1. Introduction In a typical situation at home, in a hotel, at an airport

1. Introduction
In a typical situation at home, in a hotel, at an airport or when connected to a guest network of a
work environment, there is no need to change the default proxy configuration on your computer.
On the other hand, when connected to internal networks of a work environment, a specific proxy
configuration is typically required to be able to reach the services that are consumed by Jumpstart
Jumpstart DC supports both practices.
2. Problem(s)
When the proxy configuration in Jumpstart DC is not aligned with the requirements of your network
context, then one or more services will not be reachable.
Such misalignment will typically immediately show through anomalies with the display of the map
(Bing Maps) in one of two ways.
If you have never successfully connected to Bing Maps before with a particular account on a
particular computer and if a connection to Bing Maps cannot be made with the same account on the
same computer because of incorrect proxy settings, then you will see something like this:
If you have at least once successfully connected to Bing Maps before with a particular account on a
particular computer and if a connection to Bing Maps cannot be made with the same account on the
same computer because of incorrect proxy settings, then you will see something like this:
Note that:
. both examples can also be the result of other issues such as a wrong configuration of the
Bing Maps key or simply a problem with the network.
. in case of complex proxy configurations, connection to Bing Maps may be successful while
connection to other services may fail.
3. How to configure
The defaults of the delivery of Jumpstart DC are such that, immediately after startup, a window will
appear asking for the proxy configuration.
Perform the proxy configuration in this window according to one of the two basic options below.
These two basic options cover many typical contexts but are not a panacea for every possible
network context. Some network contexts may intentionally be restrictive to such a point that
Jumpstart DC cannot be used in a meaningful manner.
If none of both options are successful, then feel free to contact us.
Option 1. No need to explicitly configure proxy
Use the default proxy configuration.
If there is no need to configure a proxy because the default behavior of your account on
your machine is suitable, then first click/tap the “Clear All” button resulting in a presentation
like this
and then click/tap the “OK” button.
Subsequently the main window of the Jumpstart DC application should pop up and you
should be able to consume services.
You can automate this behavior and avoid the appearance of this window at each startup of
Jumpstart DC by modifying the value “True” to “False” in the configuration file (app.config or
Jumpstart_DC.exe.config) for this line:
<add key="myCfgAsk4DefaultProxyConfigAtStartup" value="True" />
Option 2. Explicit proxy configuration required
Explicitly configure the proxy settings of the session.
First, replace the content of the fields with following label with the values that are applicable
in your context:
If you do not know what to enter, your network/system/workstation Administrator is most
likely able to help you.
Next, replace the entire contents of the text box under Exceptions: by one single space
Then click/tap the “OK” button.
Subsequently the main window of the Jumpstart DC application should pop up and you
should be able to consume services.
You can automate provisioning of values for this proxy configuration by modifying the value of
following entries in the configuration file (app.config or Jumpstart_DC.exe.config):
<add key="myCfgDefaultProxyAddress"
value="www.eurocontrol.int" />
<add key="myCfgDefaultProxyPort" value="9512" />
<add key="myCfgDefaultProxyUser" value="jvmeenen" />
<add key="myCfgDefaultProxyPassword" value="abc" />
<add key="myCfgDefaultProxyBypassLocal" value="True" />
<add key="myCfgDefaultProxyExceptions" value=" " />
Note that:
. above values are example values and need to be adapted to your specific context.
. for security reasons, you may not want to store your password in the configuration file. It
then suffices to overwrite the field with label “Password:” at the time the window is
4. Troubleshooting
4.1 Trial-error
Issues with the proxy configuration should not prevent the main window of the Jumpstart DC
application to start up.
Jumpstart DC contains a tool to help diagnose and find the correct proxy configuration for your
context. Navigate via tabs “Settings”, “Overall”.
You will find a button “Default Proxy”, which you can use to dynamically change the proxy
The presentation and use is exactly the same as the window that appears at startup of
Jumpstart DC and that is described above.
After clicking/tapping the “OK” button the new configuration is active and can be tested.
You will also find a button “Test Proxy” which you can use to dynamically explore the effect of the
proxy configuration.
. fill in the URI of the service you want to reach in the text box next to the label ‘URI in”
. click/tap on the button “Test Proxy”
. the text box next to the label “URI out” provides the URI of the endpoint that will be used
In the example below a proxy had been configured at port 9512 and at address
www.eurocontrol.int (see option 2.). The URI ftp://ftp.wmo.int/wmoddbs/VolA_New/Pub9volA130128x.flatfile is entered into the text box next to the label “URI
in”. After clicking/tapping the button “Test Proxy“, the text box next to label “URI out” is
filled with http://www.eurocontrol.int:9512/ which means that no attempt will be made to
directly connect to ftp://ftp.wmo.int/wmo-ddbs/VolA_New/Pub9volA130128x.flatfile but
that http://www.eurocontrol.int:9512/ will be used as proxy to reach that service.
If the button “Default Proxy” is now used to change the configuration - in this case to no
longer use the proxy (see option 1.) -, then a click/tap on the button “Test Proxy” shows that
a direct connection will be attempted to reach ftp://ftp.wmo.int/wmoddbs/VolA_New/Pub9volA130128x.flatfile
4.2 Complex proxy configuration
The description provided in “Option 2. Explicit proxy configuration required” above, assumes that all
connectivity for Jumpstart DC has to go through a particular proxy. However in some environments,
it is possible that for some services no proxy should be used and for other services a proxy should be
This can be accomplished by using the text box under the label “Exceptions:”. Fill this text box with
the patterns of URIs that should not use the configured proxy, but that should bypass the proxy and
use direct internal network connectivity.
The tool described in 4.1 is particularly useful to explore the impact of a complex proxy
In case of difficulties with complex proxy configuration, feel free to contact us.