wal-mart - نسخه پاورپوینت (ارائه کلاسی)

‫تاریخچه و معرفی‬
‫سم والتون بعنوان بنیانگذار فروشگاه های‬
‫زنجیره ای والمارت و کارآفرین شناخته‬
‫شده در سرار دنیا‪ ،‬اولین شعبه ی والمارت‬
‫را در سال ‪1962‬در آرکانزاس آمریکا‬
‫افتتاح کرد‪ .‬که هم اکنون دارای بیش از‬
‫‪ 8500‬شعبه در سراسر دنیا‪ ،‬از جمله‬
‫آمریکا‪ ،‬کانادا‪ ،‬مکزیک‪ ،‬ژاپن‪ ،‬انگلیس‪،‬‬
‫روسیه‪ ،‬شیلی‪ ،‬برزیل‪ ،‬آرژانتین و حتی هند‬
‫میباشد‪ .‬گرچه به دلیل عدم موفقیت در‬
‫کشور های آلمان و کره جنوبی مجبور به‬
‫خروج از آنها شد ولی به حضورموفق‬
‫خود در سایر کشورها ادامه داد‪.‬‬
‫زمانی که سم والتون اولین شعبه ی والمارت را در‬
‫آرکانزاس افتتاح نمود هیچکس موفقیتی را که در انتظار‬
‫این فروشنده گمنام بود‪ ،‬پیشبینی نمیکرد‪ .‬مهارت والتون در‬
‫کاهش و پایین نگه داشتن هزینه ها باعث شد که والمارت‬
‫نه تنها به بزرگترین بلکه به پر فروشترین خرده فروش در‬
‫دنیا تبدیل شود‪.‬‬
‫میتوان گفت که این موفقیت چشمگیر از ‪ 3‬باور اصلی سام‬
‫والتون نشأت گرفت‪:‬‬
‫احترام به کارمندان‬
‫”‪“Our people make the difference‬‬
‫میتوان گفت که بیشترین مهارت والتون در استخدام‪ ،‬آموزش و پرورش‬
‫کارمندانی متعهد بود که خود او از آنها به عنوان همکارانش یاد میکرد‪ .‬والتون‬
‫همواره اعتقاد داشت که باید به حرف کارمندانش گوش دهد و آنها را برای‬
‫دادن ایده ها و پیشنهادات جدید به چالش بکشد‪.‬‬
‫این کارمندان هستند که در والمارت برای کاهش هزینه پیشنهاداتی میدهند و‬
‫کارمندان هر شعبه ازاین حیث با هم رقابت میکنند‪ .‬نهایتا ً صرفه جویی های‬
‫انجام شد در تعمیرات و ساخت شعبه های جدید مورد استفاده قرار میگیرد‪.‬‬
‫والمارت کارمندان خود را برای فعالیتی که انجام میدهند به خوبی تجهیز میکند‬
‫و موفقیت آنها را در زمینه ای که در آن مشغول به فعالیت هستند میسر‬
‫•احترام به مشتری‬
‫یکی از عمیقترین باور های والتون این بود که همیشه حق با مشتری است و‬
‫کارمندان باید بتوانند حد اکثر ظرف مدت ‪ 24‬ساعت به تقاضا و نیاز مشتری و یا‬
‫تأمین کننده پاسخ دهند‪.‬‬
‫والتون‪ :‬ما همواره انتظارات مشتریانمان را در هر ساعت ازهر روز برآورده‬
‫و این فلسفه ایست که والمارت همچنان دنبال میکند‪.‬‬
‫باید به مشتریان به هنگام ورود خوشامدگویی گفته شود و هر شعبه منعکس کننده ی‬
‫ارزش های مشتریانش باشد‪.‬‬
‫•عطش برای بهترین بودن‬
‫گسترش و رشد در بازار های جدید‪ ،‬نوآوری با همواره پایین نگه داشتن‬
‫هزینه ها‪.‬‬
The corporate mission can be stated as follows:
As Wal-Mart continues to grow into new areas and new
mediums, our success will always be attributed to our culture.
Whether you walk into a Wal-Mart store in your hometown or
one across the country while you're on vacation, you can
always be assured you're getting low prices and that genuine
customer service you've come to expect from us. You'll feel at
home in any department of any store...that's our culture.
Strategic Goals
‫اهداف استرتژیک‬
•Dominate the Retail Market wherever Wal-Mart has a presence.
•Growth by expansion in the US and Internationally.
•Create widespread name recognition and customer satisfaction
with the Wal-Mart brand, and associate the retailer with the
reputation of offering the best prices.
•Branching out into new sectors of retailing such as pharmacies,
automotive repair, and grocery sales.
1. Dominate the Retail Market Everywhere
A key strategy of Wal-Mart is to dominate the retail market. Company
founder Sam Walton put in place a retail philosophy the company still
follows. Wal-Mart is primarily a discount retailer because they sell their
products at the lowest possible prices. By selling at the "lowest
price." Walton outlines that the essence of successful discount retailing to
cut the price on an item as much as possible, lowering the markup, and earn
profit on the increased volume of sales. Another subset of this strategy is the
competitiveness of every unit. Each store is encouraged to ferociously
compete against all other stores in its customer base until the Wal-Mart
store gains dominance over its local competitors. Wal-Mart is currently
ranked as the world's number one retailer and the number one company in
the world in terms of sales (over $200 billion) on the Fortune 500 list .The
key strategy is to dominate a market. Using its size and volume buying
power, the company effectively implements its strategy.
