Cuckoos -

15 pts Total
Attention to Detail
5 pts
*Did you incorporate as
many aspects of the
narrative that could be
shown in a visual?
5 pts
Were you working
diligently on the task at
hand for the full time
allotted to you?
Artistic Skill
5 pts
Does it appear that you
tried your best to
capture this scene?
 Schizophrenia is a chronic,
severe, and disabling brain
disorder that affects about 1.1
percect of the U.S. population
age 18 and older in a given
 People with schizophrenia
sometimes hear voices others
don’t hear, believe that others
are broadcasting their
thoughts to the world, or
become convinced that others
are plotting to harm them.
These experiences can make
them fearful and withdrawn
and cause difficulties when
they try to have relationships
with others.”
 Symptoms usually develop in
men in their late teens or early
twenties and women in their
twenties and thirties, but in rare
cases, can appear in childhood.
They can include hallucinations,
delusions, disordered thinking,
movement disorders, flat affect,
social withdrawl, and cognitive
 Currently, this is a time of hope
for people with schizophrenia.
Although the causes of the
diseases have not been
determined, current treatments
can eliminate many of the
symptoms and allow people with
schizophrenia to live independent
and fulfilling lives in the
Journal #2
 Please write ½ page on one of the following
 Prompt #1:.What constitutes mental
illness? For what types of behaviors, if any
should people be institutionalized (put
away in a hospital)?
 Prompt #2:What basic rights, if any, should
be denied someone exhibiting mental
Thesis Statements
 A thesis statement is
 the sentence that states the essay’s purpose
 provides justification to read the essay
 presents an assertion sufficiently limited to
find support in the essay.
 It is the central argument around which the
essay revolves.
Thesis Statements
 A good thesis does the following:
 1. Expresses the main idea
 2. Answers or sets up the “So What” Question.
 3. Says something meaningful & answers an
interpretive question.
 4. Presents an arguable statement which can be
supported with sustained evidence.
 5. Should be a COMPLEX sentence.
Various Levels of Thesis Statements
 1. Static: unchanging, still inactive
 Twain uses humor in The
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn for
many reasons.
 SO WHAT? What are the REASONS?
Various Levels of Thesis Statements
 2. Dynamic:
lively, active, growing,
 Example: Twain uses humor in The
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to
accomplish his goal.
Various Levels of Thesis Statements
 3. Integrated: brings together
processes or functions that are
normally separate; made up of
aspects that work well together.
 Example: Twain uses humor in The
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to
lampoon Southern society in order
to reevaluate society’s beliefs.
What is Paul Steinberg’s Thesis
Statement in “Our Failed Approach to
 In, “Our Failed Approach to Schizophrenia” Paul
Steinberg ……
 Argues…
 asserts….
 points out….
 Demonstrates….
 contends….
Do Now:
Thesis Statements
 Label the following statements as static, dynamic
or integrated thesis statements. Be prepared to
justify your answers.
 Adj.
 Crafty, sly cautious
 Adj –
 Cranky; disagreeable
 Adj.
 Extinct; obsolete
 . Adj.
 Overenthusiastic
 . Adv.
 Delicately , heavenly
 Adj.
 Bright; intelligent
 Adj.
 Angry; mad
 Noun
 Ruled by women
 Adj.
 Cliché; stale; shallow
 Noun
 Horrors; outrages; offenses
 . Lack of interest, enthusiasm or concern.
 Adj. arrogant, bold
 Noun
 Customs, manners
 Noun
 Pout, making a face
Elizabeth Wurtezel’s
Prozac Nation
an autobiography published
in 1994 and written
by Elizabeth Wurtzel,
describes the author's
experiences with major
depression, her own
character failings and how
she managed to live through
particularly difficult periods
while completing college
and working as a writer.
Edie Sedgwick
Kurt Cobain
Sylvia Plath
Jim Morrison
Journal #4
1. What is Wurtzel’s thesis statement?
First, write about Wurtzel’s thesis statement in the
article. What is she trying to say about mental
illness? What is her philosophical standpoint on
mental illness?
2. Then, write about your opinion?
Do you agree with Elizabeth Wurtzel? Is “living in
madness from moment to moment” not “worth any
of the great art that comes as its by-product?
REMEMBER, a good thesis statement must be an
integrated, complex sentence.
DISAGREE: Although in Elizabeth Wurtzel’s Prozac
Nation Wurtzel contends that… actuality……
AGREE: In Elizabeth Wurtzel’s Prozac Nation Wurtzel
effectively points out…
Chief Bromden
Big Nurse / Nurse
The Black boys
R.P. McMurphy
Ellis and Ruckley
The Acutes
Public Relations
‘Bibbit, you tell this young upstart McMurphy
that I’ll meet hi in the main hall at high noon and
we’ll settle this affair once and for all, libidos a
Psychic drive or energy especially associated
with sexual desire
To try to avoid work, to loaf
He says he was just a wanderer and logging bum
before the army took him and taught him what his
natural bent was, just like they taught some men to
goldbrick and some men to goof off, he says…
To begin, to start
I remember the fingers were thick and strong
closing over mire, and my hand commenced to
feel peculiar and went to swelling up out there on
my stick of an arm
Across the room from the Acutes are the culls of the
Combine’s product, the Chronics.
