SLCC, Student #S-00687835
Professor of Philosophy, Alexander Izrailveskey, P.h.D.
Course Introduction to Philosophy
Course Assignment,
Essay Document on;
Breathing lessons for Patch Quilt of American Farming Cultures Spanning the Ethnic Diverse
Rivers Cultivating Similarities of Philosophies for Ecofeminism Today
Welcome to my presentation, my esteemed Professor of Philosophy, Professor
Alexander Izrailveskey Ph.D. Before I, begin this presentation, will span diverse cultures that
exist and have heritage in philosophies’. Flowing through music, poetry culture blossoms
heritage and respect for nature. Displaying similar love of craftsmanship patch quilting of
American farm life. Work ethic, similarities of culture relating the need to be recognized as
women concerned about environmental pollution. Seeking a united voice on and around the
different farms, homesteads, surrounding wilderness environments. Diversity for respect of the
environment, through the eyes and voice of the female on the many different farms.
Through mentioning similarities of ceremonial culture, dance custom, philosophies
relating to nature. This I feel relates to a universal respect for the women to nature,
connection. Environment concerns are continually observed easily on the farms by women and
men. As a direction driving Ecofemenism women on the farms were, and still are a voice, have
eyes for potential dangers of the Environment. Women seeking their equal voice to protect the
Ecology, the environment. To keep pollution from seeping into the water tables and poisoning
livestock and wildlife as well as human life.
Blending farm culture, the multitude of diverse dedicated females that created many a
delectable culture diverse meal to sit down to and share with theosophical conversation.
Family, life centered in many dialects, spanning Religion, crops, quilting or saddle making,
canning techniques, animal celebrations of new life, baby’s births into the family, harvest
celebration, dances.
A female of Ecofemenism Philosophy of whom I gathered most of my direct data on
Ecofeminism is Karen J.Warren Ph.D.as this relates to Women and Nature through diverse farm
culture. The history of women being told to only be the bearer of child and not use their voice
over concern, man was to be the dominate figure. Women of all ethnic backgrounds slowly
realized to unite created a political voice for strength.
The blending Nature to Women Connection
There are at least eight categories that relate to women growing into the ecofeminist
voice today. Hopefully complimentary to my direction of this paper.
Women to Nature
“1ST Historical Casual Connections”
“2ndEcofeminism is a Conceptual Connection for Women and Nature Connections”
3rd The Spiritual Tie to the Earth Connection
4th The Symbolic Clicking Dance, Philosophies Relating Women to Nature
5th Women a Instrument voice, Nature versus Culture
6th The Ecofeminism, Grassroots Ecological revolution
7th Environmental Ethics drive for female environmental Philosophers’
8th Nonconforming Ecofeminist approach to Environmental Ethics 3)
I will display, explain similarities of culture between the Scottish, Celtic, culture and
philosophies as relating to all of creation, even earth herself. The interaction the five elements
of earth, air, fire, water, wind and the spirit gave rise to unique rock, tree, animal, mother
earth. I will show that the Lakota Sioux and the Pueblo Native Americans diverse people the
Hopi, the Zuni,(Keresan)the “Tanon”whom are the (Tiwa,Tewa,Towa) Native Americans
Culture Grasping the Blue Bird Culture Dance respecting Nature
I acknowledge I am not trying to isolate any particular ethnic culture. As being strange
and not relating to Ecofeminism. The dialects differences’ of the culture diverse Indians of
North America. Beautiful, representing animal strengths, spirits significance, dances Deer, Corn,
Eagle, and dances. Costumes and movements replicate life of the animal spirit for flight through
life nurturing the benefits of Mother Nature. Blue Bird culture dance, each respect Mother
Earth, many of the dancers are women voicing culture and philosophies from the heart of
purity for life to flow strong across time.(#4,p200).
Phenomena and Nomumena of Ecofeminism on the Patch Quilt of Nature
The Practical reason duty to Mother is the Necessity of life. Moral respect for self. To
soul search and except life, moral is within each culture to respect self. Mother to reject abuse
of nature. Look around you may see just so far in a distance of a few hundred yards. At first
glance you perceive the field is free of pollution, so you feel safe to drink from the stream. The
birds are not chirping. Nature is not what it appears to your eye, every noise that should be
available to your ears are only slow moving water in a creek nearby.
Now please use all your senses to look beyond the phenomena of the field and nearby
stream. Environmental damage may exist beyond your vision. Cultural dance may lift the
human spirit, but the damage of the environment cannot be sugar coated and flushed down
stream. Women are very observant as well as men to biological hazards. Respect self as a
positive relationship to nature. Can grow in a positive voice of heritage and philosophies to
blossom as new buds on field of apple trees. New births of both human and all animals bring
strengths of life in nature. New births as in fresh water bring celebration to grow, spiritually in
many patch quilt farm family cultures,
To find respect in oneself, don’t sell your soul, heritage for a cheap dollar. Don’t sell out
to the industrial over intoxicating voice to spread herbicides on your fields of grain. Women
standing on the farm or driving the tractor have witnessed nature change after the spread of
the herbicides. Women will no longer be silent just patch quilting, or making bread dough have
seen the damages repeatedly. This is to respect mother earth, family, clan, wildlife. To observe
the Eagle is to know virtue and respect the earth. An Eagle will never catch a fish only for itself.
The fish’s life is divided and feeds eagle let chicks two to three in a nest. Earth mother will
recycle the fish back to start life cycle over. Animals don’t pollute, man waste and
I am reaching to show the similarities respect to earth, the elements, nature farm
culture in mentioning of poetry and the diverse reverence for female, mother animal in these
cultures draw passion to read of their philosophies. These similar cultures each handed down
heritage in poetry, song reverence for earth mother .From these cultural ,philosophies grew
strong moral commitment, as in(Immanuel Kant, Reference) “The Moral Law Within ones soul”
universal law ,rules of behavior”(# 2,I,Kant Philosopher ,p327)
Ecology respect for concern, of biosphere, to balance of earth. Giving women a
direction to step out of the farm kitchen off the tractor. Combine Ecology for their collective
drive and virtue to create Ecofeminism. Dedication to be a voice over many environmental
platforms today on the farm land in America .The dedication of Ecologist with the voice of
female reaches around the world on platforms for Equality and to voice concern for the
protection of the Ecosystems.
Feminist voice to direct strength in ecology as first passive voice willing to be only the
house farm wife the bearer of children Suppressed no more the spark for humanity and nature
took hold. Feminism as individuals to voice concern and not be isolate just for child
bearing.”The earth, heavens, animals, the human body” not objects to take advantage respect
and reverence for life
Dr.Wangari Maathai PhD,(#8)of Kenya South Africa led her country out ignorance for
the Environments and a sound representative of African Ecofemenism.A devoted Ecologist, as
Dr.Rachel Carlson PhDs(#7) Environmentalists, Ecologist, Marine Biologist was in the United
Dr.Waanari Maathai, Ph.D.(#8), received the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo the first black
African women to do so she founded the South African the Green Belt Movement defined
dedicated African Ecofeminist, and spurred Ecofeminist to find strength in number to voice
concern in her country. She passed away on 25th September 2011.Dr.Rachel Carlson PhD’s
known as mother of the modern Environmental Movement in the field of Environmental
The similarities I will show are so striking reverence and respect for earth, eagle, bear
,otter wind, air, fire ,water, women, respect for life ,respect for neighbor move your heart to
feel the wind upon your face. This wind may have been blowing through time being felt on
Celtic and Lakota, and Pueblo people during times of hunts or ceremonies’ celebrating babies
births, or ceremonials weddings.
Cultural dance ceremonies provide and flourished many philosophies distinguishing
respect for; Mother Earth Traditional dance. Dance was full of respect for the wildlife and
vegetation, the crops that provide support, protection, and food for the family or community.
The health of family centered on fertile soil Dance in the different diverse cultures along with
centuries of philosophy was handed to generation of families and clan member from early age
to adult to respect Mother Earth.
The Lakota Sioux and the Pueblo Native Americans have prayers full of reverence as do
the Scotland Celtic and the Irish ,Norwegian Celtic have very reverent cultural prayer, poem,
dance celebrating everything from births, weddings, cooking ,sharing a meal ,respect for
women, life going to bed, nature, good fishing ,bad weather, bathing ,flight of the hawk, the
horse, otter ,bear, boar ,herding reindeer, hunting, good harvest. Prayers and couture
philosophies in each of the ethnic people center on ecology, female voice and nature.
Distinguishing certain seasons of the year and certain animals or plants
(Flora),(#3).Strong healthy crops of grain, corn, chilies, soy, barley, wheat, and other farm
grown vegetables. Multitudes of farm or wild vegetable and animals are included in beautiful
philosophical stories, in dance. Wildlife holds status in philosophy representing symbols of
strength and intelligence.
The similarities of the Native American, and Scottish-Celtic cultures. Diverse spiritual
symbolism of the Eagle, the Grizzly and black Bear, the Wild and Domestic Horse, the Boar, the
Salmon, the Hawk, the Otter, and the Weasel, to name a few animals compared to the
Scottish–Celtic spiritual symbols in philosophy. The Pueblo Indians of North America and the
Lakota Sioux an Opening breathing lessons in patch quilt compassion and a drive for
Ecofeminism. Comparisons of similarities of respect of wildlife (Fauna) (#3).Reaching the soul of
cultures that express respect for the concern for the environment. To express women as a voice
in environmental issues as a dominate voice in females in politics.
Music and song were part of every diverse ethnic background. Many music instrument
were handed down generation after generation, all were of heritage and carried theosophical
and a colorful heritage of culture. The culture within each beautiful expressive dance filtered
earth, mother, and life respect for wildlife. Expressing in poetry and philosophical stories of
farm life many events from, births of babies ,romance, love of different beliefs of God, Morals,
Religions, Respect for Elders, Respect for Women, Wildlife.
Respect life takes responsibility to self to live a good moral life. To respect nature and
man, as human needs to be shaken on the political platform by women .To bond as one with
respect for wildlife Environmental Protection issues. Cultures within the patch quilt of farm life
flow as a pure river full of philosophies. If the female is allowed equality to express a voice,
culture flourishes with nature in dance, relating to animal strengths.
