Fedencia P. Fitch PSY 9085 Practicum in School Counseling 24 April 2012 LESSON PLAN: Introduction to Career Cruising Grade Level: 9 Topic of the Lesson: Introduction to internet-based career exploration and planning tool to explore career and college options and develop a career plan. Focus Questions: Are students thinking about careers and college options? Do students have access to career exploration software programs? Materials Needed: Computer with internet access Pre-questionnaire (attached) Instructions to create profile (attached) Pen/ Pencil Stapler Extra paper Time Needed: 1 hour National ASCA Standards: A:B1.1 Demonstrate the motivation to achieve individual potential A:B2.2 Use assessment results in educational planning C:A1.1 Develop skills to locate, evaluate and interpret career information C:A1.2 Learn about the variety of traditional and nontraditional occupations C:A1.3 Develop an awareness of personal abilities, skills, interests and motivations MA CDE Benchmarks: A3-1 Skills in researching and evaluating economic and societal information for career planning and career management W1-4: Skills in evaluating career plans and decisions in relation to aptitudes, values, and interests. W2-2: Knowledge of how and where to access career and labor market information Lesson: Intro to Career Cruising MA Curriculum Frameworks ELA: STE: CCR: Anchor Standards for Reading: 7, 8, 9 CCR: Anchor Standards for Writing: 2, 4, 7 CCR: Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening (2,4) SIS2: Make observations, raise questions, and formulate hypotheses DISTRICT/SCHOOL LINKS: School Philosophy: The challenging career/technical and academic programs encourage individual excellence and foster the work ethics and life skills necessary to be successful at Monty Tech, post-secondary institutions, and in today’s workplace. PLANNING REFLECTION: Attitude, skills and knowledge are being taught in this lesson. o Attitude- to be independent and take responsibility for future employment and education o Skill- to be familiar with computer program o Knowledge- to know resources available for career and labor market information Basic knowledge of the internet is needed. TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: During the lesson the teacher will assist students create a profile in Career Cruising which they will use throughout their four years at Monty Tech. STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Cognitive: By the end of the lesson, the students will o know how to access Career Cruising to aid in researching possible career fields and universities by demonstrating to counselor how to access the program before the end of class. o know study skills and techniques that will enhance their learning style. How will you know they know? Need to be measurable. Checkin with students after publication of progress reports and academic report cards will provide data to determine if study skills and techniques identified have been used. Lesson: Intro to Career Cruising Affective: By the end of the lesson, the students will o understand how their interests relate to possible career fields by reviewing their answers to the Career Matchmaker questionnaire about their likes and dislikes with a student partner. Behavioral/Performance: By the end of the lesson, the students will o access Career Cruising from home. Counselor will monitor log-in history data through the Career Advisor Management Systems. o navigate through career and school search tabs by demonstrating to counselor or student partner. MODIFICATIONS FOR DIFFERENTLY ABLED STUDENTS: Differently able students will sit in designated area where counselor and aide can easily assist them. Students can who complete assessments early will be partnered with students who are struggling. PRE ASSESSMENT See attached pre-lesson questionnaire. DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITY/STRUCTURE OF THE LESSON Teacher will: Hand out worksheet with directions about log-in, username, password, and profile creation. Walk students through creating a profile using information they wrote previously. Counselor and aide will observe students in order to assess knowledge, understanding and performance. Students will: answer pre-lesson questionnaire. create a username and password by having them write it down on their worksheet first. log-in to website. answer a series of interest questions. scan career recommendations, after first iteration, complete remainder of interest questions. scan career recommendations. Note any changes. print two copies of report. One to take home to begin dialogue with parents about career choices. One will remain with their career folder that counselors maintain. Lesson: Intro to Career Cruising complete the learning styles inventory. have opportunity to read about their preferred learning styles and recommendations to improve study habits, Upon completion of inventory will print two copies of report. One to take home to begin dialogue with parents about career choices. One will remain with their career folder that counselors maintain. ASSESSMENT: All currently enrolled ninth grade students were required to Introduction to Career Cruising class during