Health Ed Video Summaries

Real Life Teens – Sexual Responsibility 18 min
Learning Objectives
After completing the program, students will have an understanding of how sexual responsibility plays a
significant role in the development of healthy attitudes and responsibilities experienced by teens in their
development. Students will discuss the importance of a healthy personal and sexual relationship and
how poor judgment can impact a teen in their adult life.
When the adult starts talking, it sounds like a discovery channel show, be warned
- Pressure
o More pressure on guys to lose their virginity earlier
o Double standards: if girls have sex with multiple guys, she is considered a slut, but if
guys have multiple partners they are considered cool
o Need to have great friends and support systems to resist peer pressure
- Sex & media, society
o “Sex is like Coca-Cola, it is everywhere and everyone is doing it”
- Alcohol & sex
- Healthy relationships
- STD’s
- Teen Parents
Discussion questions/topics
 What constitutes sexual responsibility and give examples.
 Why do teens sometimes make poor decisions about their sexual relationships?
 What are some of the health issues surrounding sexual activity?
 Teens & STDs/how they are spread
 Unprotected sex
 Teens and HIV
 Emotional and monetary expenses of teen pregnancy
Potential Lesson Outline
1. Ask students to answer this question, out loud or written: What would your advice be on the
subject of “sexual responsibility” to other teens?
2. View the program (18 min)
3. Discuss the views of the teens featured in the program. Which views did you agree/disagree
with? for teacher resources
Before You Hook Up: Dating Rights and Responsibilities
22 min, Teacher’s Resource Book PDF on DVD
Learning Objectives
After watching the video and participating in class activities, students will be able to:
Understand the essential elements of a healthy dating relationship, recognize the signs of an unhealthy
or dangerous relationship, clearly communicate needs and expectations, develop skills to evaluate their
relationships and assert themselves in their relationships, brainstorm solutions to common dating
problems, understand how to break up with a partner respectfully, describe healthy methods to
recuperate after a romantic breakup.
- Respect, honesty, and trust
- Support and acceptance; recognizing others’ needs, values, and opinions
- Fairness and equality in healthy dating relationships; shared decision-making and negotiation
- Honest, respectful communication; how to express your ideas and be a good listener
- Dating abuse and the right to physical and emotional safety; warning signs and helping others
Teacher’s Resource Book Contents
 Teacher resources: learning objectives, program summary, NHES performance indicators
 Student Activities:
o Pre/post-test
o Defining a relationship
o Your expectations
o Elements of a healthy relationship
 Student Fact Sheets: Relationship Violence FAQs, Signs of an Abusive Dating Relationship, If You
Are Being Abused, Dating Rights and Responsibilities, Healthy Dating Relationships, Resources
Sex Facts – Teens and STDs
30 min, contains a separate CD with digital workbook
Learning Objectives
After viewing the program and participating in the activities, students will:
Learn about STDs and symptoms, understand the long-term consequences of untreated STDs,
understand the necessity of partner notification, realize the importance of protecting themselves and
their partners by using latex condoms every time they have sex, see the necessity of getting yearly
physical checkups, understand that abstinence is the only way to 100% guarantee protection from STDs.
- You can’t tell by looking
o Gordon visits the doctor’s office for his physical, and finds out that he has Gonorrhea!
He learns that he got it through unprotected sex, that people can have gonorrhea
without knowing it, and the importance of telling all partners if you test positive.
- Birth control is not enough
o Serina goes to the city clinic after she notices some strange symptoms and is
embarrassed to go to her family doctor, and discovers she has trichomoniasis. She
learns that having trich makes a woman more susceptible to HIV, and that all of this
could be avoided by using latex condoms with sex – other forms of birth control are not
- Choosing to wait
o Three young people read about STDs and their consequences while in the waiting room
at the clinic. A couple is freaked out by this information, and decides that they want to
wait to have sex again until they are older, so they are not in this position again.
- Talking to your partner
o Gordon goes back to the doctor and learns that he could get it or another STD again,
and they discuss STDs that can be treated but not cured. We learn about the importance
of being tested before having sex.
Digital Workbook Contents
 Learning objectives and program summary
 Guidelines for Discussion
 Questions for Discussion
 Classroom Activity: Role play scenarios
 Handouts: facts about STDs, talking to your partner, “don’t make the same mistake I did” letter,
True or False statements
 Scripts for various topics