
CO: SWD understanding of elements in drama by explaining them with responses.
LO: SW write examples of literary devices using a sentence stem.
 Read:
 Our voices can be playful, dour, cynical, or optimistic.The same thing goes for authors, and that's
where tone comes in.Tone is an author's attitude—the emotions and feelings conveyed by the work
of literature.
 But don't confuse tone with style.TONE REFERS TO ATTITUDE, while style refers to the
techniques the author uses in writing. One book can be optimistic in tone and another pessimistic,
but they could both be written in a stream-of-consciousness style. Or one book may be written in a
sparse style and another in a rich, lush style, but they both could be nostalgic in tone.
 3 minutes--Bell Work: Write the UNDERLINED
sentences for your Wednesday bell work.
CO: SWD understanding of elements in drama by explaining them with responses.
LO: SW write examples of literary devices using a sentence stem.
 10 minutes---GROUP WORK---Literary Devices (30 points formative)
 Get back into your group. Get your piece of paper and markers.
 Divide the paper into two columns (literary device and example) like the model on the board. (5 points
for naming devices, 5 points per example-must use stem)
 Use your book, notes, and lit. terms handout to help you.
 Find 5-6 examples in the text.
 10 minutes—GROUP WORK---Cut and Trade
 Send a person for scissors.
 Cut your paper in half to separate the literary device from the example.
 Trade with neighbors.
 Now, identify the literary device from the example the other group gave you. Use post-its to label what
device you think it is.
CO: SWD understanding of elements in drama by explaining them with responses.
LO: SW write examples of literary devices using a sentence stem.
 Tone
 Identify how all the literary devices you just uncovered
help to contribute to the tone.
 HOMEWORK: Create a word cloud to convey the overall
tone. Your word and phrase choices should demonstrate
your understanding of the tone as well as the use of
literary devices.
CO: SWD understanding of elements in drama by explaining them with responses.
LO: SW write examples of literary devices using a sentence stem.
 PAGE 861
 READING/WATCHING ACT III --Respond to questions on your
paper. The video follows closely along with the text.
CO: SWD understanding of elements in drama by explaining them with responses.
LO: SW write examples of literary devices using a sentence stem.
 CLOSURE: write and complete this sentence:
 Caesar’s tragic flaw leads to his downfall because_____________.
CO: SWD analyzing of a complex set of ideas by comparing The Crucible to Good Night, and Good Luck in
LO: SW listen and record important elements by responding to questions.
 Bell work: Write the following information:
In The Crucible Arthur Miller has written a literary allegory in which what
is occurring in the plot (the Salem witch trials) is symbolic for what is
occurring in the 1950s (McCarthyism). McCarthyism deals with
CO: SWD analyzing of a complex set of ideas by comparing The Crucible to Good Night,
and Good Luck in notes..
LO: SW listen and record important elements by responding to questions.
 Good Night, and Good Luck
 While we watch the movie, respond to the questions.
CO: SWD analyzing of a complex set of ideas by comparing The Crucible to Good Night,
and Good Luck in notes..
LO: SW listen and record important elements by responding to questions.
 Closure
 A theme that The Crucible and Good Night, and Good Luck share is _______.