
Understanding Operating Systems
Sixth Edition
Chapter 16
Linux Operating System
Learning Objectives
After completing this chapter, you should be able to
The design goals for the Linux operating system
The flexibility offered by using files to manipulate
The differences between command-driven and
menu-driven interfaces
The roles of the Memory, Device, File, Processor,
and Network Managers
Some strengths and weaknesses of Linux
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
• POSIX-compliant
• Portable
– Versions for cell phones, supercomputers, and
computing systems in between
• Source code: freely available
– Configurable: run any device, meet any specification
• User interface
– Powerful desktop GUIs attracts users
• Highly modular
– Multiple modules load and unload on demand
• Technically robust operating system
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
• Developed by Linus Torvalds (1991)
• Original purpose
– Maximize Intel 80386 microprocessor’s limited
– Roots
• Minix: miniature UNIX with more functionality
• First version meant for small microcomputer
– Expensive commercial computer features
• Flexibility and functionality
– Brought UNIX features to small computer
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
History (cont'd.)
• Open-source program
– Updates accepted from anyone
• User interface
– Originally typed and cryptic commands
– Today
• Command-driven interface (Terminal mode)
• Graphical user interface (GUI)
• Red Hat Linux provided initial primary support
– World’s leading Linux distributor (until 2003)
• GNU General Public License
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
History (cont'd.)
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
History (cont'd.)
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Design Goals
• Three goals
– Modularity
– Simplicity
– Portability
• Numerous standard utilities
– Eliminates need to write special code
– Used in combination for specific tasks
• Numerous functions
• Conforms to IEEE POSIX specifications
– Portable Operating System Interface for Computer
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Design Goals (cont'd.)
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Memory Management
• Space allocation
– Kernel: 1 GB high order memory
– Executing processes: 3 GB memory
• Process execution
– Segment fixed size
– System calls change segment size
• Memory protection
– Based on information type stored in address space
region for process
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Memory Management (cont'd.)
• Page loading
– Least recently used algorithm (LRU)
– Maintains a dynamically managed memory area and
page cache (new and old pages inserted and deleted)
• System page tables
– Tracks free and busy pages
• Virtual memory
– Managed using multiple-level table hierarchy
• 64- and 32-bit architectures
– Added flexibility with swap devices
• May deactivate without rebooting
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Memory Management (cont'd.)
• Virtual memory managed using multiple-level table
– Four fields in virtual address
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Memory Management (cont'd.)
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Memory Management (cont'd.)
• Buddy algorithm
– Grouping and splitting equal-sized page frames
• Give more contiguous space to job
• Page replacement algorithm
– Clock page replacement policy expanded version
– Uses eight-bit byte to track page’s activity
• Referred to as “age”
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Memory Management (cont'd.)
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Processor Management
• Uses same parent-child process management
design found in UNIX
• “Personality” concept
– Allow processes from other operating systems to be
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Organization of Process Table
• Descriptor: references process
• Contains approximately 70 fields
– Describes process attributes
• Information needed to manage process
– Dynamically allocated by kernel
• Process execution time
– Organized by doubly linked lists
• “Next run” field
• “Previously run” field
– Scheduler manages and updates descriptors
• Macros
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Process Synchronization
• Wait queues and semaphores
– Synchronize two processes with each other
• Wait queue
– Linked circular list of process descriptors
– Problems solved
• Mutual exclusion and producers and consumers
• Semaphore structure
– Three fields (semaphore counter, number of waiting
processes, list of processes waiting for semaphore)
• Counter contains binary values
• Except if several units of one resource available
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Process Management
• Linux scheduler
– Scans processes list in READY state
– Chooses process to execute
• Using predefined criteria
• Three scheduling types
– Real-time processes (two)
– Normal processes (one)
• Process scheduling policy determination
– Combination of type and priority
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Process Management (cont'd.)
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Process Management (cont'd.)
• First type
– Highest priority (SCHED_FIFO)
• First in, first out algorithm
– Not preemptible
– Runs to completion unless:
• Process goes into WAIT state
• Process relinquishes processor voluntarily
– All FIFO processes complete
• Scheduler processes lower priority types
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Process Management (cont'd.)
• Second type
– Medium priority (SCHED_RR)
• Round robin algorithm with small time quantum
– Time quantum expires
• Other higher priority processes (FIFO, RR ) selected
and executed
• Before first process allowed to complete
• Third type
– Low priority (SCHED_OTHER)
– Executed if no higher priority processes in READY
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Device Management
• Device independent
– Improves portability
• Device drivers
– Supervise data transmission
• Between main memory and peripheral unit
• Devices assigned
– Name
– Descriptors
• Further identify each device
• Stored in device directory
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Device Management (cont'd.)
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Device Management (cont'd.)
• Device drivers
– Comprehensive collection in Linux
• Required driver not available
– Obtain from another source
• Install separately
– Manually write the driver
• Requires skilled programmer
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Device Classifications
• Device identification
– Minor device number
• Passed to device driver as an argument
• Accesses one of several identical physical devices
– Major device number
• Index to array to access appropriate code
• Configuration table for each class
– Entry point into driver
– Only connection between system code and driver
– Importance
• Allows quick creation of device drivers
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Device Drivers
• Support for standard classes introduced by UNIX
• Allow new device classes supporting new
• Device classes not rigid
– Create large, complex, multiple function drivers
– Discouraged because:
• Users share code, demand simple drivers
• Modular code supports system scalability and
extendibility goal
– Encouraged: drivers maximizing system’s effective
device usage
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Device Drivers (cont'd.)
