CONFIGURE PASSAGEPOINT GLOBAL After PassagePoint Global is installed, you will need to configure the program to work with your visitor management procedures. Configuration is done under The Home |Configure System. Here you can configure the following: Badge designer, communication settings, external systems, policy manager, system lists, user administration, and system administration. NOTE – these are listed in the program in alphabetical order, the order below is recommended implementation order ABOUT USER ADMINISTRATION The UserAdministration option under Home |Configure System allows an administrator to create user accounts, define user roles, and define rules for user authentication and password. USER ACCOUNTS User Accounts allow Administrators to define PassagePoint login accounts and grant rights based on a user role. For account security, each User Account should be assigned a User Role, which incorporate User Authentication Rules settings. Within a role, you assign User Authentication Rules to enforce password rules and login restrictions. By assigning a User Role, you are limiting access to screens that each user will be able to access. Below are descriptions of some of the fields on the User Accounts configuration screen: UserName – This is a free form text field to name the account. LoginName –When logging into PassagePoint, this is the name that the user enters. Password – Specify a password that conforms to the associated password rules. Passwords are case -sensitive. For security, passwords are encrypted and stored within the PassagePoint system. If a user account password needs to be reset, you can use this screen to specify a new password. Linked Person – Allows you to associate a user to a person in the directory. This is for informational purposes. Click search to launch a directory search window that allows you to pick the person who owns this account. UserRole – Assigning a User Role to an account allows you to specify the screens which this user can access. Within the role definition, you can assign a User Authentication Rule that specifies password format rules and login limitations. User Roles may be defined with the User Roles configuration option. Defined roles will appear in the pick list. Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 1 Warning: By not assigning a User Role, you effectively grant the user access to ALL screens and unrestricted password login. Disable – Accounts can only be disabled, not deleted. This maintains the integrity of past transactions. If a user account becomes disabled by the system because of an authorization rule, it can be reactivated here by un-checking the Disable box. USERROLES Roles are a logical grouping of users that share the same access rights to screens and login rules. Administrators can define a screen access policy and authentication rule with User Roles. To configure roles, click either “Add” to create a new account or “Edit” to modify an existing role. From within the Setting Details screen, you will specify a name for the role. This is a descriptive name of the user role being configured. We suggest that you use names that reflect the logical grouping of users, such as Receptionists, Security or Administrators. When configuring multiple roles for the same group of people, you might add other user categorization to the name, such as a location – ‘Receptionists in bldg. 5’ Authentication Rule – Specify the authentication rule to use with a User Role by choosing a rule from the pick list. Rules listed are those configured from within the User Authentication Rules option under User Administration settings for Configure System. User Roles Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 2 RuleOptions Rule Options are the authentication schemes for maintaining login security. Select the Rule Option that is appropriate for the users. Depending on the edition of PassagePoint purchased, the list of Rule Options available to choose from will be different. Use PassagePoint Authentication – This option is selected by default. By choosing PassagePoint Authentication you are using PassagePoint’s security rules to manage client and web logins and password parameters. Use LDAP for Authentication – Selecting this option bypasses PassagePoint Authentication and uses LDAP for login authentication. To use LDAP authentication, you will also need to configure LDAP support on the PassagePoint Server. Use Windows Single Sign On – Selecting this option uses Windows Single Sign On. With Single Sign On a user logs in once and gains access to all systems without being prompted to log in again at each of them. You have the open to limit one session per user with this option selected. Use Third-Party Web Password System – This option is only applicable to authentication with PassagePointWeb Pre-Registration system. It bypasses any password authentication and trusts the user password being sent from the web client. To use this option, you will need to configure third-party web password settings. User Authentication Rule Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 3 PassagePoint Password Rules PassagePoint Client PassagePoint login must match Windows login – Checking this option will enforce a rule that the login name specified for PassagePoint is the same as the Windows machine login name. Limit to 1 session per Login Name – Enabling this option will enforce unique logins for clients logging into PassagePoint server. If a second client attempts to use a login name that is currently logged in, they will get an error message and not be allowed to login. Logging in with the user Admin is excluded. Web Pre-Registration Module Logins Allow Internet users to choose login & password – If this option is checked, you are allowing users who login over the internet to specify their own unique login name and password. This option is only available with the Web Pre-Registration module. Password Rules Allow user to change passwords – This option allows users to access the “Change Password” screen under the Home tab. From within Change Password, they will be able to assign a new password to a user account with a valid login name and current password. Passwords must not contain login name – Enabling this password rule forces a password that contain a user’s login name to be rejected. The user will be asked to enter a new password. New user must change password – This option will require that a user change their password upon the first successful login to PassagePoint. A password dialog will appear on login asking them for a new password. Account lockout attempts – If this rule is checked, an account will be locked after a specified number of unsuccessful attempts to log into PassagePoint. The account will need to be reactivated by an administrator from the User Accounts. Minimum/Maximum length of password – Specify the minimum or maximum number of characters that a password may be set to. Setting this to “0” means do not check for password length. Expires after #days – Enabling this rule forces passwords to automatically expire after a specified number of days. Upon expiring, users will be asked to enter a new password on their next successful login. Disallow re-using last # previous passwords – This option will disallow a user to set their password to previous passwords. The number specified is the number of passwords that the system remembers and checks against. Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 4 Historical password re-usable after # days– Setting a number of days here will determine when a password may be reused. Number of days is counted from the day that the password was changed. Set a default password– To set default passwords for new user accounts, check the “Set a default password” box to display the default password options. For security, it is important that this option be used with the “New users must change password” option. Click on one of the radio buttons to make a selection between the two options: Use login name as default password – Choosing this option will set the password to be the same as the login name. Specify default password – Choosing this option will allow a user to enter a default password that is used by all new users Regular Expression Password Filter You may use regular expression (also known as RegEx or RegExp) to specify a text pattern that is not acceptable as a password. When a user account password is being set, it will be checked against the RegEx filters for a pattern match. If the new password matches a RegEx filter, the password will be rejected and the user will be required to enter a new password. CHANGING PASSWORDS User passwords can be changed from the ChangePassword ribbon button under the Home tab. If a user is granted access to this screen, they can change a user password by entering the Login Name and current and new passwords. If the Login Name and current password matches a user account, the account will be updated with the new password. In the event that a password needs to be reset, it can be changed without knowing the current password from within the UserAccount option. ChangePassword Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 5 Communication Settings Communication Settings contains configuration screens for sending notifications and visit information via E-mail. These lists screens are accessible under Home|ConfigureSystem| Communication Settings. E-MAIL SERVER SETUP Setting up the E-mail server configuration entails specifying the SMTP server and port. By default, the SMTP port number is 25. A default From: address can be entered for sending E mails. If SMTP server authentication is required, check the Requires Authentication box and specify the user name and password for logging into your SMTP server. Your E -mail administrator should be consulted for the proper settings on any of these settings. E-mail Server Settings To test that the SMTP server settings are correctly configured, click the “Test” button from the main Configured E-Mail Server screen. A test E-mail message will be sent to the address that you specify in the Test dialog window. Send test E-Mail Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 6 E-MAIL TEMPLATES PassagePoint uses E-mail Templates when sending E-mail notifications. Several template types have been pre-defined. To add a template, select a template type and click Add. Existing templates can be edited by selecting the template and clicking the Edit button. Within the Setting Details screen that opens, elements stored within the database can be drag and dropped from the Database Objects listing onto the template fields and message body. Database Objects will appear on templates as bold-italicized text. The From: and To: fields are required and can be set to an Email database object or a hardcoded address may be entered. E-mail Template To test the layout of the E-mail, you can send a test E-mail message by clicking the “Preview” button. A message will be sent to the people that you specify in the To: field on the Preview dialog box. Both the To: and From: fields are required. Send E-mail template test Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 7 SYSTEM LISTS System Lists are administrator configurable items that typically appear as dropdown lists on Entry screens. Lists include Agreements, Destination Places, Lists and People Categories. The System Lists configuration screens allow you to define the list items, sort items, set a default item, and in some cases, customize their usage. These lists screens are accessible under Home|Configure System|SystemLists. AGREEMENTS Agreements in the System Lists configuration screen allow you to enter legal and contract documents that visitors need to agree to as part of their sign-in. Agreements are applied by associating them to appropriate People Categories. Visitors will see those agreements that have been assigned to their category when they sign-in at a PassagePoint Visitor Sign-in Station. Agreements may be presented to visitors through the PassagePoint Sign -in Station (kiosk or on the larger signature capture pad) or manually by a receptionist. Using a Visitor Sign-in Station If you are using a Visitor Sign-in Station, then the agreement text will be displayed to the visitor on the screen after the visitor enters the required information. The text can vary depending on which category (Volunteer, Visitor, etc.) they select. Once the NDA is displayed, you can require that the visitor simply clicks the “Accept” button or you can require that they sign a digital signature pad and then click Accept. The captured signature is stored electronically in the visitor’s record within PassagePoint and can be printed as an agreement document. You can also either require that the agreement be accepted to complete the entry or allow the visitor to decline the agreement and still complete the sign -in. Reception Administration of Agreements If a receptionist administers agreements manually, the visitor's name and contact information are entered on a Visit Entry screen. Then the receptionist clicks the “Capture” button which activates the signature capture pad. The visitor should be shown and allowed to read the agreement text in hardcopy form. The receptionist can view the signature on screen before completing the entry. Configuring Agreements To configure Agreements, click “Add” or “Edit” on the Configured Agreements screen under Home |Configure System| SystemLists | Agreements. In the Setting Details screen that opens, you can specify a name for this agreement, the type of agreement, the text for this agreement, and accept and decline methods. Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 8 Agreement Configuration Screen Enter or Import Agreement Text In the text box, you can type in the text for the agreement. You can also paste in text from the clipboard by placing your cursor in the box and hitting Ctrl-V. Alternatively, you can import the agreement text by clicking the “Import” button. In the Open window, navigate to and select the text file for the agreement. Import only plain text files since formatting code will not be interpreted. AcceptMethods Choose whether to accept agreements with a signature or with an accept button. Acceptance Methods supports capturing a signature electronically with a signature pad such as those from Topaz Systems. Once captured, the signature will be stored electronically in PassagePoint and may be viewed and printed with agreements as legal documents. If an agreement covers a period of time, say twelve months, you can set PassagePoint to recapture a new signature from that visitor after the twelve month period. Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 9 If signature capture device is not used, you may store signatures on paper and indicate that a signature is on file with the “Signature On File Allowed” option. The receptionist will be able to designate that the agreement was accepted by checking “Signature On File” in the Visit Entry screen. Alternatively, agreements may be accepted with clicking an “Accept” button that appears on the agreement screen. DeclineMethods If an agreement can be declined, visitors can click a “Decline” button. You can allow visitors to decline the agreements and still complete the sign-in process. If the Visitor Sign-in Station is used without a receptionist verifying the entry, it is recommended to require acceptance of the agreement, i.e. do not enable “Can Decline”. DESTINATION PLACES Destination Places are locations in your facility where a visitor is allowed to go. The configuration screen can be found under Home | Configure System| SystemLists | Destination Places. Configured Destination Places appear in Entry screens as a dropdown list. The first item on the list will be selected as the default destination. To Add / Edit a Destination Destination Places can be added or deleted from the Configured Destination screen. Click the “Add” button to add a new destination. To edit an item, select it and click “Edit”. In the Setting Detail screen, enter the name of the location and any comments or address for the location. Destinations cannot be deleted since historical information may require it for data consistency. Instead, you are allowed to disable destination items. Select the destination and click “Edit” to open it. In Destination Setting Details, check the “Disabled” box to make this destination no longer appear in Destination dropdown lists. Sorting the Destination Places List The list of Destination Places may be sorted manually or alphabetically. To manually sort the list, select a Destination and click the “Up” or “Down” buttons to reposition its location in the list. The entire list can be resorted alphabetically in ascending order by clicking the “Alphabetize” button. LISTS PassagePoint uses lists to provide easy-to-use menus. These lists can be modified to include your own custom menu options. Lists are maintained from within Home |ConfigureSystem| SystemLists |Lists: Arrival Instructions – steps to follow at sign-in (multiple lists) Purpose of Visit – reasons for visiting location (multiple lists) Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 10 Security Levels – security interaction information, such as escort required (single list) Agreement Types – classifications of legal agreements (single list) Threat Levels – indicates the general risk levels and is displayed in Secure View Delivery Items –choices for items delivered such as, box, envelope, flowers, etc. Courier Names – list of shipping carriers, such as FedEx, UPS, etc. Property Items – list of company property to be loaned out Country Code – 2 letter code for countries (multiple lists) Classifications – classifications for visitors such as, immigration and visa classifications. For example, US Green Card and H1B Visa (multiple lists) Some List Types support multiple lists. The reason for multiple sub-lists is to allow administrators to create custom lists which can be assigned to locations in the Allocation Tree (an Enterprise Edition feature). To modify a list, select the list or sub-list from Configured Lists screen and click “Add”, “Edit” or “Delete”. A list with a dot icon indicates that this list can be expanded, similar to a folder. To open dot icon lists, double-click on it. To Add / Edit Lists Items From within the Lists Setting Details screen, you can name each list, add / edit / delete items, set item visibility, sort items, and set an item as default. Having a Show box checked indicates that this item will appear in the dropdown list on Entry screens. Setting an item as default makes it the automatically selected item in the dropdown list on Entry screens. To Sort a List The order of the list can be set manually by using the “Up” and “Down” buttons on the Lists Setting Details screen. Select the item that you would like to move and click either buttons to reorder the list. You can automatically sort the list in alphabetical ascending order by clicking the “Alphabetize” button. Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 11 PEOPLE CATEGORIES People Categories are used to group individuals for both visitors and in-house staff. These groups are then used for setting preferences. Each category may have its own name and its own preferences. For example, you may want to set the Staff category to have a temporary badge for a 8 hour duration, while visitors may only have 4 hours. PassagePoint Global is preconfigured with the People Categories below. These categories can be modified or deleted and additional categories may be added. Staff Faculty Volunteer Student Visitor Vendor To add or edit People Categories, open the People Categories configuration screen under Home|ConfigureSystem|SystemLists|PeopleCategories. Within this screen, you can click “Add” to enter new categories or select a category and click “Edit” to change parameters. People Categories Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 12 From within the People Category settings screen, specify the default duration for a visit. These are times for determining the length of a visit. Additionally, you can assign contractual agreements that each category of people need to agree to before they are allowed to complete sign -in. Categories can be designated as a host and or to be included in directory. Security Level This sets the default security level for this category. The list of security levels which appear have been configured on the Security Levels screen under Home | Configure System| SystemLists | Lists. Examples of Security Level setting are: Escort Required, No Escort Required, etc. Visit Duration Policy This policy allows you to set a default duration time for visits which will help in calculating the expected sign-out time, when a badge expires, and when to automatically sign -out visitors. Visit Duration Default (hours) – The number of hours specified in this setting is a default length of time for this category of people. Indicate the number of hours that a typical visit usually lasts in hours. For example, you may want to have visitors to have access for only one-half of a day, while your in-house people may need a full day badge. Expire Visit Grace Period (hours) – Specify the number of hours after the visit end time that the system will wait before automatically signing out a visitor with this category. The PassagePoint system is designed to automatically sign-out visitors after a visit end time. The grace period specifies the number of hours before the auto sign-out process occurs after the specified visit end time found in the visit record. Agreement(s) to Sign Contractual and legal agreements may be assigned to People Categories. As visitors arrive to sign -in, they will be presented with the agreements that have been assigned to their category. If a signature pad has been added to PassagePoint, visitors can use the signature pad to sign acceptance of the agreement terms. Before assigning any agreements, you will need to enter the agreements under Home|ConfigureSystem|SystemLists|Agreements. To associate an agreement with a category, check the box of the agreements that apply. Here is an example of using agreements with people categories. You have decided to classify parents with a category of Visitor. Within the Visitor category, you have specified that a set of agreements, such as a Code of Conduct and/or a Non-disclosure Agreements, must be signed in advance of entering the location. When a parent arrives to sign in, PassagePoint will show the agreements on the screen of the PassagePoint Visitor Sign-in Station. Using a signature pad, they can sign that they agree to the terms. Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 13 Category Permissions Allow as Valid Sponsor of Visitors – People with this permission have the ability to host visitors. When a visit transaction is being entered, only people with categories that have this setting enabled will appear as hosts. Allow to be included in Directory – People with this category setting will appear under PassagePoint’s Directory Center. Directory people are typically your in-house people, such as staff and teachers. Students may optionally be included in the directory. Badge Designer PassagePoint provides an integrated badge design tool that allows complete control over how a badge or label looks and the information to be printed on a badge or label. The Badge Designer screen is used to create printing templates for both badges and labels. Once a template is complete, data is populated into the pre-defined template fields when a badge prints. The size of a badge used in a template is based on a user-defined stock size. STOCKSIZES Before a badge template can be created, you must have at least one badge stock size defined. To define stock sizes, choose Home | Configure System| Badge Designer | Stock Sizes. Badge Stock Sizes Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 14 A list of pre-defined stock sizes is listed in the Configured Badge Stocks table. Click “Add” or “Edit” to manage stock sizes. In the Setting Details screen, you can enter information about badge size, page layout of badge sheet, and separate printable size dimensions. To save edits, you must provide a Name for this badge stock configuration. Units – From the dropdown, pick whether the dimensions for this stock are in inches or centimeters. #BadgesAcross&Down – Enter the number of badges across and down on a badge print sheet. For badge label rolls, such as labels for Dymo printers, enter “1” for both Across and Down. BadgeWidth&Height – Specify the physical dimensions in inches or centimeters of each badge on a sheet or roll. Left&TopMargin – Margin is the edge of a sheet that is not printable. It is assumed that left and right are the same dimensions, as well as top and bottom. Horizontal&VerticalGap – Gap is the measurement of space between badges on a sheet. Enter “0” for badge rolls. Stock Print Size: BadgeWidth& Height – Specify the dimensions for the printable area of a badge. If the print size is the same as the physical label dimensions, then check the “Printable size same as badge” box. Landscape Layout – Check this box if the badge prints in landscape mode, i.e. where the badge width is greater than height. When landscape is checked, a badge based on this stock will be shown in Badge Design with a wide orientation. If the same stock is used for both portrait and landscape badges, create two stock configurations with the same dimension. Set one with landscape selected and the other without. Disable – Check the disable box if you do not want this stock size to be listed in Badge Design. BADGEDESIGNS Before a badge can be printed for a visitor, a badge template must be created.Manage badge designs by opening Home |Configure System|BadgeDesigner |BadgeDesigns. From the list of Configured Badges, you can click on “Add” or “Edit” to design a badge layout template. Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 15 Badge Designer Badges print based on a customized design template created in Badge Designs. Information that you want printed on a badge is added by simply dragging and dropping objects onto a badge layout canvas and configuring their properties. Similarly, objects on a layout can be removed by selecting it and pressing the <Delete> key. When a visitor is signed in on the Rapid Registration screen, a badge for that visitor can be printed by selecting a badge design from the dropdown list and checking Print Badge. Objects placed on a badge are layered based on a set priority. The objects on a layout canvas are ordered as follows, starting from furthest back to front: Background: image or color Graphics: rectangles and lines Import logo images Text: data objects and text area Barcodes: linear and 2D barcodes BadgeName – To be able to save a badge design, a Badge Name must be entered. This is a general name to identify this badge and will be used on PassagePoint Entry screens that allow for printing badges and labels. Stock Size –When creating a badge, choose a stock size from the dropdown list. This list is populated from the Stock Sizes configuration screen. The orientation of the badge is dependent on whether or not “Landscape Layout” was checked for this stock size. Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 16 DisableBadge– Badges which are disabled will not appear in the badge dropdown list on the Rapid Registration screen. Check the Disable Badge box to inactivate this badge design. Background – Click the “Background” button to specify a background style for this badge. The color or image that you select will remain in the very back of the badge layout as objects are placed on top of it. If you choose to use an image, the image can be placed on the badge centered (one image centered) or tiled (image repeated to fill badge layout). Click “Browse...” to select a file to import an image file as a background. Supported image files types are: .bmp, .jpg, .gif, .png and .tif Import Logo – Images can be placed on the layout by clicking the “Import Logo” button. Any text or barcodes that are placed on the badge layout will appear over the logo image. The difference between background and logo images is logo cannot be tiled and is one level above background. Select “Import Logo” to specify the logo file to insert. The supported image file formats are: .bmp, .jpg, .gif, .png and .tif Double Sided & Flip to Back – To design badges to have front and back sides, check the Double Sided box. When printing, two consecutive badge labels will print with one for front and the second for back. Click on the “Flip to Back” button to lay out the backside of the badge. Import & Export Badge – Badges can be saved externally and imported into PassagePoint. Use the “Export Badge” to initiate saving the current badge to an external file. To