These dances and philosophies are carried in spirit across many centuries an across
oceans and rivers to fill hearts of budding children to carry philosophies forward for a healthy
environment. This spiritual growth once developed early in life spans all ethnic patch quilted
farm family. Culture and Philosophies blend to relate respect of self, female, and nature,
respect for mother earth.. Not to pollute all cultures center upon this to protect all life. Listen
as if standing in the midst of a waterfall, enjoy the fresh air is the goal of the ecofeminist, to
help refresh all life.
Songs and philosophies, expressing custom dances to call upon the heavens for Rain, for
respect and reverence to distinctive strengths of animals to provide building foresight and
protection. Seasonal Celebrations by these culture spring forth strong similarities full of
philosophical passion and heritage.
The center of the Celtic year, each month is well grounded to respect nature, eagle,
flight of the season through the cycle of life similar to the diverse dance and cultural
philosophies of the Lakota, Sioux and all the Native American Native cycle of life.
With respect to Earth, and women, are as follows, Winter Solstice is known as the
longest night of the year. This marks the beginning of winter. This is a time to hibernate to
gestatation sequence in human and animal life to think about reflection. The return of the sun,
bring dance and celebration whether Scottish Celtic (Keltic), or Lakota, Souix, or Pueblo, Alaskan
Native American to show respect for new life. Those great fireballs in the sky hold significance
in philosophies that encircle the environmental drive of a female’s voice in the Ecosystem
encircling many cultures.
Beltain in Celtic culture celebrated the coming of summer on May 1st.This was
celebrated with respect for the fertility of the land and people on many patch quilt American
Farm, full of diverse culture and spirit for life, nature men women, and child. Many a
celebration full of philosophical heritage carried a variety of music, music instrument, song
dance, feasting on what was raised directly through callused hands.(#11)
Dancing in celebration of the coming of the Beltain many a clan, family ,neighbor
carrying delightful tasteful prepared food dishes of culture to the celebration. During this
celebration much dancing and conversation .Dancing around the May Pole and much love
making .In Druidic ceremonial large piles of wood fires would be light ,and the livestock was
driven between the fire s for purification to appease the strength, and to increase the fertility
of the animal. Many of the women of age may have followed inspirit of strong babies to be
Imboic, on FEBUARY 1, is a time of quickening that holds special promise of spring.
Lambs are born as in the Pueblo, Native American lamb and goat is born approximate close to
February 1st through late April. Lambs born during the Imboic signal the celebration to respect
mother earth. On the Scottish celebration as in Britain and Scotland, Ireland, snow may flutter
peeking in on already fallen snow. February sunlight bring celebration .Animals are strong and
are able for the duration of the winter stay healthy. This is a day to feast and honor mothers
and mothers to be (Celtic S.(#11)
The Samain is the feast of the dead, in Scotland, is the beginning of the winter and Celtic
New Year. Celebrated on many a Scottish, old American family farm. This day is when family
pay respects to the cemeteries. On this day the Druid King of Celtic culture is said to ritually
wed the Goddess of Mother Earth as a strong devotion to the ecology of fertility of the
Just as the Native Americans cultures relate to ecofeminism and respect life with certain
Native Americans expressing respect for the animal kingdom with wood carvings connecting
spirituality in physical display of Animal Totems. As in the Alaskan tribes of and
Athabascan,Ahtna,Tlingit,Haida,mYupik Siberian Yupik,Aleut,(Unangan) Eskimo, the list of all
the different Alaskan Native cultures follows,
1st Ahabascan
2nd Ahtna
3rd DegHit’an
4th Dena’ina
5th Gwich’in
6th Ha’n
7th Holikachuk
8th Koyukon
9th Lower Tanana
10th Tanacross
11th Upper Tanana
12th Eyak
13th Haida
14th Haida
15th Tlingit
16th Tasimishian
17th Eskimo
18th Inupiat(an Inuit people)
19th Yupik
20th Siberian Yupik
21st Yup’ik
22ND Cup’ik
23rd Sugpiaq (Alutiiq)(Alutiqu)
24th Chugach
25th Koniag
26th Aleut (Unangan)(#14)
Alaska Native people are full of beautiful earth related custom and philosophies. Each
Clan-tribe distinct full of compassion and respect for nature. Symbolic dances represent the
same diverse love of life .Dances representing grounding animal strengths weather animals that
that take flight as in the Eagle, Hawk, Osprey. Many animals on the water, as the Salmon,
Halibut, Grayling Fish, Otter, or Whale, hold a special, mother earth reverence. In philosophies
patch quilting through different, yet similar cultures with individual philosophies together.
Each of the beautiful diverse cultures had, and has craftsmen to wood carver, beautiful
exquisite figurine, and totem pole full of animal caricatures representing bonding to nature.
Each culture display heritage also in love of the animal through the animal’s life. This is
represented in the handiwork of the hide, fur after each, kill. No meat is wasted; the entire
animal has a purpose. In the Alaskan, Native cultures even the bone is sacred as to the display
of carving called scrimshaw, displaying hand carving in minute detail of culture events carved
on the bone with a dye filament to draw out the life of the animal displayed in reverence. Many
hunts are displayed in beautiful culture dances respecting both the animal, its life and the
journey of the hunter.
Bonding with cultural dance representative of the female as an ecofeminist before
ecofemenism became a modern environmental word. On the land as Bear, Elk, Moose, Caribou
flourish in the many diverse Native American culture dances. As in the respect for wilderness
bonds the diverse farm cultuture. The earth and to female as center of family, is represented in
every culture and philosophy. Natural animal mother dens and relate to the earth, as does the
human mother in all cultures and farm family across miles and centuries.
The Lakota and Pueblo Native American and the Scottish Celtic cultures display pect
and spiritual collective philosophies relate daily across miles and centuries to respect women.
To pay homage to women able to relate to mother earth respect are to be included in having
ceremonial culture philosophies similar to the Lakota Sioux Native American.
To show human reverence homage respect for nature. To the respect the spirits of the
Eagle, Bear, Otter, even the Woodpecker, and Salmon, Moose, Caribou hold strengths of special
spirit to flow over the field of growing corn gave strength to women .Respecting the labor to
cultivate life.
To distinguish the predator prey is distinguished as to where the animal will be carved
on the totem pole. In the placement of the animal figure on top of the pole may be significant
in one clan but not the other, as the Eagle clan may carve the Eagle to sit at the top of the
totem pole where as the clan that prefers the Sea otter may place the otter at the top of the
totem pole. Each animal strong in spirit holds equal importance to nature and to women. These
animals show individual strengths throughout the patch quilt of the Native American
interactions of wildlife for strengths of fertility and good hunting.
This return is celebrated with many ceremonial dances, such as with the Corn dance by
the Pueblo Indians, the (Tanoan’s) Dance to celebrate the birth of the flight of the Eagle
signified fertility of the hunt, fish for Salmon, hunts of Moose, Elk Deer, Caribou bring custom,
culture philosophical dance to respect life joined with respect of female.
Baking Bread often require rising very early no matter which ethnic background.
Kitchen philosophy and respect for prayer and family was taught teamwork a morning prayer
of thanking the heavenly father for a bright warm day, for a blessing on preparing the meal the
females are busy preparing. Respect for nature, the environment was and still is deep in custom
in the diverse cultures on the farm.
Creating many loaves of diverse styles of bread. Started with very early in the morning.
The prayer of gratitude to mother earth and the heavenly father. The mother, grandmother rise
early place a pot of coffee, chicory or a variety of wild herbal teas on the embers of the fire pit
or back burner on the wood stove. Even the youngest hands help sort the ground grain shifting
the husk out of the mixing bowl .Adding, just the correct amount of human love, selected songs
may be heard coming from the kitchen. All the ingredients are made, created on the creativity
of the farm for each loaf of bread, is provided from the stalks of grains. Fresh well water,
kneading and warming the flour into bread dough.
Prayer would have been center stage as tea and early baskets of pumpernickel and wild
berry juice was set up on the kitchen table. Everyone washed up before meal. Every patch quilt
culture family would of open their doors to visitors offering a spectacular meal and prayer to
offer friendship and to build a spiritual kinship.
Ecofeminism was slowly created from experiences of human and environmental loses.
Do the misfortunate of diverse farm cultures being blindly influenced by modern
advertisement. That natural fertilizers and natural farming would not provide a sure kill to
harmful crop insects. That a need not be visible to be a harmful chemical powder ,if hand
dusted or sprayed from the air or by tractor on tall crops of just blossoming grain like wheat,
rye, soy, corn, or fields of seedlings of many other crops nothing would harm the crops as they
matured for harvest.
Women were not supposed to become extremist for the protection of the environment,
but were supposed to be only creative in the farms management of the kitchen and child
rearing. To daily are the welcome cultivators of vegetables in the garden. To weave the wool
and cotton to cloth or to tan the hides. To create beautiful artistic durable buck skin in the
Tanning barn.
Women were to stay the silent female. Women were suppose to stay in the kitchen
knead the dough to bread, all the while being the mother. Gather the chicken eggs, can the jars
of vegetables, tend the garden with baby in her arms or on her back as a papoose. Make the
soup, and soap. Do the cultivating for the family garden .Design by nimble fingers the cloth in
the loom to make the cloth for coveralls .All the while creating the cloth, for the entire families
clothes and sew each child or adult clothing to fit, properly.
Sewing, mending could take hour and days. Wearing on fingers and eyes .All the while
being very creative and dedicated in preparing the food. Tending hand wash the clothes, help
butcher the steer, carry the burden of firewood servitude gleefully. Women were noted for
developing a instinct of potential danger, using a strong desire to locate reason. Developing a
strong interest in the welfare, of the environment. This entire daily task made the individual
female search within herself to become more aware of her surroundings to relate to nature.
Females seeking to voice their uniting concern for many unexplained deaths of child,
and animal. Helping deliver livestock, in delivering new colts or calves. Women were observing
nature every day. Developing a dedicated, scientific interest to find out what and why so many
still births and sick animals were being found on the small farms at certain times of the year.