• Notable feature
– Accept new device drivers on the fly
• System up and running
• No reboot necessary
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Device Classes
• Three standard classes
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Device Classes (cont'd.)
• Character (char) devices
– Accessed as a stream of bytes
• Communications port, monitor, other byte-stream-fed
– Implement open, close, read, write system calls
– Accessed by file system nodes
• Look like ordinary data area
– Drivers treated as ordinary files
• Exception: drivers are data channels accessed
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Device Classes (cont'd.)
• Block devices
– Host a file system (hard disk)
– Accessed by file system nodes in /dev directory
• Transfer in blocks of data
– Similarity to char driver
• Appear as ordinary files
– Dissimilarity to char driver
• Access file system in connection with device (not
possible with char device)
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Device Classes (cont'd.)
• Network interfaces
– Function
• Send and receive information packets
• Directed by network subsystem
– Network device functions
• Relate to packet transmission
• Not read and write calls
• Dissimilar from block and char
• System device handled by device driver
– Under direction of Linux subsystem
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
File Management
• Data structures
• Filename conventions
• Directory listings
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Data Structures
• Files organized in directories
– Connected in treelike structure
• Five file types
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Filename Conventions
• Case sensitive
– Recognizes uppercase and lowercase letters
• Up to 255 characters long
• Contain alphabetic characters, underscores,
• File suffixes: optional
• Can include space
– Complications if running command-line programs
• Uses file hierarchy
– First slash indicates an absolute path name
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Filename Conventions (cont'd.)
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Filename Conventions (cont'd.)
• Path name rules
– Path name starting with slash (at root directory)
– Path name
• One name or list of names separated by slashes
– Last name on list
• Name of file requested
• Preceding names must be directory names
– Two periods (..) in path name
• Move upward in hierarchy (closer to root)
• Only way to go up hierarchy
• Other path names go down tree
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Filename Conventions (cont'd.)
• Data structures: Virtual File System (VFS)
– Kernel
• Allows processes to access files in a consistent manner
• Maintains interface between file related system calls
and file management code
– Virtual file system layer
Receives process-initiated system call to files
Performs file operations
Independent of file system format
Redirects request to module managing file
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Directory Listings
• Creation
– ls or ls -l command
– GUI interface
• Displays:
– File or directory name
– Size
– Modification date and time
• Permissions column
– Code: file’s type and access privileges
– Order of letters indicates the specific access granted
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Directory Listings (cont'd.)
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Directory Listings (cont'd.)
• First column character: nature of folder entry
Dash (-) indicates a file
d indicates a directory file
l indicates a link
b indicates a block special file
c indicates a character special file
• Next three characters (rwx): file owner privileges
– r indicates read access
– w indicates write access
– x indicates execute access
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Directory Listings (cont'd.)
• Next three characters
– Group access privileges
• Group: set of users, excluding owner, having
something in common (project, class, department)
• System-wide group of users: “world”
• Last three characters
– Access privileges granted to “others”
• Others: users at large (excluding owner and group
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Directory Listings (cont'd.)
• Change file security
– Owner (and only the owner) opens file properties to
be protected
• File-Properties from the File menu
– Click on Permissions tab
– Choose the appropriate access
• For owner, group, others
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
User Interface
• Early Linux versions
– Required typed commands
• Thorough knowledge of valid commands required
• Current versions
– Include powerful and intuitive GUI desktops
• Novice user can use successfully
– Navigate operating system
– Can still use Terminal mode
• Type commands similar to those used for UNIX
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Command-Driven Interfaces
• Typed command general syntax
– command
• Command: legal operating system command
• Arguments: required or optional
• Filename: filename
– Relative or absolute path name
• Shell (bash shell)
– Command interpreter
– Interprets and executes command
– Key to system program coordination and combination
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Command-Driven Interfaces (cont'd.)
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Graphical User Interfaces
• Multiple graphical user interfaces (often free)
– Allowing choice for end users
– Different GUIs used by different users on same
system (certain environments)
– Flexibility
– Spurring Linux acceptance
• Sophisticated Windows-compatible word
processors, spreadsheet, presentation applications
(some at no cost)
– Spurring Linux popularity
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
System Monitor
• System Monitor window
– System well-being information
– Immediate history
• CPU, memory, network usage
• Other information
– Supported file systems
– Currently running processes information
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
System Monitor (cont'd.)
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Service Settings
• Variety of services help manage system
– Linux distribution dependent (see documentation)
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
System Logs
• System logs
– Provide detailed description of activity on system
– Invaluable to administrators
• Tracking system malfunction
• Firewall failure
• Disabled device
– Found in /var/log directory
– System log viewer to see data
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
System Logs (cont'd.)
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
Keyboard Shortcuts
• Users easily switch from one task to another
• Keyboard shortcuts
– Many identical to commonly used Windows operating
systems’ shortcuts
• Ease operating system transition
– Example: CTRL-V
• Quick way to issue PASTE command
• Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition
• Originally designed to gain more microcomputer
chip power
– Evolved into powerful, flexible operating system
• Runs supercomputers, cell phones, many devices
• Unparalleled popularity among programmers
– Contribute standard code set enhancements
• Supports broad range of applications
– Available for minimal cost and easy to install
– Growing acceptance among non-programmers
• Large organizations
– Commercial Linux products available
Understanding Operating Systems, Sixth Edition