Ss Snake is slowly slithering, over the soft soft ground “s,sss” is his soft little hissing sound. Aa When all of the ants are on the ground I do not make a single sound. But when the ants crawl up my arm I say “a,a,a” till they all go away. Ti “T,t,t, t, t” is the sound of the tennis ball. “t,t,t, t,” over the net so tall. Ii As a little white mouse, crept into her house her tail tipped over the ink. “i, i “ she squeaked as the wet ink leaked and she scurried off in a wink. Pp To say happy birthday, because she was big Sally helped make a cake in the shape of a pig. But try as she might to blow the candles out, “p,p,p,p,p,p,” was all she could spout. Nn As the noisy plane soars in the sky, nnn is the sound way up high. Nnn will be its noisy sound until it is back on the ground. Ck c, k, c, k, c k, c, k, c, k Is the sound of the castanets. c, k, c, k, c k, c, k, c, k Can you click them faster yet? Ee (Pretend to hold an egg and cracking it) As everyone you know can tell You can’t eat an egg in the shell We say “e e e” (short sound like e – gg) as clear as a bell And crack the shell open so well H (Act as if panting after a race) “H h h h h” is all that I can say H h h h hoping all the way Rr ( When rags the dog wants me to go away “r r r r” is all that he needs to say “r r r r r”. Mm Mm, mm, Mmm, (rubbing their tummy as if eating something yummy!) Marvelous meals, marvelous meals Macorni, mushrooms, milkshakes and more M m m, m m m Dd Ddd,dddd, I like to play my drum Ddd,ddd I play it with my thumb Gg Gurgle gurgle gurgle gurgle Went the water spout Gurgle gurgle gurgle gurgle As the water came gushing out O On, off, on, off It’s time to flick the light It’s time to flick the light On, off, on, off It turns from day to night It turns from day to night Ll Lick a lollipop Do not let it drop Cherry, orange, lemon, lime Which will you choose this time Ff 1,2,3,4,5 My inflattable fish looks alive 6,7,8,9,10 His air is coming out again ffffff Bb Bat, bat, bat, bat Bat the ball Bat, bat, bat, bat Bat the ball Bat, bat, bat, bat Bat the ball Is what we hear our teacher call J Jelly in the bowl Jelly in the bowl Jiggle, joggle Jiggle, joggle See it jiggle and roll (tune the Farmer in the Dell) Zz The buzzing bee Z,z,z,z,z Z,z,z,z,z Is the sound of the buzzing bee. Z,z,z,z,z Z,z,z,z,z I hope he doesn’t sting me. Tune: La Cucaracha W The wind When the cold wind blows the leaves around W,w,w,w,w, They quickly fall to the ground W,w,w,w,w Tune: Nobody Likes Me V Vic’s Van Vvvroom, vvvroom Vic always drives his van Vic always drives his van VVVVVroom, vvvvvroom As carefully as he can As carefully as he can Tune; Frere Jacques Yy Yummy Yogurt Yummy yellow yogurt Yum, yum, yum, yum, yummy Tastes so delicious As it goes down in my tummy. Tune: It Ain’t Gonna Rain Xx X-ray Ks,ks,ks,ks,ks,ks Is the sound of the x-ray machine. Ks,ks,ks,ks,ks,ks On the x-ray my bones can be seen Tune: Jingle bells QU Quack Quack The little ducklings want to play They all quickly swim away When mother duck says quack, quack, quack All her ducklings come swimming back. Quack, quack, quack! Tune: 6 little ducks