2.Growth by expansion in the US and Internationally.
A strategic goal of Wal-Mart is to expand. It has done so
successfully. Looking at the facts and figures clearly shows the
corporations dominance and power. Currently the corporation
employs over 1.3 million employees, one million in the US alone. The
company owns over 8500 stores worldwide. Over 1,200 units (stores)
are in operation internationally. Domestically, Wal-Mart is the
largest US retailer, employing around 1 million people. It has over
3,000 stores and outlets, and 77 distribution centers. The company
serves more than 100 million customers weekly in all 50 states,
Puerto Rico, and several nations around the world.
Internationally, the retailer operates in Mexico, Canada, Brazil,
Japan, Argentina, Brazil, Chile and the United Kingdom. Its
expansion strategy internationally has been aggressive and powerful.
Wal-Mart is now the largest retailer in Canada and the UK.
3.Create Positive Brand and Name Recognition
The company aims to create positive impression of customer satisfaction
with the Wal-Mart brand. Their goal is to have the customer associate
the retailer with the reputation of offering the best prices. The company
accomplishes this through television advertising campaigns and
newspaper adverts. Characteristic of Wal-Mart advertising is the use of
actual Wal-Mart stores and employees in its commercials. Key themes,
such as "Low Prices Always" are featured. The company engages in
partnerships and co-branding. For example, many Wal-Mart stores have
a McDonalds restaurant inside them. Due to the size of the retailer,
certain exclusive promotions are made with Hollywood movie
companies and music companies, for exclusive in Wal-Mart promotions
and distribution
4.Branching out into New Sectors of Retailing
A successful company strategy has been to branch out into new sectors of
retailing. Wal-Mart has recently become a major pharmacy, automotive
repair shop, and is now moving into grocery sales. This is an example of
success - it exemplifies Sam Walton's vision of being the best retailer
around. After a store expands physically and geographically, it must then
expand in terms of what they sell; branching out and competing with other
businesses. The traditional retail business of Wal-Mart has been selling
discount and cheap house wares and plastic goods, clothing, sporting goods,
and toys. Other departments include but are not limited to stationary and
office supplies, hardware, home improvement, paint supplies, arts and
crafts, cosmetics and toiletries, shoes, books and magazines, greeting cards,
and confectionery. Wal-Mart has also encroached into home electronics,
automotive supplies, pharmaceuticals, jewelry sales, photo finishing, travel
planning, and home gardening. More recently Wal-Mart has begun to move
into the grocery store business with its new "Neighborhood
Markets." Everywhere the store has a department, it competes with those
businesses, which specialize in that sector, often putting smaller competitors
out of business. Wal-Mart can be judged by the fear it puts into its potential
competitors and by the uproar caused by them protesting a Wal-Mart
incursion, as is the case with grocers
What are the Key Features of Wal-Mart's Approach to
Implementing the Strategy Put Together by Sam Walton -- The
key features of Wal-Mart's approach to implementing the
strategy put together by Sam Walton emphasizes building solid
working relationships with both suppliers and employees,
being aware and taking notice of the most intricate details in
store layouts and merchandising techniques, capitalizing on
every cost saving opportunity, and creating a high performance
spirit. This strategic formula is used to provide customers
access to quality goods, to make these goods available when and
where customers want them, to develop a cost structure that
enables competitive pricing, and to build and maintain a
reputation for absolute trustworthiness
SWOT Analysis Wal-Mart
‫نقاط قوت‬
•Wal-Mart is a powerful retail brand. It has a reputation for value for money,
convenience and a wide range of products all in one store.
•Wal-Mart has grown substantially over recent years, and has experienced
global expansion (for example its purchase of the United Kingdom based
retailer ASDA).
•The company has a core competence involving its use of information
technology to support its international logistics system. For example, it can
see how individual products are performing country-wide, store-by-store at a
glance. IT also supports Wal-Mart's efficient procurement.
•A focused strategy is in place for human resource management and
development. People are key to Wal-Mart's business and it invests time and
money in training people, and retaining a developing them.
‫نقاط ضعف‬
•Wal-Mart is the World's largest grocery retailer and control of its empire,
despite its IT advantages, could leave it weak in some areas due to the huge
span of control.
•Since Wal-Mart sell products across many sectors (such as clothing, food, or
stationary), it may not have the flexibility of some of its more focused
•The company is global, but has has a presence in relatively few countries
Opportunities ‫فرصت ها‬
•To take over, merge with, or form strategic alliances with other global
retailers, focusing on specific markets such as Europe or the Greater China
•The stores are currently only trade in a relatively small number of countries.
Therefore there are tremendous opportunities for future business in expanding
consumer markets, such as China and India.
•New locations and store types offer Wal-Mart opportunities to exploit market
development. They diversified from large super centres, to local and mallbased sites.
•Opportunities exist for Wal-Mart to continue with its current strategy of large,
super centres.
‫تهدید ها‬
•Being number one means that you are the target of competition, locally
and globally.
•Being a global retailer means that you are exposed to political problems
in the countries that you operate in.
•The cost of producing many consumer products tends to have fallen
because of lower manufacturing costs. Manufacturing cost have fallen
due to outsourcing to low-cost regions of the World. This has lead to
price competition, resulting in price deflation in some ranges. Intense
price competition is a threat.
‫با تشکر‬