the fifth week of the Exploratory Program. By the end of the week all ninth grade students accomplished the following: Created a Career Cruising Profile (username and password following standard protocol for easy retrieval) Completed Career Matchmaker Assessment and Learning Styles Inventory Identified and researched at least three jobs that matched their interest Identified learning preference Identified at least two study techniques or methods to help student learn better. Learned to navigate through Career Cruising program Identified and researched at least two post secondary institutions Log-in history through the Career Advisor Management System will be monitored to determine the number of times the student logged-in. As a result of the lesson, ninth grade students have a better understanding of careers and jobs, duties and responsibilities, salary compensation, and educational requirements for a given career/job. The figure below indicates that at the end of the lesson, 100% of the ninth grade students (red bar) received the lesson. One ninth grade student (blue bar) had a Career Cruising profile before the start of the lesson. Nonetheless, he was still required to take the Career Matchmaker assessment. The next step is to identify the newly enrolled 9th graded students as well as transfer students (green bar) to receive this lesson. In order to minimize interrupting students’ academic courses, this lesson will be offered during the students’ vocational trade week. Lesson: Intro to Career Cruising I highly recommend follow-on activities to the Career Matchmaker results. Career Cruising offers the following activities for future lessons: High School Education Plan Career Preparation Career Interview Career Cluster Research Project REFLECTION: High school students only have a vague idea of the relationship between current academic status and their future employment opportunities. The challenge is to help students understand the link between the courses they choose in high school and their future career plans. This lesson provides ninth grade students the opportunity to begin career exploration and post secondary planning. Further lessons are needed in order for students to fully comprehend and evaluate their high school performance in relation to future goals and opportunities. During the Career Matchmaker assessment students answered 116 questions about their likes and dislikes. At the end of the assessment students’ received a list of suggested careers and career cluster to further explore. This assessment is valuable because it provided a venue for students to begin exploring the hundreds of jobs available to them. Many students did not know the duties and responsibilities of a particular job, what characteristics best matched a job, or the educational requirement of a job. The Career Matchmaker assessment result is a catalyst for the student to explore future job opportunities. Lesson: Intro to Career Cruising Many 9th grade students at Monty Tech assume they are tactile learners and discounted the visual and auditory learning styles. Therefore, the Learning Styles Inventory is a valuable assessment for the students. At the end of the inventory students receive results indicating their preferred learning style: auditory, visual, tactile or combination of each. The profile explains the preferred learning style(s), to include ways to help the student learn. School guidance counselors can use the learning styles profile during academic counseling sessions to recommend study techniques to improve performance. CITE RESOURCES: www.careercruising.com Lesson: Intro to Career Cruising PRE-LESSON QUESTIONNAIRE 1. List all career exploration website or programs you are know about or used? 2. What job are you interested in? 3. What characteristics are needed to be successful in the career or job? 4. What are the daily duties or responsibilities of the career or job? 5. What is your learning style preference? POST-LESSON QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Do you have a Career Cruising profile? 2. What is the best career field or job matches your interests? 3. What characteristics do you have that will help you be successful in the career field or job? 4. How can you improve your learning habits? Lesson: Intro to Career Cruising CAREER CRUISING: Creating a Profile PART 1: The following information is required to create a Profile on Career Cruising. EMAIL ADDRESS: USE YOUR MONTY TECH EMAIL ADDRESS last initial, first initial and ID # Example: Mary Jones 112870 would be: jm112870 Your email address: _________________________________ USERNAME: Last name First name Middle initial (all lower case) (Profile) Example: Mary Ann Jones would be: jonesmarya Your profile username: ___________________________________ PASSWORD: Date of Birth Use 8 characters Example: September 8, 1997 would be: 09081997 November 2, 1997 would be: 11021997 Your date of birth: ______________________________________ PART 2: Log into Career Cruising website. HOME PAGE: www.careercruising.com USERNAME: monty PASSWORD: tech Click on START CAREER CRUISING On left side locate PORTFOLIO LOGIN Click on CREATE A NEW PORTFOLIO Fill in your information (from above)