
Billie Downs
Donna Shepardson
Marla Berlin
Kim Lemieux
Mark Albin
Tish Ramos
Joe Illig
Angelique Clinkscle
Marin Grzan
Mary Gere-Penna
The meeting was called to order at 7:19pm by Christine C.
1. Welcome ........................................................................................................... Christine Choi
 Angelique Clinkscale – She is the new Glencoe publishing representative. She was
not in attendance.
2. Report of the Secretary ............................................................................................. Tim Ahle
 Minutes of March 19-20, 2010, Board Meeting
Kathie D. made the motion to accept the March minutes. Sue S. seconded. Motion
 Tim needs to update the motions list. Will have list updated for November meeting
3. Report of the Treasurer ..................................................................................Stephen Stengel
 Budget for 2010-11
 Kathie said that during the Alice trainings people asked if they could pay by credit
card. The only concern is the set up cost with reg-online as well as the processing
cost. We would have to charge more for the summer workshops.
 Kathie was concerned that we have a negative net income.
 Some of the reasons for the net loss were one time expenses like the banners and
business honor society supplies.
 Also BTA had to pay for the for the handicap service (sign language) for the
Rochester conference.
Walter Z made motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Sue S. seconded. Motion
4. State Education Department Update ................................................................. Jon Greenwalt
Jon gave out his report. Jon said that this was the most difficult year for job cuts that he can
Department of the Year – the number of entries was down.
SED Assessment Changes
 Foreign Languages - proficiency exams at middle school level and French, Spanish
and Italian will continue.
 Concern is that many students are going to have a foreign language in the 9th grade.
 Global Studies might go to a one year exam. There is criticism that regent’s exams
are too easy.
 Christine asked about possible additional regent’s exams – arts, technology and
economics. Art is ready to go. But the exams are going to most likely be voluntary.
No work as been done on the technology exam. Senior Deputy Commissioner John
King is unsure about the economics assessment and if financial literacy is going to be
the regent’s exam. Joanne has said that in her school many of the economics courses
have become financial literacy courses.
Financial Literacy
Jon had a phone conversation with Assemblyperson Reilly – Jon met with Reilly and he had to
have the legislation people from State Ed sit in on the meeting. Jon told him about the Credit
Union alliance, NEFE and CFM but the head of the legislation representative said that all of
those topics are currently in the financial literacy curriculum in Economics. Jon said that even
though there is a need for a financial literacy bill it is not going to be addressed in the next
legislator session because there are more important things going on in Albany. Jon
recommended that we should try again in an election year.
RFP – US Department of Ed. is sponsoring a grant for $1.7 million to a state for financial
literacy. The commissioner wants NYS Ed to apply. NYS doesn’t have the resources to apply
for this grant money. The commissioner then suggested that NYS Dept. of Ed. should put out its
own RFP for financial literacy.
This RFP would be funded by Perkins funds. The concern is that this financial literacy will end
up as a replacement to the economics curriculum. Christine asked should we still send the letter
to the Commissioner. Jon said we should send it to Dr. King the Senior Deputy Commissioner.
Perkins Funding – - More districts formed consortiums to get this
money. If your district is allocated with less than 15K then you have to form a consortium. You
must have two approved CTE programs to obtain these funds. Walt Z. – MOS exams, CAD
program, and accounting.
Specialized Course Reminder/Foreign Language Reminder
Business teachers can teach a specialized course in Math for the 3rd unit. Students can take a 5unit course of study for the advanced regent’s diploma.
Jon will be retiring in the next few weeks. He will be missed. As of right now his position will
be eliminated since he is taking the retirement incentive. Eric Suhr will be our new contact at
State Ed. He is Jon’s boss. Jon suggested asking Eric to cover the State Update at the
conference. Eric would talk about resource center and SED goals. It would be much more
global. Christine thinks we should ask Eric to the Conference. Jon agrees.
5. Report of the President...................................................................................... Christine Choi
 See Christine’s written report for details.
AP Accounting Pilot Training Update – took place at Hofstra Univ. on Long Island.
She felt the presenters were a little unprepared (photocopying). The curriculum is
definitely different than what is currently taught. There are managerial and cost
accounting topics in the curriculum.
Christine wants to send a letter to the comparing a business teachers education vs. a
social studies education to the Deputy Commissioner.
6. Report of the Conference Director ............................................................................ Ida Marra
 Conference Planning 2010 - Tarrytown
o Online Registrations to Date – 10 registered to date - 7 of them are venders.
Region directors need to send out emails. Kathie suggested that we send
postcards. We are going to send postcards to high school business
departments the first week of school.
o Committee Updates
 Awards – Phyllis Matson
 Gifts – Kathie Dekalb
 Meals – menu has been selected and we are using the hotels
centerpiece. We decided to have pumpkins with candy on the
 Publicity – taking pictures for sessions and awards, contacting
newspapers and putting the press release for conference registration
bags. It was suggested to contact students at local colleges looking for
some experience who would volunteer their time. Need to let the
conference director know when the board picture will be taken.
