Electronic communication

Electronic communication
This unit provides Learners with some of the knowledge and understanding of administration practice together with the basic computer skills
required within an office environment to pursue careers such as secretaries and administrators. Learners will have the opportunity to apply
appropriate electronic communication skills with regard to sending and receiving emails using the basic features of appropriate software. This
unit includes:
consideration of the importance of electronic communication and thus careers in an office environment;
developing skill in interpreting information and applying appropriate action;
developing skill in the use of sending and receiving email;
working as part of a team in a business;
consideration of career opportunities for customer service staff;
a review of evaluation and performance.
Learners should be able to:
demonstrate effectively how to communicate electronically through the use of email;
identify suitable methods of sending a variety of information within the office environment;
list some examples of the types of email that are sent and received within the office environment;
log on and log off email software correctly;
use the following tools within email software for :
o receiving and opening an email
o replying to a received email
o creating a new email
o sending an email to and individual person and more than one person
o opening attachments;
identify parts of an email message and their importance;
identify how to set out an email;
use a spell checker within an email document;
make judgements as to how to respond to a received email;
recognise and delete unwanted emails;
understand what is meant by spam mail;
understand when an email message still has to be read and which ones have been read;
understand what an email address looks like;
understand what is meant by an attachment;
consider the environmental impact of using email;
have an awareness of employment opportunities related to the use of email;
evaluate their own performance with regard to sending and receiving emails.
Unit Title : Electronic
Assessment Criteria
Health and Safety environment
and related careers
Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 3
Learners with significant help will:
Learners with some help will:
Learners with little or no help will:
Be able to select one
environmental benefit of using
Explain two environmental
benefits of using email.
Explain three environmental
benefits of using email.
Identify jobs that someone with
email skills might apply for.
Identify three jobs that someone
with email skills might apply for.
Explain the responsibilities of
these jobs.
Identify one job that someone
with email skills might apply for.
Identify one health and safety
issue relating to computers.
Materials and related skills knowledge
Identify two health and safety
issues relating to computers.
Demonstrate a basic knowledge
and understanding of sending and
receiving emails.
Demonstrate a reasonable
knowledge and understanding of
sending and receiving emails.
Identify at least three health and
safety issues relating to
computers and explain the
importance of working in a safe
Demonstrate a good knowledge
and understanding of sending and
receiving emails.
Identify one benefit of using email
in the office environment.
Identify two benefits of using
email in the office environment.
Identify three benefits of using
email in the office environment.
Identify a disadvantage of using
email in the office environment.
Understand the value of using email
and email software procedures and
Select one type of information
that can be sent through email
Select two types of information
that can be sent through email
With help follow a sequence of
instructions to log into email
Follow a sequence of
instructions to log into email
Identify the purpose of one of
the following: In folder, Sent
folder and Delete folder
Select an email message which has
not been read, open and read it
applying knowledge of its layout
Identify one message in a
mailbox still to be read
Open one unread email
message without an
Identify the parts of one sent
email message: who sent it,
their email address
Select an email message which has
an attachment and be able to open the
attachment and save it into an
appropriate folder
Identify the purpose of two of the
following: In folder, Sent folder
and Delete folder
Select three types of
information that can be sent
through email
Independently log into email
Identify the purpose of all of the
following: In folder, Sent folder
and Delete folder
Identify two messages in a
mailbox still to be read
Identify three messages in a
mailbox still to be read
Open two unread email
messages without an
Open three unread email
messages without an
Identify the parts of one sent
email message: who sent it,
their email address, when it
was sent and the body
Identify the parts of two sent
email messages: who sent it,
their email address, when it
was sent the body and
Identify one message which
has an attachment
Identify a message which has two
Open one unread email
message with an attachment
Open two unread email
messages with attachments
Identify two messages which
each have two attachments
Open two unread email
messages with two
Understand different ways to respond
to emails
Create and send a new email with an
awareness of what an email address is
Send an email to more than one
and open the attachment
open the attachments
attachments and open the
Save one attachment to a
folder on the computer
Save two attachments to a
folder on the computer
Respond to one email
message using any one of the
 reply
 forward
 delete
Respond to two email
messages using any two of
the following
 reply
 forward
 delete
Respond to three email
messages using all of the
 reply
 forward
 delete
Select one email address from
a list of given addresses
Select two email address from
a list of given addresses
Select three email address
from a list of given addresses
Compose one email message
with a given Subject, email
address and complete
Compose one email message
with a given Subject, email
address and an outline of the
Compose one email message
with a given Subject, email
address and very brief outline
of the content
Spell check the message
content with help
Spell check the message
content with some help
Spell check the message
content independently
Send one email to one given
Send two emails to two
different addresses
Send three emails to three
different addresses
Send one email to two
different addresses using
either cc or ;
Send one email to three
different addresses using
either cc or ;
Send two emails to three
different addresses using
either cc or ;
Save three attachments to two
different folders on the
Task Evaluation
Final Evaluation
 Show evidence of how they
have performed in each
practical task
 Indicate how they have
performed in reading and
sending emails.
 Show evidence of how they
have performed in each
practical task and suggest
how they might improve.
 Indicate how they have
performed reading and
sending emails and suggest
how they might improve.
 Show evidence of how they
have performed in each
practical task and show
evidence of a basic evaluation.
 Indicate how they have
performed in reading and
sending emails and produce a
basic self-reflective statement
about the learning process in
this unit.
Exemplar Assessment
You work as receptionist in a local carpet showroom. Your job is to deal with customer email. Email is an important method of communication
because customers have stock questions and the administration side of the carpet showroom have to let customers know when they are going
to fit the carpets they purchased. You have also been asked to deal appropriately with any email queries received and send emails to
customers as requested.
To help you the carpet showroom has provided you with some pieces of information.
1. A list of customer and email details who have purchased carpets and require emailing with the times these carpets are being fitted.
2. An attachment that is a catalogue of information about carpets presently in stock so that you access stock information if needed
3. A list of email addresses of employees in the business so that any other customer queries can be directed to the right person in the
 answer questions and demonstrate knowledge and understanding of requirements;
 log on, read and answer incoming email queries as appropriate;
 send emails to given customers stating appropriate carpet fitting times;
 save the catalogue attachment sent to them by administration so it is easy to access;
 if needed forward any emails to the appropriate personnel within the business;
evaluate your own performance in the practical activity.