initiate an import of a badge design, click “Import Badges”. The file chooser dialog window appears allowing you to select a file for import or specify a name and location to export a file to. We recommend that you name your files with a .badge extension. Toolbar Your last action can be undone with the Undo arrow icon on the toolbar. To redo the last undo, click on the Redo arrow icon. Additionally, objects placed on a badge can be aligned with the six toolbar buttons for aligning left, center, right, top, middle and bottom. Select the various objects you want aligned and click on one of the six alignment buttons. Badge Designer Toolbar Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 17 BadgeObjects Objects listed in Badge Objects may be added to the badge layout canvas by dragging the object directly onto the canvas. To delete any items on the canvas, select it and press the <Delete> key. Database Objects The list of ‘data objects’ represent data items from the PassagePoint database. Objects are categorized as visit, host, and visitor data. Settings for the objects that have been dragged onto the badge canvas can be changed by selecting the one object and changing Object Properties. Objects that appear on the badge canvas are displayed with their object names. These names are replaced automatically with the actual data from the PassagePoint database at the time that the badge or label is printed. Graphics and Text These are static and graphical objects which can be placed on a badge. To add the object to your badge design, select the object and drag it onto the badge layout canvas. Delete objects on canvas with the <Delete> key. TextArea: Drag this object onto the badge layout canvas to specify a fixed line of text. Text that appears on the printed badge is modified within its “Text” Object Properties. LinearBarcode: A Linear Barcode can be configured to represent one of the following information: Access Card, Visit Number, Directory Number or a static value. The barcode value can be also display on the badge either above or below the barcode by choosing a setting from the “Text” dropdown in Object Properties. 2DBarcode: Information contained in a 2D Barcode can be mapped to multiple PassagePoint data fields. To assign data to the barcode, select the barcode and double-click on a blank field below the PDF417 Barcode label in Object Properties. Additional data items can be added to the 2D barcode by double clicking on the next blank line and selecting a data field. Similarly, double-click a line to change its assigned field. When creating a 2D Barcode with multiple data fields, allot extra room for it to expand for varying amounts of data. Object Properties To configure how an object displays on the badge, select an object on the badge layout canvas and set its properties in the Object Properties panel. Each object type has its unique property settings. All objects can be rotated 90 degrees by clicking on the rotate counter -clockwise or clockwise icon. Text fonts listed are those which are installed on the local Windows machine. Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 18 Set justification of text with the Alignment dropdown. Color of text and background for an object can be set by clicking sample color box. For photos, check Maintain Aspect Ratio to keep the image from being stretched. The corners of rectangles can be curved by setting a corner radius. Dates can be formatted by selecting the example format from the Date Format dropdown list. Barcode encoded information can be mapped by selecting the appropriate field from the list. See the Other Objects section above for details. Print Preview A sample of how the badge or label will appear can be viewed by clicking “Print Preview”. This may not be an accurate representation of your printed badge since length of data will vary. Station Preferences & Devices Hardware devices that are supported at a PassagePoint Station are configured from within the Station Preferences screen. Supported hardware for Global includes printers, Logitech cameras and Card Scanning Solutions scanners. To access the Station Preferences screen, open Home|Station Preferences. In the Station Preferences Screen, you can name the current station by clicking “Edit” in the top panel for Station. In the Station Details screen, you can also add a comment about the station and/or add address information. Station Preferences Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 19 MANAGING HARDWARE DEVICES To access the device configurations for this station, click the “Add”, “Edit” or “Remove” button in the bottom panel for Installed Devices. When adding a device, select the type of device to create a configuration. In subsequent screens, you will typically specify the manufacturer, model and configuration for the device. For devices that are manufacturer and/or model independent, such as barcode scanners, you may only see a configuration screen. Before adding a device, install the driver from the device manufacturer. After adding device configurations to your station, we suggest that you close PassagePoint and restart it before trying to perform capture scans. Editing a device allows you to only edit the configuration for the device. You will not be able to specify the make and model within edit. To specify a new manufacturer and model, we recommend that you add a new device configuration. Cameras When adding a Logitech camera, you first need to install the drivers. Logitech cameras are connected via a station’s USB 2.0 port. Logitech camera drivers will install as a generic Logitech Camera, aWIA Logitech QuickCam, or both. Additionally, PassagePoint installs a generic camera driver named Video DataSource. Any of these source types is supported by PassagePoint. Choosing WIA as the source will activate Logitech’s camera wizard for capturing photos and its photo album utility during photo capture. Camera Setup Business Card / ID/ Passport Scanners Several Card Scanning Solution scanners are supported with PassagePoint, including SnapShell, ScanShell 800, 800N and 1000. Depending on the model, you will be able to capture data from business cards, driver’s licenses, ID cards, or passports. Additionally, a Magshell 900 scanner can be added for scanning the magnetic strip information on the back of licenses. Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 20 On the Device Configuration screen for some scanner models, there is a “Calibrate” button that allows you to reset the scanner. When calibrating the ScanShell flatbed scanners, Card Scanning Solutions recommends that you have the cover open during the calibration procedure. For some scanners, you will need to insert a calibration sheet into the scanner. Consult your hardware documentation for calibration instructions. Print Setup Whenever a scanner doesn’t seem to correctly capture major portions of data, use the “Calibrate” button to re-calibrate and initialize the scanner. This will typically resolve most scanner issues. To recalibrate a scanner, select the scanner configuration from Installed Devices in Home|Station Preferences and click “Edit”. From the Device Configuration screen, click “Calibrate”. Badge Printers Printers for printing badges are configured in Station Preferences. Printers for reports do not need to be configured within PassagePoint. When reports are printed, a Print Setup dialog will appear that allows users to select the printer to use. Printer queues for your badge printers need to be configured in Windows Printers and Faxes before adding it to PassagePoint. When adding and editing a printer configuration, you will find that the Device Configuration screen has a “Setup Printer...” button. Clicking this button will open the Windows Print Setup screen. Print Setup Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 21 Printer Device Configuration Specify the printer you are configuring by selecting the printer from the “Printer Name:” dropdown. The size of badge stock can be selected in the Paper section. Specify the orientation of your badge by selecting landscape or portrait layouts. If portrait and landscape badges are printed, then create a second printer configuration to handle the second layout format. Click “Properties...” to specify additional printer settings. This includes settings such as Page Ordering which would be applied when printing badges for multiple visitors in a group. In the Paper/Quality tab, specifying Black & White or Color has similar print results. Printer Properties For Dymo printers, you can specify the print quality, density and halftone settings by clicking “Advanced...” from the Properties screen. We suggest using these settings: Halftoning: Photo Quality Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 22 Print Quality: Barcodes and Graphics Print Density: Dark Printer Advanced Options Barcode Scanner Devices Signing people in and out can be drastically sped up by scanning barcodes printed on badges or sent via Email. When configuring barcode devices, choose Symbol/Motorola when configuring one of their barcode scanners. For scanners from other manufacturers, choose Generic serial barcode scanner and configure your scanner as a COMport device. After selecting the manufacturer, specify a name for your device on the Device Configuration screen. Barcode Scanner Configuration Additionally, you will need to configure a Barcode Scan Policy to set how barcodes are handled when scanned. Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 23 Signature Capture Devices Using a Topaz signature capture pad, people can electronically sign agreements. Any agreement may be added to PassagePoint for people to sign during registration time, including non disclosures, personal releases and acknowledgments. To configure a signature pad, select Signature Capture Pads from Station Preferences’ Configure Device screen. Select one of the supported models of the Topaz signature pad, i.e. either SignatureGem1x4 or 4x5. On the Device Configuration screen, enter a name for the signature pad and specify the port. Typically, Topaz will appear as a HID1 port device. Signature Capture Configuration Biometric Fingerprint Scanner Devices Fingerprint scans can be used to identify a person for easy registration. A new person can be enrolled into the biometric database on their first sign-in. On return, for sign-out, or subsequent registrations, their fingerprint can be scanned to identify them and bring up their record. Currently, PassagePoint supports the M2-Hamster scanner from M2Sys. To configure a fingerprint scanner, choose “Biometric Fingerprint Scanner” from the list of Configure Device screen when clicking Add or Edit from Station Preferences. On the second configuration screen, specify the name of the device. Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 24 Biometric Scanner Configuration External Systems People data from external systems can be imported into PassagePoint. This includes importing people into Directory, Visit Pre-Registration and Extended Authorization. Additionally, PassagePoint allows for verifying visitors against an on-line Megan’s Law Sex Offender database. IMPORTMAPPINGS The import process entails creating an Import Mapping and running it against a text import file in a Center screen. To import people or Watch List data into PassagePoint, first create an Import Map. A map defines the format of the import file and the data fields that the import data gets saved to. To define or edit an Import Map open Home | Configure System| External Systems | ImportMappings. Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 25 ImportMapper Screen In this section, we will use standard relational database terminology, such as rows and columns. Imagine data in the import file as a grid where rows are each new data record, e.g. each person in the import file is a row. A column represents a data value of a particular type, e.g. city data for people is a column. To create an Import Map, click “Add” from the Configured Import Mappings panel. If the configuration of the map changes, such as a change to people category, file format setting, or column ordering, you will need to either edit or add a new mapping before attempting to run the import. Data Set You can either import directory people or Watch List people. Choose between either to import people or Watch List in the Data Set panel. With people, select the category for the data set that you will import. Watch List requires specifying a Threat Level for the import data set. The category or threat level that you select will be used for all records imported in a single import session. If your one import file contains multiple categories of people or multiple threat levels for the Watch List, you will need to split the file into multiple files based on category or threat level and create multiple Import Maps for each. Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 26 File Format Under File Format, specify the delimiters for columns. Columns may be separated by space, tab, comma or semicolon. Each column can also be enclosed with single or double quotes. For cases where an import record is already found in PassagePoint, you can specify to have the import record added as a duplicate by picking Append in the Duplicates dropdown. Alternatively, you can replace the PassagePoint record with the import data by selecting Replace. This is useful if a previous import was not successful and you want to re-import the data. One last choice is to skip the import of the record and have the data already in PassagePoint remain as is. After adding column mappings, use Key Field to specify the column to use for checking for duplicates. Key Field is only active when Duplicate is set to skip or replace, since append means to always add regardless of duplicates. Columns listed for key fields are is unique to a person, such as E-mail, phone number or a unique ID. Column Mapping Columns to be imported are mapped to fields within PassagePoint in the Column Mapping panel. This correlate data from the import file to the data fields within PassagePoint. Column Mapping in Import Mapper Click “Add Column” to insert a column into the mapping. New columns are added at the end on the right. From the column dropdown, select the PassagePoint field that this data will be saved to. Skip indicates to ignore data in that particular import column. To delete a column, select the