SB2009 Proposal Document Release 1.1 December 2009 ILC Global Design Effort Prepared by the Technical Design Phase Project Managers and the Accelerator Design and Integration Team Leaders Project Managers: M. Ross, N. Walker, A. Yamamoto AD/I Team Leaders: C. Adolphsen, D. Angal-Kalinin, W. Bialowons, A. Brachmann, J. Carwardine, J. Clarke, A. Enomoto, T. Himel, S. Fukuda, P. Garbincius, R. Geng, C. Ginsburg, S.Guiducci, J. Kerby, V. Kuchler, T.Lackowski, A. Latina, C. Nantista, J. Osborne, M. Palmer, J.M. Paterson, M. Pivi, A. Seryi, T. Shidara, N. Solyak, N. Toge, J. Urakawa Table of Contents SB2009 Proposal Document .................................................................................................................... 1 1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 1 2 SB2009 Overview.................................................................................................................................. 3 3 Layout ................................................................................................................................................. 16 4 SB2009 Proposal ................................................................................................................................. 20 4.1 Issues of Main Linac Accelerating Field ....................................................................................... 20 4.2 Electron Source ........................................................................................................................... 22 4.3 Positron Source ........................................................................................................................... 25 4.4 Damping Rings ............................................................................................................................. 33 4.6 Main Linacs .................................................................................................................................. 43 4.7 Beam Delivery Systems ............................................................................................................... 62 4.8 Conventional Facilities................................................................................................................. 67 5 Cost Studies ........................................................................................................................................ 80 6 Risk Analysis ....................................................................................................................................... 85 Appendix A. Availability Task Force Report ........................................................................................... 89 SB2009 Proposal Document 1 Introduction This report documents the proposal from the ILC Project Management Design Team for major changes to the published RDR [Intro1] baseline, as a result of the effort in accordance with the GDE R&D Plan [Intro2]. It represents the culmination of approximately one-year of study and includes new results from the on-going risk-mitigating R&D, as well as a critical review of the existing Reference Design. At the end of the Technical Design (TD) Phase in 2012 the GDE will publish a Technical Design Report (TDR). One of the primary goals of the TD Phase is to constrain the VALUE estimate to the RDR value of 6.6 BILCU. The TDR will contain a description of ILC design in sufficient detail to support an updated VALUE estimate. The updated reference design will incorporate the results from the ongoing risk-mitigating R&D and the Accelerator Design and Integration (AD/I) studies, but will remain strongly based on the existing published Reference Design (RDR). With these goals in mind, the Project Management considered it most beneficial to focus the available (and limited) design resources on a re-examination of the reference design during 20082009, with a view to establishing a better and more cost-effective baseline before commencing TD Phase 2 (Summer, 2010). The intention is to use the modified baseline as the basis for detailed design and cost work foreseen for the TDR in the two years to follow. During TD Phase 2 the baseline will be maintained and evolved under strict change control. The adopted approach to re-baselining is based on an assumption that the RDR design – although sound – is both conservative in many of its design decisions, relatively immature from a detailed engineering standpoint, and is “performance-driven” as opposed to cost optimised. Conventional Facilities and Siting (CFS) was identified early on as a strong focus for design optimisation; in particular the reduction of underground civil construction, achieved by a critical re-evaluation of the criteria driven by the accelerator design assumptions. With nearly all ILC worldwide resources focused on risk mitigating R&D (most notably SCRF), a full study of system engineering is not practical: Therefore, a strategic decision was made by the Project Management to focus the available design resources on a few top-level design elements which have a large cost leverage (at the level of a few % each), and where alternative designs exist which are both feasible and more cost-effective. The Project Management believes that the resulting proposed baseline is: a simplification of the scope of the construction project with a potential for cost reduction of up to one-billion ILCU (cost-reduction at this level will supply a margin to accommodate possible cost inflation incurred during TD Phase 2, most likely at the unit cost level); achievable while maintaining a level of technical risk which is comparable with the RDR baseline. Further to the basic (and in many respects generic) accelerator layout, the study has also begun to address the impact of potential site constraints in a more realistic way. Particular attention is paid to allowing flexibility in design decisions in support of future possible host sites. This aspect is considered fundamental to the proposed approach, and will be reflected in the Project Implementation Plan (to be published as part of the TDR). Several layout and design flaws with the 1 reference design have also been identified as a direct result of these studies; these have begun to be addressed as part of this re-baseline proposal. The Project Management believes this process will naturally lead to a better, more cost-optimised design, which in many respects is more complete than the RDR. The report is divided into six sections: Section 1 – this introduction. Section 2 gives an overview of SB2009 Section 3 gives a bird's eye view description of the overall system layout. Section 4 discusses the proposed design changes in more detailed, including additional studies and R&D that remain to be done (TD Phase 2). This section is sub-divided into the following subsections: main linac (single tunnel solution, high-level RF, and accelerating gradient); electron and positron sources; damping rings; bunch compressors; beam delivery systems; conventional facilities. Section 5 summarises the impact of the proposed modifications on the RDR VALUE estimate. Section 6 gives a brief outline of risk analysis. Finally, a report on the system availability studies made is given in an Appendix. The following sections are not intended to be a design report. Rather, they contain a relatively conceptual description of the proposed modifications to the RDR baseline. It is acknowledged that not all questions raised have been answered at this time, but the Project Management Team believes that enough of the key issues have been addressed so that these modifications are proposed based on sound judgement. Many of the remaining issues (details) – as well as new R&D required as a result of the proposal – will feedback into the GDE R&D Plan, to be updated at the end of TD Phase 1. This Proposal document will be submitted to the Project Director for analysis and review in early 2010, before launching TD Phase 2. In due course, reviews, high-level approval, and possible refinements are expected before the establishment of the new baseline configuration. References [Intro1] ILC Reference Design Report Volume 3 - Accelerator, August, 2007, [Intro2] ILC Research and Development Plan for the Technical Design Phase, 2 2 SB2009 Overview In this section, we provide an overview of the key SB2009 elements and their rationale. Section 2.1 introduces the overall approach and goals of the Accelerator Design and Integration (AD/I) process. Section 2.2 introduces the key proposed top-level baseline modifications and then summarises each of them. Sections 2.3 and 2.4 briefly summarise the impact on cost and physics related performance respectively. 2.1 Rationale and Methodology The baseline modifications described in this document were arrived at with several specific goals in mind: Overall cost reduction - Any opportunities for cost reduction should be taken, in as much as they do not unacceptably impact performance or increase technical risk. Improved cost balancing - Cost margins created as part of the cost-reduction exercise, can be made available for other subsystems which incur increased (estimated) construction costs. Improved understanding of system functionality - Attempts at understanding of any performance impact force a careful analysis of systems' functionalities, strengths and vulnerabilities; this has a critical value on its own beyond cost-reduction. More complete and robust design - Revisiting many of the design and implementation details that were not completely covered during the RDR design phase. These efforts, when made appropriately, will improve the overall robustness of the ILC systems design. Re-optimised R&D plans - Improved understanding of the system functionalities and performance issues will help the Project Management in producing a re-optimised and more effective global R&D plan to pursue in TD Phase 2. The key design elements for the studies were primarily identified by their cost impact (based on the RDR VALUE estimate). The list of proposed design modifications were iterated and reviewed during the second-half of 2008, resulting in a final set of proposals for study that were published in January 2009 [Over1]. Further studies and refinements evolved into an integrated proposal by the Project Management for a straw-man baseline (SB2009) in May 2009[Over2]. The baseline modifications proposed in this document are the end result of iteration by the Accelerator Design & Integration (AD/I) Team (see below), as well as input from various external reviews and the broader ILC community. The AD/I Team, under the direct leadership of the Project Managers, includes: A set of key leaders who organized the efforts and led the overall discussion and direction. Individual “area” and “global” groups who are responsible for specific accelerator subsystems or accelerator-wide facility systems. The costing group who are responsible for collecting and organizing the cost implications. Ad-hoc groups formed under the leadership of the Project Managers to address the risks in terms of technical development toward construction of the ILC and the systems availability. The work was orchestrated around several GDE workshops and special face-to-face focus meetings, as well as numerous weekly teleconferences. 3 2.2 Summary of Proposed Changes Figures 2.1 shows an approximate comparison of the overall ILC layout as documented in RDR and as put forth in the proposed new baseline. Figure 2.1: RDR layout (left) and the re-baseline layout in proposal (right). Both the RDR layout and the proposed new layout require a site footprint of approximately 31km length, consistent with maximum operational beam energy of 250 GeV (500 GeV centre-of-mass energy). Exact lengths still remain to be made consistent, but any future adjustments are expected to have a negligible impact on the estimated cost increments. The following changes are proposed for the ILC design baseline configuration as described in the RDR, are summarised in the following seven primary top-level Working Assumptions (WA): WA1. A Main Linac length consistent with an average accelerating gradient of 31.5 MV/m and maximum operational beam energy of 250 GeV, together with a High-Level RF distribution scheme which optimally supports a spread of individual cavity gradients. 4 WA2. A single-tunnel solution for the Main Linacs and RTML, with two possible variants for the High-Level RF (HLRF): a) Klystron cluster scheme (KCS); b) Distributed RF Source scheme (DRFS). WA3. Undulator-based positron source located at the end of the electron Main Linac (250 GeV), in conjunction with a Quarter-wave transformer as capture device. WA4. A lower beam-power parameter set with the number of bunches per pulse reduced by a factor of two (nb = 1312), as compared to the nominal RDR parameter set. WA5. Reduced circumference Damping Rings (~3.2 km) at 5 GeV with a 6 mm bunch length WA6. Single-stage bunch compressor with a compression ratio of 20. WA7. Integration of the positron and electron sources into a common “central region beam tunnel”, together with the BDS, resulting in an overall simplification of civil construction in the central region. The above WAs are the reference for the recent design work, specifically for the CFS and cost efforts. It is however important to note that the WAs are not entirely independent of each other – particularly WA4 and WA5, and WA3 and WA7. These dependencies are explained in the following sub-sections, which are organised more thematically than the above list. The key top-level design parameters for the SB2009 proposal are summarised and compared to the RDR nominal parameters in Table 2.1. 5 Table 2.1: Selected design parameters for SB2009 compared to the RDR nominal parameter set. RDR (nominal) SB2009 Beam and RF Parameters No. of bunches 2625 1312 Bunch spacing ns 356 670 beam current mA 9.0 4.8 Avg. beam power (250 GeV) MW 10.8 5.4 Accelerating gradient MV/m 31.5 31.5 Pfwd / cavity (matched) kW 294 156 3.5E+06 Qext (matched) 6.6E+06 Tfill ms 0.60 1.12 RF pulse length ms 1.57 2.00 RF to beam efficiency (matched) % 61 44 Norm. horizontal emittance mm.mrad 10 10 Norm. vertical emittance mm.mrad 0.040 bunch length mm 0.3 0.3 horizontal β* mm 20 11 horizontal beam size nm 640 470 IP Parameters 0.035 no trav. focus with trav. focus vertical β* mm 0.4 0.48 0.2 vertical beam size nm 5.7 5.8 3.8 19 25 38 2 4 3.6 Dy δEBS/E % Avg. PBS kW Luminosity cm -2 s -1 6 260 200 194 2.00E+34 1.50E+34 2.00E+34 2.2.1 Main linac – SCRF: choice of operational accelerating gradient (WA1) The most highly leveraged R&D that has the greatest potential return in terms of performance and cost is the development of cavity gradient. The cost impact is seen primarily in the linac length required to achieve 500 GeV in the centre of mass. In 2005, a goal of an operational accelerating gradient of 31.5 MV/m per cavity with Q0 ≥ 0.8 x 109 in pulsed operation was adopted for the Reference Design, with a cavity production specification of ≥35 MV/m with Q0 ≥ 1010 in a low-power, CW vertical acceptance test. These parameters were adopted within the paradigm of developing a forward-looking design, and assumed a worldwide R&D effort to routinely establish these parameters. This R&D is currently on going and represents the largest fraction of the global ILC R&D resources. For the current SB2009 proposal – and in lieu of expected developments in the SCRF R&D – these specifications for the accelerating gradient and Q0 are left unchanged. Thus the global CFS requirements (linac length, cryogenic requirements) are left as per the RDR. This is primarily to allow the CFS groups to continue with their design and cost plans. It is noted that any subsequent changes in accelerating gradient, arising from review of the R&D status will (to the first-order) result in a scaling of the main linac which is relatively straight-forward, and will not require major re-evaluation of the design [Over3]. In contrast to the RDR baseline, however, we propose the HLRF systems support a spread of operational gradients from cavity to cavity. This will allow lower performance cavities to be utilised, assuming that high-performing ones maintain the average. The approach has impact on both the definition and accounting of cavity production yield (together with acceptance criteria), as well as required operational overhead in the accelerator (RF power and gradient). The global R&D groups are currently evaluating these issues. As of this writing every indication is that support of a spread of cavity gradients will provide a better cost optimised solution, albeit at the expense of a more complex HLRF distribution system and lower overall RF-to-beam power efficiency. The final choice of average operating gradient will be taken during TD Phase 2 after review of the worldwide R&D status. (An interim review is currently on going.) The choice of parameters must necessarily include an analysis of cavity and cryomodule production statistics, as well as results of operational overhead under full beam-loading conditions. The choice will also be influenced by production models, assumed yield distributions and must be cost-optimised and be technically justified. Finally, prospects in the R&D beyond the TDR should also be taken into consideration, given the uncertainty in the formal start of project construction. The ongoing SCRF R&D will be tailored in TD Phase 2 to address these critical cost and performance issues. For SB2009 it is acknowledged that working assumptions for several key margin and overhead parameters still need to be addressed. The exact amount of gradient and RF power overhead required for operational margin remains to be specified. The choices made at this juncture should be consistent with the goals proposed for the TD Phase 2 R&D Plans, but should maintain as realistically as possible the ‘forward looking’ paradigm established during the RDR. 2.2.2 Main linac – Single tunnel configuration (WA2) Foremost among the proposed changes is the adaptation of the main linac tunnel configuration to one with only a single, accelerator-enclosure tunnel, thereby eliminating the support equipment tunnel proposed in the Reference Design. Several key studies and strategic initiatives make it attractive to propose this change for the following reasons: 1. The single tunnel configuration is a simpler underground construction, effectively removing ~26 km of underground (support equipment) tunnel. 7 2. Safety studies commissioned in each region (Asia /Japan, Americas/US and Europe / CERN) found that valid strategies could be realized for single-tunnel life safety egress in each of the regional locations studied (allowing for some variations according to local regulations). 3. Recent studies on High Level RF power sources and distribution have resulted in feasible new concepts for these systems that are much more suited to a single-tunnel solution than those proposed in the RDR (namely the Klystron Cluster Scheme (KCS) and the Distributed RF Source Scheme (DRFS)). 4. Availability studies of the Main Linac on the proposed single-tunnel and new HLRF systems configurations show that an acceptable performance can be achieved with appropriate engineering of sub-system designs. The two proposed novel HLRF solutions (KCS, DRFS) are described in more detail in Section 4.6. These different approaches provide options for specific sites where local constraints may favour one solution over the other. Allowing such flexibility in the designs (multiple configurations) goes beyond the “generic site” approach used in the RDR. Dealing with the reality of the requirements of potential national hosts and their proposed host-sites (so-called “bid-to-host”) is an important aspect of the Project Implementation Plan. However, the desire to maximally maintain a single design in both the layout and the core technologies remains paramount, in an attempt to make the most efficient use of the worldwide available resources. 2.2.3 Reduced beam-power parameter set (WA4, WA5, WA2) The proposed baseline change with largest anticipated cost saving (both construction and operation) is the reduction of the beam-power by 50%. The beam-power scales as N nb, where N is the number of particles per bunch, and nb the number of bunches per pulse. Since the luminosity L ∝ N2 nb it is proposed to halve nb, while keeping N the same as the 2007 Reference Design. A factor-of-two reduction in nb allows: a reduction in the number of klystrons and modulators (peak current/power reduction), in this case by ~50% over the RDR number; the possibility to halve the circumference of the damping rings to approximately 3.2 km. The luminosity can be recovered in general by pushing the beam-beam parameters, which are not considered a major cost driver. The more demanding parameters are however a potential increase in performance risk, and have potential issues for the physics and detectors. The significant reduction in RF power source together with the smaller damping rings offer a considerable cost reduction and overall simplification in terms of construction scope. For the RF power source at least, the option is attractive as it opens up the possibility to restore the “missing klystrons” at a later stage, allowing operation with an increased beam current as a possible luminosity upgrade path. The amount of infrastructure, such as conventional facilities, included during the construction phase to support this upgrade still requires study to be examined for further cost-optimisation. However, for the smaller circumference damping ring, the upgrade would require increasing the current by up to a factor of two (beyond the Reference Design specification); collective effects in the damping rings (most notably e-cloud) may well be a bottleneck to increasing the number of bunches, an issue which is currently under study (part of the on-going e-cloud R&D programme). Hence an upgrade along these lines represents an increased risk over the Reference Design parameters. 8 The obvious cost and construction scope benefits for this option must be weighed against a perceived higher risk in achieving the design luminosity due to the more demanding beam-beam parameters. The impact of the higher Beamstrahlung on the detectors and physics programme must also be reviewed. Finally, the effective lower beam current reduces the overall RF to beam power efficiency, and so the reduction in average RF power is not a full factor-of-two but closer to 38%. There has been a conscious decision to maintain the same power handling capability as assumed in the RDR for the beam dumps, positron target and capture, etc, and other systems which might be difficult to upgrade later and after some time in operation. The benefits of initially over-rating these systems (reduced technical risk), while supporting possible future beam-power upgrade, are considered to out-weigh any possible cost saving. 2.2.4 Central Region Integration (WA7, WA3, WA5) The motivation for the changes in the Central Region Integration as proposed in this document is the simplification of the central region tunnelling and civil engineering. By combining their functions within a single beam tunnel, the complexity of the underground excavation in the central region can be substantially reduced. A more detailed description and historical evolution of the current scheme is given in Section 3. The modifications compared to the Reference Design include: The Damping Rings have been moved vertically into the same plane as the BDS and shifted horizontally to avoid the Detector Hall (see Figure 2.1 right). This removes the need for the long (~2 km) vertically sloped beam tunnels (so-called escalator), which can be replaced by much shorter horizontal transfer tunnels. The Damping Rings tunnel can now also share one shaft with the Detector Hall. Since the BDS magnets do not require a large amount of transverse tunnel space, it is feasible to house the electron source and the 5 GeV injector linac in the same tunnel as the positron BDS, thus removing the need for a separate beam tunnel. Similarly, the undulator-based positron source and associated 5 GeV booster linac can be more efficiently accommodated at the exit of the main electron linac (electron BDS, see Sections 2.2.5, 4.3 and 4.7 for more details). An additional ~450 m beam path length is maintained in the positron system for bunch timing. Finally, an additional 500 MeV linac can be incorporated into the e+ source region which, when used in conjunction with the e+ source photon target, can facilitate a low charge auxiliary source for commissioning and tuning etc. In addition to the simplifications in civil construction and the associated cost saving, the proposed scheme further consolidates sources of high-radiation hazard into the central region, which is considered beneficial with respect to environmental impact. Although a significant simplification in the scope of the civil construction and overall layout, the need to support multiple beamlines and their support infrastructure in a single tunnel is challenging. Availability and operational issues (impact on personnel protection and access zoning) needs to be reviewed. Use of 3D-CAD is essential in understanding both the topology of the accelerator beamlines and issues such as installation, safety etc. Initial studies in support of this proposal indicate that acceptable solutions exist. 9 Because of the multiple beamlines – including the two superconducting 5 GeV booster linacs – it has been initially decided to retain a parallel service tunnel in this region to house the power supplies, klystrons etc. As the 3D-CAD work evolves into more details of the hardware implementation, this will be reviewed and cost-optimised. 2.2.5 Changes to the undulator-based e+ source (WA3, WA7) The motivation for moving the undulator-based positron source from the 150 GeV point to the end (250 GeV) point in the electron Main Linac is primarily to consolidate technical systems and radiation sources as already discussed briefly in Section 2.2.4. However, there are several additional impacts of this particular modification that merit additional attention. Several “system integration” aspects should be noted as direct benefits of moving the source to the high-energy end of the Main Linac: Machine protection of the undulator is combined with machine protection of the Beam Delivery system, resulting in a net beamline length reduction of about 400 m The low-energy positron transport system is shortened by several kilometres. The positron source, which represents a high-radiation environment, moves within ±2.5 km of the centre of the accelerator complex where other high-radiation sub-systems (e.g. the main dumps) are located. This is a preferred feature in some potential sites, since it consolidates most of the radiation hazard into a single “central campus area”. The beam-line ‘chicane’, which was required in the RDR design can be replaced by a dogleg, and better integrated into the BDS lattice. The narrow energy acceptance associated with the RDR chicane is also moved to the BDS where there is already a natural bandwidth limit of a few percent; this greatly facilitates beam-based alignment in the linac. The RDR solution (i.e. Locating the source at the 150 GeV point in the electron Main Linac) requires the upstream linac to perform to its full specifications. Failure to achieve these highest performance goals during early stage commissioning could result in poor source performance, as there is little or no safety margin. Initially achieving 80% full acceleration in the main linac would still allow physics reach to 400 GeV centre-of-mass: However, this would come at a cost of reduced positron yield below 1.0. An additional proposed modification, which is independent of the central region integration, is the adoption of a simpler capture magnet (Quarter Wave Transformer, QWT) immediately after the positron-production target. This simpler magnet is definitely feasible, and represents a more conservative (reduced-risk) option in comparison with the Flux Concentrator (FC) assumed in the RDR. However, use of a QWT reduces the capture yield by a factor of 2 when compared to the Flux Concentrator – a difference that must be mitigated by a significantly longer undulator, resulting in higher incident power on the production target. For this reason, the FC is still a very desirable option and continues to be a priority R&D item. One fundamental ramification of the relocation of the source is the need to run it at varying electron energies, depending on the required centre-of-mass energy. Specifically, the impact on luminosity below centre-of-mass energies of 250-300 GeV, where the positron yield drops rapidly. In this region, alternate-pulsing schemes can be implemented to regain the luminosity (to within a factor of two) of the 1/ scaling value (See section 4.3 for details). For detector calibration at the Z mass, the proposed low-charge auxiliary source will be sufficient. 10 At higher energies, the higher-energy electron beam becomes an advantage, offering very large production margins (up to a factor of 5 at 250 GeV), giving further risk reduction at the higher centreof-mass energies where luminosity is likely to be at a premium. For the same reasons, this opens up the potential for very high-polarised beams at these top-range energies. Finally, it should be noted that the original RDR concept for Ecm< 300 GeV was based on decelerating the electron beam after the positron source. While conceptual feasible, this mode of operation is not without challenges and still requires careful study. 2.2.6 Single Stage bunch compressor (6 mm bunch length) (WA6, WA5) Adoption of a new lattice for the Damping Rings has allowed the extracted bunch length to be reduced from the RDR value of 9 mm to 6 mm. (This modification has been implemented both for an earlier 6.7 km ring and the currently proposed 3.2 km ring.) The shorter bunch length opens up the possibility to adopt a simpler single-stage compressor with a compression ratio of 20, still achieving the nominal RDR value of 0.3 mm at the Interaction Point. The benefit of this is overall simplification of the bunch compressor system, as well as a saving in cost (mostly tunnel length). Beam dynamics studies have also shown that the emittance degradation is reduced. The disadvantage is the loss of flexibility in bunch length tuning and the ability to reduce the bunch length to 150 m. These aspects can be seen as reducing the operational risk margin. 2.3 Cost Increment One of the primary motivations for the proposed baseline modifications is the reduction in the overall cost. This is expected to help constrain the TDR updated VALUE estimate to the RDR value of 6.6 billion ILCU, allowing some margin for incurring increased estimated costs during TD Phase 2. During the early analysis of the proposed modifications, a ballpark estimate suggested a possible total saving of approximately 15%. During the last six-months (May - December, 2009), a more detailed design and costing effort has been made. The cost increments associated with the proposed modifications have been scaled directly from the RDR VALUE estimate basis. No attempt was made to provide new updated unit cost estimates at this time, with the exception of those components that are new to SB2009 (notably the HLRF system components). Thus, the increments reported here are direct comparisons to the reported RDR estimate. To date, the total reduction of the modifications proposed in this document amount to ~13% of the RDR value estimate. It is expected that this will increase as further cost-driven iterations and refinements are made during the course of TDP-2. A high-level breakdown and explanation of these increments is given in Section 5. 