ELA Grade 4 Reading for Literature (RL) Teacher Key Lincoln “Saved by Lincoln” Benchmarks that are Measured in this Quizlet Benchmark Code Benchmark Item # 4.RL.KID.1.2.c Develop a key idea using details and examples from a story, drama, or poem 1a, 1b, 8 4.RL.KID.2.1.c Infer a theme based on key details that are explicit in the text of a story, drama, or poem 2, 3, 13 4.RL.KID.3.1.b Describe a character in a story or drama by using specific details 4.RL.CAS.4.3.b Determine the meaning of words and phrases as used in the text of a story, drama, or poem 4.RL.CAS.5.2.c Explain an author's use of structural elements in drama when writing or speaking about a text 6 4.RL.IKI.9.1.b Compare and contrast similar themes and topics in stories, myths, and traditional literature from different cultures 11 4.L.VAU.5.2-1.a Recognize common idioms, adages, and proverbs Passage "Saved by Lincoln" 12 4, 5, 9 7, 10 Quantitative Measure Lexile Word Count N/A 2367 Qualitative Measure High August 2015 ELA GR4 RL QUIZLET 8 Teacher Key NOTES TO TEACHERS This series of Quizlets is meant to be used for classroom formative assessment. Different from tools to evaluate student learning summatively, they are meant to be used by teachers as a part of the instructional process. Some features of these Quizlets are: The Quizlets are fully aligned with the Benchmarks. Each Quizlet includes a variety of item types: multiple-choice (MC), multiple-response (MR), and short response (SR). For benchmarks that are best measured with a complex student task, Performance-based (PB) Quizlets were also created. The Quizlets include scaffolds for students, graphic organizers, definitions, and illustrations to enable them to demonstrate skills. The Quizlets were created using Microsoft® Word so that they can be modified. Item stems and graphic organizers can be used to create additional assessments that are aligned to the benchmarks. Quizlets can be used to identify benchmarks where students are struggling or identify individual students who need additional learning opportunities. Item Teacher Key: Lincoln Benchmark Code Benchmark Correct Answer Number of Points 1a. 4.RL.KID.1.2.c Develop a key idea using details and examples from a story, drama, or poem C 1 1b. 4.RL.KID.1.2.c Develop a key idea using details and examples from a story, drama, or poem A 1 2. 4.RL.KID.2.1.c Infer a theme based on key details that are explicit in the text of a story, drama, or poem C 1 3. 4.RL.KID.2.1.c Infer a theme based on key details that are explicit in the text of a story, drama, or poem C 1 4. 4.RL.CAS.4.3.b Determine the meaning of words and phrases as used in the text of a story, drama, or poem A 1 5. 4.RL.CAS.4.3.b Determine the meaning of words and phrases as used in the text of a story, drama, or poem C 1 6. 4.RL.CAS.5.2.c Explain an author's use of structural elements in drama when writing or speaking about a text SR 4 7. 4.L.VAU.5.2-1.a Recognize common idioms, adages, and proverbs A 1 8. 4.RL.KID.1.2.c Develop a key idea using details and examples from a story, drama, or poem B 1 9. 4.RL.CAS.4.3.b Determine the meaning of words and phrases as used in the text of a story, drama, or poem A 1 10. 4.L.VAU.5.2-1.a Recognize common idioms, adages, and proverbs SR 4 11. 4.RL.IKI.9.1.b Compare and contrast similar themes and topics in stories, myths, and traditional literature from different cultures SR 4 12. 4.RL.KID.3.1.b Describe a character in a story or drama by using specific details C 1 13. 4.RL.KID.2.1.c Infer a theme based on key details that are explicit in the text of a story, drama, or poem C 1 Page 2 ELA GR4 RL QUIZLET 8 Teacher Key Explained Answers SHORT RESPONSE EXPLAINED ANSWERS ITEM 6. Scene 1 (4 points) Benchmark: 4.RL.CAS.5.2.c Explain an author's use of structural elements in drama when writing or speaking about a text Item Stem Responses The author of “Saved by Lincoln” uses a narrator to help tell the story. Give two examples of important information that Duff the Narrator provides in Scene 1. Example 1: Duff explains how Lincoln met his father, Jack Armstrong 4 Example 2: Duff provides an overview of Lincoln's life and accomplishments ITEM 10. Scene 2 (4 points) Benchmark: 4.L.VAU.5.2-1.a Recognize common idioms, adages, and proverbs Item Stem In scene 2, Duff the narrator quotes a Chinese proverb: “He who saves a life is responsible for it forever.” Describe the two times that Lincoln saved Duff’s life. Responses Points The first time: Lincoln was his trial lawyer and proved he was innocent. The second time: Lincoln discharged him from the army so he could recover from his illness. ITEM 11. Scene 1 and Scene 2 (4 points) Benchmark: 4.RL.IKI.9.1.b Compare and contrast similar themes and topics in stories, myths, and traditional literature from different cultures Item Stem Responses A theme that is found in many stories is that people who are courageous and kind can have a good impact on the lives of others. Give one example from the text that shows how Lincoln was courageous and kind. Give one example from the text that shows how Lincoln had a good impact on Duff. Points 4 Points Lincoln was courageous and kind when he: successfully defends Duff in the Almanac Trial and refuses to accept payment. 4 Lincoln had a good impact on Duff because: he stayed out of trouble and became a Union soldier in the Civil War. Page 3