The male farmer was easy to convince to use a new powder on crops as the locusts or weevils
were infesting many fields of grain, and corn. Over taken to believe the industrialist, false
advertisements with sugar coated speeches. Bonuses through the Federal Department of
Agriculture backing these chemicals and philosophical false testimonies made for quick sale.
The young females whom still loved the farm, still today love farm life. Heritage and
culture, handed down philosophies full of character. Individuals grew strong and determined
to expand education. Maintaining many of the kitchen, philosophies, and the love of nature,
the environment outside the farm isolation offered challenges to grow as individual ecology
Environmentalist minded feminist Philosophers, diverse fields of science and many became
Ecofeminism, giving voice to a female voice in politics. Each as individuals within their selves, to
hold on to their ethnic individuality, today. Ecofeminism was brewing as strong as Scottish wild
Apple or wild mint tea in the winds of time and season was approaching the nostrils of
A strong heritage of kitchen philosophies were handed down in patch quit fashion. With
each special event recorded with strong positive respect for mother and defined respect for
Ecological Mother-Earth. Cooking up farm grown vegetables brought many hand to help in farm
kitchens. Freshest corn just picked had to be husked, carrots and potatoes washed, sweet peas,
cabbage, onions washed a long with any pears, peaches, or apples and pealed, walnuts shelled
and washed in a rotator shoot with artesian water.
Every day fresh out of many farm garden baskets of many fresh garden and field crops
were hand sorted .Fruit and vegetables grown were part of life on every farm. Skill leaned by
both young male and female to grow the food from the earth, help many to develop a drive to
be concerned with a voice in Agriculture, Ecology and Environmental Sciences. Even practical
jobs like carpentry, nursing careers, cooking, baking may have found interest to grow farther
than the confines of the farm.
A drive to participate in forums on Grassroots Ecology and Feminism drive to form
Ecofeminism, as it concern for all natural ecosystem contaminations. Also many of these
persons went on to become outstanding Philosophers and Ecology related Natural and Physical
Sciences careers’ by going to colleges’ and universities.
Patch quilting today is full of philosophical culture, grass roots heritage of many diverse
ethnic origins relating harmony and tranquility. Devotion to family events is center in every
diverse family, weather on a patch quilted farm or in a city home. As the events were recorded
on beautiful cloth ecofriendly colors of earth tones, Patch quilts. Quilting carries soul, rhythm,
country, spiritual religion craftsmanship full of philosophical memories even poetry of life and
wisdom, strengths. Young children whom grew up on diverse culture and philosophies
developed strengths to develop and refine ecological ethics morals to build patch quilt of
continuing their dedication to relating environmental sciences to the many different
ecosystems around farm life.
Touching briefly upon “Early to raise, philosophy” on the Patch Quilt of divers farming
culture. If you slept in to 5:00 a.m. you definitely were last to taste the Celtic hotcakes and fresh
churned maple, and walnut syrup, with homemade fresh churned butter and the cinnamontwist pumpernickel bread. Culture and philosophy flowed like the love, in every farm house.
Quilting bees were usually synchronized with a gathering of women and teenage girls to
become social and to work on a number of quilts to be sewn in a variety of creativity, using
recycled material from old shirts cut in at least four inch squares to be combines in creative
earth tones.
Many a beautiful quilt holds heritage of earth and family, sun, wildlife, god in reverence
in the creation. Philosophy and blends of culture, with fresh cold milk and hot apple pie may
have been the reward to participate at the gathering of needle nimble sewers. Each female of
the sewing social would contribute some artistic expression to the creation. Many a finely sewn
quilt may have found an entry in a country fair or church raffle.
Herbs and spices were often grown near the back door of the well house, Full of culture
next to the Smoke house. Many a late evening banjo or harmonica may have been heard
playing any number of farm ethnic song ballads being sang by the entire family. No the Smoke
house was not for smoking any cigarette, but for aging the butchered side of hog, or steer, in
cool aerated sterile log or timber building ,usually a very study building of character.
The smoke house for the meat to age properly, related to mother earth, that is ecology
feminist in the since that the farm female was constantly, nurturing every animal in all walks of
its life. Death of the animal was to be respected in all cultures from Native American, Scottish,
Celtic, Anglo-Saxton, European, Western, and Eastern philosophies. As in Taoism, and Plato’s,
Platonic becoming, and the expanse of being.(#1b,p,135)
In this I interpret the young calf grew strong from Mother Earth to create a purpose of
the realm of being able to grow to adult beef steer or milk cow to being on the realm of life to
finish life with its physical sound healthy cycle of life in the smoke house. Aristotle’s four causes
could the n play into the scenario of life, for the butchered steer hanging eloquently with
deaths sacrifice for nourishing young. This could be the Material clause. The formal clause
would have been the formation of the sacrifice. (#2Aristole, 4 Causes,p161-162)
The Efficient clause could be the hanging and hand seasoning of his beautiful animal in
all customs to respect the ecomother is to give ecofeminism a voice not to cry for the death of
the animal as if the animals life did not have purpose, for the purpose is to complete the cycle
of life, as to also say my life has purpose. This brings Aristotle’s last cause the Final cause to the
completed journey with honor for I showed disinclination and was kind and respected in life as
a cow, a journey with mother nature .This building full of culture and feeling of positive
strength for eco mother was usually elevated off the ground several feet .(#2,p.162)
Each farm depending upon the design of the farm would have the buildings constructed
according to custom of the dominate ethnic flavor. Built with inspiration, and respect for
ecology. Respect for the animal, having given up its life .Not to waist that life but in homage and
ceremonial ritual not to disrespect the life that is to be used as food, and pelt. A sturdy natural
rock foundation, with hand cut log and notched log or timbered to hewn a sound building to
smoke, and age the meat to allow cool cold air to circulate from beneath the floor upwards.
Young willow branches may have been used to lay outside on a slow smoldering fire
that smoke would rise through the floorboards .But if build with skill and heart with wisdom the
height off the ground. The cool circulating air may have been enough to start the aging process,
without a smoldering fire but with a wood stove inside the smoke house, the wood stove would
have slow burning smoking fire of willow or alder wood to fragrant the hanging steer.
To cure the hanging meat slowly. All the while having been marinated with certain
amount of salts and seasoning. To assist in the ageing process. Meat after butcher has a time to
cure to age to process before final butcher and before being brought to the stove has to be
seasoned and marinated to perfection Grass roots diverse .country culture recipes full of
passionate, philosophies .Daily help hand down heritage to new generations of grass roots
families of young farmers.
Women would start early before Sunday worship quilting bees were the means for
many diverse ethnic backgrounds to help one another as individuals create a beautiful patch
quilt. Full of heritage created with love of tradition, love of the mother, earth. As in much ethnic
background the mother was the center of the family, man the hunter, the builder, the
blacksmith, the cultivator of the environment.
Women in all cultures were the center to be respected .Women, mother with children
were creator of garden. Woman the creative cook and baker of the bread to be placed in the
oven .Farm life ecology grew from conservative, direction to preserve and keep healthy
livestock, not to pollute the very earth that freely with working the soil grows the fields of grain
and corn. To pay homage respects for many different animals each had similar meanings
through ethnic respect for the environment and family.
I am trying to show heritage and love of culture with farm life diversity of many
philosophies enter a river of concern for the ecology of mother earth. There are eight
connections for women the female as in Lakota (Sioux) Native American Women to Nature
connection. This clarification stands in the Scottish-Celtic warriors held women with up most
center of respect to kinship the revived Manx Gaelic, centers women at the center of respect
with nature.
Ecofeminism has eight points of spiritual contact these are, this detail; list is directly
quoted from every detail comparison characterization of Ecofeminism. In a short essay to be
part, entitled, Introduction to Ecofeminism Philosophy; “A Western Perspective on What It Is
and Why It Matters”. This article was written to introduce and try distinguishing levels of
Ecology as it relates to combination of Feminism by Professor of Philosophy Karen J. Warren,
Ph.D. truly believe in Ecofeminism movement. The direction of women seeking to voice
opinions of the concerns in Ecology and the Environment. Her book cover of Ecofeminism
Philosophy has a beautiful Ecology friendly, sensitive hand sewn Ecoco Quilt. (#3)
She is one of a few Philosophers I can relate to, her writings are composed of
compassion and direction for all walks of ecology friendly supporters to drive to read page after
page. She is a dedicated care sensitive Philosopher, on sensitive ethics driving direct
relationship to industrial disregard and noncompliance of control of certain Biochemical
contamination ,to include the Gulf of Mexico ,British Petroleum Incorporated Oil Rig
,catastrophe. She is currently a professor in the Philosophy Department at “Macalester College,
St. Paul, Minnesota.(#3)
Professor Karen Warren Ph.D. believe truly relates to the Grass Roots foundation of
Philosophy Of Ecofeminism, she is a devoted ‘Quilter “of combining Grassroots diverse heritage
of Farm culture to .She dedicates compassion of ecology and feminism of all geographical
ecosystems and socioeconomic need to be recognized as people of multitude of ethnic
economic needs. Hence the “Street Grass-Roots Philosophy “She is a care sensitive
Environmental, Ethics Philosopher and published Author. (#3)
Women to Nature
1st Women relate easily to nature concern of the interchange for each ecological growth
and productive natural ecosystem in the Biosphere of life.
A-.As in grasping learned hand-me down culture grasping philosophies of protecting
sound fertile cultivation of soil, or raising livestock, even in fish farming culture. Mother is
center and ecological center of family and a voice for female to unite .Balance as a growing
concern as a modern Ecofeminist. A positive voice on all far. Directions relating to farm
agriculture as female and center of family take many hikes into the diverse wildlife ecosystem
respect all life around the farms. To hunt, on pristine unpolluted backcountry.
To pick any given season to explore, photograph, pick berries or mushrooms, to fish in
the frozen ponds as with ice fishing or the spring and fall for brook and rainbow trout. To hunt
with family for game of elk, moose, deer, or rabbit, Quail or Pheasants, to flourish the
smokehouse. Then the cuisine of choice will be drawn from the selection curing in the smoke
house for the family table.
