T.C. ISTANBUL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND LETTERS PHYSICS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MASLAK 34469 ISTANBUL PHYSICS 106E – 2015/2016 Spring TEXTBOOK: University Physics, Young & Freedman (12th Ed.) Pearson/Addison Wesley SUPPLEMENTARY TEXT: 1. 2. 3. Physics , Gettys Keller and Skove, McGraw-Hill Fundamentals of Physics, Halliday, Resnick and Walker, Wiley Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Fishbane, Gasiorowicz and Thornton, Pearson Week Chapter Topics 1 Periodic Motion (13.1-13.4) Describing Oscillation, Simple Harmonic Motion, Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion, Applications of Simple Harmonic Motion 2 Periodic Motion (13.5-13.8) The Simple Pendulum, The Physical Pendulum, Damped Oscillations, Forced Oscillations and Resonance 3 Mechanical Waves (15.1-15.5) Types of Mechanical Waves, Periodic Waves, Mathematical Description of a Wave, Speed of a Transverse Wave, Energy in Wave Motion 4 Mechanical Waves (15.6-15.8) Wave Interference, Boundary Conditions, and Superposition, Standing Waves on a String, Normal Modes of a String 5 Elasticity (11.4-11.5) Fluid Mechanics (14.1-14.6) Stress, Strain and Elastic Moduli, Elasticity and Plasticity, Density, Pressure in a Fluid, Buoyancy, Fluid Flow, Bernoulli's Equation, Viscosity and Turbulence 6 Sound and Hearing (16.1-16.8) Sound Waves, Speed of Sound Waves, Sound Intensity, Standing Sound Waves and Normal Modes, Resonance and Sound, Interference of Waves, Beats, The Doppler Effect, 7 Temperature and Heat (17.1-17.4) Temperature and Thermal Equilibrium, Thermometers and Temperature Scales, Gas Thermometers and the Kelvin Scale, Thermal Expansion, 8 Temperature and Heat 17.5-17.7) Quantity of Heat, Calorimetry and Phase Changes, Mechanisms of Heat Transfer 9 Thermal Properties of Matter (18.1-18.4) Equation of State, Molecular Properties of Matter, Kinetic-Molecular Model of an Ideal Gas, Heat Capacities 10 Thermal Properties of Matter (18.5-18.6) Molecular Speeds, Phases of Matter 11 First Law of Thermodynamics (19.1-19.5) Thermodynamic Systems, Work Done During Volume Changes, Paths Between Thermodynamic States, Internal Energy and the First Law, Kinds of Thermodynamic Processes 12 First Law of Thermodynamics (19.6-19.8) Internal Energy of an Ideal Gas, Heat Capacities of an Ideal Gas, Adiabatic Processes for an ideal Gas 13 Second Law of Thermodynamics (20.1-20.5) Directions of Thermodynamic Processes, Heat Engines, Internal-Combustion Engines, Refrigerators, The Second Law of Thermodynamics 14 Second Law of Thermodynamics (20.6-20.8) The Carnot Cycle, Entropy, Microscopic Interpretation of Entropy. Homework: There will be online homework sets posted on the webpage of Physics Department (www.fizikodev.itu.edu.tr). Exams: In each exam four or five test question will be adapted from an assigned homework problem 1st Midterm 2nd Midterm Final Exam : March 19, 2016 Includes Periodic Motion (13.1-13.4) – Fluid Mechanics (14.1-14.6) : April 30, 2016 Sound and Hearing (16.8) – Thermal Properties of Matter (18.5-18.6) : Exact date and time will be announced by the Student Administration Office (Includes all chapters). (January 4-15, 2016) Letter Grade Weights: Homework 1st Midterm 2nd Midterm Final : 10 % : 25 % : 25 % : 40 % Attendance: The minimum passing grade will be 50% of the overall grade. A minimum of 70% attendance to the lectures is required to be able to take the final exam.