2.4 Availability studies As for the published Reference Design, availability (and design for high-availability, HA) remains an important issue for SB2009. To-date, the focus has been on the removal of the Main Linac service tunnel, where availability considerations have played a key role. An availability task force was set-up by the Project Managers with a goal of finding a realistic and workable HA solutions for the Main Linac single-tunnel configuration, including the two new proposed HLRF solutions (KCS and DRFS). The studies were substantially based on availability modelling using the purpose-written Monte Carlo tool AVAILSIM, which has been used to model and compare various configurations and to provide HA specifications for the Main Linac components. To-date, the results indicate that satisfactory HA engineering solutions exist for a single-tunnel, which add approximate 1% unscheduled downtime to 11 the overall availability during simulated luminosity runs at the maximum centre-of-mass energy of 500 GeV. (This seemingly small number actually corresponds to a doubling of the downtime of the Main Linac as compared to the RDR two-tunnel solution.) Of primary importance is the energy overhead required to maintain the top-most energy of the machine. The simulations show that a 3.5% overhead is typically required for both KCS and DRFS, providing the meantime between failure (MTBF) specifications for the RF hardware are achieved. The availability simulations have provided key input for the design of both HLRF systems, where acceptable HA solutions have been found corresponding to the MTBF requirements. Other aspects of SB2009 – in particular the central region integration – have not as yet been modelled in detail. This remains to be done in TD Phase 2. However, early cursory examinations indicate that no major differences with the RDR solutions exist. It should be noted that the simulations and subsequent requirements on MTBF are based on a set of specific assumptions for the required uptime (15% budgeted), maintenance models (including preventive maintenance) during operations as well as the impact of various failure modes. Achieving the required component MTBFs based on these assumptions remain in many cases an R&D challenge. However, the differences between the RDR and SB2009 appear marginal in this respect. A full report from the Availability Task Force can be found in the Appendix. 2.5 Risk assessment An important aspect of evaluating the soundness of any design is an assessment of the technical risk associated with it. A Risk Register was produced for the Reference Design that catalogued the top 50 or so critical design decisions, and attempted to rate them in terms of their perceived risk to the success of the project. Those design decisions with the highest risk (accelerating gradient, electron cloud effects in the DR etc.) are being addressed with the highest priority by the on-going worldwide R&D. As we approach the end of TD Phase 2, it is important to review and re-assess the technical risk, in view of progress in R&D, and in particular the design modifications proposed in this document. Such a review and re-assessment requires a well-defined methodology (beyond what was done for the RDR). At this time, it is not possible to provide a full quantitative and formal risk assessment, as this takes time. Such an assessment is currently being planned and should be complete by the end of TD Phase 1 (mid-2010). A methodology is currently being developed by the Project Management, which will be applied during the assessment. What is perhaps more pertinent to this proposal at this time is the perceived change in risk with respect to the Reference Design. The ‘increased risk’ associated with the design modifications are documented throughout technical descriptions given in Section 4. In many cases, this perceived risk is difficult to quantify, and by nature the assessment of whether the risk has increased (or decreased) tends to be subjective. In Section 6, an attempt is made to summarise the key incremental risk elements of SB2009, as compared to the Reference Design. A brief description of the methodology being developed is also given. 12 2.6 Physics scope impact While all of the proposed modifications have at various levels an impact on the overall performance risk of the machine, two working assumptions have a direct and quantifiable impact on the physicsrelevant machine parameters: WA3 Locating the undulator-based positron at the end of the main electron linac WA4 Reduced beam-power parameter set In this section we briefly summarise the physics related parameters. More specific details can be found in the relevant subsection of Section 4. 2.6.1 Operation at 500 GeV Centre-of-mass Energy All of the work to-date, including the RDR phase, has been focused on an optimised parameter set at the maximum energy of 500 GeV centre-of-mass. The basis for design during the RDR was the socalled “parameter plane” which attempted to give some redundant scope and safety margin to achieve the design luminosity of 2×1034 cm-2s-1. The requirements for the machine were based on being able to accommodate the complete parameter ranges specified by this plane. Table 2.2: RDR parameter plane ranges compared to SB2009 specifications (TF refers to Travelling Focus). Bunch population Number of bunches Linac bunch interval RM bunch length Normalized horizontal emittance at IP Normalized vertical emittance at IP Horizontal beta function at IP Vertical beta function at IP RMS horizontal beam size at IP RMS vertical beam size at IP Vertical disruption parameter Fractional RMS energy loss to beamstrahlung Luminosity min 1 1260 180 200 10 0.02 10 0.2 474 3.5 14 1.7 x 1010 ns m mm-mr mm-mr mm mm nm nm % x 1034cm-2s-1 RDR nominal 2 2625 369 300 10 0.04 20 0.4 640 5.7 19.4 2.4 2 max 2 5340 500 500 12 0.08 20 0.6 640 9.9 26.1 5.5 SB2009 no TF with TF 2 2 1312 1312 530 530 300 300 10 10 0.035 0.035 11 11 0.48 0.2 470 470 5.8 3.8 25 38 4 3.6 1.5 2 For 500 GeV centre-of-mass operation the most direct impact is from the WA4, the reduced beam power. From simple scaling, a reduction in the number of bunches per pulse by a factor of 2 reduces the luminosity by the same factor (luminosity per bunch crossing remains the same). The RDR parameter plane allows us to regain some if not all of this luminosity in principle. Table 2.2 gives the ranges of key parameters from the RDR compared to SB2009. The approach is to push harder on the beam-beam parameters to increase the specific luminosity. The largest modification is a reduction in the horizontal and vertical beta functions. These modifications have impact on beamstrahlung as well as the required beam-halo collimation depth (or conversely on the allowed apertures within the IR). However, all of these parameters (with the notable exception of the vertical disruption parameter for the Travelling Focus parameters) are still within the parameter plane for which the BDS and IR was 13 designed. It is acknowledged, however, that the risk margin in these parameters is decreased, although the impact of this is difficult to quantify. Currently SB2009 has two feasible parameter sets for 500 GeV centre-of-mass: Pushing the beam-beam into a high-disruption regime (Dy ~ 25), which results in a luminosity of approximately 1.5×1034 cm-2s-1 – a reduction of ~25% over the RDR value. The reduction in the peak luminosity (top 1% in E/E) is slightly worse at ~37%. Beamstrahlung (and therefore beam-beam backgrounds) at 4% is higher than the RDR nominal value by a factor of 1.6 but is still significantly less than the maximum RDR specified value of 5.5%. The higher vertical disruption parameter leads to tighter tolerances on stability at the collision point (beambeam based feedback). The same value was however proposed for TESLA, which has been extensively studied. The approach requires virtually no additional hardware or modification to the BDS/IR design. A second approach relies on a technique known as a travelling focus, where the focus at the interaction point is adjusted along the bunch, effectively compensating the hourglass effect and allowing the vertical beta function to be reduced below the bunch length. In principle such a scheme achieves higher luminosities, and can compensate completely for the factorof-two reduction due to the lower bunch number. The beamstrahlung is higher than the RDR nominal parameter value, but again within or close to limits of the RDR specification. The very high disruption parameter does have implications for luminosity stability and tuning issues; these still remain to be resolved and will require further beam-beam simulation. The technique also incurs a cost as additional hardware (crab-cavities) is foreseen to produce the effect, however this cost is relatively small. The only direct impact of relocating the undulator-driven positron source to the end of the main electron linac (WA3) for 500 GeV centre-of-mass running is an increase in the single-bunch RMS energy spread. The RDR solution (Flux Concentrator, 147 m undulator at 150 GeV) results in an RMS energy spread of 0.12% at 250 GeV beam energy. Adoption of the more conservative quarter-wave transformer (QWT) as capture device, requiring an increase in undulator length to 231 m, increase the energy spread at 250 GeV to 0.14%. With the undulator at the end of the linac (71 m undulator, QWT), this increases further to 0.2% at 250 GeV - still well within the bandwidth of the BDS. 2.6.2 Operation below 500 GeV Centre-of-mass Energies During the RDR phase no attempt was made to produce optimised luminosity parameter sets for centre-of-mass energies below 500 GeV. A basic assumed requirement was a 1/scaling below 500 GeV down to 200 GeV centre-of-mass. As of writing, there are still no formal optimised parameters for specific intermediate energies, although possible scaled parameter sets do exist. Generation of possible formal parameter sets for key centre-of-mass energy scenarios still remains to be done in TD Phase 2. However, WA3 and WA4 do have immediate implications for lower energy running. Specifically: For the reduced bunch number parameters at lower centre-of-mass energies, the luminosity compensating effects from the beam-beam become somewhat weaker, and so the luminosity reduces faster than 1/ The generation of positrons from the undulator source reduces approximately quadratically with the beam energy, and rapidly decreases to zero below a threshold at ~125 GeV (250 GeV centre-of-mass). 14 Recent estimates have suggested an approximate luminosity of 3×1033 cm-2s-1 at Ecm = 250 GeV for SB2009. Further studies and optimisations are expected in TD Phase 2. The positron source is currently specified to produce a yield of 1.5 positrons per electron at a beam energy of 150 GeV. (A yield of 1 is required, and the specifications assume a 50% production overhead margin.) Above this value, the yield increases rapidly, providing significant overhead and safety margin. With these design parameters, the positron yield drops to ~1 (no production overhead) at about 125 GeV. Should the physics demand high-luminosity running below 250 GeV centre-of-mass, there are several conceptual schemes that could be considered. One such scheme is to use alternate 2.5 Hz pulses for generating positrons and luminosity respectively. These schemes require additional hardware at the end of the linac (bypass lines, kickers, dumps etc). Although these schemes require further detailed design (and cost) studies, there appears to be no showstoppers. One such possible scheme is outlined in Section 4.3. Finally, we should note that the proposed auxiliary positron source should provide sufficient luminosity (few ×1032 cm-2s-1) for calibration of the detector at the Z-pole. References [Over1] ILC Minimum Machine Study Proposal, ILC-Report-2009-019, January, 2009,*865085 [Over2] Summary report of the first meeting on Accelerator Design and Integration, ILC-INT-2009-035, June, 2009,*879845 [Over3] This is based on the assumption that the choice of gradient is unlikely to change by more than the order of 10%. [Over4] In part, as the number of klystrons and modulators required depends on this option. 15 3 Layout In this section we present an overview of the changes that are considered for the ILC layout. While some of these changes are consequences of the proposed changes in the subsystem designs and are integral part of the SB2009 proposal, some have come about through continuing system design and development prior to the SB2009 re-baseline studies. Referring to Figure 2.1 in Section 2, the most visible changes are in the central region, specifically the Damping Rings (DRs). In the Reference Design, the 6.4 km six-fold symmetric rings[Layout1] were located around the interaction region and elevated by 10 m above the Beam Delivery systems along with the electron injector and positron KAS (keep alive source). The arrangement allowed some independence in operation of the injectors and rings from personnel access to the Beam Delivery Systems (BDS), but at a cost of a relatively complex layout of tunnels and shafts. When considering the detail component layout of the six-fold ring, a different philosophy was explored, resulting in a proposal for a two-fold design ‘racetrack geometry’ with long straight sections to accommodate RF, wigglers as well as injection and extraction. The lattice of the arc sections was changed to a new very flexible one, where the emittance and momentum compaction could be separately adjusted. These changes were accepted in 2008 before the SB2009 formal process was begun. For further detail regarding DR component layouts, see Section 4.5. The changes in geometry stimulated discussions regarding alternate layouts for the central region. The racetrack design has the beam injection and extraction occurring at nearly the same point in the centre locations of one of the two long straight sections; this allows the DR to be located in the same plane as the BDS, but offset horizontally from it (clear of the detector hall at the IR). Short (in-plane) transfer line tunnels can then connect the DRs to the main BDS tunnel. Further layout considerations led to the concept of a compact and efficient central region[Layout2], which incorporated all of the e± injection systems, DRs, BDS and Interaction Region in a single central campus. The long linac tunnels containing both the main linac and RTML beamlines would then extend outwards in either direction without interruptions. These ideas were combined with the construction scheme of the main linacs on the basis of the single-tunnel scheme, the low beam power option and single-stage bunch compression into the AD&I studies and the SB2009 Design. The single-tunnel linac layout incorporates the proposed single-stage bunch compressor. This singlestage bunch compressor ends with the beams at ~ 5GeV as opposed to 15 GeV in the two-stage design. The overall design results in a net reduction of some ~300 m in comparable machine length. A major change in the electron linac is the re-location of entire undulator-based positron source from the 150 GeV point to the central region. Electron and positron main linacs are now identical, except for an additional 4.1 GeV energy reach in the electron linac to drive the positron source (the Reference Design has 3 GeV). This allows changes in accelerating gradient, gradient distribution or maximum design energy to be easily accommodated. Changes of gradient of the order of 10% would require little in the way of fundamental changes in the layout or of infrastructure support from CF&S. Figure 3.2 shows the concept of beamlines which share tunnels in the central region. Figure 3.3 shows a cross section of the positron main linac near the beam delivery section. Accurate to-scale tunnel schematics can be found in the ILC EDMS and at . 16 Figure 3.2: Topological diagram of the beamlines in the ILC central area. Figure 3.3: Cross section of the positron main linac near the beam delivery section. Many of the design details and changes of these systems are described in Section 4. The following is a discussion of the general layout and the design philosophy. The SB2009 design goal was to minimize the underground volume, while developing the individual system designs and interfaces with CF&S beyond where they were at the publication of the RDR. Since the injectors and beam delivery systems are very varied in their support requirements (power supplies, RF, instrumentation etc), it was decided at an early stage of the studies that a single support tunnel would be maintained for the central region. Even with the support tunnel, there is a reduction of ~5 km out of ~14 km in tunnel length in central region, not including the DR’s. The reduced beam power option, with half the number of bunches, enables (but does not require) a half-circumference damping ring. The central campus layout can accommodate either the 3.2 or 6.4 km ring designs, since both utilise the same design for the 1 km straight sections, one of which is used for injection and extraction for both electron and positron rings are located (the other accommodates the RF and damping wigglers). 17 Figure 3.4: Schematic Directional Beamline Layout 18 Much of the effort to date has been on the region where the positron production systems and the beam delivery systems co-exist. In the Reference Design, the positron production system was incorporated into main electron linac at the nominal 150 GeV location. At the publication of the RDR, there were only conceptual designs for this system, whereas today the designs now address many more practical engineering issues. For example, there are short sections of tunnel requiring “alcoves”, which will require different tunnel cross-sections, the exact cost-optimised design of which will be dependent on local geology. Many of these issues were duplicated in the “Keep alive source” (KAS) in the RDR. The KAS has now been replaced by an “Auxiliary Source”, which uses an independent electron beam in conjunction with the same target, capture, and booster systems as the gamma beam from the undulator. As of writing, the SB2009 design has only one vault, which is designated to handle high radiation environment. This region will require further detailed development in TD Phase 2. The SCRF Main Linacs have a relative large acceptance in both energy and transverse phase space as compared to either the undulator source or the BDS. Hence the from one to the other require protection in the form of collimator and fast beam-abort systems. Because the undulator is located at the end of the linac leading into the BDS in SB2009, a single section of collimation and abort system will protect both in an integrated cost-effective fashion. Consolidation of the positron source into the BDS also moves all the bandwidth limiting beamline sections to the central location, which will simplify the main linac commissioning and tuning. The electron injector easily fits into the SB2009 layout, whose geometry choice is primarily determined by the requirements from the positron injector side. It is desirable (but not mandatory) that a bunch is injected into (fills) an empty DR bucket that has just been emptied by extraction. This allows maximum flexibility in the bunch patterns, but also puts tight constraints on the difference in path lengths travelled by the electrons and positrons through the machine. The issue was well known at the time of the RDR, but a fully worked-out lattice solution was not presented, because at that time the path length correction had to be kilometres. In the SB2009 layout and with the smaller 3.2 km rings, the correction can now be a few hundred metres. A natural asymmetry in the length of electron and positron sides is exploited to incorporate this delay drift length. There are other examples where the SB2009 designs and layouts are more complete and detailed than the RDR. This is due to both the continuing design work over the time since the RDR but also driven by the AD&I studies of the SB2009 proposal. In some places this complicates comparisons. The detail system designs and their pros and cons are based on these layouts and are discussed in detail in the following sections. Figure 3.4 gives the schematic directional beamline layout. References [Layout1] Adjusted from the 6.7 km circumference quoted in the reference design to accommodate inconsistencies with bunch timing. [Layout2] Efficient in this context refers to minimizing the necessary underground volume of tunnels, caverns and shafts. 19 4 SB2009 Proposal 4.1 Issues of Main Linac Accelerating Field 4.1.1 Status of Cavity Field Gradient: The expected production cavity gradient and yield are two of the most important parameters in the ML-SCRF technical area to be provided in the evaluation process, as well as in the studies of the overall construction cost and plans in relationship with the Conventional Facilities & Siting Group and Accelerator System areas. In 2005, the S0 performance goal for each of the 9-cell cavities to use in the ILC main linacs was defined as ≥35 MV/m with Q0 ≥ 8 x 109 in low-power vertical acceptance tests. This number included an estimated 10% for the ensuing assembly steps and operational margin, so as to ensure an average accelerating gradient of 31.5 MV/m with Q0 ≥ 1 x 1010 in cavities installed in horizontal cryomodules. The world-wide R&D effort ensued with these goals. This R&D is currently still ongoing, and it represents the largest fraction of the global ILC R&D effort. As part of the TD Phase-1 baseline review and subsequent re-baselining effort (including SB2009 proposal), it was agreed to review the choice of accelerating gradient, in the light of present and prospective outcome from the R&D programs, together with the specific system implementations and operational models of the main linacs. Test results from approximately sixty 9-cell cavities processed and vertically RF tested are expected to be included in the TDP-1 cavity gradient evaluation. One of the critical exercises, therefore, is to catalogue and analyse the production statistics of the 9-cell cavities and their performance by putting together all the available data from all three regions in a scientifically consistent fashion. For this purpose a taskforce was established to create a global database for ILC cavity test results. The mandate of this taskforce is to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Collect and verify the global cavity R&D information; Create and maintain a global database for the ILC-related cavity performance; Analyse the database to understand the global progress in improving cavity performance; Assist the Project Managers through analysis of these results and in re-evaluation and projection of future cavity performance during TDP-II and the future production phase. The team produced an interim, progress report at the Linear Collider Workshop of the Americas (ALCPG) and GDE meeting held in Albuquerque, New Mexico in the fall of 2009. Figure 4.1.1 shows the current (Dec 2009) status of, cavity gradient performance in the first and second passes including the chemical process and cold vertical tests for the cavities manufactured by vendors and processors who have currently reached the S0 goal with at least one cavity. In addition, the database effort allows tracking of the rapid progress made in cavity processing at ANL/FNAL and KEK and cavity manufacturing at new vendors. In addition to evaluations of vendor progress based on hard cuts in cavity performance, another important production statistic is the scatter in production cavity performance, and the effect on the requirements of the RF systems. The cavity database will allow for a systematic means to complete this evaluation. During actual machine construction, methods such as sorting or grouping cavities before installation in a cryomodule may be used to soften the range requirements on the RF system. 20 Electropolished 9-cell cavities Electropolished 9-cell cavities JLab/DESY (combined) up-to-second successful test of cavities from qualified vendors - ACCEL+ZANON+AES (25 cavities) 100 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 yield [%] yield [%] JLab/DESY first successful test of cavities from qualified vendors - ACCEL+ZANON+AES (30 cavities) 60 50 40 60 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 >10 >15 >20 >25 >30 >35 >40 >10 max gradient [MV/m] >15 >20 >25 >30 >35 >40 max gradient [MV/m] Figure 4.1.1: Production yield as a function of gradient after the 1st (left) and 2nd (right) pass process and vertical test as of December 2009. Note all cavities with a gradient exceeding 35MV/m meet the ILC specification of Q0 ≥ 8 x 109 at 35MV/m. 4.1.2 Issues of Main Linac System Design In conjunction with the (GDE and AAP) review process in 2010, based on the current R&D results we propose to keep the cavity gradient goals at 35MV/m in vertical test,S0, and 31.5MV/m in operation in an installed cryomodule, S1. We note that as the R&D progresses, including horizontal testing of individual dressed cavities, and full cryomodules and strings of cryomodules through the ILC S1 and S2 programs, and efforts at the XFEL, a better understanding of the components of the margin between the cavity gradient goals will emerge. Ultimately for the ILC accelerator the gradient will be reviewed based not only on this information, but also on the economics of mass production, and production yield. Furthermore, as design of the RF systems progresses, full systems analyses of the integrated power / cavity system, allowing for appropriate variability in cavity gradient and system operational overhead, will have to be completed. We propose that TD Phase 2 we define the specific magnitude of the spread (+/- 10 – 20%, pending more discussion) of operational gradient to support with the HLRF systems. This allows lower performance cavities to be utilised and increases the production yield, assuming that highperforming ones maintain the average. This approach has impact on both the definition of cavity production yield and acceptance criteria. Currently every indication is that this will provide a better cost optimised system, albeit at the expense of a more complex HLRF distribution system and lower overall RF-to-beam power efficiency. The exact amount of RF power and gradient overhead required for operational margin remains to be determined. Within the TD Phase, the FLASH beam tests with high-gradient cryomodules will give us further details. In preparation for industrial production, we will investigate the assumption of a usable cavity fraction of 80 % utilized in the RDR, with the possibility that it may be improved to be a level of 90 % including all effects described above. Based on the S0, S1, S2 and related R&D programs, the operational field gradient for the ILC machine will be confirmed in light of the experience and expectations related to margins required for redundancy, operational margin, dynamic tuning, and availability. References [SRF1] C.Ginsburg, presentation at the GDE meeting, Albequerque, October, 2009, 1 21 4.2 Electron Source 4.2.1 Overview: The proposed changes in the SB2009 design have two notable implications to the electron source system: The low-P parameter set increases the bunch spacing by a factor ~2. Increased bunch spacing will reduce the challenges for the source drive laser system, due to a more complete population inversion of the Ti:Sapphire laser medium in between pulses. However, the goal of the R&D remains unchanged and set to satisfy the full RDR specification. Change in the damping ring design, combined with the revised layout of the central injector complex, as shown in Figure 4.2.1, will affect geometry of the transport lines, including their lengths. By far the most significant modification is the re-location of the source from its own independent underground housing (tunnel), into the tunnel system shared with the positron and beam delivery systems. As explained in Sections 2 and 3, this has been motivated primarily by cost considerations, and a desire to reduce the scope of the underground construction and maximise the use of common shafts and utilities. Figure 4.2.1: Topological layout of the positron side of the central region, showing the approximate location of the electron source (in green). At the level of subsystem design, however, the ILC SB 2009 results in no fundamental changes to the polarized electron source. The source parameters are essentially the same. They are summarized in Table 4.2.1. The fundamentals of the laser system design would also remain essentially the same. 22 Table 4.2.1: Source parameters Parameter Electrons per bunch (at gun exit) Electrons per bunch (at DR injection) Number of bunches Symbol ne Value 4*1010 Unit Number Comments Same as RDR ne 2*1010 Number Same as RDR Ne Number bunch repetition rate F µb Low-P parameter; new baseline Low-P parameter bunch train repetition rate bunch length at source Peak current in bunch at source Energy stability Polarization Photocathode Quantum Efficiency Drive laser wavelength F mb Δt Iavg S Pe QE ~ 1312 (was ~2625 in RDR) 1.5 (was 3 in RDR) 5 ~ 1ns 3.2 <5 80 (min) 0.5 Hz ns A % rms % % Same as RDR Same as RDR Same as RDR Same as RDR Same as RDR Same as RDR nm Same as RDR single bunch laser energy E 780-810 (tunable) 5 µJ Same as RDR Λ MHz 4.2.2 Design Work to Pursue during TDP2 Although the studies to date have shown that acceptable solutions exist for the shared tunnel layout, further optimisation is needed in the beamline design during TD Phase 2. For instance, for the finalised tunnel design, a re-optimisation of the electron source transport lattice is required. One critical item to note is the control of spin polarisation. Correct bend angles and arc radii for most transport lines have to be established. The resultant constraints have to be an integral part of the overall design of the central region, including the Source, RTML and BDS. Figure 4.2.2: Schematic view of Wien filter proposal Recently, a new option for the electron spin rotation from longitudinal to transverse has been discussed, as shown in Figure 4.2.2. It utilizes a Wien filter, introduced immediately downstream of the electron gun, replacing the two spin rotating superconducting solenoids in the electron to ring transfer line. This would result in a small cost saving for the electron source. However, additional space is required immediately after capture solenoid (see Figure 4.2.2), and it is desirable to keep the total distance between the gun and the sub-harmonic buncher system as short as possible, so as to 23 reduce the growth of longitudinal emittance due to space charge. Further simulations are needed to verify the feasibility of this option, and this work is expected to continue during TD Phase 2. 4.2.3 SB2009-specific R&D Work to Pursue during TD Phase 2 No additional work is required on the electron source system in addition to the already ongoing riskmitigating R&D such as those in the laser system, high-voltage gun and photocathode development, and studies into cathode surface charge limits. Design work on layout and lattice optimisation will continue naturally during TD Phase 2. 