electronic communications and friending - Frankfort

The relationship between the teacher and the student should be one of cooperation,
understanding and mutual respect. All employees have a responsibility to provide an
atmosphere that is conducive to learning, as well as to motivate each student to
perform to his/her capacity.
The Board of Education believes that students and staff members, coaches, volunteers,
should interact with each other in a warm, open, and positive fashion. School district
employees and/or volunteers shall at the same time maintain a professional, ethical
relationship with District students that is conducive to an effective and safe learning
environment. School District employees and volunteers are expected to act as role
models for students, whether on or off school property, both during and outside school
To successfully achieve the educational mission of the District, there must be a certain
“distance” maintained in the relationship between students and staff to maintain and
preserve the professional atmosphere. It is understood that teachers, staff and
volunteers will establish appropriate personal boundaries with students and not engage
in any behavior that either violates the educational mission of the District, or could
reasonably lead to the appearance of impropriety.
To help achieve these goals, the Board of Education does hereby adopt a policy
designed to address appropriate staff-student relations.
It is the expectation of the District that teachers, staff, coaches, and volunteers will use
the Internet and other electronic communication devices in a professional manner and
are encouraged to use these types of technology for educational and instructional
purposes. This includes the use of social networking sites (i.e. Facebook and My
Space). It also includes the use of twitter accounts, blogs, and the like as mediums to
communicate within the community (i.e. parents, students, staff, community
members, etc…).
To avoid potential issues of impropriety, inappropriate behavior, or bias, or the
appearance thereof, teachers, staff, coaches, and volunteers must abide by the
following guidelines:
A. No teacher, staff member, coach, or volunteer shall, in their capacity as a school
official, use the Internet or other electronic communication devices for the purpose
of sending, communicating or posting messages or images that:
1. Violate the District Policies on Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination and
Child Abuse in An Educational Setting
2. Are personal in nature and not related to legitimate school business;
3. Contain confidential information to persons not authorized to receive this
4. Contain material as defined by a reasonable person as inappropriate or
obscene or sexual in nature
5. Discuss students or co-workers
6. Are, or can be, interpreted as being provocative or flirtatious
7. Are or can be interpreted as being inappropriate contact with students
8. Are racist, sexist or promote illegal or unethical activity
9. Exhibit or advocate the use of drugs or alcohol
10. Include pictures and/or descriptions of students of the District.
B. Use of Cell Phones & Text Messaging
1. Teachers, staff, coaches, and volunteers may use text messaging for the
purposes of communicating school-related team, group or class
information, but such communications must be sent to all parties at one
2. Teachers, staff, coaches, and volunteers should not be texting students on
an individual basis.
3. Teachers, staff, coaches, and volunteers shall limit cell phone conversations
with students to contacts that relate to legitimate school business. For
purposes of this Policy, legitimate school business shall include:
a. Answering academic inquiries regarding homework, other classroom
work, or assignments;
b. Clarifying classroom expectations and/or assignments;
c. Notifications related to classroom, club, or sports schedules, events,
trips, assignments and/or deadlines.
4. Teacher, staff, coaches and volunteers who receive text messages from
students, that do not relate to legitimate school business, should notify
their principal.
C. Use of E-Mail
1. E-mail is the recommended method for electronic communication between
teachers, staff, coaches and volunteers with parents and students.
2. Contact via e-mail will be restricted to legitimate school business as outlined
in Section II-B-3 above.
A. Teachers, staff, coaches, and volunteers shall not initiate or communicate with
current students:
1. Through social networking sites such as, but not limited to Facebook and My
2. Through Twitter or any Instant Messaging websites, software or mobile
B. Teachers, staff, coaches and volunteers
1. Shall not list or accept students currently enrolled in the Frankfort-Schuyler
Central School District as “friends” on social networking sites.”
2. Shall not knowingly communicate or “friend” current Frankfort-Schuyler Central
School District students on personal social networking sites.
C. Family Members: The provisions contained in this Policy that restrict
communications between District employees and/or volunteers with students and
their parents/guardians shall not apply to communications between District
employees and/or volunteers and their immediate families.
A. No teacher, staff member, coach, or volunteer may use his or her status as a
District official to adversely influence a student of the District. No employee or
volunteer may date, make advances toward, or engage in any sexual relationship
with a District student, regardless of student’s age, the perceived consensual
nature of the relationship, whether or not the student welcomes or reciprocates
the relationship, or whether the employee or volunteer directly supervises the
B. Teachers, staff members, coaches and volunteers are expected to conduct
themselves at all times with dignity benefiting their position with the District.
Fraternization between District officials, volunteers, and students is strictly
Disciplinary action, should it be necessary relative to this policy, will be applied in
accordance with applicable laws, Board of Education policies and/or per the terms and
conditions of existing collective bargaining agreements.
BOE Adopted: 10/14/14