column by clicking the column map dropdown and clicking “Delete Column”. Test the import map by clicking the “Test” button and specifying an import file. PassagePoint will display the first nine lines of data that would be imported from the specified file. Running Imports Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 27 After defining an Import Map, you can import data into PassagePoint by using the import features within the Visit and Directory Centers. EXTERNAL WATCHLIST – SEX OFFENDER NOTE: This feature requires that you purchase a subscription to a sex offender screening service. Contact a STOPware sales representative to enquire about purchasing a subscription if you don’t have one. PassagePoint has the ability to check visitors against a Megan’s Law Sexual Offender database. When a visitor arrives, you can check the person against a national sex offender database by entering the person’s full name and optionally their date of birth. When matches are found, you will be able to view details on the matching offenders including their physical description, address, offense and photo. Configuring Sex Offender Account To be able to conduct Sex Offender searches, you need to configure your Sex Offender account. Configure the Sex Offender Watch List interface by accessing Home|ConfigureSystem|External Systems|ExternalWatchList and select “Sex Offender”. Click “Edit” to enter the account information you received for your subscription. Sex Offender Watch List Settings In the Setting Details screen, specify the User ID, Password and Package ID information. Note that the account information is case sensitive. Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 28 To test your account, conduct a search for an offender under Home|SecurityCenter|SexOffender Search. A search result of either “No matches found” or “Match found” indicates that your account has been correctly configured. If it returns an error, then the account information is either incorrect or your account is not active. Searching the Sex OffenderDatabase In the Visit Center, you will find a “Sex Offender Search” button on various screens. After entering a visitor name or after scanning a driver’s license, state ID or passport, you can click this button to conduct an offender search. Search queries are sent over the Internet to the sex offender screening web database. When the search completes, a dialog screen will display whether a match was found or not. If a match is found, click “OK” to display detailed information about matching offenders. If an error message is displayed, check your account configuration and make sure your account is active. Alternatively, you can use the Sex Offender Search screen under SecurityCenter|ExternalLists. Enter the person’s full name and optionally their date of birth and click “Search” to query sex offender database. Sex Offender Search Policy Manager PassagePoint provides you with the capability of modifying the fields on a screen. Screens can be customized based on a user’s role and category of people. Field properties which may be altered include enabling users to change data and control the visibility of fields. Additionally, labels for fields can be modified to suit your needs, which is critical for renaming custom fields. To create a Screen Policy, access Home | Configure System| PolicyManager | Screen Policy. From within Configured Policies, you can click “Add” or “Edit” to manage a Screen Policy. Either button will open a Setting Details window that allows you to name the policy, modify a screen setting, and apply the policy to multiple User Roles. Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 29 Screen Policy Settings EDIT SCREEN SETTINGS Multiple screens may be modified under a single policy. To edit elements on a screen, select the Center and Screen Name from the dropdowns and click “Edit Screen Settings”. The Screen Policy Editor opens and displays a mock of the screen to be edited with panels for modifying screen elements. Screen Policy Editor Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 30 The modifier panels shown on the left side of the Screen Policy Editor allows you to navigate to the various screen elements and change their properties. Additionally, you can create a category group that will be affected by this screen edit. A third panel controls the properties of elements on the screen and is used to set enable / disable editing, visible / invisible and field label text. Setting Enabled Fields As Non-editable Fields and elements on screens can be made to not be non-editable by setting their Enable property to False. Before setting the property, create a Category Group that this field enabling / disabling will be applied to. See the ApplyingScreenPolicies section for more details on defining Category Groups. To change the Enabled property, first select the field that you want to modify by clicking the field in the mock screen or selecting it from the structure panel. Next, select the Category Group that this property will affect. Then in the Properties panel, select the Enabled pane and set it to False. Switching between Category Groups will show elements that have been altered highlighted in pink. Setting Visibility of Fields Fields and elements on the screen can be hidden from users by setting their Visible property to False. Select a field, label or element that you want hidden by clicking on the item in the mock screen or by selecting it from the structure panel. Next choose the Category Group that this visibility setting affects. In the Properties panel, click Visibility and set the value to False for hidden. Switch between Category Groups to display the screen elements that have been modified. Re-labeling Fields Labels for fields can be renamed. This is handy if you are using custom fields to manage additional data that is not typically maintained by PassagePoint. As with Enabled and Visible, first select the label to modify and choose a Category Group. In the Properties panel, choose the Label Text pane and enter the new label value. If you want to reset the label to its default, delete the value for Label. Selecting between different Category Groups will show the labels that are applied for each. Modified labels display with pink highlights. APPLYING SCREEN POLICIES Screen Policies are applied to a group of Categories and to selected User Roles. When creating a policy, you can define a Category group that the screen policy applies to. To create a Category group, click the “New” button in the Category panel in the Screen Policy Editor. Select the category of people that you want this policy to be applied to. Any categories not selected in a Category Group will remain in the Default Category Group. To apply the setting to all categories, use the Default Category Group without creating any new groups. At Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 31 runtime when a user selects a category for the visitor, the screen will be modified automatically if their user login has a User Role that has a policy. After making screen policy edits, save your changes by closing the editor with the “X” windows icon. On the policy screen, make sure that the policy is given a name. In the