No one wants to come in view of an illegal dumpsite, full of discarded biochemical from
a midnight dumper. To man who does not live on or near a farm who is paid to commit a illegal
dumping of hazardous biochemical many dumpers are paid by the truck load to dump and run,
in the dead of night. These violators do not care the hazard will float and be drank or eaten or
soak into the feather, fur, scale, or mans need to irrigate crop and farm animal and child may
become cross contaminated or birth defects and death could occur.
Philosopher Aristotle’s The Philosopher levels of Teleological thinking display of wisdom
relating to Epistemology and defined as a kingdom level of ontology, being and
Becoming.discribing the kingdom level of Stupidity, relate to illegal dumpers non ecological
concern for compassion. Only for his wallet not life. (#2)
No one wishes to hike deep into the back country either near farms or up in High
County or on camping or fishing, hunting, out photography trip. To a Native Reservation or a
natural hiking trail in many ecosystem’s and discovers pollution and death. For death begets
death in spreading pollution rapidly as dead become a food chain combatant. Many convicted
dumpers statements may stat it was just a little. Or I did not know I could not dump on a back
country road, or I did not think the pollution would kill any animals or fish.
Explained a simple ignorance against natural instinct to take money for an immoral act
against nature. How was I to know there was poison, chemicals in the barrels, it was dark and
snow was falling hard? The woods and stream were just available and no one cares if a few fish
were to become poisoned .Under the correct weather condition biohazards are easy to be
digested many miles and many hundreds of victims both man and ecosystem wildlife or
domestic animals and insects can transmit the poisons in the food chains, recycling
continuously. This is as with Yin follows Yang, trouble follows serenity and harmony with
.Women desire to speak up on the many pollutants that directly or indirectly cross
contaminate all Eco zones on or around the adjoining wilderness and water table contaminates.
to step out of the confines of the from kitchen and the farm possibly with child in car seat seat
belted properly on the tractor, or seated and seat belted in the pickup truck, to head to the
town meeting.
To mother, brings oldest daughter both leave with other children in tow. Dinner
cooking on the back burner of the stove. Dad is being paid to spread the pesticides. Mother
drive s family to the town meeting. Demand though equal voice a concern for the environment.
To demand the water be tested for harmful chemicals if and due to many recurring animal and
human stillbirths were and can occur when certain modern biochemical are dusted or handled
or sprayed. That the natural fertilizers were not the cause but that chemicals brought to the
farm field found a path unforeseen to the artesian well, every living animal and man drinks of
the water, slow poisoning can occur.
Historically man to nature which is mother earth .Indo-European societies by nomadic
tribes from Eurasia about 4500,B.C.as in similarity Man, warrior, hunter, woman center of
family ,cultivator ,cook, child bearing ,wise, peacefull,as in Greek culture rationalist by
F. 16TH and 17th centuries, the scientific revolution, at this in the old world man, woman
survival on land, nature was changed do mechanic world start of modern science
(#4)Rene’Descartes1596-1650), Rationalism, Father of Modern Philosophy. Cartesian dualism,
Cartesian Bridge divides mother to earth verse distinction of father universe, sky or natural flow
of earth to supernatural storm exploitation of earth.(#4)
G. .Reference to philosopher Susan Bordo Ph.D. reference to her article of “The Flight to
Objectivity and essays on “Cartesians and Culture” (#3).Her description, quote “Women’s lives
are circumvented by menstruation, childbirth, nursing, care for others ‘Women’s lives do not
reflect Cartesian Dualism Rationalist,..(#4)
2nd.Ecofeminism, is Conceptual Connection; Philosophical Industrialist sugar coating
Many economy ecofeminism activist may use a child as a cross shield if representing the
industrialist in amulti billon dollar law suit claiming to only pay medical expenses for their
immediate families loses, not wanting to commit to the long-term trillion dollars of many years
of medical care.
This is a defined sexist level of isolating, trying to blindly limit a woman to selective role
on education, political opportunity, employment. Far inferior to man full of reason women
were to think not to use voice only to prepare for child birth, mind the babies and for heaven’s
sake don’t think about liberation Environmental issues ,and feminism stay limited in education
and culture ,philosophy.
Touching with passion for Early Feminist first strides to strike too recognized to Vote to
be a united female voice for feminism and equal to man’s Civil Right to vote on many issues.
These women were known as Suffrage strikers.
1st Women had to fight to be distinguished as equals as in women’s fight of Suffrage to
be able to vote as man’s equal, in 1917.in America. Alice Paul and other women, leaving their
families, farms and homes to protest in front of President Woodrow Wilson. (#5)
A. She was not the first to voice a concern for women’s rights not to be segregated, her
philosophy was to sacrifice for the greater good, far different than Taoism, and she was a vessel
to provide a Golden Means to find a center for strength for female voice. The fight for women
Suffrage started way back with the philosophical Women’s Rights trying to voice concerns for
equality of self and the right to vote to elect as man’s equal in 1848 in Seneca Falls New
B. Women were supposed to remain the weaker sex due child bearing capabilities.
Gendered sensitive language should be developed to respect one’s self in order to respect
women, theory, and generate equal practice for all employment through all levels of societies.
Cultures, philosophies women and nature. Respect oneself as a man you will respect a woman
as your equal in all field of science and mathematics’, sports. The greatest memorial part of life
child raising, child birthing together and enjoy and explore life together.
3rd.A. Empirical and Experimental Connections. These are what is referred to
characterized the symbolic woman to nature connection, female voice for nature today all the
fields of natural science, grass roots start on the ethnic diverse farm for the ecological
Critical theory a critique of nature verses culture, example horseback rider verses the
motorcycle rider. The motor cycle will get you to a destination and spread pollution at the same
time but as with comparisons of Tao Good begets Evil. Second example, segregation
domination of women and the domination of nature. Limiting women’s voice in environmental
crusades influences d by chemical productive industrialist, like British Petroleum drilling Oil in
the Gulf of Mexico.
Many isolated males with narrow mind sets stagnate women to trying to over
dominate. Or other words to use physical size to take the Alpha role. Intimidate women to
submit to sexist remarks or physical intimidations. To tell women to obey and to ignore the
dumping of pollutants he is dumping in the field that is not as bad as the laundry soap from the
washing machine. That if the different races or children or the poor speak up man, industrialist
No male has a right to use mental or physical or psychological words to strike a call to
intimidate or hit to make a point. That leads to Domestic Violence and legal law; arrest by law
Enforcement a competent legal court system to prosecute.
4th Ecofeminism clarification, Symbolic Connection (#3)
To take of the cauterization take off the cloak or warming wrap of the Indian blanket. To
cut off the shackles of confinement ,unpack the nature of the women in the sexist view point
do not let man over dominate and try to double rape a woman’s right to seek out equality by
sugar coating the woman to not testify in a legal case. Women are offend described as (cows,
foxes ,fat, profanity to demean women, chicks for dainty and submissive, serpents ,for nail
bitters defenders ,for variety of cumulous cloudy words ,beavers ,broodmares, boom bats
,catfish ,hare brains, rabbits)these areal sexist terms .
This Unethical consideration of lower Philosophical Distinctions.
0f Karen J Warren Ph.D. Philosopher of Ecofeminism from the book she is the author,
“Introduction of Ecofeminism”.(#3)
This book opens doors to explain ecofeminism development with growth of values as
females to be recognized repeatedly as striving to grow educationally in Western Philosophical
tradition relating to rationalism, nature verses culture to push nature farther from center man
industries has to be continually challenged by education and scientific, mathematical fact to
show environmental damage. If a feminist ecologist challenges life far better the opportunity,
kick this dedicated eco feminist she fights back with educated document to double over the
indulgence of pollution with strength and much scientific fact to back up the theory.
The claim is simple if you isolate women with specific language but use of offensive
language a isolation of intelligence is easily seen by failing to see the full potential for equality
of nature and women, environment al philosophy as strength competitive equal.
Karen Warren PhD., state this is called A Symbolic Woman to Cross and defend Nature.
.Women stepped out of the farm kitchen while bread was rising on the back burner of the hot
plate of the wood stove, into the garden and berries were being eaten by a small herd of young
blackmail deer, woodchucks were scurrying in and out or the barn, this may have been a
metaphor for future things of education in feminism quest to explore the environmental
benefits that surround the farm life.
5th Feminism mean political voice an opportunity to voice all the women’s concerns
Ecofeminism is the name developed to encompass encircle as in Tao, light encircles dark. Life
follows death pleasure encircles pain, pain travel to express feelings .There are different levels
classifications of ecofeminism, (Traditional Marxist, Radical, Liberal, Socialist, Black, and Third
1ST. Marxist is simply described views women as the oppression of women as kind class
oppression as a result of the institution of different classes of society, the value of women is the
value of nature as goods to meet human needs. Fertile soil was created with natural fertilizers,
and many hands of labor, learning when to mix love, culture, time with whimsical philosophies
to cultivate strength of crops and strong healthy children and livestock .When to place open
canning jars of lady bugs in the fields to ward off, harmful insects.
2ND Liberal ecofeminism allows consideration for equality of both human and nonhuman
ecosystem members.
3RD. Radical Ecofeminism departs from both Marxist ecofeminism and liberal
(#3)ecofeminism by rooting women’s oppression in reproductive biology and sex gender
classifications, patriarchy oppression of systematic oppression of women by men dominated
society. You woman, me man attitude me boss you to cook, mend and bear child. The liberation
of all women requires unity of voice to kick to the sexist a blow to bend reason to point. Men
shouldn’t control women’s bodies or Childs or nature. Modern environmentalism, First Earth
Day in 1970(#10-11)
6th Political (Praxis) connection, Franciosed ‘Eauborne introduced the term
(#3)“ecofeminism” in 1974, but I say Rachel Carlson, was already declared the mother of the
modern day Environmental movement.(#7).
Nature is often disrobed in detail, majestic, cascading and in sexist terms without
realizing the term is sexist, Nature is often raped assaulted, conquered, drilled gutted, Virgin
timber is felled cut down .The fertile land is open to pillage the minerals. These terms cut sharp
impolite distinctions to draw immediate no feminism comparisons.
By continual repetitive verbal words isolates man, as dominate, woman as subspecies
to man. Language that feminizes nature and cuts deep field’s draws campers, hikers to bring
families to procreate more to come spend money camping and buying sporting equipment. If
you front page pollution no one will fish in the lake with contaminated fish.