Anything selected from others; especially
something inferior picked out and set aside.
She merely needs to insinuate, insinuate anything,
don’t you see?
To push or worm one’s way into favor; to introduce
by slow, gentle or artful means. To hint or
Just what is it makes me a rabbit, Harding? My
psychopathic tendencies?
Emotional instability – to manifest amoral or
antisocial behavior.
To deceive or mislead
And you? With your red hair and black record?
Why delude yourself?
To appease or pacify, to quiet the anger
You don’t lose your temper and shout at her; she’ll
win by trying to placate her big ol’ angry boy.
I hear a silly prattle reminds me of someone
familiar, and I roll enough to get a look down the
other way.
To speak in a childish manner, to babble, childish
Are you the renowned Billy ‘Club’ Bibbit?
Famous, celebrated for great achievement, for
outstanding qualities or for grandeur
She’s calmer than ever not, back in her seat
behind her pane of glass; there’s no heathen
running around half-naked to unbalance her.
A person regarded as lacking moral or cultural
principles. A pagan – not believing in gods of
established religions.
Foolishly and tearfully or weakly sentimental
Anyway—to put an end to his maudlin display of
And in this course of our reminiscing we
happened to bring up the carnivals the school
used to sponsor…
A remembering or recollecting; a recalling to
To get in the way of, to keep back, delay, prevent
“But I told him I had received previous
complaints from some of the younger men that
the radio is already so loud it hinders
conversation and reading”
Do Now: Introduce Quotations
• On a separate sheet of paper….
• Correctly introduce 5 quotations
from the novel using:
• Signal phrases
• Correct MLA citation.
Write for 15 minutes on the following:
Many persons believe that to move up the ladder of
success and achievement, they must forget the past,
repress it, and relinquish it. But others have just the
opposite view. They see old memories as a chance
to reckon with the past and integrate past and
Journal: Do memories hinder or help people in their
effort to learn from the past and succeed in the
present? Write a journal in which you develop your
point of view on this issue. Support your position
with reasoning and examples taken from your
reading, studies, experience, or observations.
• Surgical incision into the frontal lobe
of the brain to sever one of more
nerve tracts, a technique formerly
used to treat certain mental
disorders but now rarely performed
• Which character has had a
• Discovered in 1847 by accident.
• 2-5% of patients died.
• 5% had convulsions due to brain
• Numerous patients became worse
rather than better.
Considered as
psychologically unstable,
she underwent a prefrontal
lobotomy at age 23, which
left her permanently
Placid and easygoing as a child and teenager, the maturing
Kennedy became increasingly assertive in her personality.
She was reportedly subject to violent mood swings. Some
observers have since attributed this behavior to her
difficulties in keeping up with siblings who were expected to
perform to high standards, as well as the hormonal surges
associated with puberty. In any case, the family had
difficulty dealing with the often-stormy Rosemary, who had
begun to sneak out at night from the convent where she
was educated and cared for.[10]
In 1941, when Rosemary was 23, doctors told her father that a
new neurosurgical procedure, lobotomy, would help calm her
mood swings and sometimes-violent outbursts.[11] Joseph P.
Kennedy decided that Rosemary should have the lobotomy
performed, but did not inform Rose until afterwards. At the
time, relatively few lobotomies had been performed; James W.
Watts, who carried out the procedure with Walter Freeman,
described what happened:
"We went through the top of the head, I think she was
awake. She had a mild tranquilizer. I made a surgical
incision in the brain through the skull. It was near the
front. It was on both sides. We just made a small
incision, no more than an inch." The instrument Dr.
Watts used looked like a butter knife. He swung it up and
down to cut brain tissue. "We put an instrument inside,"
he said. As Dr. Watts cut, Dr. Freeman put questions to
Rosemary. For example, he asked her to recite the
Lord's Prayer or sing "God Bless America" or count
backwards. ... "We made an estimate on how far to cut
based on how she responded." ... When she began to
become incoherent, they stopped.
Electric Shock Treatment: EST
• Treatment of certain psychotic states by
the administration of shocks that are
followed by convulsions.
• Two Italian psychiatrists, Bini and
Cerletti, first introduced the process of
Electro Shock Therapy around 1936.
• Began because pigs being stunned
with electricity before being
• Then they tried it on a vagrant in Milan.
• Read the article “Shock Therapy”
and “Shocked Back to Life”
• Write what the author’s thesis
statement is.
• In the article “Shock Therapy” by Anndee
Hochman, Hochman argues….
• In the article “Shocked Back to Life” by
Susan Mahler, Mahler contends…..