 Properties – projector for each room - 6 projectors – Microphone and
podium. Power cords and extension cords. Hotel needs to provide
table for each room for laptop and projector.
 Registration Signs, conference signs
 Conference Grid – please sign up.
 Proof of attendance. Labels need to be made up. The label will be
given out at the end of session and the conference attendee will attach
to the back conference certificate.
 Remind - Regional Raffle Baskets. BTA will reimburse up to $25.
Make sure you label the basket by region. Try to get donations.
 Thursday night – Ida passed out the Thursday night agenda. Regional
survey – Ida will look at her files. Also you need raffle prizes for
Thursday night aim for at least 3 raffle prizes.
 Joanne suggested that we should possibly sit together at the lunch by
 Program – it was originally suggested that conference attendee
printout the program prior to conference and to have some conference
programs available at the conference. After much discussions we are
staying with the traditional conference program because of some of the
vendors advertise in the program.
 Conference Tags – Name tags need to be prepared
 Conference 2011- Albany/Turning Stone/Saratoga Springs – Albany is
where the conference will be held.
 Conference 2012 - Buffalo – Ida and Kathy are visiting on Aug 24th
o Vendor/Exhibits Report ...............................................................Tracy Farrell
 See Tracy’s report. We have 7 confirmed exhibitors.
o Gifts for Presenters/Attendees ................................................. Kathie DeKalb
 Suggested gifts are Calendar $2.88– teachers already get the NYSUT
calendars or Lunch totes - $4
 Conference Assistants – Are getting black portfolios with pad.
 Since our budget is $10 – we decided to go with Dunkin Donut gift
cards for the presenters.
 Presenters who are members are getting a free membership for next
o Awards .................................................................................... Phyllis Mattson
 Phyllis received all the applications. The committee needs to meet.
o Retirees Helpers – registration fees would be waived. The cost of meals
would be charged.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:44pm for the evening.
Called the meeting to order at 8:10am.
7. Report of the Past President ............................................................................. Kathie DeKalb
 Constitution and By-laws changes (do we have any? Perhaps publishing reps?)
o If you have not already updated your exec board directory please do so.
o Kathie will prepare the ballots for the constitution changes. We will vote via
 Terms of Office and Election of Officers – please review
 We still need someone to take the treasurer position. Traditionally it’s a regional
director who takes over this position. Tim said he would ask Tara Hyland from
Roundout Valley HS.
 We have a list of positions that need to be filled as well.
 Kim would like to split the webmaster job with someone else since the job has grown
over the years as per Joanne Ryan. Between the two people hopefully one of them
will be able to attend the meetings.
 We need to look at the vacant position to see if we still need them.
 The question is how can we get more people involved? Julie said we should tap into
the Department of the Year winners and invite them to the preconference meeting.
 Phyllis will continue on as region 6 director until the conference. She will help look
for her replacement.
 Tim thinks we need to be open to having some of the positions split between two
 Jon suggested that we look at the 2020 list.
 Walter said he would be interested in the treasurers position and Sue would be the
back-up and assist as needed
 Christine asked all the board members to reach out and try to fill these positions.
8. Report of the President-Elect ............................................................................... Joanne Ryan
 Regional notebooks were updated and the email was sent.
 Continued concerns about the overlap between Business Ed. financial literacy and
Economics financial literacy.
 Billie suggested that we should contact all the superintendants across the state to stress
the importance of financial literacy.
 Joanne is concerned that everyone is taking over our jobs. Librarians teaching computers
and social studies teachers finance.
 Summer workshop ideas
Biz Share – After trying to institute Biz Share in her region they decided that it should be
based on topics and not a course. This will be worked on during the working session.
9. Reports of the Special Directors and Chairs
 Director of Educational Policies ....................................................................... Vacant
o Regents Statewide Technology Learning Plan – Regional directors should
have people aware of the Regents Statewide Learning plan for the conference.
o College and Career Readiness Group – Regional directors should keep them
abreast of what’s going on in this group.
 Director of Legislation ......................................................................... Walter Zeznick
o Correspondence with Legislators – Walter has prepared a list of the assembly
and state senators as well as federal congressmen and senators. This is on his
school computer.
o February 28th is legislative day in Albany for CTE.
o He is receiving the regulations on the latest stimulus money from Washington
from NYSUT
 Director of Membership ........................................................................... Scott Greene
o Has membership packets been sent out? Christine will follow up.
o The high school membership number was wrong. Please change it to 109 so
the numbers match.
o Regional Directors- Please remind members that when they renew
membership they need to renew their membership for the BTA website.
o Jon – why do you think we only have 500 members when we have 1800
Business teachers in NYS?
 One teacher joins from a school and shares with colleagues.
 Not previously emphasized in college program.
o Membership director approves access to BTANYS web site
 Director of Public Relations.............................................................................. Vacant
o Anyone interested in assuming the PR role for disbursing the conference
information? This will be taken care of by a local publicity chair for the
conference. They will send a press release to the local newspapers and cable
television stations before the conference. Kathie said it should go state wide.
o Department of the Years should have a press release. We will continue to put
the press releases in the conference registration bags.