Apply To panel, choose the User Roles that this policy applies to. At runtime, user logins which use this User Role will see modified screens. Control Center The Control Center is a hierarchical representation of your organization’s locations. It is an advanced security feature that allows an administrator to tailor the visibility of data and Custom settings can be placed into locations within the tree that affect the visibility of data and the access to secure data. For instance, a receptionist of one campus may only be allowed to view data for their local campus, while another receptionist in a remote campus may be allowed to view data for all locations. Allocation Tree allows for diverse settings as such. ENABLING CONTROL CENTER To access the Control Center, open Home|ConfigureSystem|ControlCenter. The first time that you try to access the Control Center, you will see the following message: This option enables the Control Center option which allows you to place settings into different location in a virtual tree. The tree represents the physical locations of where you use the PassagePoint Client application. Click “Enable Control Center” to active the tree. The Allocation Editor is divided into two panels. The top panel manages the location hierarchy, while the lower panel is settings and resources that are assigned to the selected location. DISABLING CONTROL CENTER After the Control Center has been activated, disabling the tree means that all settings which were assigned to locations will no longer be in effect. The system will use settings that have been designated as default. For instance, if you have multiple lists of Arrival Instructions, the list that you have set as default will be the Arrival Instructions that will appear in Instruction dropdowns. A disabled tree can be re-enabled by clicking “Enable Control Center”. ALLOCATION EDITOR To add a location and assign custom settings, click the “Edit Locations & Allocations” button on the main Control Center configuration tree to bring up the Allocation Editor. As with the main screen, the editor is sectioned into a mange locations panel and an assign resources panel. The bottom panel is used to assign resources to the location selected in the top panel. Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 32 Allocation Editor Managing Locations in Location Hierarchy Locations are created from the Location Hierarchy panel in the Allocation Editor screen. The location hierarchy is sometimes referred to an Allocation Tree. We recommend that you group your physical locations into logical groupings. For example, an enterprise at the top level may have groupings below it such as campus sites. Within each campus location grouping would be sub-categories, such as buildings. Buildings can then be subdivided according to their own grouping, such as lobbies or departments within a campus. These groupings can be represented in the tree structure within Control Center’s Allocation Tree. Sublevels are graphically represented with an arrowhead symbol next to a location name. Location Hierarchy Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 33 Enterprise-wide is a special location which cannot be deleted. It is the top-most location is the Control Center’s Allocation Tree. In a hierarchical structure, this is usually referred to as the root of the tree. There can only be one top-most location. To rename Enterprise-wide or specify a default time zone for the enterprise, select it and click “Edit”. To add a location to the Allocation Tree, select the location grouping for the item you would like added and click “Add”. For example, to add “Santa Clara Campus” as a location under Enterprise-wide, select Enterprise-wide. Clicking “Add” will open a configuration screen that lets you specify the name of the location and a time zone for this location. Selecting a time zone is important if you are dealing with locations in different time zones as transaction will be displayed in their local time. To edit a location, select the location and click “Edit”. Similarly, delete a location by selecting it and clicking “Delete”. Assigning Configurations to Locations From within the Allocation Editor, you can assign resources and configurations to a selected location. The process to assign a configuration to a location is accomplished by following these steps: Select the location from the Location Hierarchy Select a configuration from the list of Available Configurations and Resources Click “>>” to assign the selected configuration to this location The “Allocations for Selected Location” panel shows two panes. The left pane shows the configurations and resources that are available to be assigned to this location. The right pane shows those that have been assigned to this location. To assign a setting or resource, select the item from the Available Configurations pane and click the “>>” button. Most configurations can be reused in multiple locations. In some cases when a resource of setting is only assignable to one location, a warning message will appear and the configuration will move automatically from its assigned location in the tree to this new location. To unassign a configuration from this location, select the configuration and click the “<<” button to move the configuration back into the Available Configurations list. Assigning Stations Note: If Control Center is activated, Stations must be placed in the tree for allocated settings and resources to be applied properly. Settings and resources are accessible based on Station locations. When a setting or resource is needed at run-time, it looks for the settings and/or resources up the tree from where the Client Station resides. Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 34 The exception to this is Destinations, where the list of destination locations is obtained based on station location on down the tree. Assigning Stations to Location Assigning Product Licenses Client Stations will be allowed to log into the PassagePoint Server if an available client license is found in that station’s location tree path. When a Client Station logs in, it looks for a license starting at its Station location on up the tree to find an available license. Client licenses are based on concurrent usage. Assigning User Accounts A user can log into PassagePoint only if the Client Station is at the same location as his/her User Account or below. Users are not allowed to log into stations above their location in the tree. Power users should be placed higher up in the tree. Accounts place lower in the tree will have more limited login capabilities than those placed higher. Assigning System Lists Lists typically are used in dropdowns on entry screens. At run-time, user will see the first List that is found starting at the Stations location in the tree on upward. This is helpful to limit the number of items in a dropdown list that a user will need to choose from. Assigning Destinations Destinations should be assigned to their logical location in the Allocation Tree. A user will be able to see destinations which are based on their Station location in the tree on downward. Copyright © 2015 STOPWare, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 35