24 4.3 Positron Source 4.3.1 Overview In addition to changes in some aspects of the beam parameters, the SB2009 proposes some major changes to the system implementation of the undulator-based positron source at the ILC. Relocation of the undulator: As part of the proposed central region integration (Section 3), the complete undulator-based positron source is re-located from the 150 GeV energy point to the exit of the main electron linac, and is integrated with the up-stream part of the BDS. This modification will benefit several system integration issues: The undulator source can be better integrated into the upstream area of the BDS, where more tunnel space and more freedom of lattice design are available than in the main linac. Machine protection systems for the smaller acceptance undulator and BDS beamlines can be effectively combined into a single system, located immediately downstream of the main linac. All sources of restricted energy bandwidth are now localised in the central region, leaving both the main SCRF linac as systems with nearly identical contiguous high-bandwidth. This greatly facilitates their commissioning and tuning. Moving the positron target and capture system to the end of the linac consolidates all the high-radiation environment systems within the central area, which is expected to be beneficial for certain host sites (radiation safety and environmental impact). A large energy overhead is available to drive the undulator source, which allows operational margin for the early commissioning in the event that the maximum-performance of the main linacs system is not achieved (i.e. maximum gradient at full beam loading). An important consequence of the re-location is that the energy of the electron beam passing though the undulator will vary with the required centre-of-mass operation. In general the positron yield from the source scales approximately as down to a beam energy of ~125 GeV, after which the yield rapidly drops to zero. This clearly has ramifications for the physics related parameters (primarily luminosity) at lower than 500 GeV centre-of-mass operation. This important issue is discussed more detail, together with the proposed solution, in the latter part of this section. Adoption of a simpler capture magnet (Quarter Wave Transformer, QWT): The QWT would be implemented immediately after the pair-production target. This magnet is technically simpler and more feasible than the flux concentrator that was previously considered during RDR. Therefore, this change contributes positively to reduction of the overall technical risk of the system. This is accomplished at the cost of reduced positron capture, however, and a subsequent increase in the undulator length is introduced to make up for the loss. Our strategy is to maintain the more conservative QWT-based scheme as the new baseline, while continuing the R&D effort on the flux concentrator. The flux concentrator may be adopted again in the future, once a feasible design has been established. It is noted that this proposal is independent of the location of the positron source. Removal of an independent Keep Alive source: The positron Keep Alive Source in the RDR was based on an independent 500MeV electron drive beam, target, capture RF, remote handling, etc., which necessitated replication of many subsystems. For SB2009, it is proposed to replace the Reference Design KAS with an Auxiliary Source, which will instead make use of a 500MeV electron drive beam which shares the same target, capture RF, etc as the undulator based source. The Auxiliary Source would be used in the commissioning or system diagnostic purposes for the downstream positron 25 systems, such as the positron damping ring, the positron RTML and the positron main linac. The proposed Auxiliary Source should be capable of producing a few % of the nominal single bunch charge (as compared to the ~10% specified for the original KAS, but with reduced construction scope, complexity and cost). In addition to the above immediate implications for the source, the low beam-power option also reduced the demands on the target by reducing the average beam power. However, the working assumption for the R&D is to retain the full Reference Design specification, which will supply further operational (risk-mitigating) margin to the design, or maintain the option for possible future upgrades in beam power. Figure 4.3.1 shows the conceptual diagram of the positron production system and related beamlines. The pertinent parameters for the SB2009 positron source system are summarized and compared with the RDR in Table 4.3.1. Figure 4.3.1: Conceptual layout of the positron source region. The electron beam is travelling from left to right. Red lines indicate electrons, blue lines indicate positrons and black lines indicate photons. Overall, this revised positron system design is expected to offer a reasonably solid conceptual foundation for detailed engineering study to pursue during TD Phase 2, in accordance with the overall layout changes as put forth in Section 2 and 3. The impact on the luminosity performance is discussed later in this subsection. 26 Table 4.3.1: Comparison of the RDR and SB2009 positron source parameters. Note R&D goals for TD Phase 2 retain the RDR specification. Parameter Positrons per bunch at the IP RDR 2 x 1010 Bunches per pulse Pulse repetition rate 2625 5 Positron energy (DR Injection) DR transverse acceptance DR energy acceptance Electron drive beam energy Electron energy loss in undulator 5 0.09 ±0.5 150 3 Required additional electron linac overhead Undulator period Undulator strength Active undulator length 3 Field on axis Beam aperture Photon Energy (1st harmonic) 11.5 0.92 147 (210 after polarisation upgrade) 0.86 5.85 10 Photon beam power 131 Target material Target thickness Target power adsorption Ti – 6%Al – 4%V 14 8 SB2009 1 to 2 x 1010 (see Figure 4.3.3 for details) 1312 5 (125 to 250GeV) 2.5 (50 to 125GeV) 5 0.09 ±0.5 125 to 250 0.5 to 4.9 (see Figure 4.3.4 for details) 4.1 11.5 0.92 231 (maximum, not all used when >150GeV) 0.86 5.85 1.1 (50 GeV) to 28 (250 GeV) 102 at 150 GeV (less at all other energies) Ti – 6%Al – 4%V 14 8 Units Hz GeV m-rad % GeV GeV GeV mm m T mm MeV kW mm % 4.3.2 Positron Yield and Operational Scheme for Low Energy The main issue with the SB2009 positron source is the yield variation as a function of electron beam energy. Figure 4.3.2 shows how the yield varies for the RDR undulator parameters (0.86 T on-axis field and 11.5 mm period) as the electron energy changes. The design yield is 1.5 (i.e. 1.5 positrons will be available within the damping ring acceptance at 5 GeV for every electron that passes through the undulator). This is the number that is achieved at 150 GeV with a 147 m long undulator. In SB2009 an undulator length of 231 m is required instead of 147 m for the RDR, so as to compensate for the reduced positron capture with the QWT. 27 Figure 4.3.2: Positron yield versus electron energy in the RDR positron system. Figure 4.3.2 indicates that as the electron energy increases beyond 150 GeV, the yield increases quite significantly, reaching a value of ~5 at a beam energy of 250 GeV. In such cases, in practice, some sections of the undulator would be switched off in order to bring the yield back towards 1.5, but nonetheless the design parameters offer an inherently large safety margin[Posi1]. On the other hand, as the electron energy reduces below 150 GeV the yield drops, reaching 0.75 at 125 GeV. At this energy there will only be 1 x 1010 positrons per bunch at the IP instead of 2 x 1010 as at all energies above 150 GeV. The solution proposed for this issue of lower-energy operation is as follows. At beam energies of 125 GeV and below the operation of the ILC will be configured, such that alternate macropulses (this corresponds to one train of 1312 bunches over 970 ms) will either be transported to the IP or be used to generate positrons. This will be achieved by accelerating alternate macropulses to different energies. One macropulse will operate at 150 GeV and will generate positrons as normal. Then the next macropulse will be accelerated to the low energy required at the IP and will not be used to generate positrons. With this pulse-switching scheme the number of positrons available at the IP will be 2 x 1010 per bunch but the macropulse rate will effectively be 2.5 Hz. The accelerator issues raised by alternate operation of the machine at different beam energies are currently under study. Differences in beam trajectories at the exit of the Main Linac will certainly require fast orbit correction at the entrance to the undulator [posi2]. (It is very likely that a fast intratrain feedback system will be implemented at this location in any case.) It is currently assumed that no such correction is required in the Main Linac itself, however this requires further investigation. Additionally, a new transport line for the high-energy beam will be required to carry the electrons at 150 GeV from the exit of the undulator to the electron BDS tune-up dump. The number of positrons at the IP from the SB2009 as a function of electron energy is summarised in Figure 4.3.3. The electrons will lose energy as they travel through the undulator and emit synchrotron radiation. This energy loss needs to be compensated for by the upstream main electron linac. Figure 4.3.4 shows how the energy loss varies with the electron energy. At the top-most energy the loss is 28 approximately 4.1 GeV, which must be compensated for by additional linac (an addition of ~1.1 GeV over the Reference Design solution). A second consequence of the emission of synchrotron radiation is an increase in the energy spread of the electron bunch. Figure 4.3.5 illustrates how the relative energy spread changes with electron energy for the RDR and SB2009 cases. The RDR case assumes a relative energy spread of 1.5% at 15 GeV (at the entrance to the main linac) and the SB2009 case assumes a relative energy spread of 1.08%. Number of Positrons at the IP 2.5E+10 2E+10 1.5E+10 1E+10 2.5 Hz at the IP 5 Hz at the IP 5E+09 0 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 Electron Energy (GeV) Figure 4.3.3: Number of positrons at the IP vs electron energy for the SB2009 scheme. For the RDR solution, the bunch charge is constant at 2×1010 particles at 5Hz operation for the entire range. Figure 4.3.4: Energy loss due to emission of SR in the undulator vs electron energy. 29 Figure 4.3.5: Relative energy spread for the electron beam vs electron energy. 4.3.3 Polarized Positrons Generation of polarised positrons is not part of the baseline solution. However it is a required upgrade. Nevertheless the RDR baseline generates 34% positron polarisation, which will be of benefit to the physics programme. Figure 4.3.6: Positron polarisation vs electron energy for the RDR and SB2009 in the baseline configuration. Much higher polarisation levels are achievable in both layouts following a simple upgrade of the positron source. In the SB2009, polarised positrons will also be generated but the rate of polarisation will vary with energy, as shown in Figure 4.3.6. The upgrade path to the desired 60% polarisation level is to either Install an extra ~200 m of undulator and to then use collimation to remove the photons with the wrong polarisation characteristics, or Rely upon the development of the flux concentrator, which increases the yield to the equivalent of the installation of extra undulator length. 30 The latter scheme of changing the capture magnet for a more efficient device is the presently assumed option. The exact polarization level that will be achieved with this option has not yet been evaluated as function of electron energy. 4.3.4 R&D and Design Work to Pursue during TDP2 As with the electron source, the primary baseline R&D remains unchanged by the adoption of the SB2009 proposal: Target system R&D Undulator magnets Flux concentrator Remote handling Engineering integration The main area of risk for the SB2009 is with the target. The adoption of the QWT increases the length of the undulator and this enhances the peak photon beam power on the target. Fortunately the reduction in the number of bunches by a factor of two reduces the average power on the target, which effectively increases the performance risk margin. Nevertheless, the identified Reference Design issues still remain to be resolved and the solutions validated. They include: the pressure shock wave impact to be confirmed as reasonable, the eddy current effect to be simulated (an experiment is ongoing to confirm this), and the rotating vacuum seals to be confirmed suitable. Another important SB2009-specific issue that needs careful assessment is the performance of the target when used as the Auxiliary Source in conjunction with a 500 MeV electron beam. The performance of the positron source with realistic undulator magnets also remains a subject for further study during TD Phase 2. Now that two full-length undulators have been constructed and tested [Posi3], it is possible to evaluate the actual spectral output from these devices. A simulation is required of a 230 m long undulator with the level of errors measured, to determine how the trajectory wander and phase error will impact on the positron yield and polarisation output, as well as the emittance of the electron beam. A beam test with a full-scale undulator cryomodule would be desirable to check for unexpected issues, such as vessel heating, as well as confirm the photon spectrum. However, these are general identified issues with the undulator source, and not specific to SB2009 (although the parameters are modified somewhat). Since the best route to polarised positrons is through the flux concentrator, this device should continue to be studied. A feasible solution is still to be generated, although the latest findings are encouraging. Even better capture efficiency will be possible with a liquid lithium lens system. Studies of such a device have been carried out and these should be continued, as the rewards of a working system would be significant. The remote handling region will be an important part of the positron source. This will contain the upstream collimator, target, QWT, and capture linacs. The shielding thickness has been assessed and the present assumption of 1 m appears to be more than adequate providing the correct grade of concrete is used. The remote handling unit still needs careful design and the operating scenarios need to be assessed in more detail. This issue is not SB2009 specific. The engineering integration of the positron source with the BDS and RTML has started, and will continue during TD Phase 2. The additional dump line (for the 150 GeV electron beam) due to the pulse-switching mode during low energy operation below 125 GeV, and similarly, a dump line for the 500 MeV electron drive beam for the Auxiliary Source need to be integrated to the current design. 31 Although not specific to SB2009, R&D into some alternative approaches to the positron system design will also be pursued during TD Phase 2, such as the use of liquid lead target or a hybrid target system utilizing the photon channelling technique. References [Posi1] In reality the maximum yield will be somewhat less than 5, due to limitations with power handling (losses) in the capture sections and downstream beamlines and collimators. [Posi2] K. Kubo: Presentation at the GDE Meeting, October, 2009, materialId=slides&confId=3461 [Posi3] J.Rochford, "The Superconducting Undulator for the ILC Positron Source", presented at PAC 2009 as WE2RAI01, May, 2009. 32 4.4 Damping Rings 4.4.1 Overview This section describes the new design to adopt at the ILC damping ring systems in accordance with the overall layout changes as put forth in Section 2 and Section 3 of this document. The so-called Low Power option, with a factor of two reduction in the number of bunches, allows (but does not require) a corresponding factor of two reduction in the circumference of the damping rings, leading to a major cost saving. Thus, the SB2009 proposal includes a new damping ring design. However, as discussed in more details later, from the view point of beam dynamics and most of the hardware aspects, this change is not expected to cause major performance challenges or technical aggravation, and should provide a firm conceptual basis for more detailed engineering studies during TDP2. The proposed new design for the damping rings will have the circumference of 3.2km with a racetrack shape [DR1]. Following the publication of RDR which assumed 6.7km rings with roughly hexagonal shapes, in discussion at GDE meeting (TILC08) [DR2,3], a racetrack ring shape was adopted with 6.4 km circumference and a different arc lattice. The main reason for this choice was tunnel simplification and reduction of the number of shafts and caverns in order to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs. The difference between the new 6.4km arc lattice and the RDR one has been driven by the decision of reducing the rms length of bunches from 9mm to 6mm. This reduction has major benefits for the bunch compressors downstream of the damping rings. To achieve a shorter bunch length, for fixed RF voltage and frequency, a lattice with a smaller and flexibly adjustable momentum compaction factor has been chosen [DR4]. ILC Damping Ring 0 -100 400 m -200 -300 1000 m -400 -500 -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 Figure 4.4.1: Layout of the 3.2km damping rings. Figure 4.4.1 shows the layout of the 3.2km damping rings. The electron and positron rings are to be stacked in a common damping ring tunnel located in the central part of the ILC accelerator complex. This construction is fundamentally the same as that put forth in RDR. Aside from the reduced circumference the fundamental technical design and implementation of the damping rings remain the same as or similar to previous designs. For instance, the bunch separation and the number of particles per bunch remain the same, and the beam current in the ring is the same. Therefore, we expect similar overall performance from the beam optics or beam dynamics viewpoint. Table 4.4.1 summarizes the pertinent parameters for the new damping ring design in comparison with both the RDR and the TILC08 version of the design. 33 Table 4.4.1: Parameter list for the RDR and the TILC08 version of the damping ring compared with the SB2009 3.2 km ring. RDR Circumference (m) Energy (GeV) Bunch number N particles/bunch Damping time x (ms) Emittance x (nm) Emittance y (pm) Momentum compaction Energy loss/turn (MeV) Energy spread Bunch length (mm) RF Voltage (MV) RF frequency (MHz) B wiggler (T) Total wiggler length (m) Number of wigglers TILC08 SB2009 6695 6476 3238 5 2625 2×1010 25.7 0.51 2 4.2×10-4 8.7 1.3×10-3 9 24 650 1.67 200 80 5 2610 2×1010 21 0.48 2 1.7×10-4 10.3 1.3×10-3 6 21 650 1.6 216 88 5 1305 2×1010 24 0.53 2 1.3×10-4 4.4 1.2×10-3 6 7.5 650 1.6 78 32 The technical work done for the long ring can be easily applied to the short one. The lattice still needs some optimization work and then it will be used to evaluate the expected beam performance. 4.4.2 Ring Description The electron and positron ring are arranged one on top of the other with counter-rotating beams. Injection and extraction for each ring are located in the same straight section. The injection line entering the electron ring is superimposed on the positron extraction line and vice versa. RF cavities and wigglers are in the opposite straight section with respect to injection and extraction. The wiggler straight is located downstream of the RF cavities in order to avoid damage by synchrotron radiation. The RF cavities for each ring are offset from the centre of the straight so that the cavities for the two rings are not superimposed on top of each other. In the SB2009 lattice, the reduction of the energy radiated per turn and of momentum compaction allows to achieve a shorter bunch length with less than half the number of RF cavities with respect to the RDR. The number of wiggler magnets is 32 instead of 80, less than half, due to the higher field in the arc dipoles. The lattice in the arcs is based on the SuperB arc cells, two very similar adjacent cells, but with different phase advance (see Figure 4.4.2): one is and the other ~0.75. By tuning the phase advance in the second cell, the emittance and momentum compaction of the lattice can be tuned. The optical functions are shown in Figure 4.4.3 for the RF and wiggler straight section and in Figure 4.4.4 for the injection and extraction straight section. The lattice of both straight sections is made of the same building blocks as used in the longer racetrack lattice, including phase trombone sections to adjust the tunes and chicanes for path length tuning. The optical functions for the entire ring are shown in Figure 4.4.5. The new lattice is still in a preliminary stage of development and requires further optimisation of the dynamic aperture and evaluation of the effects of magnetic errors and alignment errors. Based on the experience gained with the present reference lattice, we are confident that by proper tuning of phase advances and the sextupole distribution, an adequate 34 dynamic aperture for the large injected emittance of the positron beam can be achieved. At the same time, work is in progress at IHEP Beijing on an alternative lattice design using FODO cells. The optimal lattice design will be selected similarly to how it was done for the previous longer lattice [DR3]. Figure 4.4.2: Optical functions of the 3.2km damping ring arc cells. Figure 4.4.3: Optical functions of the 3.2km damping ring RF and wiggler section 35 Figure 4.4.4: Optical functions of the 3.2km damping ring injection and extraction section Figure 4.4.5: Optical functions of the 3.2km damping ring 4.4.3 Work to Pursue during TD Phase 2 The main challenges for the damping rings are with the fast kickers, low emittance tuning and controlling collective effects, in particular electron cloud and fast ion instability. As mentioned 36 earlier, the bunch separation and the number of particles per bunch remain the same as or very similar to RDR/TILC08. Therefore, the magnitude of technical challenges associated with them would remain essentially the same. As a consequence, in TD Phase 2 it is considered adequate to continually pursue the already ongoing technical R&D programs from the TD Phase 1 period into TD Phase 2, as they are. They include the work being done at dedicated test facilities such as CesrTA and ATF and at many laboratories involved in the ILC collaboration. An important goal of TD Phase 2 is to evaluate the performance of the SB2009 damping ring design with respect to all the limiting effects, on the basis of these experimental and theoretical efforts. Kickers All of the kicker specifications are the same for the SB2009 design as for the RDR, except for the repetition frequency within the pulse, which is 1.5 MHz instead of 3 MHz and, hence, less demanding for the shorter ring. The required kicker pulse length is given by the bunch separation, 6 ns, for the nominal parameter set (1300 bunches) which is the same as the RDR. When considering ~2600 bunches as a possible luminosity upgrade, the bunch distance would be 3ns as in the “low charge” parameter set in the RDR parameter plane. A kicker pulse with rise/fall times shorter than 3 ns has already been measured at KEK ATF [DR5]. A test of multibunch beam extraction from the ATF damping ring with 5.6 ns bunch distance, slightly shorter than the nominal ILC bunch distance, has been performed in October 2009. This extraction scheme with fast kickers will be used for ATF2 operation in 2010. As for the RDR, injection can be performed by using 22 stripline structures inside the vacuum pipe, each 30 cm long operating at a voltage of 20 kV, provided as +10 and -10 kV pulses on opposite electrodes. For the extraction only half the number of kickers is required due to the very small extracted beam size. In the RDR the tolerance on horizontal beam jitter of the extracted beam is 0.1 σx which requires the extraction kicker amplitude stability to be 0.1% or better. Present R&D plans aim at this objective. If a tighter limit on the amplitude stability is required, then a further stabilization method, such as adding a feed-forward system in the turnaround, could be considered. The R&D activity planned for the RDR is continuing to demonstrate kickers satisfying all the DR specifications including repetition rate, amplitude stability, field uniformity, strength and operational reliability. Low emittance tuning For the low emittance tuning we do not expect significant differences between the two rings even though the sensitivity to alignment errors of the new lattice remains to be evaluated. For both rings the steps to achieve the ultra-low emittance are the same: the definition of the required alignment precision and stability, the precision and sensitivity of the beam position monitors and of the beam size monitors, the effectiveness of the tuning algorithms. Collective effects Collective effects need to be re-evaluated for the SB2009 design, including the fast ion instability space charge incoherent tune shifts and intrabeam scattering. We do not expect a big difference from previous evaluations since these effects depend mainly on the ring currents that are the same as for the RDR. The shorter bunch length poses more stringent requirements on the vacuum chamber impedances. First estimates indicate that the nominal operating parameters are below the thresholds for microwave instabilities [DR6]. Special attention, however, must be paid to the effect of the electron cloud instability. 37 Electron cloud for 1300 bunches (6 ns bunch spacing) For the nominal configuration with 1300 bunches and 6ns bunch spacing, electron cloud mitigation techniques are needed both for the RDR and the SB2009 rings. R&D is in progress at the dedicated test facility, CesrTA, and at other labs. Results are promising and a range of mitigation methods are being tested. We have convened a working group to apply the results of the R&D to the DR design. The findings will be used as input for the ring design that will be chosen for the new baseline. Given the same current and bunch distance we expect similar or even higher instability threshold for the shorter ring [DR7]. Electron cloud for 2600 bunches (3ns bunch spacing): luminosity upgrade A possible luminosity upgrade scenario from the SB2009 baseline consists of 2600 bunches with 2×1010 particles per bunch, i.e. 3 ns bunch spacing and twice the nominal current. We expect the electron cloud build-up to be more severe with the shorter bunch spacing. Thus this configuration is much more challenging than the RDR low-p parameter set with double number of bunches which employs 5200 bunches with 3 ns bunch spacing and 1×1010 particles per bunch, i.e. it has the same current as the nominal RDR parameter set. Achieving the performance of the SB2009 ring for the luminosity upgrade will require additional simulation studies, improved mitigation techniques, a more expensive vacuum design, etc. Further work on mitigation techniques is needed to significantly increase our level of confidence when dealing with this parameter set. In the event that effective EC mitigations cannot be devised, a backup option would be to add a second positron damping ring. At present we are confident that for the nominal parameter set with 6 ns bunch spacing a careful vacuum chamber design with the proper mitigation techniques can assure the required damping ring performance. For the luminosity upgrade, i.e. 3 ns bunch spacing, the EC working group will provide evaluation of the instability thresholds and recommendations on mitigation techniques during TD Phase 2. References [DR1] M.E.Biagini, “First Look at a 3 km Damping Ring”, LCWS08 ,November 16-20, 2008, UIC Chicago, lId=slides&confId=2628 [DR2] A. Wolski, Specifications for the ILC Damping Rings EDR Baseline Lattice, tions.pdf [DR3] M. Palmer, “ILC Damping Rings Lattices Evaluation”, GDE Meeting TILC08, 3-6 March 2008, Sendai, Japan materialId=paper&confId=2432 [DR4] A. Wolski, M. Korostelev, “ILC Damping Rings Lattice DCO”, GDE Meeting TILC08, 3-6 March 2008, Sendai, Japan lId=slides&confId=2432 [DR5] T. Naito, “Beam Test of the Strip-Line Kicker at KEK-ATF”, PAC09, Vancouver 4-8 May 2009 38 [DR6] G. Stupakov, “Status and future plans for instability studies for the ILC damping rings,” presented at ILCDR07-KEK (December 2007). f [DR7] M. Pivi, presentation at LCWA09. 39 4.5 Bunch Compressors 4.5.1 Overview This section describes the proposed changes in the bunch compressor systems (also called, the ringto-main-linac - RTML systems). Major modifications proposed for the RTML are: Adoption of the single-stage bunch compressor scheme, removal of one (per side) of the 220 kW dump and associated components, and removal of one section (per side) of beam diagnostics. Redesign of the second extraction line downstream of the bunch compressor to accommodate larger energy spread. Redesign of the RTML lattice in the central injector complex, associated with new layouts of the damping rings, particle sources and the beam delivery systems. Replacement of the previous two-stage bunch compressor (BC) with a single-stage BC is motivated by a significant cost saving and a desire to simplify the system. The current design facilitates a considerable reduction in the overall beamline length by ~300 m. While this change limits the available compression ratio to 1/20, it is considered adequate in the light of the bunch length of 6 mm from the exit of damping rings and the nominal bunch length of 300 m, as required at the beam interaction point (IP). Beam dynamics issues (emittance preservation) already identified for the Reference Design two-stage system continue to be focus of study for the proposed single-stage system in TD Phase 2, although the new system is expected to be perform better in these respects. Removal of one (per side) of the 220 kW dump and associated dump line components (located downstream of the 2nd compressor in the RDR design) offers another set of cost savings and overall system simplification. The remaining extraction line and 220 kW dump, located after the new single stage compressor has to be redesigned, allowing a large enough energy acceptance for tuning and emergency beam-abort. Cost saving is also possible by shortening of the diagnostics and matching sections (5 GeV instead of 15 GeV in baseline design). Proposed changes in the damping rings and the e+/e- sources will affect the design and length of the RTML line from DR tunnel to main tunnel in non-significant ways. Figure 4.5.1 shows a revised schematic diagram of RTML, indicating the various elements described in the text. 4.5.2 Single-Stage Bunch Compressor The baseline (RDR) design included a two-stage compressor, facilitating an overall maximum bunch compression ratio of a factor of ~45. The main arguments in support of a two-stage compressor have been support of the parameter plane (flexibility): assuming the RDR 9 mm damping bunch length, the two-stage compressor system can achieve bunch lengths of 200 m (RDR low-P parameter set). However, with the adoption of a damping ring lattice capable of achieving a 6 mm bunch length, it is now possible to reconsider the possibility of a single-stage compressor with an overall reduction in compression ratio. Figure 4.5.1 compares the geometry of the RDR two-stage system with a possible single-stage system that is capable of a factor of 20 compression. The compression factor 20 is sufficient for achieving the nominal bunch length of 300 m at the interaction point. This bunch compressor will not support bunch length of 200 m. 40 Figure 4.5.1: Comparison of the geometry of the RDR two-stage system (top) with a possible singlestage system (bottom) capable of a factor of 20 compression. The bunch exits the single-stage compressor with energy of 4.37 GeV after which it is accelerated in the Main Linac, which must now accommodate an additional 10.63 GeV of acceleration. For the sake of cost-comparisons, however, all components up to 15 GeV are included as part of the new singlestage compressor. The single-stage compressor system results in an overall comparable length reduction of 314 meters of beamline and tunnel. The numbers of components in the two-stage compressor (BC1 and BC2) and the single-stage (including the Main Linac up to 15 GeV) are presented on Table 4.5.1. Table 4.5.1: Beamline lengths and component counts in the two-stage and single-stage bunch compressor systems. Length, m RF units/klystrons Cryomodules Cavities Quadrupoles BPMs BC1+BC2 1114 16/17 48 414 88 84 BC1S+ML to 15 GeV 800 14 42 360 61 59 The parameters of the RF section and wigglers have been optimized to match the bunch length and energy spread requirements. The cost advantages of the single-stage system are: Reduction in beamline and associated tunnel length (314 meters) Removal of the second 220 kW/15 GeV beam dump and extraction line components Removal of one section of the beam diagnostics 4.5.3 New RTML Lattice in the Central Area In the SB2009 rebaselining proposal, the damping ring circumference has been reduced to 3.2 km. The RDR design foresaw the ring extraction point to be located at about 1 km from the central region in the direction of the turnaround. Now, the DR extraction is expected to take place at about 100 41 meters from the central area. This change necessitates a complete redesign of the beamlines in this area, affecting the required number of horizontal and vertical doglegs. Fortunately this change simplifies the overall layout of the central area. Only two doglegs are used as shown in Fig. 4.5.2. Lattice files includes extraction line, in the vertical dogleg, skew correction section beam diagnostics (emittance measurement station and beam profile monitor) and the collimation section. The new layout is not expected to affect performance risk in terms of low emittance transport. Continued error analysis and development of beam tuning techniques are planned during TD Phase 2. Figure 4.5.2: Central Area beamline footprint: the left hand plot shows the view from top. The slope of the central straight section is determined by the spin rotator at injection. The right hand plot shows the vertical dogleg along the central straight section. 