7th Ethical Connections The literature of Philosophy that hooks ,connects Mother Earth
,wildlife ,Nature ,Eagle to Nature to Women is known as “Environmental Ethics “To connect
nature to female redirect the need to feminize the dangerous effects of pollution, and not
submit to intimidations (#3)
The goal of Ecofeminism environmental ethics is not a male based and provide a open platform
for women as a fresh aggressor to face the pollution head on as a dominate warrior.Ths opens
doors for the formation of strength of woman holding Bear, Eagle as warriors of Ecofeminism.
8thTheoretical Connection’s (#3).
In this classification women to nature is strong, grass-roots communication dominates
the economics of the small voice attracts a lot of strength when the voice as united feminism
join ecofeminism to push for environmental political wakening up of critical Issues. Science
opens up doors for opportunity to sing culture, and philosophy, with backed scientific fact and
documentation of every environmental hazard aura contamination.
The Traditional environmentalist philosophy is male and may provide a “Kantian, rights
based, virtue based philosophy for not mentioning women as equal opponents to
environmental issues or for opening up a limited sexist atmosphere either on purpose or
unfortunately blindly disregarding the strength of the female to nature.
Contemporary ethics represented by those whom will not purposely except or express
equality for women to freely act on self-worth as man’s equal project a isolated position of one
sided ethical egotistic, utilitarian isolationist separation of the sexes, because they feel women
should not even attempt discussion on environmental issues unless it involve being submissive
to not even seek a college or trade other than center of home.
Environmental Ethics nontraditional environmental ethics are represented as Marxist, Afro
centric, on Western Philosophies.(#3)
This is dissected further into categories of;
Consequentiality environmentalist feminist,
2nd Ethical Egotist,
3rd Eco-utilitarian (#3)
4th Environmentalists Utilitarian-Animal Liberationist in Ethics (the violent reactions to
Animal rights), and the non -consequent list rights based animal liberation stewardship
that accepts male and female aggressive revolutionist. This can expand to Human and
Nonhuman protective ethics for purpose of ethical voice.
Physical science fields and of the Natural sciences and physical Forensic sciences to combine
related Nontraditional ethics, holistic environmentalist, Holistic Leooldian land ethics(# 14),
Social ecology, Deep Ocean, marine fresh water ecology. (#3)(#13)
Ecological Marine ecology feminist voice of Feminist that address the podium with strength of
ecology eco evaluation, study environment Quantum Physics and Environmental sciences of
Botany, Marine Biology, Zoology, Biochemistry, Meteorology. Often science data to combine
team work scientist, feminist, male and female young and old school farm family member.
The goal to find a voice for feminist in Ecofeminism daily does investigations. Lecturing for
political laws of environmental regulations is a worthwhile investment to pursue as political
Heritage of the Celtic rural farm life, women, are the center of all culture. Respected diverse in
heritage and philosophies heart and strong of wit to be calm. Held many a family in spirit and
prayer no matter what the crisis. Mother Earth was center next to mother of the farm. Women
in almost every culture of the path quitting farm life were the creator and preserver of culture
along with the determined male.
The diverse ethnic and philosophies of culture flourished Patch Quilt America Celtic, Scottish,
Celtic symbols for strength, The Horse for the, a form of female goddess named Epona.A
symbol of strength and endurance. Center of the environment, all cultures respect the wildlife
as specific symbols of strength and intelligence.(#11)
Spiritual Connections to Ecofeminism
The Eagle, in all cultures represents intelligence; the Boar represents strength and
ferocity, the lion even in Lakota Sioux, and all Native American ethnic l cultures. Scottish, Celtic
and also in Chinese, and African Culture the Lion stood for nobility. Celtic culture, the boar was
depicted in tribal custom and philosophies for strength, and ferocity.
The Grizzly Bear stand for power, the wolf stood for virtue of family protector of the
environment Hawk, the symbol for courage, Owl, wisdom. Weasel, Mink, Martin, Otter
devotion to life, to family, cunning to survive harsh encounters in mother earth. Directly strong
to call up on eagle, to guide the fish, for prey for life to continue.
In life every living thing circles, back to mother earth. As in ecofeminism, even man
when he dies generates new life. Elk, Deer are the listener, for bearer guardian of pending
danger, provider for life. Black, and Brown Bear for Power, provide wisdom. Beaver protector of
the flowing river, stream. And feminism sprouted from many different cultures and ethnic
background expressing into the Ecofeminism movement today. To protect that which is given,
by mother earth.
Spiritual ceremonial dance Growth in Ecofeminism
I am briefly touching on the holistic growth of ecofeminism, in that if you center on
natural cultivation of mother and don’t pollute she grows strong seed and that grows strong,
fish and birds to filter feed the earth. This can benefit both man and women of both Eastern
philosophies and Western philopshies. This can be related to the Way of the Taoist, in Taoism.
My example of this is visible in the healthy direction the Scottish; Celtic describes the
symbols of animals for futility and protection of the season’s .Each male respecting woman and
mother earth. Again in the American Native heritage relating, the ecofeminist to the Yin and
Yang of specific seasons Blue Bird Dance. Deer dance, the Eagle dance, and the celebration of
the Corn Dance BY THE Native American Pueblo Indians, symbolism of the seasons
Ecology blended with the voice on the growing young adult female s concern to be
recognized as defining voice in political issues concerning the Pollution of the Ecosystem of the
farmlands of America and the need to address the different damages of pollution around the
world in a female voice without receiving sexist, raciest remarks by the male dominated
Industrialist, or male dominated Political realm of the individual state elected United States
male dominated Governors and U.S. Congress.(#12)
Ecofeminism sprung forth from a female Environmentalist, Marine Biologist, and Rachel
Carlson Ph.D. She was born May 27th 1907 on a family farm near Springdale, Pennsylvania a
small 65 acre farm. A renewed author to a book entitled Silent Spring, published by Houghton
Mallon on, 27TH September 1962 is credited with help launch the Environmental movement
after her death by heart attack, on April 14th 1964.This was due complications of breast cancer,
the radiation treatments caused complications of a repertory virus in January 1964, she had
developed anemia from her radiation treatments.
Ecofeminism sprung forth from a discovery of many ethnic back country glens and
entire farms having a rash of un explainable deaths of newborn babies, and birth defects were
being discovered quite rapidly after spraying of dioxins on fields of grain ,barley ,corn .Many
farm animals were also contaminated resulting stillborn, and milk and cheese products was
found contaminated ,with high traces of dioxins from over thirty related chemicals to include
,D.D.T,(Dichloro-diphenyl-trichlorenthane).Artesian water wells that were feed by underground
were tested ,scientific data showed environmental pollution seeped through underground and
even spread for mile in streams killing fresh water and eventually salt water marine life of fish
and fowl.
The female coming out of the farm kitchen seeking to find a voice found Rachel Carlson
to represent them in awakening the need for Environmental protection. Many of these culture
diverse, ethnic diverse women eventually were to enjoy life on the farm and many went on in
both farm life and to go to college to receive education goal as Ecofeminism and Philosophers.
Ecofeminist, Philosopher Karen J. Warren , Ph.D. Professor of Philosophy at Macalester College
,has written extensively in the field of Eco feminist Philosophy(and Environmental
philosophy),feminist philosophies and culture, critical thinking (#3).
Her work is strength in ecofeminism philosophy help generate ears to open a new area
of philosophical environmental and feminist scholarship on the interconnections among
women, people of ethnic heritage, children, the poor. Colonized and the so called Third world
people, and the diverse ecosystem of the animal kingdom.
She has written more than 40 refereed articles, and wrote “Eco feminist Philosophy: A
W Eastern Perspective on WHAT ITS and WHY it Matters (Lanham, MD; Roman and Littlefield,
2000), a second very worthwhile book Ecological Feminism, Environmental Philosophies
(Indiana Universities press). (#3)
Ecology on the farm has expanded to encompass the scientific Ecofeminist voice for
concern on the everyday occurrence that might affect drinking water r for human and animal.
Ecofeminism has roots deep within women striking out for a voice of concern of the world
ecology Ecofeminist have expanded the drive for investigation and scientific data to continually
investigate destructive, caustic hazards of biological chemical that are sold to John Q. public
Farmer under false pretences of being nontoxic to farm livestock, and wildlife. Cultural systems
of human emotion can determine when a man and a woman will like to reproduce.
If a biohazard is visible that puts a damper on wanting to live and be productive on a
contaminate farm, that cannot provide a stable way to grow family and livestock and fertile
grain. Wildlife and domestic animals have rutting and mating cycles similar to man. The
stronger buck gets the first pick of female. The science of ecology looks with passion at
nonhuman nature. Studying the different elements air, water, soil, all formations of clouds, for
benefits of rain.
Native American Philosophy to Achieve Freedoms
Human ecology combines with Ecofeminism the beautiful expressive diverse culture of
the Native American Indian, the Lakota Sioux, This reference is to give acknowledgement to a
female Lakota, Sioux Philosopher Mary Brave Bird, author to two books Lakota Women, and
Ohitika Women .Growing up on the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota. Mary Brave Bird as a
child, faced racism and brutality from an early age. In 1972, at the age of 16, she participated in
the trail of Broken Treaties march on Washington, D.C. after which protesters occupied the
Bureau of Indian Affairs building.
She was present during the second stand for repressed freedoms, at the Battle of
Wounded Knee, February 27th, 1973.In February 1973 in Custer ,South Dakota ,Sarah Bad heart
Bull protested the release of the murderer of her son, Wesley Bad Heart Bull, and requested
AIM’S help at the Custer court house. She opens her heart, culture to describe that on February
27th 1973 under the AIM leadership a group of Native Americans Brave Bird, and Crow Dog
among them did take a stand a Wounded Knee.(#12)
Philosophies of a proud distinguished people were protesting wrongs of justice. They
dug in young men and came out warriors. The siege lasted 71 very cold days and nights. On
March 12th surrounded by Federal United States Marshals and Federal Bureau of Investigation
Agents the armored cars open fire .A legal written draft by the Oglala Nation proclaiming its
Two Native Americans killed and many were wounded. A ceremonial Ghost Dance was
done to celebrate the lives of past ancestors at the original Battle of Wounded Knee .In her
books she speaks of the philosophical tear that exist between traditional custom and the
feminist reaching for the ecofeminist thoughts, on compassion of ethics and grounding to
nature ,respect for the Eagle as soaring spirit.
