GVSD UBD Template Clarifications Documents Course Title: Unit 3: Economics Grade Level(s): Time Frame: 5 weeks Stage 1: IDENTIFY DESIRED RESULTS Pennsylvania Content Standards Standard Area - 6.1: Scarcity and Choice 6.1.7.A: Explain how limited resources and unlimited wants cause scarcity. 6.1.7.B: Compare decisions made because of limited resources and unlimited wants. Describe how resources are combined to produce different goods and services. 6.1.7.C: Define opportunity cost and describe the opportunity cost of personal choice. 6.1.7.D: Explain how positive and negative incentives affect behavior. Standard Area - 6.2: Markets and Economic Systems 6.2.7.A: Describe the interaction of consumers and producers of goods and services in the state and national economy. 6.2.7.B: Explain why and how market competition takes place. 6.2.7.C: Explain how advertising influences economic decisions. 6.2.7.D: Explain the effects that changes in price have on buyers and sellers. 6.2.7.E: Explain the causes and effects of expansion and contraction of businesses. 6.2.7.F: Explain the influence of private economic institutions on the local and state economy. 6.2.7.G: Examine how various economic systems address the three basic questions. What to produce? How? For whom? CC.8.5: Reading Informational Text: Students read, understand, and respond to informational text – with emphasis on comprehension, making connections among ideas and between texts with focus on textual evidence. CC.8.6: Writing: Students write for different purposes and audiences. Students write clear and focused text to convey a well-defined perspective and appropriate content. (Updated 2015) Major Learnings Basics Concepts: Economics is the study of human choices regarding the allocation of limited resources including money, time, goods, services, and raw materials. Essential Questions How does scarcity influence the decisions people make? Guiding Questions GVSD UBD Template Clarifications Documents What is the difference between a need and a want? How does Opportunity Cost and the Law of Scarcity effect decision making? Where do different economies fall on the economic spectrum? How does surplus and shortage influence price? How does supply and demand affect price in a market economy? Why is economic interdependence an important concept in today’s world economy? Knowledge/Skills Students will know (knowledge): A need is something essential for life. A want is a luxury. In order to get something, you must give something up all resources are limited (Law of Scarcity). Traditional (Past customs), Market (supply and demand), and Command (government control). Supply is the amount of good/service available at any given time. Demand is the willingness of a consumer to buy a product. As prices go up producers produce more and consumers demand less. As prices go down, producers produce less and consumers consume less (Law of Supply and Demand). Equilibrium price(point) is when quantity supplied equals quantity demanded. That economies around the world must depend on each other. The Economic Spectrum from Socialism to Capitalism. Students will be able to (skills): Create a budget. Identify surplus and shortage based on supply and demand in our Mixed Economy. Identify where countries lie on the Economic spectrum. Stage 2: DETERMINE ACCEPTABLE EVIDENCE Summative Assessments: After understanding how scarcity influences decision making, students will create and analyze a budget. Formative Assessments: Unit Test Homework questions Quiz(zes) Learning Plan STAGE 3: DEVELOP LEARNING PLAN Introduction to Economics- reading / activity Understanding Needs vs Wants Law of Scarcity 3 Types of Economies / Economic Spectrum Understanding Supply and Demand- law, graphs, equilibrium point (price), Price Credit Card lesson Summative Activity- Budget Notes throughout the unit RESOURCES GVSD UBD Template Clarifications Documents Moodle Site for additional readings, activities, web sites and video clips. “In the Chips” – FTE website- http://www.fte.org/ Budget Excel Sheet for Budget Activity Economic Spectrum Websitehttp://www.blackgold.ab.ca/ict/Division4/Social/Political%20Spectrum/index.htm Money Managinghttp://pbskids.org/itsmylife/money/managing/article9.html Pricing (Supply and Demand)http://www.econedlink.org/lessons/index.php?lesson=747&page=teacher Online encyclopediahttp://www.encyclopedia.com/ Current Events / Journal Activity / Writing Activities throughout as recommended activities (web blogging) Unit Vocabulary Need Want Opportunity Cost Law of Scarcity Economic Spectrum Surplus Supply Price Law of Supply Law of Demand Equilibrium point (price) Economic Interdependence Demand Shortage