4.5.4 Proposed Relevant Studies Studies of single-stage bunch compressor will include the following packages: Refined lattice design of a single-stage bunch compressor, diagnostics section and matching section. Beam physics simulation to study effect of coupler RF kick, alignment and phase/amplitude stability of the RF system and provide requirements. The goal to demonstrate that RTML emittance budget can be achieved and beam parameters at the exit of RTML system provide acceptable emittance budget in Main Linac. This point is not SB2009 specific. Re-design and evaluation of the extraction line and 220 kW dump with a suitably large energy acceptance after compressor. This point is not SB2009 specific. Development of CAD models and cost estimations for single-stage bunch compressors: wiggler type design and ultra-short chicane type design. This point is not SB2009 specific. Experimental studies of amplitude and phase stability, required for single-stage bunch compressor at FLASH/DESY facility (so-called 9 mA studies). This point is not SB2009 specific. Re-design of the RTML section from DR tunnel to ML tunnel. This task can be completed after more detailed configuration of other area systems: DR and sources (FNAL). It is the intention of the RTML area group to continue these efforts during TD Phase 2. 42 4.6 Main Linacs 4.6.1 Overview: This section describes the proposed changes to the technical implementation of the main linac systems, as associated with adaptation of the single-tunnel scheme. At this moment two schemes are considered for RF power generation and distributions onto individual cavities. One is called the "Klystron Cluster System" (KCS) in which all the equipment to generate the L-band RF power is situated on surface buildings rather than in the underground tunnels. RF waveguides are implemented to connect the power sources outside the tunnels and the cavities inside the tunnels. The other is called the "Distributed RF System" (DRFS) in which all the equipment to generate the RF power is situated inside the underground tunnel, together with the RF waveguides. In cases of both the KCS and DRFS schemes, the technical implementation of the cavity packages, including those of couplers and tuners, within the cryomodules, would remain common. Likewise, the segmentation of the cryomodules, cryomodule strings, and cryogenic systems remain fundamentally common. However, there will be certain differences in ways that the low-level RF systems (LLRF) operate, since the numbers of cavities driven under one RF power source group would be different. Key features of the two systems are summarized in Table Table Summary of key features of KCS and DRFS which are considered for the proposed new main linac RF power system implementation. Klystron Cluster System Distributed RF System Klystrons / Modulators RDR-like 10MW klystrons + modulators on surface Smaller ~750kW klystrons + modulators in tunnel Surface Buildings Surface building & shafts every ~2.4 km, each housing 2 clusters of 19 klystrons - RF power delivery From surface building into the tunnels via circular TE01 waveguide (0.48m ); After power splitting at circular tapoffs (CTO), RDR-like power distribution with revised design. Waveguide system inside the tunnel local to each of the klystrons and the cavities associated with them. Cavity / Klystron population ratio 832 cavities to be driven by RF power combined from 18 units of 10MW klystrons. 4 cavities to be driven by one unit of ~750kW klystron Both the KCS and DRFS are considered to have good enough reasons to claim their technical feasibility and worth for R&D into the TDP2 period. Both systems seem capable of fitting into the 43 single main linacs of an inner diameter of ~5m, as will be discussed in Section 4.9. In the following, we discuss the specifics of the technical implementation, known issues and plans for their development and system validation to pursue in TDP2. 4.6.2 Klystron Cluster System (KCS) Concept of Klystron Cluster System The Klystron Cluster System, or KCS, is one of two conceptual schemes under consideration for powering a single-tunnel main linac layout, the other being DRFS. In KCS, the rf power is generated on the surface and transported down to the linac tunnel. To minimize the number of additional shafts required, multiple sources are clustered together and their power combined into a single, overmoded waveguide (referred to as the main waveguide). This power is then tapped off in equal portions at intervals along the linac equal to the RDR klystron spacing (see Fig. In addition to eliminating the need for a service tunnel, this scheme brings much of the heat load associated with rf generation to the surface. Figure Basic schematic layout of the Klystron Cluster System (KCS) with inset of tunnel crosssection. High-power rf is produced in surface buildings. Power from many sources is combined into an overmoded waveguide and brought down to the linac. There it is evenly distributed through graduated tap-offs at 38 m intervals along lengths exceeding a kilometer. Two systems running in opposite directions can share one building and shaft. An attractiveness of the KCS comes from the fact that it allows relatively long distances, compared to the Reference Design, between the power sources and the accelerator. In the RDR, the waveguide length between the closest cavity and its power source was around 7 m (25 m for the farthest), whereas for the KCS the farthest distance can be up to 1300 m. This is made possible because of the low loss transmission characteristic of TE01 waveguide. In the KCS, the total system waveguide power loss is only roughly doubled compared to the Reference Design. Very high power TE01 mode systems function well in accelerator applications, such as those in the commonly used ‘SLED’ system. Large-scale X-band transmission systems have been also developed on the basis of circular waveguides, demonstrating their high-power applications with significantly smaller losses compared to those based on rectangular waveguides. As a result, a large collection of design and fabrication 44 techniques exist for development of related components such as high-vacuum mode-converters, bends, pump-outs etc which can be readily applied to KCS. Design tools such as the simulation program ‘HFSS’ have been, by now, thoroughly validated. With this and on the basis of existing computational and experimental data, the design criteria have been established for the maximum peak electrical and magnetic field within each of the components, so as to stay within a comfortable operational regime in the light of surface breakdowns and pulse heating limits in varying conditions, such as the choice of the materials, pulse lengths, RF frequencies and gas (or vacuum) pressures. For the KCS described here, we believe we are within a five to ten safety margin. For instance, the peak surface electric field in the tap-off power coupler component is about 1.5 MV/m, while the expected breakdown threshold at the nominal pulse length is above 10 MV/m. A similar margin is achieved with the pulse-heating damage threshold, where the maximum pulsed temperature rise of about 3 degrees C is an order magnitude below levels associated with breakdown in X-band cavities. Another very attractive aspect of the KCS is the intrinsic simplicity of the accelerator tunnel that it realizes. It contains no modulators and klystrons, and, therefore, substantially reduced water cooling, compared to the Reference Design. This makes the KCS ideal for relatively open site topography with rock-based geology, as in two of the RDR sample sites. The long waveguides allows a certain degree of flexibilities on the locations to build the KCS cluster surface buildings, relative to the ML tunnels, so as to accommodate site-specific constraints. System Description and System Components Power sources in the surface buildings: Surface buildings containing power supplies, modulators, LLRF, rf drive, and klystrons are situated roughly 2.4 km apart along each linac. The source specifications are essentially unchanged by this scheme, except for a 38% increase in pulse duration to accommodate the increased cavity fill time due to the lower linac beam current. The modulators, either of the TESLA design described in the RDR or the more recently developed Marx design, provide 120 kV pulses. The klystrons, presumably solenoid focused, six-beam MBK’s, (though possibly sheet-beam klystrons) are assumed to generate at a 5 Hz repetition rate the nominal 10 MW, 1.3 GHz pulse with a 2.16 ms flat top. This 38% increase over the RDR pulse width is necessary due to the longer cavity fill time with the reduced beam current. Waveguides into the tunnels: Dual outputs from each klystron are coupled symmetrically into the main waveguide through circulators and vacuum windows. Although loads on the circulators should largely absorb any reflected power, waveguide valves must be included in each of these connecting arms to allow safe replacement of a failed klystron during operation. For power handling considerations, the main waveguide is evacuated and operated in the circular TE01 mode, which has no electric fields on the wall. To couple into this overmoded circular waveguide, an in-line component referred to as a coaxial tap-off (CTO) is used. Efficient coupling to the circular waveguide requires that the power fed into the CTO’s two input ports have equal amplitude and phase of the appropriate values compared to what’s already flowing in the waveguide from the upstream klystrons. As the power builds up along the main waveguide, the CTO’s have progressively smaller coupling ratios. Two 90° bends are required to bring the rf power from a klystron cluster down to and along the accelerator tunnel. Bending is non-trivial in overmoded waveguide. These must carry the maximum 45 power and preserve mode purity at the end. A design solution might use corrugated circular waveguide in a carefully profiled bend (a prototype exists at X-band). Designing and demonstrating a very high power TE01 bend is part of KCS R&D program envisioned in the next few years. For the main waveguide, a diameter of 0.48 m is a good choice as it is below the cutoff diameter of TE02 and the attenuation is modest, about 13% over 1.25 km in aluminum (or about 7% on average). Due to the danger of transferring power into the 20 parasitic modes that propagate at this diameter, a fairly tight tolerance (~1 mm) must be kept on the cross-section. Matched step tapers are used to connect it to the 0.35 m diameter circular ports of the CTO’s. The main impact on the tunnel cross-section (inset in Fig. is the presence of this main waveguide with insulated cooling, mounted near the ceiling. It is interrupted periodically by vacuum pump-out sections with associated pumps and by CTO’s connecting to the local power distribution waveguide systems. Additional hardware formerly located in the RDR service tunnel, such as beam and rf diagnostic electronics, will also need to be fit in the main tunnel, with appropriate shielding. This includes power supplies and electronics for magnets, cavity coupler actuators, BPM’s, piezos, and cavity tuners, as well as LLRF front-end modules for down-mixing signals and relaying them to the surface. Perhaps ¾ of the racks from the RDR, with associated power and cooling, will be installed, preferably under the cryomodule supports. This equipment will have to be radiation shielded with several centimeters of concrete and lead. At intervals of about 38 m, equivalent to the three cryomodule rf unit length in the RDR, high-power rf is tapped off from the main waveguide through a CTO. The linac CTO’s are the same as those used for combining, but oriented oppositely as tap-offs and sequenced in order of increased coupling as the power is depleted. Thus the output ports of the CTO’s replace the feeds from local klystrons in the RDR design. The CTO interior (see Fig. has a diameter step up which couples nearly half the power into the TE02 mode. A tube is then introduced at the original diameter to divide the volume between inner circular waveguide and an outer coaxial region. The mix of circular modes causes a radial beating in field intensity so the location of this tube relative to the step up determines the power split between the regions, and hence the coupling. The coaxial guide is shorted and coupled through eight azimuthally distributed slots to a wrap-around waveguide. The outer wall of the latter opens into two WR650 ports. Here rf windows terminate the vacuum envelope. Pump-out ports are easily incorporated at the CTO ports, just before the windows. Further pumping through special pump-out inserts will be required directly on the main waveguide. Based on experience with the overmoded SLED II system at SLAC, having a port with ion pumps every 10 m should reduce the main waveguide pressure to below 10-6 torr initially and down to 10-8 torr over time. A pressurized line would be preferable, but it is not clear that the expected peak field levels, approaching 4 MV/m, could be sustained in nitrogen at one or two bars absolute pressure. As part of the R&D program, operation under both vacuum and pressure will be evaluated. 46 Figure TE01-mode Coaxial Tap-Off (CTO) with wrap-around power extraction. Only the gap and matching ridge vary for different couplings (3 dB pictured). For combining, it is used in reverse. Power distribution onto cavities: From the CTO, power is fanned out through a local power distribution system to 26 cavities. Whereas the RDR had a fixed coupling hybrid for each cavity feed, the acceptance of a relatively large spread in cavity gradient capabilities (perhaps 24.5~38.5 MV/m) adopted to increase yield calls for the use of adjustable coupling to tailor the local power distribution. The Variable Tap-Off (VTO) developed at SLAC, or its equivalent, would be used to optimize the relative power delivered to individual or pairs of cavities. Pairing would be based on similar gradient rating from pre-installation tests. Pair feeding through a hybrid or magic-T will allow reflected power to be directed into a load, eliminating the need for circulators. This savings should roughly balance the VTO cost. Also, the three-stub tuners of the RDR will be replaced by phase shifters and tunable power coupler antennae, decoupling and simplifying phase and QL adjustment. If each cluster combines 17 ten megawatt klystrons and has a 93% average transport efficiency, then it can power 32 rf units (1.2 km long) with 4.9 MW each (for half current operation relative to the RDR). With the KCS, a klystron failure does not bring down an rf unit as it does in the RDR, but rather reduces power uniformly along the fed linac section. However, due to the nature of the combining circuit, the available power goes as the square of the fraction that are operational. For example, one klystron failure out of 17 results in 150.6 MW in the main waveguide and 9.4 MW misdirected into loads. For improved reliability, each cluster would include 19 klystrons with one left off as a reserve. If one fails, the spare would be turned on, maintaining the full power of (18/19)21910 MW = 170.5 MW. A repair/replacement can presumably be made before a second failure occurs in a given cluster. Component counts: Two clusters collocated in a single rf power building would power about 2.4 km of linac, one feeding upstream and the other downstream. Being on the surface allows easy air cooling of the rf sources, and two or three floor levels could used to minimize the overall building footprint. With slight adjustments to the current shaft locations and two additional small diameter shafts per linac, the main linacs can each be powered through five shafts by nine KCS systems. 47 Table Nominal parameters for the klystron cluster rf power distribution system. Numbers in parentheses are for the upgrade 9 mA beam current. # of KCS per main linac # of rf units per system # of cryomodules per system # of cavities per system # of klystrons/modulators per system peak rf power per system (MW) 9 32 96 832 19 (36) 170 (340) RF controls: The beam-to-rf timing will vary by 0.9 microsecond for the downstream run and 8.8 microseconds for the upstream run. Centered, the latter represents ± 0.4% of nominal cavity fill time. Flat gradient along the bunch train can be maintained locally by using QL to tailor the cavity fill times accordingly. With 18 klystrons serving as a single source, the low level rf system will have to work with vector sums from 832 cavities, rather than 26, in controlling each cluster. These sums would be computed locally for each cryomodule and then sent in real time to the cluster building, where a redundant summing and processing system (2 of 3 majority logic) would be used to adjust the klystron drive pulses The following LLRF (low level rf) configuration would ensure high availability at low cost for the Klystron Cluster System. For each cryomodule, the probe signals from the 8 or 9 cavities are each down-mixed to baseband (I and Q) and digitized at 10 MHz in a ‘CM Sum Unit’ located near the cryomodule in a radiation shielded enclosure. After calibration and filtering are applied, a digital sum of the cavity voltages is computed in the CM Sum Unit and sent via a fiber optic cable to the associated surface building at a rate of 1 MHz for feedback purposes. The raw digitized data for the probe rf and other signals, such as reflected rf, are sent between pulses for diagnostics purposes. If a CM Sum Unit fails to send this info, the cavities in that cryomodule would be detuned and the power to them would be diverted to a load (both would take on the order of minutes). Note that there would be some failures, such as of an individual digitizer, for which the cryomodule could continue to operate. At the surface building, the fiber optic signal from each of the ~96 cryomodules would be split three ways and sent to three identical Drive Processors. The output rf for each of the klystrons would also be digitized at 1 MHz and split three ways for the Drive Processors. The electronics to do this would be separate for each source, and if it failed, at worst that klystron would be shut off. Others signals, such as the klystron reflected power and power launched in the TE01 main waveguide, would be also digitized and used for monitoring and for slow feed forward control. The system could run without these on the time scale in which they could be repaired. Each Drive Processor would use the CM sum signals, the klystron output signals and dynamic FF tables to compute the digital drive signal to each of the klystrons. There would be one digital output per klystron. At each klystron, the three digital signals from the Drive Processors would go through 2of-3 majority logic before being used to up-mix an LO source that gets amplified (to 100 W) to drive the klystron. With this logic, if any one of the Drive Processors fails (hard or soft), the results of the other two are used. The clock signals and LO for this system would be provided by redundant sources so that if one 48 source fails, the signals would still provided by the others. Also, the AC power to the Drive Processors would be provided through different breakers. The fiber optic splitters could perhaps have battery backup. With this scheme, one may have to turn off individual cryomodules or klystrons due to LLRF failures, just as in the baseline design, but rarely the entire cluster (e.g., in the case when all three of the Drive Processors disagree for more than one klystron). Heat load issues: The additional heat load presented by the main waveguide varies along the tunnel as the power is depleted from ~230 W/m to ~6.3 W/m, averaging ~114 W/m (for 170 MW-2.2 ms-5 Hz operation). This does not include the heat load of the local distribution systems. Presumably, the main waveguide will be cooled via water tubing attached to the pipe inside an insulating wrap. (The cooling should be sufficient to handle the 45% increase for a 9 mA beam current upgrade.) To absorb longitudinal waveguide thermal expansion, alignment-maintaining bellows must be included at flange joints. Five 5 mm gaps (virtually invisible to the TE01 mode) per 38 m rf unit at room temperature could absorb up to 50°F temperature change. Phase stability will nevertheless be at the level of 10°/°F at the farthest point (1.2 km) due to diameter expansion. This can be tracked and compensated by the local phase shifters (the circular waveguide water cooling system should minimize the slow temperature variations to below 1°F). For a high current ILC upgrade, the number of klystrons, modulators, and associated hardware per KCS would be increased from 19 to 36, with the cluster buildings and their electrical and cooling systems expanded accordingly. The tunnel layout would be unaffected by the upgrade in beam power, always distributing the available power evenly among the rf units. In particular, the cooling system in the tunnel would be initially sized for the high current operation. Cost Considerations The cost benefit of Klystron Cluster System is primarily realized in the elimination of the service tunnel. A secondary cost benefit comes from the simplification of the electrical and cooling systems that have been moved to the surface. The fiscal impact has been estimated to be about a 300 M$ savings. It does, however, entail added complications and risks beyond those of just combining the service and beam tunnels in the RDR. These include: Four more 4-m-diameter shafts are needed (two per linac), and the surface presence of the machine is increased. Efficiently combining tens of rf sources efficiently into overmoded waveguide is a challenge. The waveguide bends may be difficult to build. Although the surface electric fields in the KCS system are relatively low, if there is a breakdown, the high stored energy (1.4 kJ maximum, based on the round-trip time to shutoff the rf sources at upgrade beam current) may cause surface damage. However, waveguide arcs are usually highly reflective. The LLRF control architecture has to be more robust and the system provides less local control of the energy variation along the linac Operational and Availability Issues The impact of the rf system on machine availability is considered negligible. Redundancy will be built in to the low level rf, the high power systems contain spare sources, and the distribution waveguide is assumed to be robust against breakdown. 49 R&D Plan and Schedule As a first step toward demonstrating feasibility of the KCS, a 10 m run of the main overmoded distribution waveguide and two CTO’s are being built. These components will first be configured to measure the transmission through the system and the power handling capability of the wrap-around waveguide and coaxial section. They will also be high power tested by resonating the line with a short at one end and a CTO at the other end that is terminated by a shorted waveguide segment to give the desired coupling. With input power of about a megawatt, standing wave peak fields equivalent to those of a 330 MW travelling wave will be produced. This test will be done both with the system under vacuum and filled with nitrogen at 2 bar absolute pressure. Future tests should include demonstrating the tap-off and combining functions of the CTO, developing and testing a bend, and perhaps building a 200 m resonant ring. These issues are also addressed during TDP2. 50 4.6.3 Distributed RF System (DRFS) Concept of Distributed RF System The Distributed RF System (DRFS) is another possibility for a cost-effective solution in support of a single Main Linac tunnel design. In the proposed baseline implementation of DRFS, one unit of 750 kW Modulating Anode (MA) klystron would drive four cavities. In case of the high current option, two cavities will be driven by a 750kW klystron. Figure shows the conceptual diagram of the DRFS. The DRFS is based on much simpler and more compact HLRF and LLRF units than the RDR baseline or the KCS, and it offers a good operational flexibility in coping with performance variations of individual cavities. This section discusses the technical implementation scheme for the DRFS that have been developed so far. Because of the increased number of components involved, it is recognized that the total system cost and the total system reliability are potential concerns, although the unit cost of the components is expected to be low and the reliability of individual components at their lower RF power expected to be reasonably good. These issues have been examined, and will be discussed. Finally, the ongoing R&D efforts on the DRFS and the system prototyping work is discussed, together with the near-future development plans. Figure : Schematics of the DRFS concept. System Description In the RDR scheme, three units of ILC cryomodules, containing 26 cavities in total, are driven by the RF power from one unit of 10MW L-band klystron. In the proposed new baseline scheme of DRFS, four cavities are driven by one unit of 750kW L-band MA klystron. Therefore, one would see that three cryomodules with 26 cavities will be driven by six and a half units of MA klystrons. In a practical implementation, the proposed scheme of DRFS is to use 13 units of MA klystrons to drive six cryomodules, containing 52 cavities. The DC power and anode modulation for a group of 13 units of klystrons are provided by one common DC power supply and one common anode modulator (MA modulator). In order to realize high reliability, each of the DC power supplies and MA modulators is associated with one backup unit, which will be designed and implemented to be "hot-swappable". Each of the power and voltage distribution circuits will have a high-voltage SW, which switches off the line when over current failures are detected. 51 A DC power supply has a bouncer circuit which compensates for the dropping of the pulse flat top. This can be accomplished by a relatively small capacitor bank. The charger of a DC power supply comprises of a bundle of several units of identical switching PS. This allows us to increase its electrical power with ease, simply by adding more switching PS units, in case a doubled DC power is needed, when the high-current option is deployed. A common heater power supply feeds the klystron filament power similarly. Another measure toward high reliability is the use of permanent focusing magnets for MA klystrons. This eliminates the power supply for klystron solenoids and associated sources of failures and electricity demand. Over the past 20 years KEK has an operational experience of pulsed klystrons with the cathode loading of 6.2A/cm2 and the maximum gun field of 22kV/mm with the gun voltage of 304 kV. While the MA klystrons would operate with pulses longer (2ms) than typical pulsed klystrons at KEK, its design parameters are chosen to be similar with those of a DC klystron: the cathode loading is less than 2A/cm2 and the maximum gun field gradient is 6.54kV/mm with the gun voltage of 64kV (the efficiency is 60%). On this basis we estimate the MTBF of the MA klystron to be 120khrs. The Power Distribution System (PDS) is relatively simple; PDS components include: directional couplers (DC), flexible wave guides, fixed phase shifter and three magic tee type power dividers. The RF power from a MA klystron is divided into four feeds through two magic tees and brought to four cavities. Circulators are not necessary, since the reflected powers from two cavities are not reflected to the klystron, since they cancelled at the magic tees which offer a high degree of isolation. A dummy load which is shunted to magic tees will absorb the reflected power from the cavities. An average length of wave guide for each klystron is 2 m. The corresponding average loss is estimated to be 0.8 kW. The specifications of these components are tabulated in Table In the current study the DRFS design is prepared for variation of cavity accelerating field in the range of 25MV/m - 38MV/m, i.e. +/-205 around the nominal 31.5MV/m. This means the required feed power in the range of 116 kW - 147 kW. The DRFS can accommodate suitable sorted cavity pairs, in accordance with their field gradient performance, by introducing the semi-tunable power divider as used at the STF at KEK [DRFS1]. For instance in an extreme case of a pair of 38MV/m cavities and a pair of 25MV/m cavities to be driven by a single MA klystron, the required power would be 588kW. By including a 20% margin for LLRF, the required RF power for this 4-cavity set would be 710kW, which is well within the specifications for the MA klystron. The external Q's are matched by the tuners, and the flattop and stable operation would be maintained by the LLRF control. In case of a high-current (9mA) operation which is envisaged as a future upgrade possibility, the population of the MA klystrons will be doubled, thereby each MA klystron feeds the RF power onto two cavities, or conversely, 26 units of MA klystrons drive six cryomodules with 52 cavities. 52 Table Pertinent specification parameters for the DRFS. Klystron Frequency Peak Power Average Power Output RF pulse width Repitition Rate Efficiency Saturated Gain Cathode voltage Cathode current Perveance(Beam@64.1kV) (Gun@56kV) Life Time # in 3 cryomodule Focusing Type of Klystron DC Power supply per 6 cryomodules # of klystron (6 cryomodule) Max Voltage Peak Pulse Current Average Current Output Power Pulse width Repitition Rate Voltage Sag Bouncer Circuit Capacitor Capacitance Inductance M. Anode Modulator Anode Voltage Anode Bias Voltage 1.3 750 7.5 2 5 60 GHz kW kW ms Hz % 64.1 kV 19.5 A 1.2 Perv 1.56 Perv 110,000 hours 6.5 Permanent magnet focusing Modulated Anode Type 13 71.5 253 2.53 181 2.2 5 <1 kV A A kW ms Hz % 26 F 260 F 4.9 mH 56 kV -2 kV A notably advantageous feature of the DRFS is with the LLRF control. The number of cavities to be involved in one unit of vector sum control is only four (will be two in case of high-current option), as opposed to 26 with RDR or much more with KCS. With relatively unsophisticated sorting of the cavities in accordance with their performance, a highly efficient operation of these SC cavities is expected to achieve a high average accelerating gradient. The DRFS also offers a robust system platform where, in case of failures of cavities, couplers or tuners, the affected number of cavity units is well contained (limited to four or two). 53 System Components Figure shows the configuration of rf units in the baseline case. Table gives the component counts. For comparison with the RDR design, the numbers are quoted for a system which correspond to three units of cryomodules. Figure : System configuration of DRFS in the baseline case. Table The component count for the DRFS in the baseline case. For comparison with the RDR. The numbers are quoted for a group of three cryomodules. Figure shows the reconfigured system in case of high current option. Table gives the component counted associated with each configuration. Figure : System configuration of DRFS in the baseline case. 54 Table The component count for the DRFS in the high-current case. For comparison with the RDR, the numbers are quoted for a group of three cryomodules. Tunnel Layout Studies of hardware installation of DRFS in the single-tunnel scheme so far have been made, and so far it is known to be accommodated within a tunnel diameter of 5.2m. Figure shows a cross sectional view of such an installation layout. Cryomodule is hung down from the ceiling. The support structure with suitable vibration suppression needs to be worked out and this is an issue to pursue during TDP2. RF sources are nearly uniformly distributed the tunnel: the modulators, DC power supplies, LLRF rack units and other electrical devices are installed inside a shielded area for protection from the radiation exposure. Thickness of the shield structure and materials are currently considered as per similar implementation considered at EuroXFEL. They will be examined more closely during TDP2. Underneath the floor the air ducts will be deployed with a total cross section exceeding 1 m2. Figure A cross section view of a possible DRFS installation in a main linac tunnel. Figure includes a working space for the traffic of transport girders to carry the cryomodules and RF components. Figure shows a three-dimensional isometric view of the DRFS installation which is introduced by Figure In addition to the scheme of Figure, a few other 55 installation layouts are under study: one having the cryomodules installed on the floor in a 5.75m tunnel, and another having cryomodule placed on top of the shield structure within a 5.2m tunnel. Figure A 3D isometric view of the DRFS installation illustration the scheme given in Figure One of the potential issues in hardware implementation of the DRFS is the heat dissipation by the components in the single main linac tunnels. Table summarizes the present estimate of pertinent parameters which are taken into consideration for the civil and tunnel engineering design as discussed in Section 5 of this document. Table Summary of current estimate of heat water load and heat load due the DRFS components . 