In Ohitika Women as a person in her books and her personal experiences of sexist,
sexual harassment and degradation, she speaks of her battles of within her very soul of fighting
alcohol Abuse, The healing she has found in the Native American Church. She places the
economic woes, struggles, and political and legal struggles before the pursuit of women’s
Genesis of life on the farm mixed daily thanks to the perseverance of my grandmother,
just as women were daily dishing out their individual philosophies of brightening life’s duller
moments. Life’s lessons on the farms start still today quite early .Plants were the producers of
nutrition, animals the consumers ,bacteria was the compost pile of manure, full of fungi, and
bacteria(decomposers),and minerals exchange energy among themselves and with mans
cultural and philosophical explosion to exist ,manure has to exist .
The Global Ecological Crisis Philosophy and Eco feminism
The strength in voice is often heard across oceans, economics can blind a nation to not
listening with both ears. The destruction of the environment on the farm or in the middle of the
Gulf of Mexico the ozone can still be effected .Ecofeminism has been around for many
centuries only not combined in a modern definition. Ecology attached to feminism is a divine
opening the quilt of future strengths not visible completely today.
The future of the diverse ecosystem of the earth daily is bombarded with some form of
contamination; man the creation of the industrial age has given rise to over drilling natural
minerals, like oil from the Gulf of Mexico, radiation from Chernobyl, the cutting of the South
American Rainforest.
Below are to Celtic philosophical poems, the title is first in Garhwali then old Scottish
Cyhydedd Hir (#12)
As sharp thunder grows,
Dark skies bring light showers;
In torrents rain flows,
Flooding black streets
My trees sigh and grunt,
Their leaves numb and bunt.
Above, lighting huntsAttacks, retreats.
I watch from inside
How cloud –ships collide
Till forces subside.
Night show’s complete
Shades of autumn (#12)
As autumn brings vibrant shades
The sun fades towards year’s end.
Trees of green now golden red,
Their leaves shed and colors blend.
Nature’s brightest palette forms
In wind and storms over land,
Inspired art in paint and ink
As minds think with fall at hand.
Bonfires and feasting begin,
As snowflakes spin the world white.
The end of one leads to new,
In winters view, land so bright.
We watch in awe and wonder,
Hear the thunder, lightning bolt.
Yet feel delight of seasons
Year’s reasons do not revolt.
By Jem Farmer
Philosophical lessons of Past
Personal heritage and culture blending, a river of philosophies.
Diverse ethnic backgrounds of Celtic, English, Norwegian would like to dedicate this
article to my own grandmothers Ella may Stephens, (English, German heritage) my mother,
Delores Gammon. Her heritage the same. Sincere dedication to family morals and equality
toward all diversity of life. The early farm life learned skills ,of making homemade bread to each
of us carries a warm memories not of just the process of making the bread dough but of the
culture of simple philosophical insights’ handed down. (#13)
Daily prayer and philosophical heritage insight of life daily. My grandmothers, Ella
Stephens, and Effie Elizabeth Drumm with My devoted grandfather William Evert Drumm
taught sound moral to respect land and women. Both were Scottish, Celtic, Norwegian
heritage stubborn and determined to work and respect the land, nurturing every day to enjoy
the fruits of their labor. This was culture and philosophy on life to the greatest respect for past
culture Hand milking fifteen or more Guernsey milk cow at three a.m every day for twenty
years with little modern conveniences. Daily prayer was spoken at every meal, fresh apples and
juice set on the kitchen table, covered in a hand loomed table cloth.
My Grandmother Effie Drumm was of mixed Scottish, Celtic; a bit of Norwegian heritage
.A very strong adaptive Dutch woman. Stubborn and full of skill to create and invent in the
kitchen many culture fines home cooked meals. Neither modern plumbing nor wide screen
televisions graced this woman’s Life. She taught me wild plant identification, wildlife
identification, baking bread, and saddle making at its finest.(#13)
She taught me very early when to catch wild Chucker hens and when not to do the birds
sit on nest at certain time of the year and part of the year the males outnumber the females so
hunt in late fall before first frost .If you catch a mother the young chicks may starve or become
prey to the weasel. If she was out hiking and you couldn’t see her just listen she would probably
start singing one of a few old Scottish, Dutch songs, or religious hymns of her favorite. She did
carry three things a hiking stick for snakes, a jar of water, and her sketch pad and Holly Bible in
German, Scottish language.
She would be up early with my Grandfather prepping to milk the small cow herd by
hand and start the process to cool and skim the cream off the milk jugs to cool and pasteurize
by hand learned hand me down old Scottish and Dutch families heritage secrets of culture .She
outlived my Grandfather by almost 10 years. She raised hogs for market and to trade.
Making many a special potatoes and ham and cabbage meal .and chickens for eggs but
did not eat pork, except on special occasions. She would go for long walks picking apples or wild
berries for the deep dish Welsh apple or peach cobblers almost every day. Cooking on a wood
stove she would start cooking very early in the course of a day, after the first milking chores
were done. A old Celtic custom, keep a clean kitchen and cook early to share a pot of tea, and
fresh bread and veal, mutton with, pickled eggs and Brock worst everyone who comes to visit.
Their hands on teaching to respect the land, by preserving and cultivating, everyday taking time
to weed rows of vegetables gave room for the chickens and Bann hens to fertilize the vegetable
rows and to pick off harmful insects of the vegetable leaves gave room for sunlight to bring
blossoms to the newer sprouts. In comparison this was maybe the first female ecologist lesions
I had been exposed to in life. This was handed down in compassion for love of family in culture
with hands on weeding, while weeding very early one developed a understanding of respect for
mother earth. If you wanted a tomato, r some berries or to pick an apple off a tree you did not
have to go to the nearest store, culture and fruits of your labor was within reach.
My mother carried these values and philosophies to dish out even after my birth father passed
away and we moved away from the farm near Elizabethtown Illinois, I still today remember
life’s pharisaical lessons to respect all life that my grandmother r bestowed upon daily
conversation. My mother moved four children in a 1963 station wagon to California.
My cultural heritage and moral compassion for life, I continue to contribute to the cultural
diversity of the philosophical talks and physical work habits’ I adapted from the farm life I feel
the modern female voice in politics and Ecofeminism may have sprung from many young
culture diverse farm influenced heritage, and ecology conservation or preservationist
atmospheres on the farms. That gave direction to continue education into many different
education and job experiences once those that left the farm grew individually as ecofeminism
in 2012.
That 1963 station wagon and the United States Veterans pension allotment help my mother
purchase her first home in California. Ecology friendly my mother planted the backyard into a
large garden planting corn, and green vegetables and watermelon that she sold out of the back
of her car until she open a fruit stand in between driving school bus 10 hours per day.
She was in my eyes the first of the female Eco feminist today. She is still very conservative and
active today. A defender of phisiophical, moral values, at 86 years old. She retired over
eighteen years ago with twenty-five years as bus driver. Sometimes working long ten hour days
as a school bus driver and raising four children and growing a garden to economize to provide,
prayer at every meal, as a single mother .I feel with the dedication, witnessed in early life and
through her marriage to my stepfather Samuel W. Gammon build character to strengthen my
moral outlook for equality of life.
I mention my parents for the strong moral, cultural diversity of early heritage of Scottish, Celtic
Culture blended German heritage and conversation at every meal, with many different dialects
from Lakota (Sioux), touching compassion and prayer daily. Gave vitality understanding
inspiration for each of my sisters to express in philosophical interest in our families blending
cultures. Weather as a ethnic diverse background OF Creo, and Cuban American my brother
Carl. Our blended Scottish heritage on my grandfather’s side .We were taught to except the
different ethnic and philosophical ideas as our blending growing culture.
Each meal was composed of many Philosophical dishes of conversation and the table
was dually prepared with a blend of nourishment from around the world ,even the Mexican
American ,homemade hot cakes and spaghetti .Plenty of different fresh moments of joking to
drive equality for feminism. Daily prayer was spoken in English, followed by Celtic prayer and
philosophical discussions of life .We as a blending family were composed of on the religion
sectors, of Jewish, Roman Catholic, Seventh - day Adventist, Baptist, and Protestant, even NonDenominational.
Everyone who came to our home was welcome to participate in our expanding family. Each of
us was welcome to reach into any conversation. Warm weather outside the entire family joined
in a game of volley ball, followed by school work.
I will show that the tremendous strides of equality in feminism span all Ethnic Diversities
.Through Philosophical l view insights’ of three female Philosophy Professors. I will mention
them very shortly, personally have great respect for the strides in equality for different fields
for feminism, have contributed to throughout the world. The first female Professor of which I
can relate to is the published Philosopher and compassionate beautiful humanitarian, Karen J,
Warren of whom I have been referencing her philosophy in my essay. A beautiful humanitarian
and voice for ecology and patchwork feminism.
The second philosopher is a determined voice for the Lakota Sioux a accredited Poet, Mary
Brave Bird. Full of dedication to fight for injustice as a feminist, poet for her people concerning
the environment. (#12)
, The third Professor I am impressed with and include a touch of her life. This woman a
feminist Susan Bordo Professor of Philosophy Ph.D. (# 2) Drives as a female philosopher person
to open their hearts and ears to the voice of women as feminist and as ecofeminist. She has
open ears and human thought adding a modern female perspective to strides still to be reached
for equality of the sexes. I agree with a few of her philosophical projections of Cartesian
dualism, as in my soul I see the daily struggle still being addressed across, America and across
the many nations.
Women’s experiences are entrenched in hard labor many not appreciated by man in
many avenues of different categories still in 2012,.Womens experiences are the backbone to
stand strong through not just childbirth but in educational, cultural ethnic diversity, mental and
physical self-sacrifices.
