
Savannah Early College High School 2015-2016


Mrs. McCray


TEXTBOOKS: Prentice Hall: The British Tradition

Course Description:

In 2012 the Georgia Department of Education adopted new Common Core Georgia

Performance Standards for grades 9-12. Consistent with state curriculum, Chatham County

Schools English language arts curriculum implementation aligns with state standards. The content standards for this course are clustered by strands: Reading (Literary and

Informational) , Writing, Speaking/Listening, and Language.

In this class you will be asked to do much reading and writing, both in and out of class. You will have several smaller papers to write and at least four major papers this semester. Two of the papers will involve research topics--one over literature we have read as a class, and one over a topic of your choosing about English literature. You will be asked to write multiple drafts of these papers, and you will be expected to participate on a mature level in-class and group discussions over the reading and writing. You will keep a collection of your papers so that you can compile a portfolio of your work at the end of the year.

Also, during this semester, you will receive preparatory materials and assignments designed to help you be successful on the Georgia High School Graduation Test (GHSGT) and the

COMPASS college entrance exam. The first GHSGT is the writing test in September. GHSGTs in Math, Science, Social Studies and English/Language Arts will be administered in March 2013.

Note: Students will be expected to take notes in Cornell Notes style daily. Implementation of this technique will be further discussed and modeled during class.

Unit Timelines:

*Each Unit correlates with the corresponding marking period*

(Unit 1) A Royal Mess: An Examination of the Lives, Scandals, and Impact of Britain’s

Most Notorious and Noteworthy Kings and Queens

Extended text- “Macbeth” Shakespeare

Short text-“Beowulf” Anonymous & “The Seafarer” Burton Raffel

Short Informational text- Robin Hood & History of the English Language

Narrative/Research Essay

Multi-Media Project/ Literacy Circles

Video Clip- Elizabeth I speech at Tilbury Performed by Cate Blanchette

Poetry Analysis- “To His Love When He Had Obtained Her” Sir Walter

(Unit 2) The World as a Stage: How Art Imitates Life

Shakespeare: The World as Staged by Bill Bryson

Short text- “All the World’s a Stage” Shakespeare (monologue from As You Like It) &

“Sonnet 18”

Short Informational text-“To Be or Not to be Shakespeare” by Doug Stewart

Poetry- “Sonnet 29” & “Sonnet 106”

Informative/Explanatory & Narrative/Research Essay

Multi-media Presentation

(Unit 3) Good and Evil in Literature

Extended text- Frankenstein Mary Shelly

Short text- Milton’s Paradise Lost (excerpts) & Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad


Short Informational text- Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation & A Vindication of the Rights of Woman

Informative/Explanatory & Narrative/Research Essay

Group Presentations – “Paradise Lost”

( Unit 4) The Language of Our Lives

Extended text- The Professor and the Madman Simon Winchester

Short text- “Jabberwocky” by Lewis Carroll, poem (from British Lit)

Short Informational text- A Dictionary of the English Language

Argumentative or Informative/Explanatory & Narrative/Research Essay

Classroom Expectations:

• Each student is expected to be on time.

• Bring all necessary materials ( textbook, writing utensils [pencils & blue or black ink only], journal notebook, and paper).

Note: -Books go in the tray, never on the floor. Book bags should remain out of the walkways.

Always look productive by having materials on your desk. Remember there is always something to do (homework, notes, studying, etc.).

• Respect the teacher, other students, property of others and school policies.

• Participate and pay attention in class.

• Complete all assigned work in a timely fashion.

20pts a day will be deducted on all late work assignments.

• Peruse student handbook for explanation of school rules and consequences.

Classroom Procedures:

All graded papers are to be filed and stored in the filing cabinet.

Turn in all class work ( after the bell) in the tray unless otherwise stated. Never walk up to the teacher’s desk without permission.

Turn in journal notebooks on Fridays.

-Late journals may only be submitted during tutorial hours after school. Students must have logged in for a total of 15 minutes to be considered present at tutorial.

Sharpen pencils/throw items in the trashcan as needed. Privileges will be denied if students are disruptive!

Grading System

Class work/ Homework-40% Tests/projects-60%

Grading Scale: 100-90 = A; 89-80 = B; 79-70 = C; 69-0 = F

* All approved honors courses will have three (3) bonus points added to the final semester numerical grade of 70 or higher.


*EXTRA CREDIT maybe arranged for attending tutorial. A record of attendance will be kept.

Tutorial will be held on Tuesdays and Fridays from 2:45-3:45p.m

*INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES can be found in the “Shared Documents” section of my website:

***Important note: PowerSchool’s Parent Access provides parents or guardians roundthe-clock access to real-time information about their child’s attendance and grades.

Please see the Information Specialist for an access ID, password, and other account information. State-issued photo identification is required. Students also may track their academic progress for college and career through PowerSchool’s Student Access.

Students may see the Information Specialist for an access ID and password.

*Attendance : Please be aware that students are only allowed four (4) unexcused absences per semester for a block class. Faithful attendance is required and expected. Even if you are absent, you are expected to come prepared for the next class meeting by calling a friend for the assignment, or having the school get the assignment and having someone pick it up for you. You have also been given a list of readings and some sort of schedule, so it is up to you to find out what you missed.

* Make-up Policy : Students are given five days upon their return to class, to make up new assignments.

Student Signature: Home Phone:

Parent Signature: Work Phone:



Research and borrowing from sources can support and add credibility to your writing, but you must always give credit to all sources you use or you will be guilty of plagiarism. Simply, plagiarism is stealing. It is deliberately representing someone else's work or ideas as if they were your own. Plagiarism involves the use of another's work without giving full and proper acknowledgement.

Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the following examples:

If a student uses material or ideas or expressions from a newspaper, magazine, encyclopedia, a book, a movie, Cliffs Notes, a book jacket, song lyrics, the Internet, computer software, another student's writing (past or present, including siblings), parents, or even notes taken in class; this material must be acknowledged or the student is guilty of plagiarism.

If a student copies homework from another student, even if the copier puts the material into his own words, he is guilty of plagiarism, if he does not provide clear, written acknowledgement of the source of the material.

If a student copies or paraphrases the summer reading assignment from a present or past student, the copier is guilty of plagiarism

Also, any student who cooperates in plagiarism is equally guilty. If someone writes material for another student, both are guilty of plagiarism. If one student gives his work to another student to copy or put into his own words, both students are guilty of plagiarism.

Acknowledgement means the sources of all borrowed material, expressions, and ideas must be clearly identified. In general, it is better to say too much about your sources than too little.

Please cut along the line below and return this signed statement on the second day of school.

Plagiarism Statement

I have read the statement on plagiarism and I understand what constitutes plagiarism. I also know that Early College supports a zero-tolerance policy on any form of cheating or plagiarizing.

Date: ____________

Student's name: ______________________________ Student's signature: _________________

Please print

Parent's name: _______________________________ Parent's signature: ___________________

Please print