56 Cost Considerations The DRFS requires a large number of DC power supplies and MA klystrons. The reduction of the cost is a key issue to validate its merit as a system solution. The following considerations are given. MA Klystrons The total of 4200 MA klystrons need to be manufactured during a construction period of 5 years (850/year). During the subsequent operation period, approximately 200 MA klystrons need to be produced per year. The perceived cost reduction measures are as follows: For klystrons after the assembly, the vendors would only perform the baking of completed klystrons, yet no HV processing. The HV/RF processing of the klystrons are to be done on the ILC site. Consequently/RF, no modulators are to be maintained for HV/RF processing in the vendor’s site,. Deployment of hydro-forming techniques for manufacturing common parts of the klystrons. Deployment of auto tuning machines for tuning of the cavities to use in the klystron body. Elimination of ion pumps on the klystrons. Deployment of getter pumps. Elimination of lead shield,. Elimination of solenoid focusing magnets. Deployment of permanent magnet focusing. DC Power Supplies and Modulators As stated earlier, one common MA modulator and one common DC power supply, with one backup unit each to ensure the system reliability, will drive 13 units of klystrons for cost saving. A bouncer circuit is introduced in the DC power supply. This can be done with small capacitors in this application. Since the MA modulator does not supply the pulsed power, its cost can be kept low. Power Distribution Very simple power distribution system, which results in cost reduction, is possible in this scheme; no circulator, a power divider employing Magic-T with a high isolation for space saving, one phaseshifter with symmetric PDS between couplers or asymmetric PDS with a phase-fixed waveguide for cost saving and 750 kW RF propagation in the dry air without any extra ceramic window. Taking into account the above mentioned considerations, our present estimation of the construction cost for the RF system for DRFS is approximately 2/3 of what has been evaluated for the RDR HLRF/LLRF systems. The reason why it is not 1/2 is due to the conservative approach that we currently take toward the costing of MA klystrons with permanent magnet focusing. The costing of MA klystrons, and its reduction, is one of the issues that will be pursued in TDP2. Operational and Availability Issues One of the main availability issues for DRFS is the radiation damage of components. Almost all DRFS components will be installed in the tunnel where we need to examine the potential radiation hazard which is caused by acceleration of the dark current. The data concerning this issue is unfortunately sparse. At this moment, we follow the considerations given in case of the EuroXFEL project, and assume to introduce radiation shield of 10cm-thick concrete and 1cm-thick lead. Another important availability issue is the maintainability of HLRF components, in particular the klystrons. A large number of klystrons are use in the main linac tunnels, as one klystron feeds its power to four cavities, as opposed to 26 cavities by one klystron in RDR. A longer MTBF for klystrons 57 is expected to be realized with the measures as described before. However, maintainability of klystrons and other components remains to be a key issue. In the following, the maintenance scenario for the DRFS and the associated workload are examined. As discussed in Appendix 1, the operation schedule is assumed to consist of a repetition of 2-week continuous operation (312 hrs) interrupted by one-day maintenance in between. The numbers of failed components, which require replacement or repair, after each of the 2-week operation, are estimated and are summarized in Table The MTBF assumed in the estimates are also indicated. Table Estimated number of HLRF components across the entire ILC requiring replacement or repair, after completion of each of the 2-week operation period: Component DC power supply MA modulator MA klystron # of units requiring MTBF assumed replacement or repair 2 50,000 hours 1.5 70,000 hours 12 110,000 hours Total # of units deployed at the ILC 325 325 4225 It should be noted that the scheme taken with redundant DC PS and MA modulator will provide substantially longer "system" MTBFs for the DC power supplies and MA modulators than what are quoted in Table The MTBF quoted for the klystrons is based on the operational experience of KEKB linac, where 4.7 million hours of cumulative operation time has been logged at 60 klystron sockets. BI (barium-impregnated) cathode and lower cathode loading, which assure longer life time of klystron, are adopted for this project. In order to estimate the human resources that are required during each of the one-day maintenance, the time that it takes to replace each of the components in question has been examined. Table shows the summary of this study. Table Estimated times for the repair work of DRFS. Action Transportation of klystron Time for unit piece of work 0.5 person-hours / tube Removal of a failed klystron and installation of a replacement klystron Time for personnel to move from one point of repair to another Replacement of a MA modulator Replacement of a DC power supply 4 person-hours / tube Rationale 2 person in 2 hours could bring 8 tubes on one carrier. 2 hours with 2 persons 2/3 person-hours / tube 20 minutes with 2 persons 6.67 person-hours / modulator 27 person-hours / DC power supply 58 As a consequence, the human resource that it takes to replace the 12 MA klystrons on each of the one-day maintenance day would amount to 62 person-hours. Likewise, 1.5 MA modulators will require 10 person-hours, and 2 DC power supplies will take 54 hours to repair. In summary, the required human resource for HLRF during maintenance is calculated to be 126 person-hour, which corresponds to 16 person-days. This is likely to be manageable in the light of other work that would be necessary during maintenance days. R&D Plan and Schedule Although the technologies of individual components for the DRFS are fairly conventional, it is still important to demonstrate its system functionality by operating at least a few number of units. Therefore, a task force has been commissioned at KEK in 2008 to pursue the R&D relevant to the DRFS RF system. Prototype RF components of a MA klystron together with parts of power supply and MA modulator will be manufactured in JFY09 and further R&D will ensue. A prototype unit DRFS will be operated and evaluated in the S1 global test at KEK in 2010, first with MA klystrons based on solenoid magnet focusing. This system is expected to continue operation for the buncher section of the STF2 at KEK. The goal is to accumulate operational experience in a semi-real-life working conditions through 20112012. The DRFS to be tested in this STF2 operation will be two units of MA klystrons driving eight cavities, and/or four units of MA klystrons driving eight cavities. Development of permanent magnet focusing for the MA klystrons will be pursued in JFY2010 and beyond. As for the system implementation aspects, a more thorough cost study will be made together with the CFS team during TDP2. Potential vibration issues of cryomodules, when they are hung off the tunnel ceiling, will be studied, too. 59 4.6.4 Advanced Design Issues with Main Linacs in TDP2 Besides the new rf hardware configuration discussed in Section 4.6.2 and 4.6.3, and in addition to the general issues with the high gradient cavity R&D as discussed in Section 2.1, we are intending to address general main linac design and main linac operability issues during TDP2. While these issues do not constitute a specific part of the SB2009 rebaselining proposal, they are presented here to put the overall design and R&D subjects during TDP2 into perspective. This subsection touches on three such issues: 1. An analysis of alternative schemes for implementing the low current option. It is shown that by fine tuning the average beam current, the RF pulse length can be controlled so as to be same as the RDR specifications, at an expense of an increased requirement for the peak RF power. 2. A comment on the 'zero-gradient' operation. It illustrates, with the positron target located at the end (WA 3), how the main linac cavities can be adapted for low energy operation. 3. A comments on the 'negative-gradient' operation which has been suggested in the RDR. It compares the low energy operation in this Proposal against that in the Reference Design. Alternative Current Option In the SB2009 proposal, the beam power for the initial installation has been cut in half from that of the RDR. This allows reduction of both the size of the damping rings and the rf power. A straight forward approach, aimed at minimizing peak rf power, was to eliminate every other bunch, thus halving the bunch train current. However, it has the effect, for the same acceleration gradient, of doubling the cavity fill time, thereby increasing the required rf pulse width by 38% from 1.56ms to 2.16ms. This pushes the specification for the klystrons and modulators beyond what’s been originally anticipated in RDR and assumed in the R&D effort so far. The longer fill time also increases the cryogenic dynamic heat-load. An alternative way to achieve the same reduction in average current or number of bunches per pulse is to change both the bunch train current and the bunch train length. Examples are shown in Table If the former is reduced to 69% of the RDR value and the latter to 72.5%, the required rf pulse duration would remain unchanged. The increase in fill time is balanced by the shortened beam pulse. In this scenario, the number of bunches would still be halved, with their spacing increased by a factor of 1.45, rather than doubled. Figure Comparison of reduced beam power bunch train options and 9 mA power upgrade with implications for rf power sources and cryogenics Option A 32 (832) 1,335 4.5 969 19 2.16 170 368 1.406 1.071 # of rf units (cavities) per KCS # of bunches per beam pulse bunch train current (mA) bunch train duration (s) # of klystrons/modulators per system rf pulse duration (ms) peak rf power per system (MW) rf pulse energy (kJ) norm. cavity dynamic heatload norm. total cryo dynamic heatload 60 Option B 32 (832) 1,335 6.21 702 26 1.56 240 375 1.019 0.932 upgrade 32 (832) 2,670 9 969 36 1.56 340 531 1 1 More rf sources are required for this option, but still significantly fewer than for the baseline current and without extended pulses (which capacity would be unusable in the event of an upgrade). Furthermore, the cryogenic dynamic heat-load can be actually reduced by a few percent. This discussion illustrates one of the topics to pursue when further system optimization is sought during TDP2. Operation of Cavities with Zero Gradient To run beam through all or part of the linac with zero gradient without detuning the cavities, or even changing the QL’s, the rf should be set to arrive simultaneously with the beam at a power of ¼ the nominal value. This pulse will effectively be fully reflected from the cavity into the waveguide load, as the normal decay of the drive reflection is balanced by the rising beamloading emitted field. Because the cavity is thus prevented from filling with rf, there is no post-beam discharge. The waveguide loads would receive ¼0.45 = 0.1125 of the full gradient rf drive energy (where 0.45 is the fraction of the nominal pulse width which covers the beam), as opposed to 55% of it (fill time portion) in accelerating mode. Operation of Cavities with Negative Gradient With the undulator placed at the 150 GeV point in the electron main linac, operation below 300 GeV cms energy requires deceleration of the beam. Specifically, to pick up where LEP left off, at 209 GeV cms, the electron beam must be decelerated by 45.5 GeV (from 150 GeV to 104.5 GeV) over the section of the linac designed to add 100 GeV (to 250 GeV). This calls for powering the cavities out of phase at -45.5% of the design gradient, or -14.33 MV/m (average). Reducing the QL’s, the fill time and the rf power by a factor of |V|/V0 will produce the desired gradient at beam arrival. The rf pulse can then be terminated, and the retarding gradient would be maintained constant as the beam loading buildup cancels the decay of the preloaded rf. During the beam, the power extracted from the beam, equal to the preceding input rf, leaves the cavities to be absorbed in the loads. The nominal fill time is 55% of the rf pulse (for either low power bunch spacing option), which fraction of the pulse energy is nominally deposited in the waveguide load during cavity fill and discharge. Thus, for operation in a decelerating mode, the input rf energy is 0.55(|V|/V0)2 and the rf heat load 0.55(|V|/V0)2 + 0.45(|V|/V0) times the nominal pulse energy. This is less than the nominal heat load up to |V|/V0 = 0.671 and only 31.9% at the maximum value of 0.455 envisioned above. It would be simpler to achieve low energy by operating at full reverse acceleration for the appropriate fraction of the linacs, leaving the power, timing and coupling unchanged. However, unless the repetition rate were dropped, this would increase the rf heat load by 82%, in the local waveguide loads and 29% in the couplers, requiring greater cooling capacity to be installed in the tunnel. 61 4.7 Beam Delivery Systems 4.7.1 Overview This section describes the design changes in the Beam Delivery Systems (BDS) of the ILC considered as a response to the proposed changes of the design baseline. The elements in the baseline changes which are of particular relevance to BDS are the following two: Changes in the subsystem integration of the central region: As of the RDR, the BDS, the electron source and the damping rings are clustered in the central region of the ILC accelerator complex. The proposed changes in the baseline envisage relocation of the positron source system to the downstream end of the electron main linac, so that they also join this central region. This impacts the subsystem layout in ways that affect the implementation of electron side BDS. Changes in the baseline parameter set: Proposed adoption of the low power beam parameter set (same machine pulse repetition rate and the same bunch intensity, but a reduced number of bunches per pulse) leads to a desire to push the beam-beam parameter, so that the same luminosity as in RDR can be achieved. As a solution the so-called travelling focus scheme is being considered. However, in terms of beam energy handling, similar to the RDR design, the BDS design remains compatible with 1TeV CM upgrade which is expected to be accomplished by installing additional dipoles and replacing the final doublet. In what follows, the revised design solutions to adopt in the BDS and their technical feasibilities are presented. 4.7.2 System Layout The central integration includes the sources in the same tunnel as the BDS. Relocation of the positron production system to the downstream end of the electron linac means placing it just before the beginning of the electron BDS. These changes need suitable design modifications to the layout of this area. Figure 4.7.1 shows the proposed new layout of the electron BDS. Figure 4.7.1: Proposed new layout of the electron BDS. The most notable feature of the new electron BDS layout is the introduction of the dogleg so as to create the required transverse offset between the electron beamline and the positron photon target. 62 Another important consideration is the protection of the undulator from miss-steered as well as an electron beam with significant energy errors, which is now shares the same systems foreseen for the BDS. These changes apply only to the electron side. The positron beam delivery system design remains almost the same as in the RDR excepting few modifications such as separating the combined functionalities of the machine protection energy chicane, the upstream polarisation measurements and the laser wire detection, which was found to be problematic to both polarimeter and laser wire detection purposes. These changes were agreed to be implemented on both the electron and positron BDS designs in the TD Phase 2 phase before SB2009. The increase in the length caused due to separating these functionalities will be absorbed by slightly shortening the BDS final focus designs allowing slightly more emittance growth due to emission of synchrotron radiation at 1 TeV CM. These and other features in the new electron BDS are summarized below: 1. Sacrificial collimator now located at the linac end rather than in the BDS upstream end: The RDR has sacrificial collimators in the beginning of e- and e+ BDS to protect the BDS from any beam with error to enter from the large aperture of the main linac (r=70mm) into small aperture (r=10mm) of the BDS. In the new layout, the small aperture undulator (~8mm full) is located immediately after the linac and thus it needs to be protected against any error beam entering the undulator. This is done by moving the sacrificial collimator section and an energy chicane to detect the off energy beam in front of the undulator which reduced the electron BDS length to 2104m from 2226m as shown in Figure 4.7.1. Any beam entering this section with errors will be detected and sent to the fast abort line just before entering the undulator. The fast abort line is presently the same length as the RDR abort line, which was designed as a fast abort + tuning line (the positron BDS side still has this combined functionality), however the fast abort beam dump needs to be able to take only the number of bunches between abort signal and stopping the beam at the extraction of the damping ring and does not need to be a full power beam dump. The exact rating for this dump remains to be determined. 2. Matching line after the fast abort detection energy chicane into the undulator and design requirements for positron target location: The matching line to the undulator needs to allow sufficient transverse separation for the abort line and then matches into the undulator FODO cells. The photons generated in the undulator will pass through a drift length of 400m up to the positron target (~1070m point in Figure 4.7.1). To implement the positron target and the remote handling of the components in this area, a transverse offset of 1.5m is required between the electron beamline and the photon target. The remote handing area needs a drift space of approximately 40m in length. No BDS component are placed in this space. This is achieved by using a matching section after the undulator to match into a dogleg, a dogleg itself giving a transverse offset of 1.5m and a 40m long drift at the end. 3. Dogleg lattice to create the required separation between the photon target and the electron beamline: The dogleg lattice has been designed to be a TME (Theoretical Minimum Emittance) lattice. This keeps the emittance growth due to synchrotron radiation at 1 TeV CM to be within few percent. The dogleg provides an offset of 1.5m in 400m as required and the emittance growth at 1 TeV CM is ~3.8%. The dipoles in the dogleg are presently not decimated but can be decimated similar to the rest of the BDS so that only few dipoles are installed at 250 GeV. The beam dynamics and tuning effects on the BDS due to the presence of the dogleg need to be assessed. 4. Matching section into the BDS diagnostics section: The 40m long drift is followed by a matching section into the skew and coupling correction section, chicane for detection of the laser wire photons and a slow tune-up (DC tuning) line leading to a full power beam dump. Since the fast abort functionality is being taken care of by the fast abort line before the undulator, the energy 63 acceptance of the DC tuning line is much reduced and thus the DC tuning line can be shortened using only DC magnets. This optimisation will be done during the TDP2 phase. 5. Polarimeter chicane, collimation, energy spectrometer and final focus: The polarimeter chicane will be located just after the take-off section for the tuning line, which is not shown in the layout. This will need some additional length but will be accommodated by slightly reducing the final focus length allowing some emittance growth at 1TeV CM. The polarimeter chicane will be followed by the betatron and energy collimation, energy spectrometer and final focus sections similar to the RDR. 6. Post collision extraction line and main dump: The post collision extraction line remains similar to the RDR and will be terminated in to a full power beam dump. The power of the main dumps remains at 17 MW, as in the RDR, to allow future upgrades in the beam parameters. The layouts to combine the full power tuning dump and the main extraction line full power beam dump will be studied during the TDP for both the positron as well as electron BDS designs As described in Section 4.3.1, the proposed solution to operate the ILC beam energy less than 125 GeV is to pass alternate 150 GeV and lower energy pulses from the linac. The 150 GeV pulses passing through the undulator will generate the positrons and lower energy bunches will pass through the BDS for collisions. As shown in Figure 4.3.1, the 2.5 Hz switching magnet located after the undulator will send the 150 GeV pulses through an additional dogleg and a beam line which will merge with the high power tuning beam dump. The design of this line will need modification to the layout shown in the figure 4.7.1 by increasing the drift space between the end of the undulator and the start of the dogleg to the BDS. A 2.5 Hz switching magnet will be installed in this space and an additional dogleg and a beam line operating at 150 GeV will be designed to merge with the tuning dump in TDP2. 4.7.3 Reduced beam-power parameters The proposed reduction in the beam power (number of bunches per pulse) requires us to squeeze the beam-beam parameters to compensate the nominal factor-of-two reduction in luminosity. SB2009 explores two possibilities: 1. Pushing the beam-beam parameters into a high-disruption regime close to the single-beam kink-instability limits, at the expense of higher beamstrahlung and tighter collision tolerances. The proposed parameters could in principle recover the nominal RDR luminosity to within 25% (1.5×1034 cm-2s-1). 2. Making use of the so-called Travelling Focus effect [BDS1], which can recover the remaining 25% luminosity without a further increase in the beamstrahlung. This approach comes at the cost of a very high disruption parameter, and the need for additional hardware (see Section 4.7.4). Both these approaches are made possibility in part by the existing Reference Design requirements associated with the parameter plane. SB2009 effectively pushes the beam-beam parameters to the limits of the parameter plane space, but does not in general exceed them. The BDS and in particular the IR should in general be able to accommodate these modification without any further modification (although clearly more studies are needed). One exception is the high disruption parameter associated with the Travelling Focus proposal. This is a special case and is treated in more 64 detail in the following section. Table 4.7.1 shows the relevant beam-beam parameters compared to the limits corresponding to the RDR parameter plane (reproduced from Section 2.4). Table 4.7.1: RDR parameter plane ranges compared to SB2009 specifications (TF refers to Travelling Focus). This table is reproduced from Section 2.4. min 1 x 1010 RDR nominal 2 max 2 SB2009 no TF with TF 2 2 Bunch population 1260 2625 5340 1312 1312 ns 180 369 500 530 530 m 200 300 500 300 300 mm-mr 10 10 12 10 10 mm-mr 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.035 0.035 mm 10 20 20 11 11 mm 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.48 0.2 nm 474 640 640 470 470 nm 3.5 5.7 9.9 5.8 3.8 % 14 1.7 19.4 2.4 26.1 5.5 25 4 38 3.6 1.5 2 Number of bunches Linac bunch interval RM bunch length Normalized horizontal emittance at IP Normalized vertical emittance at IP Horizontal beta function at IP Vertical beta function at IP RMS horizontal beam size at IP RMS vertical beam size at IP Vertical disruption parameter Fractional RMS energy loss to beamstrahlung Luminosity x 1034cm-2s-1 2 4.7.4 Travelling Focus Scheme The travelling focus[BDS1] is a technique in which the focussing of opposing bunches is longitudinally controlled so as to defeat the hourglass effect and to restore the luminosity. The matched focusing condition is provided by a dynamic shift of the focal point to coincide with the head of the opposing bunch. The longer bunch helps to reduce the beamstrahlung effect and improvement of background conditions is expected. Similar to the nominal 500GeV CM case, the 250GeV CM parameters would also benefit from application of travelling focus – the work on development of a corresponding parameter set is ongoing. The travelling focus can be created in two ways: 1. Method 1 is to have small (uncompensated) chromaticity and coherent E-z energy shift E/z along the bunch. The required energy shift in this case is a fraction of a percent. 2. Method 2 is to use a transverse deflecting cavity giving a z-x correlation in one of the Final Focus sextupoles and thus a z-correlated focusing. The needed strength of the travelling focus transverse cavity was estimated to be about 20% of the nominal crab cavity. At this moment, since the increased energy spread in method 1 is a potential issue for physics research, method 2 is the preferred focus of studies. Detailed evaluation of the transverse cavity design and dynamics of the beam is ongoing. 65 4.7.5 R&D and Design Work to Pursue in TDP2 The more demanding beam-beam parameters associated with SB2009 force us to be in a regime of higher disruption. Although there appears to be no fundamental show stoppers, a comprehensive study involving simulations is still required in an attempt to quantify the performance. Specifically: The higher disruption results in a higher sensitivity to any beam-beam offset. Thus, operation of the intra-train feedback and intra-train luminosity optimisation becomes more important and more challenging than in the case of RDR. Early estimates suggest that in order to contain the luminosity loss within 5%, a bunch-to-bunch jitter in the train needs to be less than 0.2nm at the IP (~5% of a nominal beam sigma). The parameter sets also have twice as small vertical betatron functions at the IP, which imply either tighter collimation, with gaps 40% closer to the beam core. This has implications for wakefields (emittance preservation) and fast feedback systems. Enhanced beam-halo loss in the tighter collimation could potentially increase the number of generated muons and hence the muon shielding requirements[BDS2]. (This is difficult to quantify as it depends on the specifics of the models of beam halo used.) In addition, the operability and ability to commission the entire system continue to be investigated during TD Phase 2. Further design integration and careful planning of the orchestration of the activities in the central area are envisaged. References [BDS1] V.E. Balakin, Travelling Focus' Regime for Linear Collider VLEPP Proc. 77th ICFA Workshop on Beam Dynamics, May 13-16, Los Angeles, 1991. [BDS2] Two alcoves, for 5m and 18m walls are foreseen in the RDR, while initial installation was foreseen with just a single 5m set of walls. 66 4.8 Conventional Facilities 4.8.1 Overview: This section discusses the revision of the conventional facilities design to take place as a result of proposed changes of the design baseline (SB2009 Working Assumptions), as discussed in previous sections of this document. The SB 2009 Working Assumptions proposed in the Accelerator Design and Integration (AD&I) effort affected all of the major cost drivers in the RDR Conventional Facilities design solution, and the cost associated with it. Those cost drivers were the Underground and Surface Civil Construction, Mechanical Support Systems and Electrical Distribution. By far, the most important single contributor to the CFS cost is the underground volume required in the reference design, and thus, the reduction of the underground volume and the corresponding reduction in cost is the primary focus of this CFS AD&I effort. The net effect of the design changes proposed with SB2009 amounts to reduction of the underground tunnels by approximately 26km. In addition, issues concerning Life Safety and Egress requirements also required fundamental review, during the Conventional Facilities AD&I effort. It should be noted, however, that prior to the start of the AD&I work, the Conventional Facilities Group conducted a comprehensive Value Engineering (VE) Review of the Process Water and HVAC design contained in the Reference Design Report. A document that describes the VE process[CFS01] was completed by the CFS Group. As a result of this review and subsequent analysis of the alternatives indentified, a decision was made by the ILC Project Managers to accept a Process Water design solution that was based on a larger system ΔT. This change to the RDR Conventional Facilities Design became the baseline for the analysis of the SB 2009 Working Assumptions and the AD&I process. 4.8.2 CFS Analysis and Review Process Table 4.8.1 lists the proposed SB 2009 Working Assumptions (WA) as reference to the description of the CFS approach. Table 4.8.1: Labels for proposed baseline changes (SB2009 Working Assumptions), as referenced in discussion of the conventional facility designs. WA1. A Main Linac length consistent with an optimal choice of average accelerating gradient (currently 31.5 MV/m, to be re-evaluated) WA2. Single-tunnel solution for the Main Linacs and RTML, with two possible variants for the HLRF (a) Klystron Cluster scheme (b) DRFS scheme WA3. Undulator-based e+ source located at the end of the electron Main Linac (250 GeV) WA4. Reduced parameter set (with respect to the RDR) with nb = 1312 and a 2ms RF pulse. WA5. ~3.2 km circumference damping rings at 5 GeV, 6 mm bunch length. WA6. Single-stage bunch compressor with a compression factor of 20. WA7. Integration of the e+ and e- sources into a common “central region beam tunnel”, together with the BDS. The CFS approach to the analysis of these working assumptions was basically three-fold: 67 1. WA 2a and 2b were reviewed by each of the three regions. The focus of this review was to develop a single tunnel solution that would accommodate both the Klystron Cluster and DRFS schemes for supplying RF power to the cryomodules in the Main Linac tunnels. It quickly became apparent that geological conditions and life safety and egress requirements would not only have a direct impact but would also lead to different design solutions in each of the three regions (Asia, Americas and Europe). In addition, a regional preference for one or the other of the proposed RF schemes was identified as a result of the analysis. Both proposed RF schemes will be reviewed in each of the three regions, however the Asian Region prefers the Distributed RF scheme, the Americas Region will evaluate both proposed RF schemes and the European Region prefers the Klystron Cluster RF scheme. 2. WA 1, 3, 5, 6 & 7 were combined into a single design solution based on the input from the Technical Area Systems. This effort to reposition components and reduce the overall circumference of the Damping Ring were combined into a comprehensive new Central Region design and evaluated as a single CFS design solution. 3. WA 4, which is the reduced parameter set, or “low power” option was reviewed as a single item. In the subsequent sections the CFS analyses are given to each of these WA groups to outline the corresponding technical solutions, considerations and cost estimates. 