Definitely modern man cannot follow in rational moral thought to simply sit and follow
the ancient Taoism. The Phisophical Path, the Way gives open direction ,so to inspire physical
and mental growth, to inspire physical movement to voice concern for feminism in political
voice to wake up the world to many causes ,three of these are the ethnic cleansing and child
labor, child forced prostitution in many countries of ethnic diversity, pornography and illegal
drugs entraps the youngest into forced servitude and contributed to early death and many
children knowing how to shoot a gun ,when moral value of education should take precedence.
My family was composed of a diverse ethnic rainbow as my mother and father referred
to life in our home, illegal drug conversation I think did not reach our table until Marijuana (Pot)
became popular. Our family centered on strong moral values and did not have to deal with
illegal drugs at any time. The use of illegal drugs never graced our door as strong moral and
respect for health and moral law respect was taught deep within our family strengths.
This Era was the 1960’s a time of growth of early ideals to sprout female philosophy out of the
kitchen .and open ethic voice for equality of the female roles in the work environment, outside
the home. I did not know my future to be wife, until twenty years later; her own drive was
developed to handiwork, waitressing in two different restaurants at the same time, .A Chinese
Tai /Chicken Barbeque house. Self taught she to learn American Sign Language, as a self therapy
after have survived a assault, that could have left her without the ability to speak clearly. Linda
passed away, August 21, 1991 at age 34 in my arms. Taught by her own mother, to bake Quail
and Turkey. I taught her how to bake on a wood stove. Overcome hard ships with philosophical
insights, make many difficult moments laughable. Overcome life’s hardships laugh and enjoy
life slowly .My mother in-law Sara Curry dedicated to raising six children and to receive her own
degree in Nursing.
My to be mother in law Sara Curry was a devoted mother to six wonderful, yet difficult
individual children. Raising, five girls, and one son. She worked nights at a Hospital as a medical
technician and custodian, to obtain a College Degree in Nursing, while holding down three
other jobs. All the while being a devoted wife help pay a mortgage.
In the 1960 Era today I would consider that my own mother would with my stepfather
represent the Chinese culture of Taoism’s , philosophical position of Yang .They cultivated soil
nurturing child from fruits of the earth. Whereas me to be future in–laws cultivated the soil yes,
but relied on modern groceries to be harvested for them to pick the gallon of milk
prepasturized, canned goods fresh fruit and steak very many up pre wrapped in a grocery store.
All cultures and philosophies center on respect for life, nature is placed as Mother of the
earth. Respect for Grey Wolf, Eagle, Hawk, respect for the Black Raven brings plentiful rewards
in the Fish wheel along the river to fill your table and smoke house for a winter’s needs. Ignore
not the wisdom of the Grizzly bear ,as in the Celtic Highland Legend follow the elk herd tracks
to the river’s edge shoot either elk buck or if hunting Caribou ,take only ,one in bow what you
truly need for there will be many rivers to cross before your through in life.
RACHIEL CARLSON, Mother to the Environmental Movement.
Ecology feminist Philosophy is a growing voice to awaken the modern Industrialist
Rachael Carlson Ph.D. Environmentalist ,PhD Author of Silent Spring documented the
contamination of caustic effects and effects of biological results of herbicides in her
documentary ,philosophical ,scientifically research of Biochemical companies of DuPont
Biochemical over spraying the farmlands of rural America .Lakota Sioux tried with Rachael
Carlson to wake up the isolated United States Congress to the flowing poison in the rivers
before to many birds stop singing and the fish stop swimming to propagate, the streams.
This same poison was eventually recognized and the Federal Government appointed
and created the Environmental Protection Agency thanks to the Lakota Sioux and the dedicated
philosophy of Rachael Carlson. The German, Russian ,Celtic ,African American families and
Dairyman Cattle Wheat and Corn farmers help document illegal dumping the industries
philosophy of dump or over spray at night was Federally prosecuted .
in the late 1950throught the 1960s mans quest to kill off insects lead to more deaths
than just insects. Every form of contact with the pesticides filtered into the food chain. Every
water table that acted as a filter spread the caustic damage farther in time and all life, female
or male felt the results. The drinking the water, cooking with the water in many human life
injury and death occurred. Wildlife and farmland contaminations and deaths due the chemicals
of D.D.T. dioxins and related heavy hazardous dioxins being dumped in unknown areas such as
backwoods of Native American Indian reservations, or in the Mississippi and Missouri rivers.
Waterways carried death, as did milk cows and beef cattle sold in the market to needing
diversity ethnic family’s culture and philosophers were harmed by man’s poison and disrespect
for nature. She woke the United States Congress, President John F. Kennedy, federal broadcast
sent word of illegal spraying and dumping to every ear explaining to the government.
Of thousands of wildlife and domestic catastrophic deaths .Due poisonous side effects
of dioxins of D.D.T .The biochemical’s like a box of General-Mills Cheerios spilt out spread up
and down a food chain .Birth defects will happen as milk and farm animals feed on the stalks of
corn sprayed the harvest season before the hard rain. The ground soil acts as a filter soaking in
the D.D.T. into streams blowing into fields, Eagles, Owls, Chickens, Hawks, Elk Cattle, and
Horses eat and drink from the marsh near the field that had been sprayed.
So today the ecofeminism Philosopher picks up the shovel at the podium across college
campuses as with example of Karen Warrens book ‘Eco feminist Philosophy, her 1987 essay
(the year my daughter charity was born) Her essay “Feminism and Ecology; Making
Connection,” she argued for a place for female to retake up the shovel where Rachael Carlson
left off due to her death, April 14th, 1964.
That feminist ought to pay attention to the Environmental issues and Ecological
interdependencies and that Environmentalist ought to wake up to Sexist and other forms of
oppression. This transcends into attitudes and philosophies s doesn’t be greedy for if you are
you are a man of Hsiao-jen not flowing with the Golden mean as a Chun-Tzu. Modern man
should readjust to the Golden mean in exploiting fossil fuel and restore nature as in the
philosophies of the modern Ecofeminism.She is a very grounded easy to read author full of
compassion, as my Professor Alexander Izrailveskey, Professor Ph.D.,of Philosophy.
Symbolism of Philosophies and Culture clearly are represented in Yin as female across
culture barriers. Nature is referred to as female. In the Lakota (Sioux) and the diverse Rio
Grande Pueblos and Southern Athabasca or Apache on (Apache) are closest relate linguistically
to the northern natives of Canada, and Alaska THE Klickitat and the Athabasca’s. Of Interior
The care and dedication to respect nature spans many cultures and philosophies
whether Ancient Chinese ,Taoism, Confucianism Buddhism, wonderful full vibrant culture of
Russian self-sacrifice to family, dedicated to religion, family. Mother as center of family mother
earth in respect for dedication to respect all life. Hardships of Lakota Sioux, or Pueblo diverse in
their own heritage and diverse people among the Tewa peoples in Yang and Yin .philosophies
flow as clear water and soaring hawks and American Bald Eagles.
Typical in philosophies and culture deep within soul of myths conspicuous quest of
culture ceremonies this paring relates first to the summer and Winter People. Yang will
represent Winter People, as Ice People Strong, eastside people ice people the Turquoise
Among the Taoism the conversion Tewa people will be represented as winter, Maleness,
Hunter, strength food, meat, arrows, bear mountains shines and lakes of the north, and east. in
will be represented in philosophy as Summer People ,summer people are strong adventurous
,but female ,child bearing ,fast ,elk ,Sun people ,Squash people ,summer people basket makers
,weakness ,cultivators ,agriculture food ,berries gatherers, cultivators of lifers child care, plants
,mountain shines and lakes of the south and west.
The Ecofeminism has contributed to spreading the need to conserve and to be ever
watchful for illegal dumping of many caustic chemicals. The Alaskan Oil spill occurred on March
24th 1989,in the Prince William Sound ,Alaska, spilling 260,000barrels (41,ooom3)UPTO 750,000
Barrels (119,000m3),impacting 1,300 to1,500 miles of shoreline.
The Ecofeminism movement is a deciding vote for women to be heard around the farm
belt of America and around the world. Ecofeminism has a identity of relating to 1st mind, 2nd
reason, 3rd male 4th the body. There are at least eight points of contact for a great discussion
on feminism, Ecofeminism theses are 1st nothing can become part of a feminist movement of
the patch quilt philosophy if sexism, racism may vary crossculturally.2nd ecofeminism see the
strength in culture of past endeavors the discourse of people in different circumstances,
Quakers, struggles to be independent of industrialization.3RD feminist ethic drives home the
diversity of female concerns of the environment. Value the female as appositive voice to see
life at its fullest.
Rural farm life no matter which ethnic diverse family centered on mother and respect of
moral mortal man respect for elders and nature were philosophical adaptations for distinction
of religion, ethics adapted in cultural song and dance to respect harvest, births , rain ,hunts, and
battles as in Celtic tradition respect of women of the different Clans whether hunters ,or
farmers elderly were reserved and honored at every door and allowed to sit at the head of a
table, given blanket and many times a choice of which cut of meat before child were feed.
Many a barn rising in every culture were neighbors helping neighbors or Clans joining
hands in ceremonial marriage. Rural culture at its brightest,to express and expand heritage and
philosophies. My mother, father and grandparents and many other families are linked in rural
philosophies .Women eventually past the 1970s to quest more and more to expand ethnic
interest in education and to voice concern into political expression and humanities and the
sciences of Biology, Zoology, Geology ,Astronomy, Meteorology, Mathematics’ ,Mechanics’
,Carpentry .(#18)
Just as examples philosophy and religion, mathematics carry strong ethnic
representatives, farm culture is centered on diverse adaptation of the blend of Agriculture is a
blend of the diversity of these careers and mechanical ,arts ,welding that along with child
birthing and motherhood dedicate daily contributions to philosophical rewards for mankind to
express in the ecology of family and life.
Both loved culture and adapted out philosophical lessons in everyday simple lessons to learn
whether washing dishes or cutting lawns or making homemade bread, vales and honesty played
a role to grow with daily. The Christian open door in our home and the open door in my to be
future in laws home in the gave many a young Mexican American a meal and adult to guide
them if they cared to listen.
