MICRO ECONOMICS (ONLINE BLACKBOARD COURSE) Student Course Syllabus Palisades High School 2013-2014 Instructor: Mrs. Erin Banas Room: 209 Email Address: ebanas@palisadessd.org Phone Number: 610-847-5131 (ext 2349) Description of Course: The purpose of this course is to acquaint you with key microeconomic principles. Microeconomics is a branch of economics that studies how individuals, households, firms, and governments make decisions regarding the allocation of scarce resources. A strong emphasis on marginal analysis in both production and consumption decisions will be apparent throughout your coursework. The role competition plays in setting price and allocating resources will be examined. You will also become acquainted with the four major market structures and how and when government should intervene in non-competitive markets. Microeconomics offers you the opportunity to gain insight into the decisions of individuals in a free market economy and the tools to make more effective decisions in your own life. Grading: This course will contain assignments and tests and other activities. Your teacher will share the grading policy with you. To see how many points each activity is worth in this class, click on the "My Grades" link. All work is assigned a point value. Grades are based on: Assignments Discussions Blogs Journals Projects Tests/Exams Rubrics for grading Wiki Post, Blogs, and Journal Entries/Note Taking can be found under Grading Policies under the Class Information. Quarter grades will be determined by dividing each student’s accumulated grade points by the maximum number of points that could be earned during the marking period. To calculate the student’s final grade in the course each marking period will count at 25% towards that grade calculation. Class Absences: Attendance for Palisades cyber students may be achieved in one of the following manners: (1) Student meets minimum time commitment of ½ hour per course per day (2.5 hours per week) for the full calendar week (7 days – Sunday through Saturday). (2) Student meets the minimum weekly workload as outlined by the teacher of record in the course pacing schedule and weekly announcements. (3) Student does not meet the criteria for attendance as outlined in options 1 or 2 but based on the teacher’s calculation of assessments completed and consideration for login time, communication, and additional work completed - attendance is achieved. The teacher will notify the parent of attendance concerns. The teacher will notify the administrator if the pattern continues. If a student misses a class because of a field trip, athletic event, or an in-school activity and owes a major paper or project that day, it must be submitted that day (or the day before) or the assignment in question will be marked late. Late Work: Late work will follow the district’s policy of 10% off for each day late. However, some graded items such as tests/exams will have a set time in which students have to complete the assessment and will not be accepted for submission after that time. Plagiarism and Cheating: Plagiarism is the act of passing on another author’s work as one’s own writing without proper acknowledgement, and constitutes cheating. Cheating will not be tolerated and will result in a zero for the work in question. Parents and administration will be notified and the Palisades High School’s policy on plagiarism and cheating will be followed as outlined in the Student Hand book. Do not put yourself in the position to have to copy and paste information found elsewhere, like Wikipedia, and claim it as your own. THIS IS NOT ALLOWED. Materials: The technology requirements for using the blendedschools.net tools are listed below: A standard, Internet-capable computer. High Speed Internet Access (1MB/s per user if possible) Windows XP / Mac OS 10.3 rated computer or newer Java (download from http://.java.com) Adobe FlashPlayer (download from http://.adobe.com) Windows Media Player or