4.8.3 WA 2a & 2b CFS Analysis Asian Region The Asian Region has chosen the Distributed RF scheme, rather than the Klystron cluster scheme, as the technical implementation of the accelerator system to focus, when developing a single tunnel solution for the Main Linac tunnels. This is because of the characteristics of the Asian sample site which assumes mountainous or hilly geography: The hilly or mountainous geography favors the use of sloped or near horizontal path ways rather than vertical shafts as access routes to the Main Linac tunnel complex. While the horizontal access tunnels provided “grade level” access, they tend to be much longer than the vertical shaft access adopted in the other two regions. The long access path ways lead to a problematic implementation of the Klystron Cluster scheme where large, long high-power waveguides have to share the same space as the traffic for installation and maintenance. In addition, all surface buildings which would house the Klystron Cluster would necessarily need to be located at the entrances to the access path ways. The Distributed RF system is free from these issues. In the single-tunnel scheme of the Main Linacs with DRFS, a system was developed to “compartmentalize” the Main Linac tunnel into ~500m sections, as shown in Figure 4.8.1. These sections are separated by fire walls and doors. A ventilation system will be provided to isolate the incident section and supply fresh air to the rest of the tunnel and a safe pathway is retained to the next available access to the surface. These offer a reasonable solution to the requirements for life safety and egress. 68 Figure 4.8.1: Example of Asian and European “Compartmentalized” Tunnel Layout As shown by Figure 4.8.2, in the current DRFS solution by the Asian CFS team the cryomodules will be suspended from the ceiling of the Main Linac tunnel. Supporting RF equipment is arranged below the cryomodules. Additionally the floor space is allotted for movement of equipment and personnel access. The whole set of hardware equipment and space is known to fit within a Main Linac tunnel with a diameter of 5.2m. Optimization of the tunnel size, in particular its reduction, is an issue to be examined more closely during TDP2. Figure 4.8.2: Asian Region Main Linac Tunnel Cross Section The Asian Region is also reviewing the implications and design with the Klystron Cluster scheme for their sample site configurations. However, the solution in this case might result in a less than an optimal design for the Asian sample site. 69 In consideration of specific characteristics of the sites to consider, the following additional issues remain to be examined: The specifics of the access methods to the single main tunnels have to be worked out. The RDR design assumed the use of sloped access path ways every ~5km along the main tunnels. A design optimization will be required in TDP2 by taking advantage of a mixture of vertical, sloped and horizontal access paths. The specific details in the facility design have to be developed. During the RDR period, the facility system designs were worked out with an assumption that a world-common solution would apply, except those for the civil construction and high-voltage power distribution. During TDP2, specific design solutions have to be developed on the surface buildings, electricity, cooling and air-conditioning. It is the intention of the Asian Group to address these issues during TDP2. Americas Region The Americas Region initially focused on utilizing the Klystron Cluster RF scheme to develop a single tunnel design for the Main Linac tunnel. Figure 4.8.3 shows a cross section view of the KCS implementation in the main linac single-tunnel, as considered by the Americas regional team. However, both the Klystron Cluster and DRFS schemes can be accommodated in a single tunnel solution for the Americas sample site. Figure 4.8.3: Americas Region Main Linac Tunnel Cross Section 70 The Americas reference design incorporates all vertical shafts of similar length for access to the Main Linac tunnel. This arrangement is conducive to relatively uniform waveguide lengths using the Klystron Cluster scheme for RF distribution. The increase in the surface building footprint at vertical shafts to accommodate the new location of the Klystron Clusters can be problematic in denser urban areas. However, there is no fundamental constraint that would preclude the Klystron Cluster or Distributed RF scheme in the Americas Region. Specific characteristics of the Americas site include: Relatively uniform surface elevation which allows for vertical shafts of similar length for underground access. This configuration provides the opportunity for fairly uniform waveguide lengths for the Klystron Cluster RF option, but does not preclude use of the DRFS RF option. The Americas sample site is in a relatively populated area. However, the central region and related surface presence can be contained within the Fermilab site boundaries. Shafts located beyond the Fermilab site will necessarily require acquisition of surface area. However, positioning of the alignment can take advantage of existing open areas and industrial sites and minimize the impact on residential communities. With respect to life safety and egress, the Americas Region is subject to a more rigorous environment of regulatory and code oversight. After identifying and then reviewing available code information, a viable and compliant design solution was identified and applied to the single tunnel design for the Main Linac. The solution is based on the isolation of fire loads resulting from oil filled equipment primarily located in the caverns at the base of the vertical access shafts. This isolation is accomplished through the use of fire walls and doors which allows the majority of the underground space to be used as a safe pathway to the next available vertical access to the surface. Use of the Klystron Cluster RF scheme produced a solution with floor-supported cryomodules, floor space allotted for equipment movement and personnel access. This tunnel cross section design results in a Main Linac tunnel with a diameter of 4.5m, as shown in Figure 4.8.3. For the analysis of the DRFS scheme, the Americas region utilized the Asian tunnel layout and will use the same 5.2m tunnel diameter for the Main Linac. European Region The European Region also initially focused on the Klystron Cluster RF scheme to develop a single tunnel design for the Main Linac tunnel. This decision was fundamentally driven by the geologic constraints of the European sample site. The structural capacity of the rock in which the tunnel will be constructed as well as the requirement for transverse ventilation ductwork at the tunnel ceiling makes it difficult to support any substantial load, like a cryomodule, from the tunnel ceiling. Based on this constraint, the Klystron Cluster RF system is the primary RF system currently being considered for the European sample site. Although, transferring more equipment to the surface will create additional environmental concerns, it is not possible to measure the impact of this change at this stage. Figure 4.8.4 shows a cross section view of the KCS implementation in the main linac single-tunnel. 71 With respect to the requirements for life safety and egress, the European Region uses the same general approach (Figure 4.8.1) as the Asian Region. The concept is consistent with single tunnel designs for CLIC and XFEL. Specific characteristics of the European sample site include: Figure 4.8.4: European Region Main Linac Tunnel Cross Section The current alignment for the European sample site follows a path under a low mountain range. Shafts are positioned along the alignment to take advantage of minimum shaft lengths resulting in distances that can accommodate the Klystron Cluster RF option. In general, the surface area above the alignment is basically rural in nature, but attention must be provided to existing farms and vineyards. Geologic conditions, as well as the ventilation ductwork located at the ceiling of the tunnel and enclosures, preclude the mounting of cryomodules at the tunnel ceiling. For this reason the European Region is focusing on the Klystron Cluster RF option at the present time. The Main Linac tunnel is compartmentalized into 500m sections with fire walls and doors separating adjacent area. A similar ventilation system to the Asian Region solution was provided to isolate the incident section and provide fresh air to the rest of the tunnel and a safe pathway to the next available access to the surface. Like the Americas Region, the European Region utilized the Klystron Cluster RF scheme system which produced a solution with floor supported cryomodules, floor space allotted for equipment movement and personnel access. Due to the need for supply and return ductwork at the crest of the tunnel section, this tunnel cross section design results in a Main Linac tunnel with a diameter of 5.2m. The European Region is also reviewing the implications and design for using the DRFS scheme for their sample site configuration, although this solution is likely to result in a less than optimal design for the European sample site. WA2 Safety Issues 72 Table 4.8.2 gives a brief summary of safety considerations given by the three regional teams in connection with the single-tunnel solutions for the main linac systems. Table 4.8.2: Safety considerations given so far to the single-tunnel solutions for the main linac systems. Asia Americas Europe Primarily DRFS. Primarily KCS. Primarily KCS Isolation of incident location Firewalls / doors every 500 m along the tunnels, and selective closure of the airflow. Utilize caverns at the vertical shaft bases for isolating oil-filled equipment. Firewalls / doors every 500 m along the tunnels Safe pathways Rest of the tunnels. Most of the tunnels. Rest of the tunnels. HLRF scheme examined so far The information summarized in the Table 4.8.2 has been taken from several Life Safety and Egress Studies that have been developed in each of the three regional areas [CFS02-CFS06]. Based on the information contained in these reports, each region developed solution to Life Safety and Egress issues that is responsive to the regional guidance and local regulations. Each regional design solution is described briefly below: Asian and European Regions The Life Safety and Egress approach for the Asian and European Regions are very similar in nature and based on the fundamental idea to divide the underground single tunnel configuration in 500m “compartments” separated by a fire rated wall and door with self-closing capability. A ducted supply and return air supply is also part of the solution. Using automatically controlled dampers in the supply and return air lines, smoke can be isolated within a fire incident compartment and allow fresh air to remain flowing to unaffected compartments. Unaffected compartments can then be used for personnel escape to surface areas and also for access by emergency response personnel. Compartment walls will be installed with the initial construction and installation effort with doors sized to accommodate movement of replacement components during the operational phase. Americas Region The Life Safety and Egress approach for the Americas Region is fundamentally different from that of the Asian and European Regions. For the Americas sample site, regulation provides for the underground space to be divided into “Building” space and “Common” space. Simply stated, the “Building” space is considered the functional or operational portion of the underground space and the “Common” space is developed underground space that is not considered “Building” and includes such things as entrances. This interpretation of these requirements has resulted in a solution that identifies those areas with the highest risk of fuel load and fire hazard as the “Building” space, specifically the cavern areas at the base of each vertical shaft. These areas will be enclosed with fire rated walls and doors to separate this area from the less hazardous “Common” space which is the accelerator tunnel, which can be used for personnel escape to surface areas and also for access by emergency response personnel. Enclosure wall will be installed with the initial construction and installation effort with doors sized to accommodate movement of replacement components during the operational phase. 73 As the component design becomes more defined, these requirements will be revisited. However, we believe the current design provides ample space for all required beamline components and large increases in size requirements are unlikely. In addition, space has been made available in the tunnel cross sections and enclosure areas and volumes to accommodate process water and HVAC equipment and electrical distribution components based on the criteria provided to date from the various Area and Technical Systems. While the preliminary designs will be further developed in the course of TDP II, like the technical components, we believe that ample space has been identified and that large increases in requirements for component size are unlikely. WA2 Summary In summary, a single tunnel solution has been developed in each of the three regions for the respective sample site. Each sample site has incorporated a preferred RF Distribution System, and Life Safety and Egress solution that best accommodates local geologic constraints and regulatory guidance and provides a defendable solution for a single tunnel design. All available information regarding machine component size has been taken into consideration in the development of tunnel cross sections and enclosure areas and volumes. 4.8.4 WA 1, 3, 5, 6 & 7 CFS Analysis Major changes of the accelerator system layout in the SB2009, relative to the RDR design are as follows: Relocation of the Undulator based Positron Source to the end of the Electron Main Linac Reduction of the Damping Ring Length to 3.2 km Single stage Bunch Compressor in the RTML Integration of the e+ and e- Sources into the central region Beam Delivery System area Repositioning of the Damping Ring configuration completely to one side of the Interaction Region Positioning the Aborts and Dumps to point in the direction away from the Damping Ring side of the Interaction Region Relocating the BDS service tunnel to the Damping Ring side of the Interaction Region Relocating the access aisle in the BDS areas to the service tunnel side of the BDS tunnel Combing the existing shaft access to the BDS service tunnel with one of the existing Damping Ring access shafts With regards to the machine central area, as described above, all of these working assumptions were combined into a single revised CFS solution. The primary focus for this effort, from the CFS point of view, was to shorten the overall tunnel length and reduce the required underground volume. It should be noted that although WA 1 was a part of this design review, the preferred cavity gradient was maintained at 31.5 MV/m for the purpose of this analysis. The input to the CFS Group came from the Technical Area Systems in the form of a beam layout drawing that was compiled at the Daresbury Laboratory and based on available beam lattice files and other technical input. In the course of developing a new design layout, various components from different area systems were now found to be located in the same physical area which required a cavern larger than the normal bored tunnel cross section. However, the final design result produced an overall reduction in the underground volume required. In addition to the repositioning of area system components, the location of the beam aborts and dumps required between the end of the 74 respective Main Linacs and the Interaction point was more clearly defined than in the RDR and incorporated into the central region design. Figure 4.8.5 shows the resultant topological diagram of the beamlines in the central area. Figure 4.8.5: Topological diagram of the beamlines in the ILC central area. To assist the members of both the area system groups and the CFS group in the SB2009 decision making process, a set of 3D models have also been developed to assist in the SB2009 decision making process. Figure 4.8.6 shows an example of such a model. Figure 4.8.6: Example of 3D Enclosure Drawing 75 4.8.5 WA 4 CFS Analysis The reduced parameter set or “low power” option for RF configuration was reviewed by the CFS Group under the assumption that the election power capacity and distribution would be installed to permit a relatively easy transition to a “full power” upgrade at some time in the future. As a result of this assumption, the electrical distribution system did not differ in any great detail from the RDR design. There was some reduction in the overall electrical distribution cost and some savings identified in the process cooling water system, but overall the CFS contribution to cost savings for this item was less than might have been expected. This approach put more emphasis and importance on the transition to full power at a later date with minimum machine downtime to accomplish the transition. Therefore, all transformer and conductor capacity are installed in the initial construction. To design and install an electrical distribution system that only provided enough capacity for the low power option would save on initial capital costs. However the upgrade to the full power electrical capacity would require not only demolition of the lower power transformer and conductor capacity and installation of upgraded equipment, but it would also entail a lengthier machine downtime to accomplish the task. 4.8.6 Summary The CFS Group has evaluated all of the SB 2009 Working Assumptions, and have produced a solutions set to further pursue in TDP2. Figure 4.8.7 shows the overall schematic machine layout. The directions of the beamlines are indicated with arrows. The information on the central region provided in Figure 4.8.7 reflects only the Americas Region Design. Work is continuing in the Asian and European Regions on the details of the central area of the machine and will be added as work is completed. 76 Figure 4.8.7: Schematic beamline layout 77 Overall this present solution has brought a substantial amount of cost reduction, as will be summarized in Section 5. By far, the largest single contribution was the elimination of the Main Linac service tunnels and the establishment of a single tunnel Main Linac design solution. Although geologic limitations have necessarily required local tunnel and enclosure design, each of the three regions have developed a single tunnel solution based on the most appropriate RF distribution scheme for each respective sample site. Each solution has been reviewed and provides a Life Safety and Egress configuration that is compliant with local experience and known regulatory requirements. The new central region layout has been established and will become the basis for the overall machine design in all three regions. As with the Main Linac tunnel, the enclosures and caverns for the central region layout will necessarily require adaptation to each region’s geologic requirements, but the beamline layout will remain the same for all three regions. The “low power” option for the electrical distribution did not generate a great deal of CFS cost savings due to the assumption that the disruption to machine running during the eventual upgrade to “full power” operation should be minimized. This is an issue that could be revisited in the future, however not in the timeframe of this proposal. CFS cost savings were identified and will be added to the technical system cost savings for an overall total savings for WA 4. 4.8.7 Technical Design Phase 2 The Accelerator Design and Integration effort has brought the Conventional Facilities design to a more mature state and increased level of detail with respect to the previous RDR design. As a result, the distinctions between the various regional design solutions have become more apparent and need to be addressed. It is apparent that as we begin TDP 2, each region will necessarily have to develop a single sample site design solution that is specific to regional conditions and technical system preferences. As such, there will be the need to develop three distinct sets of 2D and 3D drawings as well as three complete and distinct cost estimates. It is not anticipated that the development of three distinct regional designs is likely to result in substantial changes to the existing CFS cost estimates, however the distinctions and impact should be understood. The AD&I process has shown the difficulty of developing a single 3D model, when different tunnel diameters and technical systems are being used in the three regional designs. More such examples will become apparent over time and the development of specific regional designs will help to accommodate these distinctions in the TDP 2. One final point needs to be addressed concerning the installation schedule during the construction phase of the ILC. No further work has been initiated since the RDR effort by the CFS Group regarding single tunnel installation issues and scheduling. This remains an open issue that will be studied as part of TDP II. References [CFS01] “ILC Process Water and Air Treatment VE Cost Evaluation” - (ILC EDMS D*889835)*889835 . [CFS02] “Fire Safety for ILC Single Tunnel” - (ILC EDMS D*899575)*899575 . 78 [CFS03] “Life Safety/Fire Protection Analysis for International Linear Collider – Single Deep Tunnel and Near Surface Options” - (ILC EDMS D*899675)*899675 . [CFS04] Security and Workplace Safety Concepts for the Construction, Installation and Operation of the XFEL Research Facility” - (ILC EDMS D*899615)*899615 . [CFS05] “Compact Linear Collider: Guidelines on Reduction of Fire Hazards” - (ILC EDMS D*899715)*899715 . [CFS06] “LHC Fire Safety Description” - (ILC EDMS D*899755)*899755 . 79 5 Cost Studies 5.1 Purpose This section describes the studies that have been made so far on the cost differentials that would result from the changes of the design baseline that are presented in an earlier part of this proposal document. The primary focus of this costing exercise, at this stage, is to understand and support the cost changes in the context of overall evaluation of the design changes. Therefore, no re-evaluations are considered for the costing numbers that were already presented in the RDR. The results presented here, together with those from risk assessment, after due review process, would then form the basis for the baseline assumptions in TDP2, where the full technical design and cost estimating work will be built upon. 5.2 Methodology Unit costs of individual components: The same unit cost numbers as RDR are used, whenever the same components are used in the proposed new baseline scheme. Exceptions are the Klystron Clusters and Distributed RF Systems (DRFS) for the main linacs where radically new components which did not appear in RDR are introduced. For these, the unit cost numbers were evaluated for each of the new components and are used to estimate the relevant system cost. Otherwise, no new unit costs are generated, and relatively straightforward updates from the RDR estimate are made, whenever possible. Parts of this study include some scaling or parameterization from RDR unit costs or summary costs. Technical systems and conventional facilities: The ILC RDR estimate had a single design and a single cost estimate for the technical elements, such as power supplies, magnets, RF components, vacuum systems, control systems and others. However, for the conventional facilities and civil construction, the RDR studies were made on the three regional sample sites, separately, to account for effects of differing geologies and geographies and differing conventional construction and facilities designs. However, since they were more complete than for the Asian and European Conventional Facility Estimates, only the Americas CFS estimates were used for these cost studies for SB2009. The estimates for the SB2009 studies address two technical approaches and configurations for the RF power source systems for the main linacs, i.e. the Klystron Clusters and DRFS. They are both considered for each of the three regional sample sites. It is noted, however, that for these considerations, there are some known inter-dependence between a particular site and a preferred technical approach or configuration. Evolution of the ILC Estimate: Starting with the published Reference Design Report, the evolution through corrections and modification of the RDR estimate is illustrated. This includes the Sendai 2008 decisions to change to a 6.4 km racetrack Damping Ring and to a single-stage Bunch Compressor for the RTMLs and the various combinations of options under consideration under SB2009 for the new baseline design. The estimates quoted are intended to allow examination and comparison of various elements within the proposed design changes in a more coherent fashion. In many cases, the design changes can be said to have cost impacts in an "orthogonal manner" which can be factored. For instance, adopting a single tunnel and Klystron Cluster/DRFS for the Main Linac does not affect the DR configuration or associated cost differentials. However, exceptions also exist. For example, the choice of a 3.4 km Damping Ring may make it difficult to adopt the Full Power (2625 bunches/train) option for the ML. 80 5.3 Scenarios Being Estimated Due to cost confidentiality concerns, this section will not quote the estimates beyond the corrections or adjustments to the RDR estimate, but will contain a short description on each. Members of the ILC-GDE Cost Management Group may access the password protected version including cost numbers at Note that 1 ILCU = $ 1 (2007) 6,618 M ILCUs – RDR estimate – average of 3 regional estimates 6,677 M ILCUs – RDR with Americas Regional CFS estimate X,XXX M ILCUs (-66 M ILCUs) – RDR with Correction to Americas Regional CFS estimate, corrected shaft base cavern volumes and outsourced civil engineering, and added RTML invert floor. X,XXX M ILCUs (-72 M ILCUs) – add Value Engineering for higher ΔT Cooling Water sys for ML only. X,XXX M ILCUs (+X M ILCUs) – at Sendai, March 2008 – changed DR from 6.7 km hexagonal 6.4 km racetrack (need updated magnet # and costs): Wigglers 80 88 per ring, RF remained at 18 per ring, other DR magnets remained same, RTML and e+ Source transfer lines are extended to mate with racetrack DR (long axis ⊥ ML). X,XXX M ILCUs (-XX MILCUs) – at Sendai, March 2008, adopted Single-stage Bunch Compressor for RTML. This change was enabled by the shorter bunch length from the racetrack DR. X,XXX MILCUs (-XX M ILCUs) – removed 4*394 m of empty tunnel for expansion for energy margin, including e- beam tunnel, e- service tunnel, e+ beam tunnel, and e- tunnel. This was done to allow more direct comparison with the SB2009 estimates and drawings. X,XXX M ILCUs – “modified RDR estimates without SB2009 considerations”: 250x250 GeV, 2 tunnels, 4.5 meter diameter, full # bunches, full complement of klystrons and modulators, 6.4 km hexagonal DR: 88 wigglers, 18 RF per ring, single-stage Bunch Compressor for RTML, e+ flux concentrator, dE(undulator) = 3 GeV, compensated in e- ML, no allowance for energy margin, no extra tunnel for drift for e+ timing. X,XXX M ILCUs - SB2009 Updates to RDR (2 tunnels – 4.5 m dia.): 3.2 km DR, low Power, travelling focus, full complement of klystrons, Central Complex, e- flux concentrator replaced by QWT, dE(undulator) = 4.1 GeV, compensated in e- ML, no allowance for energy margin, no extra tunnel or drift for e+ timing. X,XXX M ILCUs – SB2009 Updates to RDR (2 tunnels – 4.5 m dia.) with 3.5 % Energy Margin: 3.2 km DR, low Power, travelling focus, full complement of klystrons, Central Complex, e- flux concentrator replaced by QWT, dE(undulator) = 4.1 GeV, compensated in e- ML, no extra tunnel or drift for e+ timing. X,XXX M ILCUs– RDR - Low Power: ½ klystrons and modulators (longer pulse), with travelling focus, 2 tunnels – 4.5 meter diameter, 6.4 km DR, e- flux concentrator, dE(undulator) = 3.0 GeV compensated in e- ML, no allowance for energy margin, no extra tunnel or drift for e+ timing. X,XXX M ILCUs – RDR – Low Power – with 3.5 % Energy Margin: 2 tunnels – 4.5 meter diameter, with ½ klystrons and modulators (longer pulse), with travelling focus, 6.4 km DR, e- flux concentrator, dE (modulator) = 3.0 GeV compensated in e- ML, no extra tunnel or drift for e+ timing. 81 X,XXX M ILCUs – RDR – Low Power with SB2009 Updates: 2 tunnels – 4.5 meter diameter, with ½ klystrons and modulators (longer pulse), with travelling focus, 3.2 km DR: 88 32 wigglers, 18 8 RF per ring, Central Complex, e- flux concentrator replaced by QWT, dE(undulator) = 4.1 GeV, compensated in e- ML, no allowance for energy margin, no extra tunnel or drift for e+ timing. X,XXX M ILCUs – RDR – Low Power with SB2009 Updates – with 3.5 % Energy Margin: 2 tunnels – 4.5 meter diameter, remove ½ klystrons and modulators (longer pulse), with travelling focus, 3.2 km DR: 88 32 wigglers, 18 8 RF per ring, Central Complex, e- flux concentrator replaced by QWT, dE(undulator) = 4.1 GeV, compensated in e- ML, no extra tunnel or drift for e+ timing. X,XXX M ILCUs – Klystron Cluster – 1 tunnel – 4.5 m dia. – full Power: 6.4 km DR, no Central Complex, e+ flux concentrator, dE(undulator)=3 GeV, compensated in e- ML, no allowance for energy margin, no extra tunnel or drift for e+ timing. X,XXX M ILCUs – Klystron Cluster – 1 tunnel - 4.5 m dia. – full Power – with SB2009 Updates: 3.4 km DR: 88 32 wigglers, 18 8 RF per ring, travelling focus, with Central Complex, e- flux concentrator replaced by QWT, dE(undulator) = 4.1 GeV, compensated in e- ML, no allowance for energy margin, no extra tunnel or drift for e+ timing. X,XXX M ILCUs – Klystron Cluster – 1 tunnel – 4.5 m dia.– full Power – with SB2009 Updates and 3.5 % Energy Margin 3.4 km DR: 88 32 wigglers, 18 8 RF per ring, travelling focus, with Central Complex, no extra tunnel or drift for e+ timing, e- flux concentrator replaced by QWT, dE(undulator) = 4.1 GeV, compensated in e- ML. X,XXX M ILCUs – Klystron Cluster – 1 tunnel - 4.5 m dia. – Low Power: ½ klystrons and modulators, travelling focus, 6.4 km DR, no Central Complex, e+ flux concentrator, dE(undulator)=3 GeV, compensated in e- ML, no allowance for energy margin, no extra tunnel or drift for e+ timing. X,XXX M ILCUs – Klystron Cluster – 1 tunnel – 4.5 m dia. - Low Power – with SB2009 updates: ½ klystrons and modulators, travelling focus, 3.4 km DR: 88 32 wigglers, 18 8 RF per ring, travelling focus, with Central Complex, e- flux concentrator replaced by QWT, dE(undulator) = 4.1 GeV, compensated in e- ML, no allowance for energy margin, no extra tunnel or drift for e+ timing. X,XXX M ILCUs – Klystron Cluster – 1 tunnel – 4.5 m dia. – Low Power – with SB2009 updates and 3.5% Energy Margin: ½ klystrons and modulators, travelling focus, 3.4 km DR: 88 32 wigglers, 18 8 RF per ring, travelling focus, with Central Complex, e- flux concentrator replaced by QWT, dE(undulator) = 4.1 GeV, compensated in e- ML, no extra tunnel or drift for e+ timing. X,XXX M ILCUs – DRFS – 1 tunnel – 5.2 m dia. – full Power: 6.4 km DR, no Central Complex, e+ flux concentrator, dE(undulator)=3 GeV, compensated in e- ML, no allowance for energy margin, no extra tunnel or drift for e+ timing. X,XXX M ILCUs – DRFS – 1 tunnel – 5.2 m dia. - full Power – with SB2009 Updates: 3.4 km DR: 88 32 wigglers, 18 8 RF per ring travelling focus, with Central Complex, e- flux concentrator replaced by QWT, dE(undulator) = 4.1 GeV, compensated in e- ML, no allowance for energy margin, no extra tunnel or drift for e+ timing. 82 X,XXX M ILCUs – DRFS – 1 tunnel – 5.2 m dia. – full Power – w SB2009 Updates & 5 % Energy Margin 3.4 km DR: 88 32 wigglers, 18 8 RF per ring, travelling focus, with Central Complex, e- flux concentrator replaced by QWT, dE(undulator) = 4.1 GeV, compensated in e- ML, no extra tunnel or drift for e+ timing. X,XXX M ILCUs – DRFS – 1 tunnel – 5.2 m dia. - Low Power: ½ klystrons and modulators, travelling focus, 6.4 km DR, no Central Complex, e+ flux concentrator, dE(undulator)=3 GeV, compensated in e- ML, no allowance for energy margin, no extra tunnel or drift for e+ timing. X,XXX M ILCUs – DRFS – 1 tunnel – 5.2 m dia. – Low Power – with SB2009 updates: ½ klystrons and modulators, travelling focus, 3.2 km DR: 88 32 wigglers, 18 8 RF, including Central Complex, e- flux concentrator replaced by QWT, dE(undulator) = 4.1 GeV, compensated in e- ML, no allowance for energy margin, no extra tunnel or drift for e+ timing. X,XXX M ILCUs – DRFS – 1 tunnel – 5.2 m dia. - Low Power – w SB2009 updates & 3.5% Energy Margin: ½ klystrons and modulators, travelling focus, 3.2 km DR: 88 32 wigglers, 18 8 RF, including Central Complex, e- flux concentrator replaced by QWT, dE(undulator) = 4.1 GeV, compensated in e- ML, no extra tunnel or drift for e+ timing. 