In my eyes modern morality has gain monumental strides thanks to the dedication of
individual morals bestowed through self-sacrifice of all the ethnic diverse female voices of the
1960’sand past weather in the United States since the changing early developments of the
1950’s women have thrown off the typical kitchen entrapment of the classic aprons to grasp
education and to express equal dominance in all workplaces.
The true Patch quilts American ecofeminist for the street people listening and asking the
political voice I congress to open their ear to the Ecofeminist push for farm and international
environmental issues.
In conclusion Professor of Philosophy Karen Warren, Ph.D. is a dedicated Eco feminist,
Philosopher, Environmentalism t at Macalester College, St. Paul, MN.A true Humanitarian for
working Patch quilt of the rural cultures and philosophies of the street people to listen and
express an equal voice for the environment, and ecosystems of the mother earth.
The main philosopher, Ecofeminist to which I acknowledge her publications have
brightened the world and my understanding of what ecofeminism is a voice for today. Karen J.
Warren Ph.D. Her Grassroots Environmental direction to listen and act as a Advocate patch
quilt for the American female on the diverse farms.
Rachel Carlson as a founding voice for the Environmental movement, in the United
States .a voice and shovel that dug deep into the muck and water tables on farm belt and
Native American Indian Reservation to environmental issues. Help form the farm wife, women
to drive to the county seats to voice concern for pollution and unexplained deaths due unseen
poisons. I wish to acknowledge, Karen J warren has picked up the shovel to continue the need
to be a voice from Rachel Carlson, relating to the Grassroots drive for Ecofeminism, and ecology
Gardening (#12)
In early summer’s passionate arms,
My garden shows her luscious charms;
Trees bearing blooms, bow low –sigh alarms.
Thousands of leaves are moved by wind; s breath,
As blossoms are blown, disperse in death.
Wherever I look greens profusion
Hides the shyness of spring; s allusionShooting weeds become an intrusion.
I’m trying in vain to keep ahead,
My work’s cut out, till summer has fled.(#7)
The Lorica
This heritage of the Scottish Celtic world so similar to the Lakota Sioux Naïve American
culture. Strengths of belief of the Eagle spirit of nature. I am displaying this as part of my
heritage of passion for you to review the similarities next to each other as these two cultures
thousand s of mile of ocean and wide glens of rolling hills and nostalgic battlefields and respect
for natural occurrences’ of heaven, the light of the sun, splendor of fire, radiance of the moon.
Separate their start points yet span time and distance for respect for Mother Earth.(#12)
In the Celtic world almost a spiritual prayer for protection from within each Celtic
clansman’s call to inner strength for peace upon going toward manhood, toward a battle
between drifting disrespect for women, for a spiritual cleansing of one’s soul to prepare for
battle upon mother earth. A powerful shamanic practice, gathering energy from the forms of
nature. The Native American culture diversity and the Celtic cultures called upon animals,
angel’s ancestors, even trees or guide of nature to intervene in spirit for strengths.
The Lorica is as follows ;( #12)
I rise today
Through the strengths of heaven
The light of the moon
Splendor of the fire .Swiftness of wind
Speed of lighting
Depth of sea
Firmness of rock.
This inscribed and translated from the Celtic language (Gaelic) ON St. Patrick’s breast
shield. Native American Prayer, /Native .html)(#7)
Native American Prayer, By –Chief Yellow LARK Lakota (reference back page reference)
Native American Prayer
Oh Great Spirit
Whose voice I hear in the winds,
And whose breath gives life to the entire world.
Hear me, I am small and weak
I need your strength
Let me walk in the beauty
And make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.
Make my hands respect the things yours have made
And my ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make me wise so I may understand
The things you have taught my people.
Let me learn the lessons you have
Hidden in every leaf and rock.
I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother,
But to fight my greater enemy-myself.
Make me always ready to come to you
With clean hands and straight eyes.
So when life fades, as the fading sunset.
My Spirit may come to you without shame.
By –Chief Yellow LarkLakota-(#9)
2ND Very respectful to Earth
-Native Ten Commandments
1st Treat the Earth and all that dwell there in with respect.
2nd Remain close to the Great Spirit
3rd Show great respect for your fellow beings
4th Work together for the benefit of all mankind
5th Give assistance and kindness wherever needed
6th Do what you know to be right
7th Look after the well-being of Mind –and body
8th Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater Good
9th Be truthful and honest at all times
10th Take full responsibility for your actions
No animal Totem is considered to be greater or lesser than another in all the cultures
and philosophies. Each, animal is close to mother earth. Each animal in the philosophies, music
poetry of the philosophies held strengths and lessons to teach each generation to pas on to
their children. These each as individuals relate to the serenity of mother earth, that
ecofeminism strides to relate to daily.
THIS Native American, Ten Commandments are full of spiritual insight, grounded to,
Earth, Mother, respect, of life.(#9)
“In Martha C .Nussbaum;” Lawyer for Humanity “(#14)
I have compelling respect for this female Professor on her quote ‘public philosophy air
but ‘Lawyers For humanity”‘ Man weather a philosopher of I feel strong dedication for voice of
the working class common farmer, the human treatment for the struggling voice for the female
I have read but a brief on her ‘Cultivating Humanity “and her Life .
A political voice to show concern for the human condition, by fighting for justice and
freedom and equality.” Rural awakening of the modern ecofeminism with the diversity of life
the river continues to flow for future discoveries and discussions of philosophies for
ecofeminism and the different cultures that contribute to life every day. Ecology is up most
important to understand that illegal dumping has to stop to provide a sound compassionate
mother earth a chance to heal to flourish in ecofeminism is only a Path, a Way to find internal
harmony, and to kick to industrialist greed where it deserves to be kicked.
Douglas J.SOCCO,CHAPTER 18 philosophy as a way of life, pages 535,,536,Martha C.Nussbaum
“Lawyer For Humanity”
1. A Reference ARISTOLES (384-322B.C.E), Chapter 6, p161-162 The FOUR CAUSES.
1, IBID, Archtypes of Wisdom, Plato’s levels of Awareness, p135
2nd IBID .Immanuel Kant (Phenomena, and Nomena defined in his words,p319
2nd, IBID, Kant, the Moral Duty, paragraph,’ Duty is the necessity of acting from respect
for the (moral) law
2nd IBID Arch Types of Wisdom, p, 161-16
2ND Susan Bordo CRITIQUE,.P269-271 From Cosmos to Machine
3rd Reference Flora and Fauna refer to scientific categorization Flora is commonly called
plants .Fauna is commonly called animals.
3RD Karen J, Warren Ph.D., Philosopher, Published Author, Grass-Roots philosopher
3RD A IBID; a Western Perspective on What it is Why it matters. Introduction to
Ecofeminism –Karen J. Warren
3RD Karen J.WARREN Ph.D, Section, Women to Nature
Http;//media /Pfeiffer.edu/lridener/course/escowarren.html
4th Book Reference, the Pueblo Indians of North America,
Author, Edward P.Dozier
5th IBID, PAGE 121, General Characteristics
6th IBID, Ceremonies’, P, 200, Blue Bird dance-the Sanldefonso Pueblo Indians
“The rules of each ceremonies, is for reverence to life, to mother earth to observances
of these dances, be reverent.”These dances have two aspects, the physical and the
7th Dr.RACHEL Carlson PH.D., Environmentalist, Mother of the modern Environmental
Movement. REKNOWNED AUTOR, Marine Biologist, Author OF BOOK, “Silent Spring”, Mother
to thoughts of ecofeminism from the farm
7th Rachel Carlson http;//en-Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia ,WWW.Google.com
8TH Dr.Wangari Maathai Ph.D. of Kenya South Africa
Born .Wangari Muta, on APRIL 1,190 IN Ihithe, village,Tetu division Nyeri District ,Kenya
,DIED 25TH September ,2011(age 71),Ethnicity Kikuyu. Education, B.S.Biology.M.S.Biological
Sciences, PhD Vetenary Anatomy, occupation Environmentalist, Political activist. Awards, Nobel
Peace Prize, Green Belt Movement,
Link; http;//en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Wangari-Maathai
9th Susan Bordo Ph.D.
TO HER ESSAYS ON REFERENCE ARE Cartesians and CULTURE.,’ subject to
DESCARTE, intellect, 1596- 16750,page 248 ,Solitary Intellect.
8TH article
9th book The PUEBLO Indians of North America,
By EDWARD P. DOZIER, P121.Clarrification, distribution and general characteristics.
AA. The book (IBID) General Characteristics’, p121
9H C. IBID PAGE 151, The Blue Bird dance
9TH D .IBID PAGE 168 The Eagle Dance
9th E. IBID PAGE 175 the Corn Dance
10TH Alice Paul’s Fight for Suffrage, http;//pbskids.org/way back/civil rights features –
suffrage.htmlpublished @1998-2004 WGBH EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION
11th SPIRITUALITY –Celtic Spirit, http//www.alaska wellness .com/spirituality archives
12TH CELTIC POEMS, http;//he poets garret.com 2010Challenge/celtic.html
13h Dr.Wangari Maathai of Kenya ;Death of a VISIONARY ,Philosopher, Ecologist,
Environmentalist, Ecofeminist,born 1,April 1940-died 25 Sember,2011
14th Martha C Nussbaum the University of CHICAGO .THE LAW SCHOOL DATA BASE,
15H The Native Ten COMMANDMENTS, http;//Sioux Poet.TRIPOD.COM,www.google.com
16TH The Sioux Poet Native American Poetry
17TH Lakota Sioux Philosopher Mary Brave Bird, Poet, author,
Participant of Second Stand AT Wounded Knee, South Dakota (reference)
16TH Aldo Leopold Father of Modern FORESTRY, Environmentalist, Father of Modern
ENVIROMENTAL Sciences, Author, A Sand County Almanac. Leopoldian Ethics 5th and 7th
17h Alaska Natives, http;//en.wikipedia.org/wik/Alaska-NATIVE.;;google.com 19 May -3012.at
04:53 Wikpedia @is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation,Inc,a non- profit
18TH Grandparents my heritage- Effie ELIZIBETH Drumm, William E.Drumm, Scottish,
Norwegian, farmers Elizabethtown, Illinois. Mother Delores May Gammon, father, William
E.Drumm, stepfather Samuel W.Gammon