Quicktime Productivity Software (Microsoft Office or equivalent) Speakers, Microphone Units of Study: Unit 1- Basic Economic Concepts (marking quarter 1) Lesson 1 - Economics and the Economic Problem Lesson 2 - Opportunity Cost and Marginal Analysis Lesson 3 - Production Possibilities Frontier Lesson 4 - Economic Systems Models Lesson 5 - Characteristics of a Market Economy Lesson 6 - Circular Flow Unit 2- Supply and Demand (marking quarter 2) Lesson 1 - Demand Lesson 2 - Supply Lesson 3 - Supply and Demand Lesson 4 - Diminishing Marginal Utility Lesson 5 - Diminishing Marginal Returns Lesson 6 - Price Elasticity of Demand/Price Elasticity of Supply Unit 3- Public and Private Sectors (marking quarter 3) Lesson 1 - Externalities Lesson 2 - Public Goods Lesson 3 - Government Finances Lesson 4 - Legal Forms of Business Lesson 5 - Specialization and the Division of Labor Lesson 6 - Consumer Behavior and Utility Maximization Unit 4- Production Decisions and Market Structures (marking quarter 4) Lesson 1 - Demand for Resources Lesson 2 - Costs of Production Lesson 3 - Firm Behavior and Competitive Markets Lesson 4 - Monopoly and Oligopoly Unit 1 Assignment Title U1D1 - Unit 1 Discussions U1J1 - Unit 1 Journal U1L1 - Economics and the Economic Problem U1L01W1 - Factors of Production U1L2 - Opportunity Cost and Marginal Analysis U1L3 - Production Possibilities Frontier U1L03W1 - Create a PPC U1L4 - Economic Systems U1L5 - Characteristics of a Market System U1L05W1 - Competition U1L06 - Circular Flow Model U1L06B1 Circular Flow U1T1 - Test U1LPA1 - Where Should A. Brainy Jock Go To College? Unit 2 Assignment Title U2D1 - Unit 2 Discussions U2J1 - Unit 2 Journal U2L1 - Demand U2L01W1 - Substitute and Complementary Goods U2L2 - Demand U2L3 - Supply and Demand U2L03B1 - The Supply and Demand for Candy! U2L03A1 - Rent Controlled Apartments U2L4 - Diminishing Marginal Utility U2L04B1 - When do you stop buying? U2L5 - Diminishing Marginal Returns U2L05W1 - You Are the Producer! U2L05A1 - Apple Pickers and the Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns U2L6 - Price Elasticity of Demand/Price Elasticity of Supply U2T1 - Test U2LPA1 - Unit 2 Project Assignment Type Discussion Journal Basic LTI Wiki Basic LTI Basic LTI Wiki Basic LTI Basic LTI Wiki Basic LTI Blog Test Assignment Points 30 60 31 10 19 19 10 24 19 10 13 10 32 40 Assignment Type Discussion Journal Basic LTI Wiki Basic LTI Basic LTI Blog Assignment Basic LTI Blog Basic LTI Wiki Points 10 60 21 10 21 23 10 10 10 10 19 10 Assignment Basic LTI Test Assignment 10 24 30 40 Assignment Title Assignment Type Points U3D1 - Unit 3 Discussions U3J1 - Unit 3 Journal U3L1: Externalities U3L01B1 - Who Should Pay? U3L2 - Public Goods U3L02W1 - Pure Public, Toll, and Private Goods U3L02A1 - "New Sense, Inc. vs Fish 'Til You Drop" U3L3 - Government Finances U03L03A1 - Tax Time Scavenger Hunt U3L03A2 - "Income Taxes: Who Pays and How Much?" U3L4 - Legal Forms of Business U3L5 - Specialization and Division of Labor U3L05B1 - Interdependence Web U3L6 - Consumer Behavior and Utility Maximization U3L06A1 - Fast Food and Utility Maximization U3T1 - Unit 3 Test ULPA - Unit 3 Project Discussion Journal Basic LTI Blog Basic LTI Wiki Assignment Basic LTI Assignment Assignment Basic LTI Basic LTI Blog Basic LTI Assignment Test Assignment 30 60 18 10 25 10 10 25 15 10 23 20 10 10 10 32 40 Assignment Title Assignment Type Points U4D1 - Unit 4 Discussions U4J1 - Unit 4 Journal U4L1 - Demand for Resources U4L01A1 - Why Does Brett Favre Make More than Me?! U4L01W1 - PA Career Zone U4L2 - Costs of Production U4L3 - Firm Behavior and Competitive Markets U4L03W1 - Pizza, Pizza. or Pizza? U4L4 - Monopoly and Oligopoly U4L04W1 - History of Business Slideshow U4L04B1 - The Case of the Ice Cream Merger U4T1 - Unit 4 Test ULPA - Unit 4 Project Discussion Journal Basic LTI Assignment Wiki Basic LTI Basic LTI Wiki Basic LTI Wiki Blog Test Assignment 20 40 14 10 10 23 26 10 33 10 10 34 40 Unit 3 Unit 4