5.4 Issues with the Cost Study Some elements of this cost study have not yet been completed. Updated quantities, parameters, and costs for conventional magnets for the hexagonal Damping Rings were not available – the RDR estimates were used. There is still some uncertainty on the extent and cost of the pulse distribution system for the DRFS. The positron timing drift for self-replacing positron bunches in the DR is quoted as 416 meters for the Central Injector Complex with 3.2 km DR. However, subsequent calculation has shown the drift length should be corrected to 462 meters. The cost impacts have not yet been updated to account for this small correction. It is also noted that the positron timing drift of 462 meters (or even 416 meters) would cover the 401 meters needed for the 3.5 % energy margin for the Klystron Cluster approach. However, the similar positron timing drifts for 5% energy margin for the DRFS and for 3.5% energy margin for the RDR would be approximately 2.07 km and 1.35 km, respectively. This is because the 5% energy margin for DRFS passes the boundary for another orbit in the 3.2 km DR and the positron timing drift length is driven by quantized units of ½ of the circumference of the larger 6.7 km DR. Rather than adding such long tunnels with mostly empty drift space (FODO quads, trim magnets, instrumentation, and vacuum pipe, plus the cryomodules to produce the energy margin), it is hoped that a 4.0 % energy margin, which fits within the 462 m positron timing drift, will be within the uncertainty in machine performance to the recommended 5% energy margin for the DRFS. Otherwise, we would expect that another more active solution could be found to produce the self-replacing feature for the positron bunches in the DR, rather than just long drifts. Although these evaluations were not completed in time for the deadline for this written document, we will continue to study them and post updated versions when available. New Electrical Power estimates have not being done completely. There has not been an electrical engineer assigned to the ILC-GDE CFS team over the last two years. An electrical engineer has recently been assigned at Fermilab. Only the impact on the electrical power equipment cost estimate for the Low Power option for the Klystron Cluster has been evaluated at this time. Similarly, due to lack of available personnel, the impacts on the Cryogenics estimates have only been evaluated in a parametric scaling manner for these new scenarios. It is unlikely that the impact in these areas will be fully evaluated for consideration by the SB2009 studies. However, it is necessary that 83 adequate support in all Area, Technical, and Global Systems, including electrical and cryogenic engineering, will be available for the Technical Design Phase. 84 6 Risk Analysis 6.1 Risk Assessment – the process Risk is defined as the probability of failure. The risk assessment process is intended to evaluate the impact a given failure has on the project and the likelihood of that failure. A typical risk scoring matrix approach (GAO-09-3SP, chapter 14) considers 6 kinds of failure: basic technology, engineering, production yield, product reliability, existence of a viable backup, and schedule. The project can respond to perceived risk at any time, and it is generally accepted that the penalty for doing so increases with time. For the TDP-1 evaluation of risk we should consider only the first 2 out of the list above: basic technology and engineering. (The remaining four kinds of failure are more project-focused and are to be assessed as part of an implementation plan.) Commonly, ‘basic technology’ refers to the scientific underpinning of the subsystem in question and ‘engineering’ refers to the deployment of a given technology to a specific application. Often, engineering related efforts are not initiated until basic technical and scientific evaluations and tests are complete, and the two sets of scores naturally represent a single sequence and can be merged. The assessment of risk is derived from a series of simple questions which refer to status and plans at the nominal ‘point in time’. The questions focus directly on the development life cycle of a given subsystem or application of technology and it is assumed that risk is roughly proportional to the scope of the needed R & D effort. The anticipated penalty is based on how the project would respond and apply a mitigation strategy once failure is evident or the risk becomes too great. Both the risk (probability) and penalty (cost of responding to failure) must be considered in order to gauge the impact. It is the 'impact' which is recorded and summarized in the register. During the development of the Reference Design a project schedule or timeline from the release of the RDR to construction completion was made and RISK was to be evaluated at several intermediate steps. Now it only makes sense to define and evaluate risk at two points in time, i.e. today (transition between TDP1 and 2) and at the end of TDP2, (T1 in previous terminology of the RDR ‘Risk Register’:*872285), because we have some projection of level of support for R&D, including resource estimates and technical milestones. Adopting reference points at the end of TDP1 and TDP2 means the register contents are limited to the perception of risk at or before that time and the impact to the project as assessed at that time. The project-wide comprehensive process of estimating risk is a task for TDP2 and is beyond the scope of what is described in this section. Here, we describe only the process which will be used to gauge the risk of SB2009 compared to the Reference Design. First the concerns associated with each SB2009 Working Assumption are identified. These are listed in table 1. Then each is evaluated following the steps, 1) to 7), outlined below. The risk evaluation effort is underway; in this document we will only show results from steps 1) and 2). 1) score each component based on achievements to date and the expectation of effort to be applied during TDP-2 using the following questions and scores. The expectation of effort to be applied should be consistent with that listed in the ‘ILC R & D Plan for the Technical Design Phase’. a. Basic Technology: i. Is the scientific underpinning of the subsystem in question established? ii. Specifically, “What remains to be done to establish it at this point in time?” 85 b. Scoring question Score Within the state of the art? Score = 0 One year advancement with minimal resources required. (e.g.: no beam test facility or high power experiments required at this point) 1 Two to three years advancement with moderate resources required. (e.g. beam test facility or high power experiments may be required) 2 More than three years advancement with substantial resources. (e.g. beam test facility or high power experiments are definitely required) 3 New technology required; development cycle unknown 5 Engineering i. Is the engineering in support of the specific application complete? ii. Specifically, “At what stage of the engineering life-cycle is the project at this point in time?” Scoring question Score Fully tested, completed production - units on hand? 0 Prototype exists and has been tested 1 Hardware and software development needed 2 Detailed design underway, development task effort not 'scoped' 3 Concept defined, engineering effort scope not understood 5 2) Answer the scoring question with a one or two sentence summary of the planned effort. Generate a score. 3) Develop a practical mitigation strategy model. For example, what would the project do if progress was deemed unsatisfactory until the end of TDP-2? 4) Estimate the cost for the mitigation effort, using costing guidelines similar to those used for the RDR. 5) Roll the resulting scoring and associated mitigation costs up to create a summary 'risk assessment' to be summarized and entered at the top level of the register. 6) Review the most serious register elements in detail to ensure the scoring, mitigation strategy and costing have been done consistently according to basic guidelines. 86 6.2 Risk Assessment of SB2009 working assumptions Table 1 shows concerns that involve new or additional risk due to SB2009. The concerns are identified by the associated WA number and a sub-category risk ID#. Table 1: Top-level entries in the SB2009 ‘Risk Register’ showing the identification of concerns and assignment of identifying numbers. Evaluation of Incremental Risk due to SB2009 - Basic Technology and Engineering SB2009 Working Assumption List Risk or Concern: R and D results / design work indicate: 1 A Main Linac length consistent with an average accelerating gradient of 31.5 MV/m and maximum operational beam energy of 250 GeV, together with a High-Level RF (HLRF) distribution scheme which optimally supports a spread of individual cavity gradients. the choice of a reduced gradient specification. (Note: the operational gradient needs to be re-evaluated as part of the risk assessment process) 2 A single-tunnel solution for the Main Linacs and RTML, with two possible variants for the HLRF Infrastructure requirements are not adequately met with single tunnel Klystron cluster scheme (KCS) a smaller, lower power system (full power system performance inadequate) WA number a risk ID # Specifically: 1 lower gradient spread 2 1 2 3 4 1 increased power overhead Radiation shielding life safety/egress availability access to equipment power handling capability 2 control flexibility 3 breakdown failure modes 1 component cost 2 redundancy schemes 3 maintenance b 3 4 Distributed RF Source scheme (DRFS) higher cost (expected cost reductions not achieved) Undulator-based positron source located at the end of the electron Main Linac (250 GeV), in conjunction with a Quarter-wave transformer as capture device degraded beam quality A lower beam-power parameter set with the number of bunches per pulse reduced by a factor of two (nb = 1312), as compared luminosity 'recovery' is only to the nominal RDR parameter set. partially successful instabilities do not 'scale' per prediction; threshold for onset of instability is too close to low power ring parameters 6 Reduced circumference Damping Rings (~3.2 km) at 5 GeV with a 6 mm bunch length. Single-stage bunch compressor with a compression of 20 and electron Integration ofratio the positron 7 sources into a common “central region congestion of technical beam tunnel”, together with the BDS, components and resulting in an overall consolidation of civil infrastructure 5 emittance dilution too high 4 Radiation shielding 1 energy spread 2 emittance dilution 3 polarization 1 backgrounds / BSM 2 traveling focus 1 instability thresholds 1 compression performance installation predicted to take 1 longer 2 maintenance access degraded These are the specific failures for each WA that have been identified and evaluated in order to show the difference in risk with respect to the Reference Design. Thus, for example, the risk associated with achieving the nominal accelerating gradient is not listed since it is basically the same as in the Reference Design, (even though the impact on the project might be different following the adoption of the above WA). But the risk associated with the new HLRF distribution schemes is listed. 87 Table 2 shows suggested answers indicating present (TDP1) status of the development process of the subsystem. The left hand side of the table carries over the WA and risk ID# from table 1 and with the suggested responses on the right hand side. Table 2: Results of ‘step 2’; answers to the scoring questions for the concerns listed in Table 1. WA number risk ID # Specifically: 1 lower gradient spread 1 a 4 Radiation shielding 1 energy spread moderate effort simulation and analysis needed 2 emittance dilution moderate effort simulation and analysis needed 3 polarization minimal effort analysis needed; much already done Very little can be done beyond simulation. Have to wait for testing to be done upon completion of the project, during commissioning; present status calls for some design work Very little can be done beyond simulation. Have to wait for testing to be done upon completion of the project, during commissioning; present status calls for some design work increased power overhead Radiation shielding life safety/egress availability access to equipment power handling capability 2 control flexibility 3 breakdown failure modes 1 component cost 2 redundancy schemes 3 maintenance b 3 1 backgrounds / BSM 4 2 traveling focus 5 1 instability thresholds 6 1 compression performance installation predicted to take 1 longer 7 beam testing at FLASH to prove high gradient spread operation; controls software development needed beam testing at FLASH to prove specified overhead is functional;controls software development needed Prototype tests of radiation shielding needed Design effort starting; concepts approved Conceptual evaluation underway, not complete detailed design needed, concepts satisfactory full power tests are required to demonstrate power handling work at FLASH is required to show that controls flexibility is adequate; software development needed work needed to catalog failure modes; hardware development must follow Conceptual evaluation complete, detailed design of cost-effective HLRF components to start Conceptual evaluation complete, detailed design of cost-effective HLRF components to start concept exists, hardware layout to be designed Radiation effects on high voltage/high power electronics largely unknown; detailed design to start 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 Suggested answer to scoring question: 2 maintenance access degraded moderate effort simulation and analysis needed to show low I system will work; RD at CESR and other labs is underway moderate effort simulation and analysis of low emittance transport tolerances needed installation concepts primitive; significant planning effort needed detailed design of maintenance access needed It is useful by way of explanation to elaborate on example entries from the table: 1) WA 2a.1, ‘the risk that the power handling capability of the KCS does not meet expectations’. During TDP2, ‘full power tests are required to demonstrate power handling’. As noted in section 4, these studies have started and are expected to proceed during TDP2. 2) WA5.1, ‘the risk that collective instabilities do not scale per prediction, namely, the threshold for onset of instability is too close to SB2009 ring parameters’. During TDP2, we believe ‘moderate effort simulation and analysis is needed to show the low I system will work’. R & D on this is underway at several labs, as described in section 4. For each entry in the table, the general status of the development process is reflected in the appropriate proposal text section. 88 Appendix A. Availability Task Force Report A.1 Introduction and Goal This appendix is the preliminary report of the availability task force. This task force was formed to find a reasonable way to make sure that SB2009 met the availability requirements of the ILC. Those requirements are unchanged from those used in the RDR: There should be 9 months of scheduled running and 3 months of scheduled downtime for maintenance and upgrades. Total unscheduled downtime should be less than 25% of scheduled runtime. In our simulation we allow only 15% unscheduled downtime. The other 10% is held as contingency for things that were missed in the simulation or for major design or QA problems. So far the task force has concentrated on the use of a single tunnel for the linac using either the DRFS or Klystron Cluster RF systems. This is one of the biggest cost savings in SB2009 and the biggest availability concern. That study is relatively complete. Other changes included in SB2009, (the central region integration and positron source changes), have had a more cursory examination and look OK, but more work is needed. We took a three pronged approach to the problem. We refined the design of the RF systems to provide the goal availability. This included making some components redundant, ensuring the DRFS klystrons could be replaced rapidly during a scheduled maintenance day and changing the run schedule from a 3 month long downtime to two one-month downtimes with a 24 hour preventive maintenance period scheduled every two weeks during the run. We gathered and updated information on reliability of components (mean time between failures) We integrated all this information into AVAILSIM, the program which simulates breakdowns and repairs of the ILC to learn how much downtime there was and what the causes were. We then adjusted some inputs (length of preventive maintenance period, energy overhead and longer MTBFs) to achieve the required availability. The availability task force has only studied the direct effects of the SB2009 changes on the availability. Other effects of the change to a single tunnel such as fire safety; need for space to install extra equipment in the accelerator tunnel; cost; installation logistics; radiation shielding of electronics and the effect of residual single event upsets; and debugging of subtle electronics problems without simultaneous access to the electronics and beam have been and is outside the scope of this appendix. Note that the important result of our work is not the availability we have achieved but rather the design that was necessary to do so. The simulation acts as a guide that allows us to assess design and component performance changes. The availability estimate obtained by iteration of the inputs through this process was actually pre-determined as a goal before we started work. That said, Section 2 gives the results of the simulations and summarizes the conclusions, Section 3 describes the basic machine design we modelled with emphasis on availability, Section 4 describes many of the ingredients that were needed to achieve the desired availability, Section 5 gives some details about how the simulation was done, and section 6 describes some outstanding issues. 89 A.2 Results and Summary Our results are preliminary for several reasons. Due to time constraints we have not updated the inputs to AVAILSIM to the full SB2009 design. While the linac modelling is fairly accurate the 6 km DRs and the injectors are not in the BDS tunnel for most of the simulation runs, (see Central Region Integration section). There are also several details we are not pleased with and hope to improve (such as the cryoplants and AC power disruptions being the largest causes of downtime or the long recovery times needed after a scheduled preventive maintenance day). Nevertheless, we believe the model adequately represents the differences in availability of the various machine configurations we studied. Our main result is shown in Figure A.1 which for four different RF schemes shows the simulated unscheduled downtime as a function of the main linac energy overhead. This is a very important figure, so it is worth making very clear what is meant by it. Figure A.1: The unscheduled downtime as a function of the main linac energy overhead. An example of the meaning of the horizontal axis is that for 250 GeV design energy and 10% energy overhead, the beam energy, if everything were working perfectly, would be 275 GeV. The plot is mainly relevant when we are trying to run at the full design energy. If for physics reasons we are running at lower energies, then the effective energy overhead is much greater and downtime due to inadequately working RF systems would be much less than shown. The steep rise at the left side of the plot comes about because a small number of linac accelerator components, (RF sources, klystron or modulator, or cryomodule internals); fail quite quickly after starting up. Repair takes time, either because entry to the linac tunnel is required (distributed RF system) or because it simply takes time to do the work (klystron 90 cluster / reference design). Also, a small number of cryogenic accelerator components, such as cavity tuners and power couplers are predicted to fail and these require very long shutdowns to warm up and fix. Both of these are indicated in the input table showing assumed MTBF’s (Table A.1), below. Four different accelerator configurations were simulated resulting in the 4 lines shown. The general trend for each line is that as energy overhead is decreased, the unscheduled downtime increases. This is expected as less acceleration related items need to fail before the design beam energy cannot be reached and hence the accelerator must be shut down for unscheduled repairs. Note that the three one linac tunnel designs all have the same unscheduled downtime when there is 20% energy overhead. This is such a large energy overhead that failures of components whose failure reduce the energy cause no downtime. The residual 14.5% downtime is caused by things like magnet power supplies, controls and AC power disruptions. For illustrative purposes, a horizontal line is drawn 1% above the points at 20% energy overhead. This represents what the total unscheduled downtime would be if 1% downtime were caused by broken components (e.g. klystrons or cavity tuners) making it so the design beam energy cannot be reached. One can then see how much energy overhead each design needs to avoid causing this much downtime. At high energy overhead, the 1 tunnel designs have about 1% more downtime than the 2 tunnel design. This represents a doubling of the downtime caused by linac components and a 50% increase for the RTML components that share the linac tunnel. This increase is expected as a typical mean time to repair for a component in a support tunnel is 1-2 hours. When that component is in the accelerator tunnel (as is the case for the 1 tunnel designs) an extra hour is added to allow radiation to cool down and a second hour is added to allow the accelerator to be secured, turned back on and magnets standardized. Note that in studies done for the RDR, the total downtime doubled when we went from two tunnels to one. What saves us from that fate in this study is that only the linac was changed from two tunnels to one. In all other areas devices like power supplies are modelled as accessible when the beam is on. The one tunnel 10 MW design degrades fastest with decreasing energy overhead probably due to the 40k and 50k hr MTBFs assumed for the klystron and modulator. DRFS does better probably due to the redundant modulator and 120k hour klystron MTBF assumed. KCS does still better due to the ability to repair klystrons and modulators while running and the internal redundancy built into a cluster. (A single klystron or modulator can die and the cluster can still output its design RF power.) The conclusion that can be drawn from Figure A.1 is that either approach (Klystron Cluster or the Distributed RF System) would give adequate availability with the assumptions shown below in Table A.1. The Distributed RF System requires about 1.5 percent more energy overhead than the Klystron Cluster Scheme to give the same availability for all other assumptions the same. This small effect may well be compensated by other non availability related issues. With the component failure rates and operating models assumed today, the unscheduled lost time integrating luminosity with a single main linac tunnel is only 1% more than the two-tunnel RDR design given reasonable energy overheads. Note that all non-linac areas were modelled with support equipment accessible with beam on. Figures A.2 and A.3 show details about what area of the accelerator and what technical systems caused the downtime in a typical simulation run (KCS with 4% energy overhead). Note that the unscheduled downtime is distributed over many areas and technical systems. No one thing dominates. In particular, the linacs and long transport lines of the RTML cause 20% of the total 91 downtime of 15% or a total of 0.20*0.15 = 3% of the scheduled running time. Note that the cryogenic system plants and site power are the technical systems that cause the most downtime. Both of these are modeled as single components in the simulation with availabilities based on aggressive estimates from experts familiar with performance of such systems at existing labs. They are both worth further study. Total RF power sources 4% Cryo 2% Magnets 5% site power 8% Vacuum 6% PS + controllers 11% AC power 3% controls 11% Global controls 4% Diagnostic 0% General Recovery 13% cryoplants 19% Water system 9% RF structure 5% Figure A.2: This figure shows the distribution of the downtime by area of the accelerator for a typical simulation run (KCS with 4% energy overhead). The downtime fractions shown are percent of the total downtime of about 15%. So the actual downtime caused by the cryoplants is 19% of 15% = 2.8%. ‘General Recovery’ is the excess, (beyond time nominally allotted), time spent recovering from scheduled maintenance days and is lumped because it cannot be directly attributed to a particular area. 92 e- turnaround e+ extraction Global e+ Total 1% e+ compressor 1% controls turnaround e4% 2% 1% compressor e- extraction 2% 1% e+ transport General 3% Recovery e- transport 13% 3% e- DR 8% e+ DR 5% Cryo plants 19% e- linac 8% Site power 9% e+ source 7% e- BDS 2% e+ BDS 1% e+ linac 6% e- source 4% Figure A.3: This figure shows the distribution of the downtime by technical area for a typical simulation run (KCS with 4% energy overhead). The downtime fractions shown are percent of the total downtime of about 15%. As with Figure A.2, ‘General Recovery’ shows the unexpected downtime incurred by recovery from failures that happened during scheduled maintenance periods. As explained in the introduction, our goal was to find design ingredients that achieved the desired availability goal. This section shows we have achieved that goal. The next two sections describe the ingredients used to attain that goal. You will see it requires different construction and operations methods than are typically employed for HEP accelerators. Methods used by light sources are needed. Component mean time between failures must be comparable to the best achieved at any accelerator and some are factors of more than 10 better than those achieved at major HEP labs. Preventive maintenance is crucial as is built-in redundancy. Preliminary conclusions of impact of single main linac tunnel on availability and Recommendation are as follows: • The assumptions made to obtain the desired availabilities for all designs are quite aggressive and considerable attention will have to be paid to availability issues during design, construction and operation of the ILC to achieve the simulated availabilities. • The RF power system as described in the RDR is unsuitable for a single linac tunnel design as there is a significant decrease in availability without further improvements in MTBF’s, an increase in energy overhead and/or changes in maintenance schedules. Presumably this could be the focus of additional study and R & D. 93 • There are two alternate RF power system designs proposed for single tunnel linac operation. (The Klystron Cluster and the Distributed RF System). Either approach would give adequate availability with the present assumptions. The Distributed RF System requires about 1.5 percent more energy overhead than the Klystron Cluster Scheme to give the same availability for all other assumptions the same. This small effect may well be compensated by other non availability related issues. • With the component failure rates and operating models assumed today, the unscheduled lost time integrating luminosity with a single main linac tunnel is only 1% more than the two tunnel RDR design given reasonable energy overheads. Note that all non-linac areas were modelled with support equipment accessible with beam on. • The recommended RF overhead (see Figure A.1: ‘unscheduled downtime as a function of the main linac energy overhead’) is 3.5% . This corresponds to the nominal availability of about 15% for the Klystron Cluster HLRF scheme and slightly poorer availability for the Distributed RF HLRF scheme. The cost impact of this recommendation is summarized in section 5 of the Proposal. A.3. Background - changes applied to the Reference Design In this section we describe the machine model used to evaluate the availability with a focus on differences with respect to the 2007 Reference Design. A.3.1 Machine Model Improvements proposed to the Reference Design are expected to affect the estimated accelerator availability. In order to estimate availability in the new design, both the basic machine model and the assumptions that support the simulation, (for example, operations and maintenance models), needed review. Through this process, the availability of the complex was also re-examined and reoptimized. The changes foreseen for the new baseline are described in the Overview, Section 2. The part of the new baseline with the greatest impact on availability is the removal of the support tunnel for the main linac and RTML. A single tunnel variant, in which no support tunnel space was allocated to any ILC subsystem, was studied during the development of the Reference Design. The estimated availability of that variant was shown to be poor unless there were very substantial improvements in component performance. The configuration studied for the proposal described here allows access to source, DR and BDS support equipment when the machine is operating. Only the main linac and RTML support tunnel is removed. A.3.2 Operations and Maintenance Model The ILC is scheduled to operate 9 months of the calendar year, with the remaining 3 months allocated for machine shutdown and preventative maintenance. In the RDR the assumption was for a single 3—month shutdown. We have explored other operating models where the 3 months of total scheduled downtime is distributed throughout the calendar year. It should be apparent that less RF power overhead would be needed, (depending on how long it takes for replacement), if there is a shorter time between maintenance periods when failed klystrons are replaced. For this report, we have chosen a model with two 1-month shutdowns per year and one 24-hr preventative maintenance period every two weeks. All failed klystrons and modulators in the main linac will be replaced during the 24-hr maintenance days, so 100% of the installed RF power is available immediately following a maintenance day. 94 Availability estimates made for the Reference Design were based on experience at labs with high energy colliders. Experience with component performance and operations and maintenance practice was included in the analysis. For further development of the ILC design, we intend to take advantage of the knowledge gained in recent years at light sources and ‘factories’, such as the B-Factories. In general, experience at these installations has been much better than older, more established facilities. An important part of that improvement is due to changes in managing component lifetime performance and maintenance. These typically involve a more rigid industry-like quality assurance process, with a stronger reliance on scheduled downtime and less emphasis on ‘opportunistic maintenance’, a practice which includes a substantial ad-hoc, rapid response maintenance and repair effort. Additionally, the use of industrial standard-practice system designs and components (section 4) that have good reliability performance has been assumed in the analysis. A.3.3 HLRF - Klystron Cluster System (KCS) availability design The Klystron Cluster System is attractive because it allows relatively long distances, (compared to the Reference Design), between the power sources and the accelerator. In the RDR, the waveguide length between the closest cavity and its power source was around 7 m (25 m for the farthest), whereas for the KCS the farthest distance is around 1200 m. This is made possible because of the very low loss transmission characteristic of TE01 waveguide which has essentially no electric fields on the waveguide wall. In the KCS, the total system waveguide power loss is roughly doubled, compared to the Reference Design, but the total waveguide length is 50 times greater. Very high power TE01 mode systems function well in accelerator applications. The most well-known application is in the commonly used ‘SLED’ system. Also, long waveguide applications have been developed and tested for X-band transmission systems where losses in rectangular waveguide can be large. These included tests of high-vacuum mode-convertor components, bends, pump-outs etc, as described in the system description in Section 4.6.2. One of the most attractive aspects of the KCS is the intrinsic simplicity of the accelerator tunnel. It contains virtually no ‘active’ electrical components and reduced water