 Communications (Web Site) Director ................................................... Kim Lemieux
o No report submitted. Christine has been assisting Kim.
 Communications (Newsletter) Director ............................................................ Vacant
o Christine will address during new businesses.
 Curriculum Planning Director........................................................................... Vacant
o Should we be working as a group at a designated board meeting to take care
of this position?
o Christine’s thinking is that we should be working on creative ideas and
projects not the curriculum courses. How can we make the existing courses
o We should develop a resource list or guide.
 Collegiate Business & Marketing Teacher Education Director ...........Marsha Iverson
o No Formal Report - She is working with Hosftra to trim down the number of
courses required in their teacher preparation program.
o They will meet on the Thursday before the conference.
 Historian ......................................................................................... Donna Shepardson
o Need to work on this job description.
o Need to set up a table for conference.
10. Reports of Regional Directors
 Region 1 ............................................................................ Ana Tuzzolino/Mark Albin
No Report submitted
 Region 2 ............................................................................................................ Vacant
 Region 3 ................................................................................................... Marin Grzan
o No report submitted
 Region 4 ...................................................................................................Tracy Farrell
o BTA needs to be announced at local meetings.
o Region 5 East ........................................................................................ Vacant
 Region 5 West ........................................................................................... Carol Kozin
o Examine the district boarders. Carol sends out info to both regions. Possible
meeting with region 5 next summer.
 Region 6 .............................................................................................. Phyllis Mattson
o Since Phyllis is retiring – we need a replacement.
 Region 7 ................................................................................................... Marla Berlin
o No report submitted.
 Region 8 East ............................................................. Julie Keenan/Mary Gere-Penna
o Goal is to push Business and Marketing Honor Society in all the counties.
 Region 8 West ......................................................................................... Billie Downs
o Sources for monthly emails. Julie will cc her emails to her.
o Wiki for Exec. Bd. resources. Letters, Board Binders, Regional Director
Info., etc. – Carol, Billie, and Joanne will help Christine with planning this out
 Region 9 ........................................................................................................ Ida Marra
o Great Alice workshop. Still looking for a replacement – two possible teachers
 Region 10 ................................................................................................... Susan Siuta
o Mini conference was well received.
o Career pathways supplied the funding for the conference. They had a speaker
from National Conference on Economic Education.
o Regional goal – teaming up with other organizations and individuals to
possible combine workshops – How to approach and who to approach.
11. Old Business
 Summer Curriculum Writing (NEFE and SED) – This was denied because it was not part of
the CTE future directions
 ALICE Trainings
o Overall very well attended – evaluations were very good as well. Most
attendees would attend another staff development opportunity.
o Handling POs was difficult.
o Membership – was difficult especially with memberships expiring.
o People who were non members became members.
o Pricing was perfect.
o Possible topics for next summer - Game Maker training, Alice part 2,
Accounting and Marketing, Web 2.0 applications, specialty course alignment
activities, CTE Process
12. New Business
 Summer 2011 workshop ideas
o CTE Approval Process
o EntreSkills Training – Kathie also said we need to rename the workshops.
o Web Design for English or Art credit
o Incorporate Web 2.0 (Web 2.0 Freebies) – Phyllis said she would be interested
in topic. Possible two to three sites. This is the topic that was decided upon
and will be worked on during the working session.
o Project based learning which would tie into stem skilled courses. Stem makes
them critical thinkers.
o Other thoughts?
 Meeting Dates
o November 19-20, 2010 in Syracuse (Strategic Planning Meeting)
o January 8, 2011 – Virtual Meeting
o March 18-19, 2011 in Syracuse.
o Aug 2011 TBD at November meeting
o November 18 & 19, 2011 in Syracuse
 Executive board website
o Executive Board Stuff. – Job Descriptions - Billie, Carol, Joanne and Ida
would be willing to help.
 Letters to legislators and board of regents. “Benefits of Business Education” – Dr. King
and Eric Suhr at the beginning of the school year. The letter should include
o Additional letters that will be sent include:
 Commissioner’s priorities and how Business Education contributes to
the priorities
 Economics – How business teachers more qualified to teacher the
 Importance of Financial Literacy and it should be a standalone course.
 Letter for economics to school administrators explaining that business
educators can teach economics for high school credit and that they are
more qualified.
Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting 1:19pm Billie second. Motion Carried.
13. Adjournment for Working Session
 Working Session
A. Summer 2011 Workshop
 Flyer created
 Logistics planned (time frame, space, equipment needed, etc.); this
was started and needs to be worked on during the November meeting
B. Biz Share wiki plan – sharing of ideas among each other
 Structure of the wiki plan
 Prefer topics, not courses
 If time, start the structure set-up; it was determined that Phyllis
would conduct research and set-up the wiki in time for the
conference (just the structure, not the information that will go
on there); it will be introduced at the conference during the
closing session.