cooling, compared to the Reference Design. This makes the KCS ideal for relatively open site topography with rock-based geology, as in two of the RDR sample sites. Although land use may be restricted at these two sites, surface transport access is easy and the KCS long waveguide lengths may provide needed flexibility to achieve ready access to complex equipment. The impact of the KCS HLRF system on machine availability is considered negligible. Redundancy will be built in to the low level RF, and the high power systems contain spare sources so most failures do not cause downtime. The proposed Klystron Cluster System allows continuous access to all active RF source equipment. Further, the system includes provisions for maintenance of the high power equipment with little or no impact on the operation of the linac. The ‘common-mode components’, whose failure would cause extensive downtime, are the distribution waveguide and the associated bends, vacuum pump-outs, couplers and expansion-joint hardware and are assumed to be robust against breakdown. The peak surface electric field in the Circular Tap – Off (CTO) with 10 MW through its WR650 ports (5 MW each) is 1.57 MV/m. This is lower than in the VTO (variable tap-off) at 5 MW (1.86 MV/m) which has been tested with room pressure nitrogen with no RF breakdowns. The CTO will most likely be under vacuum which should make it even more robust against surface breakdown. The L-band vacuum window design, (also used in the Reference Design), has had extensive running at the ~5MW, 1ms level, where it has a similar peak surface electric field (1.51 MV/m), although the surface is stainless steel rather than aluminum. If we scale the observed maximum surface field of 40 MV/m that we found to be safe in X-band component designs (copper), using the apparent 1/6 power pulse width dependence, we get a rough 95 breakdown threshold of 10 MV/m. Furthermore, for the low power configuration, only the combining CTO's will see 10 MW, while the CTO's in the tunnel extract only 5-7 MW. These components are also designed to be robust against surface pulsed-heating. The peak surface magnetic field for the maximum 340 MW (full current upgrade) flowing through a CTO is ~14.7 kA/m, on the edge of the tube defining the gap. This should give a pulsed heating temperature rise of ~2.7 degrees C, well below the tens of degrees level known to cause surface damage and be related to RF breakdown in copper X-band structures. In the tapers and main 0.48m waveguide, the surface magnetic fields are much lower, and surface electric fields are non-existent (except to the extent that parasitic modes might be excited). SLAC and other labs have decades of experience running high power in overmoded TE01 mode waveguide and cavities, e.g. SLED, BPC, SLED-II, multi-mode SLED-II and X-band transmission. The mode can only break down by gas ionization, so good vacuum is required. The two bends required in each main waveguide may be the most risky part of the system, as they carry the maximum power and must depart from the pure TE01 field pattern. We believe, however, that suitable bends can be designed, based on past experience with X-band. It is important to emphasize that any fault (e.g. breakdown or vacuum leak) in the ‘common mode’ distribution system is a single point of failure and will cause downtime. The availability simulation does not include these faults. A.3.4 HLRF – Distributed RF System (DRFS) availability design Availability Issues for DRFS (2-week Operation + Half Current) There are two main availability issues for DRFS: Radiation damage and replacement of failed HLRF components. A large number of klystrons will be needed since one klystron feeds its power to four cavities in DRFS scheme compared to 26 cavities in RDR. Maintainability of klystrons is a key issue for DRFS. A longer MTBF for klystrons is required for DRFS availability and a redundant scheme will be adopted for their power supplies. One of the main availability issues for DRFS is the radiation damage of components. Almost all DRFS components will be installed in the tunnel where we need to examine the potential radiation hazard which is caused by acceleration of the dark current. The data concerning this issue is unfortunately scarce. At this moment, we follow the considerations given in case of the European XFEL project, and assume the use of a radiation shield of 10cm-thick concrete and 1cm-thick lead will help reduce problems caused by radiation. Another important availability issue is the maintenance of HLRF components, in particular the klystrons. A large number of klystrons are used in the main linac tunnels, as one klystron feeds its power to four cavities, as opposed to 26 cavities by one klystron in the RDR. A longer MTBF for klystrons is expected to be realized with the measures as described in the DRFS section of this proposal. However, maintainability of klystrons and other components remains to be a key issue. In the following, the maintenance scenario for the DRFS and the associated workload are examined. As discussed above, the operation schedule is assumed to consist of a cycle of 2-weeks of continuous operation (312 hrs) interrupted by one-day maintenance periods. The numbers of failed components, which require replacement or repair, after each of the 2-week operational period, are estimated and are summarized in Table A.2 (reproduced from Section 4.6). The MTBF assumed in the estimates are also indicated. 96 It should be noted that the scheme taken with redundant DC PS and MA modulator will provide substantially longer "system" MTBFs for the DC power supplies and MA modulators than what are quoted in Table A.3 (reproduced from Section 4.6). The MTBF quoted for the klystrons is based on the operational experience of KEKB linac, where 4.7 million hours of cumulative operation time has been logged at 60 klystron sockets. BI (barium-impregnated) cathode and lower cathode loading, which assure longer life time of klystron, are adopted for this project. Table A.2: Estimated number of HLRF components across the entire ILC requiring replacement or repair after completion of each of the 2-week operational periods, assuming the listed MTBF and component count. Component DC power supply MA modulator MA klystron # of units requiring MTBF assumed replacement or repair 2 50,000 hours 1.5 70,000 hours 12 110,000 hours Total # of units deployed at the ILC 325 325 4225 In order to estimate the human resources that are required during each of the one-day maintenance periods, the time that it takes to replace each of the components in question has been examined. Table A.3 shows the summary of this study. Table A.3: Estimated times for the repair work of DRFS. Action Transportation of klystron Time for unit piece of work 0.5 person-hours / tube Removal of a failed klystron and installation of a replacement klystron Time for personnel to move from one point of repair to another Replacement of a MA modulator Replacement of a DC power supply 4 person-hours / tube Rationale 2 persons in 2 hours could bring 8 tubes on one carrier. 2 hours with 2 persons 2/3 person-hours / tube 20 minutes with 2 persons 6.67 person-hours / modulator 27 person-hours / DC power supply As a consequence, the human resource that it takes to replace the 12 MA klystrons on each of the one-day maintenance day would amount to 62 person-hours. Likewise, 1.5 MA modulators will require 10 person-hours, and 2 DC power supplies will take 54 person-hours to repair. In summary, the required human resource for HLRF during maintenance is calculated to be 126 person-hours, which corresponds to 16 person-days. With 9 hours to perform the work this will require 43 people on an average day and perhaps double that on some days due to upward 97 fluctuations in the number of failures. This is likely to be manageable in the light of other work that would be necessary during maintenance days. A.4 Key ingredients and their impact - Estimating MTBFs A.4.1 Estimating MTBF’s Any simulation is only as good as the raw input data. Actual MTBFs realized in the field for a specific installation are dependent on many factors, some that can be predicted or estimated and many that cannot. Consequently, any MTBF estimate projections have uncertainty. Availability and Reliability prediction and estimation has been (and continues to be) the subject of much study by industry and research institutions, and consequently there are several generally accepted methods for estimating MTBFs, including: 1. Projections based on the technical design using standardized data on individual parts, design margins, and service usage. 2. Projections based on accelerated life testing, where units are subject to extreme operating conditions that cause early failures. 3. Comparisons with similar equipment where MTBFs are already known. 4. Actual data on failures from equipment that is installed and operating in the field. Each method has advantages and disadvantages. For example, projections based on the technical design do not take into account the various ‘soft’ issues such as quality assurance processes, which can have a large impact on the in-service reliability. On the other hand, they are the only option available for new equipment where there is no experience base. Methods based on testing or actual in-the-field failure rates can provide the most useful information, especially when estimating MTBFs for equipment with similar operating conditions and environments that apply to the equipment whose MTBF is being estimated. However, statistically significant MTBF estimates require enough cumulative testing or inservice operating hours such that multiple equipment failures have occurred, i.e. significantly more operating hours than the equipment MTBFs. A.4.2 Process for developing MTBFs for the final models The simulation program, ‘Availsim’ receives as input a set of component MTBFs that were derived from operational and in-the-field experience. Since one goal of the simulations was to determine a set of MTBFs that met the availability criteria for the machine design, these MTBFs were treated as the ‘Starting MTBFs. The initial Availsim simulations using these MTBFs gave an estimate of the overall machine availability given these starting MTBFs, the overall machine design, and the various other input assumptions that have been described previously in this appendix. The results of the simulations were evaluated against the machine availability criteria. A second set of MTBFs was generated through ‘educated-guesswork’ based on the gap between the machine availability criteria and that achieved in the simulation. Typically parts that were contributing more downtime than most had their MTBFs improved. A second round of Availsim simulations were performed using the updated set of MTBFs. Additional iterations were performed until the machine 98 availability criteria were met. The Improvement Factors coming from the Availsim simulations (the ratios between final MTBFs and starting MTBFs) have triggered availability-focused R&D programs for several technical systems, including HLRF modulators, magnet systems, and Control Systems. As noted above in the Introduction and Goal section, this is the real output of the process. It should be noted, however, that there is no unique set of ‘final’ MTBFs, since during the optimization process the relative MTBFs can be adjusted to apportion total downtime differently across the various technical systems. A.4.3 Source of the Starting MTBFs As noted earlier, the MTBFs comprising the Starting MTBFs for the Availsim simulations were as much as possible derived from in-the-field experience. The set of Starting MTBFs use for the RDR simulations was largely drawn from the years of operating experience at the SLC and PEP-II at SLAC and the Main Injector and Tevatron accelerators at Fermilab. As such, the set of MTBFs were representative of the availability that had already been achieved at operating high energy physics accelerator facilities. For SB2009 simulations, the Availability Working Group proposed reviewing and revising ‘up’ the Starting MTBFs for individual components so as to use best-in-class achieved MTBFs unless there would be a clear and significant cost penalty over comparable systems. In particular, the intention was to take into account recent experiences with the Light Sources and the B-Factories, both of which had achieved better overall availability than had been achieved at both SLC and the Tevatron. Similarly, it was desired to take into account industry and commercial MTBF data for Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) components. By and large, each of the components fits into one of the following five categories. Utility or industrial equipment where there is published MTBF data based on operating experience of a very large installed base. For example, we have used the IEEE ‘Gold Book’ (IEEE Std 493™2007) for electrical distribution MTBFs. Commercial off-the-shelf commodity equipment such as computing systems and networks where there are high availability solutions routinely deployed. Commercial low-complexity components. Specialized or custom-designed equipment that is accelerator specific and where there is already operating experience. Our MTBF estimates are based on experience from accelerator laboratories. Most difficult to estimate are MTBFs for new specialized equipment where as yet there is little or no operating experience. In these cases, we can only apply good engineering judgment and where appropriate make comparisons with other existing equipment. Largely due to time constraints, there have been only limited updates of the Starting MTBFs in the RDR, and to date only ten of the Starting MTBFs have been revised, leaving others as potential candidates for revision. 99 A.4.4 MTBF Data from the RDR and SB2009 Simulations Table A.1 summarizes the MTBF data from both the RDR and the SB2009 simulations. Each row corresponds to an individual device in the Availsim simulations. The information in the various columns is as follows: New starting MTBFs are those used in the initial step of the simulations prior to iteration and optimization. As much as possible, they correspond to the best actual MTBFs achieved in the field. It should be noted that some of these New starting MTBFs have been revised upwards from those used as starting MTBFs in the RDR simulations. The specifics will be described later in this section. New ending MTBFs are those obtained from the final iteration of the optimization process. Collectively they are one set of MTBFs that achieve the desired machine availability in simulations of the SB2009 machine configurations under the specified criteria. It is important to note that the same identical New ending MTBF numbers were used for all four of the SB2009 configurations. MTBF factors are the ratios of the New ending MTBF to the New Starting MTBF. It indicates the necessary degree of improvement in MTBF over present field experience in order to meet the availability goals of the SB2009 machine. The five right-most columns are actual operational MTBFs achieved at four accelerator facilities or elsewhere (either accelerators or industry). The highest MTBF in each row was used as the New starting MTBF for the corresponding component. The colors indicate the relative improvement factor necessary to achieve the New final MTBFs from the SB2009 simulations. Empty cells indicate that no data was available for the given device from the corresponding source. Note that several rows have only empty cells, and these cases, the New starting MTBFs were the result of ‘educated guesswork.’ Changes made to the Starting MTBFs from RDR to SB2009 are as follows (Device #'s refer to Table A.1): Magnet Power Supplies: PS_controller, PS_corrector, and PS (Device # 2, 7, 8) were revised based on operations availability data from the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne, where an MTBF of 500,000 hrs has been achieved over 30,000 operating hours of the ~1600 power converters in the APS storage ring. As an aside, it should be noted that there is no built-in redundancy in the APS power converters. Water Instrumentation: water_instr (Device # 26) was revised based on updated operations availability data from the Fermilab. Electrical Utilities: elec_small and elec_big (Device # 27, 28) were revised using data in the IEEE Gold Book, that includes surveys in-the-field failure rates for electrical utility equipment. Machine Protection System: MPS_region (Device # 41) was revised based on operations availability data from the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne. Components for the Klystron Cluster and Distributed RF Systems: mb_klystron (Device # 13) was used for the two RDR configurations and for the klystron cluster. DRFS_klystron (Device # 14) was used for the DRFS. 100 Device # Table A.1: Starting and Final MTBFs for RDR and SB2009 Availsim simulations. For each item, the table gives the MTBFs used in the SB2009 simulations along with MTBFs from operating experience on four accelerators. The color codes indicate the extent of any gap between operating experience and the MTBFs used in the simulations. The color key is as follows: Green: MTBF has already been achieved. Yellow: MTBF is up to a factor 3 lower than used in the simulations. Orange: MTBF is up to a factor 10 lower than used in the simulations. Red: MTBF is more than a factor 10 lower than used in the simulation. White: No reference data available. Subject for further studies in TDP2. New New starting MTBF Device MTBF factor 1 mttf_electronic_module 1.00E+05 2 mttf_PS_controller 1.10E+06 3 mttf_controls_local_backbone 1.00E+05 4 mttf_magnet 2.00E+06 5 mttf_sc_magnet 3.00E+07 6 mttf_small_magnet 3.40E+07 7 mttf_PS_corrector 1.10E+06 8 mttf_PS 1.10E+06 9 mttf_kicker 1.00E+05 10 mttf_kickpulser 7.00E+03 11 mttf_modulator 5.00E+04 12 mttf_dr_klystron 3.00E+04 13 mttf_mb_klystron 4.00E+04 14 mttf_DRFS_klystron 1.20E+05 15 mttf_cavity 1.00E+08 16 mttf_coupler_intlk 1.00E+06 17 mttf_coupler_intlk_electronics 1.00E+06 18 mttf_mover 5.00E+05 19 mttf_VacP 1.00E+07 20 mttf_VacP_power_supply 1.00E+05 21 mttf_valve 1.00E+06 22 mttf_vac_valve_controller 1.90E+05 23 mttf_fs 2.50E+05 24 mttf_xfrmr 2.00E+05 25 mttf_waterpump 1.20E+05 26 mttf_water_instr 1.30E+05 27 mttf_elec_small 1.60E+06 28 mttf_elec_big 1.60E+06 29 mttf_vac_mech_device 1.00E+05 30 mttf_laser_wire 2.00E+04 31 mttf_wire_scanner 1.00E+05 32 mttf_klys_preamp 1.00E+05 33 mttf_vacG_controller 4.70E+05 34 mttf_cavity_tuner 1.00E+06 35 mttf_cavity_piezo_tuner 5.00E+05 36 mttf_power_coupler 1.00E+07 37 mttf_cryo_leak 1.00E+05 38 mttf_JT_valve 3.00E+05 39 mttf_cryo_big_prob 1.00E+07 40 mttf_target 4.4E+04 41 mttf_MPS_region 3.00E+04 3 3 10 10 1 1 1 3 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 5 5 30 1 1 3 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 New ending MTBF 3.0E+05 3.3E+06 1.0E+06 2.0E+07 3.0E+07 3.4E+07 1.1E+06 3.3E+06 1.0E+05 3.5E+04 5.0E+04 3.0E+04 4.0E+04 1.2E+05 1.0E+08 5.0E+06 1.0E+06 5.0E+05 1.0E+07 1.0E+05 5.0E+06 9.5E+05 7.5E+06 2.0E+05 1.2E+05 3.9E+05 1.6E+06 1.6E+06 5.0E+05 2.0E+04 1.0E+05 1.0E+05 4.7E+05 1.0E+06 5.0E+05 1.0E+07 1.0E+06 3.0E+05 1.0E+07 4.4E+04 3.0E+04 SLC MTBF 1.0E+05 8.0E+04 FNAL FNAL Main Tevatron Injector MTBF MTBF 1.8E+05 5.0E+05 1.1E+05 APS MTBF other MTBF 1.1E+06 2.0E+06 1.6E+06 3.4E+07 4.3E+05 4.3E+05 1.0E+05 6.6E+03 6.4E+04 1.8E+05 1.8E+05 1.1E+05 1.1E+05 1.1E+06 1.1E+06 4.0E+04 5.0E+04 1.7E+05 9.6E+04 9.6E+04 5.1E+05 3.8E+06 1.0E+06 1.9E+05 2.2E+05 1.2E+05 3.0E+04 3.6E+05 3.6E+05 1.3E+05 1.3E+05 6.7E+05 1.6E+06 1.6E+06 4.7E+05 5.1E+05 5.0E+03 3.0E+04 Key: MTBF relative to New final MTBF Meets or exceeds the New Final MBTF Less than a factor 5 away Factor of 5 -10 away Factor of more than 10 away 101 It is outside the scope of this document to present detailed plans for meeting each of the improvement factors shown in Table A1. Nevertheless, it is appropriate to briefly describe some illustrative examples: Magnet power supplies: It has been shown at APS that significant improvements in power supply availability can be made through ‘practical’ quality control processes, and rigorous/proactive preventative maintenance. It is anticipated that additional improvements could be achieved by incorporating operational lessons into the entire design and implementation life cycle. R&D is ongoing at SLAC to explore the use of redundant regulators in addition to the more conventional redundancy of the power modules. The RDR costing already takes redundancy into account for the magnet power supplies. Control system front ends and other electronic modules: Already incorporated into the RDR Control System design concept was a proposal to use the ATCA standard as a means of benefiting from telecommunications-like approaches to achieving high availability, An ATCA-based solution was assumed in the RDR costing. Cooling water flow switches: Table A1 shows a required improvement factor of 30 for flow switches (Device # 23). By no means should this be interpreted as needing flow switches that are 30-times less likely to fail. This is representative of cases where availability improvements would be made through engineering design and integration. For example, flow switches might be avoided completely on individual magnet cooling circuits. Instead, over-temperature interlock on the magnet windings could be used to detect loss of cooling. A.4.5 Ingredients for meeting the required MTBFs Irrespective of the exact optimization of Final MTBFs or the exact details of the model, it is clear there will be many challenges to building the ILC accelerator that can operate with the desired availability. There are many ingredients that must be considered that go beyond availability considerations in the design of the overall machine and of individual components. Two such ingredients are the role of Quality Assurance and Preventative Maintenance. Quality Assurance / Quality Control There are numerous examples where good reliable designs have been compromised in application by poor attention to detail in the implementation. Similarly, there are many examples of the benefits of effective quality control. Since almost every component in the ILC accelerator is duplicated many times, consistent and well controlled processes will be essential. Preventative Maintenance The fundamental principle of Preventative Maintenance is to take advantage of the scheduled down times in order to increase the availability during the scheduled operating periods by performing work that preemptively reduces the likelihood of equipment failures. Preventative Maintenance activities are planned in advance and carefully controlled in their implementation. The types of tasks considered Preventative Maintenance take a wide range, including servicing of electrical switchgear and mechanical pumps, to replacement of water hoses when they reach 80% of their nominal useful life, to preemptive ‘stress testing’ of equipment during a shutdown in order to induce a failure in the weakest units so they can be removed from service. 102 A.5 Simulations The simulation results[Avail1] described above were done with the program AVAILSIM developed by Tom Himel over the past several years. It is a Monte Carlo of the ILC that randomly breaks components, checks whether the set of presently broken components prevent the ILC from generating luminosity and if so, schedules repairs. A description of this program was given at the 2007 particle accelerator conference[Avail1] and some of its features are described below. Each component fails at a random time with an exponential distribution determined by its MTBF. When a component fails, the accelerator is degraded in some fashion. A klystron failure in the main linac simply reduces the energy overhead. The accelerator keeps running until this overhead is reduced to zero. Similarly there are 21 DR kickers where only 20 are needed so only the second failure causes downtime. Some components such as most magnet power supplies cause an immediate downtime for their repair. Each component can be specified as hot swappable (meaning it can be replaced without further degrading the accelerator); repairable without accessing the accelerator tunnel, or repairable with an access to the accelerator tunnel. A klystron that is not in the accelerator tunnel is an example of a hot swappable device. Without doubt the downtime planning is the most complicated part of the simulation. This should come as no surprise to anyone who has participated in the planning of a repair day. It is even harder in the simulation because computers don’t get a gestalt of the situation like humans do. Briefly, the simulation determines which parameter (e.g. e- linac energy overhead or e+ DR extraction kicker strength or luminosity) was degraded too much, and plans to fix things that degrade that parameter. Based on the required repairs, it calculates how long the downtime must be to repair the necessary items. It then schedules other items for repair, allowing the downtime to be extended by as much as 50 to 100%. Some other issues must also be taken into account: If an access to the accelerator tunnel is required, one hour is allowed for prompt radiation to decay before entry. One hour is also allowed for locking up, turning on and standardizing power supplies. The number of people in the accelerator tunnel can be limited to minimize the chaos of tracking who is in the tunnel. For the present work, we have not limited the number of people. We have estimated that number and it is not unreasonably large, but we still need to use the simulation to limit that number and see how it affects the results. The accelerator runs a total of 9 months a year. There are two one month shutdowns for major maintenance and upgrades each year. In addition, every two weeks there is a 24 hour scheduled downtime to perform preventive maintenance. This includes work which is explicitly simulated like replacing DRFS klystrons which have died in the previous two weeks and work which is not explicitly simulated but which may be need to attain the long MTBFs like replacing pumps which are vibrating because their bearings are going bad. Recovery from a downtime is not instantaneous. Things break when you turn them off for the downtime and the problems are only discovered when they are turned back on. People make mistakes in hardware and software improvements and these must be found and corrected. Temperatures change and the ground moves so the beam must be re-tuned. Rather than trying to model downtime recovery procedures in detail, AVAILSIM simply assumes that the time it takes to get good beam out of a region of the accelerator is on average proportional to the time that region was without beam. The constants of proportionality used for each region typically were 10%, except for the DRs and interaction region, for which 20% was used and simple 103 transport lines for which 5% was used. Altogether, this recovery time on average slightly more than doubles the downtime due to a repair. The accelerator we simulated is not exactly the SB2009 design but we expect it is close enough that the simulation results are meaningful. We will continue our studies and add the remaining SB2009 changes in the near future. The simulated ILC had the following features: The linac could be in 1 or 2 tunnels Low power (half number of RDR bunches and RF power) Three RF systems were simulated for the main linac: RDR, KCS, and DRFS. Short linacs (injectors etc.) were always simulated with the RDR RF scheme. Two 6 km DRs in same tunnel near the IR. (Going to 3 km would decrease the component count and slightly improve the availability for all simulation runs.) RTML transport lines in linac tunnels Injectors in their own separate tunnels. (Putting them in the BDS will probably slightly decrease the availability for all simulation runs.) The e+ source uses an undulator at end of linac There is an e+ Keep Alive Source of adequate intensity to do machine development and to tune up during a downtime recovery. Injectors, RTML turn-around, DRs and BDS have all power supplies and controls accessible with beam on. (Pre-RDR 1 vs. 2 tunnel studies had these inaccessible for 1 tunnel.) A.6 Outstanding issues and concerns Availability studies, generally, require input on technology, system layout and operations and maintenance models. It is critically important, therefore, to make sure that the results of these studies are well documented and accessible to provide guidance for ongoing and future R & D activities. The following outstanding availability issues and concerns have been identified. These are important for both the Reference Design and the proposed baseline. Integration with sub-system designers: Component MTBF and MTTR performance requirements have been assigned and tabulated as a by-product of the availability analysis. In some cases, the performance criteria needed represent an advance beyond that routinely achieved in large colliders. In this case, industrial best-practice guidelines or light-source performance has been assumed. For both of these, added design effort, compared to large colliders, has to be applied. Estimating impact on cost: Improved MTBF performance has a cost increment. In simple terms, higher quality off-the-shelf components, with adequate reliability performance, will cost more. Improving recovery times: The simulation includes a ‘luminosity recovery process’ model, whereby the time to recover full-spec performance in each subsystem is proportional to the time without beam, (due, for example, to an upstream component failure). Completed simulation results indicated this to have a substantial impact, amounting to about half of the total simulated downtime. The proportionality constant used is based on observations done at several facilities, and some degree of variability is seen. A consistent approach to improving system availability includes effort on both component MTBF and the associated recovery process. 104 Safety – impact on Operations and Maintenance model: Each intervention for maintenance, including preventive activities and incident response, must be subject to a fully integrated safety analysis. The simulation includes several aspects, such as radiation cool-down wait-times and an allowance for proper preparation and entry procedures. It is reasonable to expect additional constraints. Accessibility – equipment transport: For repairs within the beamline enclosure, the availability model includes an estimate of the time to move equipment from a storage area to the accessway. With more detailed underground equipment layout, the model will be updated to provide a more realistic estimate of transit time. Radiation effects: Radiation effects may reduce electronic component MTBF substantially. This is important because the new baseline layout does not provide nearby support equipment enclosure space for the main linac and RTML. Several accelerator labs have experience with electronics located near the beamline, notably the PEPII B-Factory and (soon) the LHC. The availability simulation assumes that electronics is protected from radiation and does not take into account possible reduced performance. Initial commissioning: None of the studies include an estimate of initial commissioning effects. Staffing levels: The model shows, correctly, the balance between component failure rate and total time to replace or repair. An important ingredient of that balance is the estimate of the staffing level so that maintenance activities can proceed in parallel. Due to the statistical nature of component failure, the simulation can provide a good estimate of the required staffing levels. MTBF data: The basis for the estimate is the reliability data collected from labs and industrial literature. In many cases, representative estimates are difficult to obtain, so the analysis has been based on data from only one institute, or is simply an estimate. There are several reasons why valid MTBF estimates are difficult to obtain, notably the tendency for organizations to group failures according to who in their organization is responsible for repairs associated with a given subsystem. References [Avail1] "Availability and Reliability Issues for ILC", T. Himel, J. Nelson, N. Phinney, (SLAC) , M. Ross, (Fermilab) . PAC07-WEYAB02, SLAC-PUB-12606, Jun 2007. 4pp. In the Proceedings of Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 07), Albuquerque, New Mexico, 25-29 Jun 2007, pp 1966. Also in *Albuquerque 2007, Particle accelerator* 1966-1969 105