Reading Calendar 2015

A Separate Peace
Student Calendar 2015
Wed. 11/18
Chapter 1 due
Fri. 11/20
Chapter 2-3 due
Thanksgiving Break
Mon. 11/30
Chapters 4-6 due: Annotation Check: 2-6
Wed. 12/2
Chapter 7 due
Fri. 12/4
Chapter 8 due; Annotation Check: 7-8; Friday Quiz
Mon. 12/7
Chapter 9 due
Wed. 12/9
Chapter 10 due
Fri. 12/11
Chapter 11 Pages 152-161 due; Annotation check: 9-10; Friday Quiz
Mon. 12/14
Chapter 11 Pages 161-177 due
Wed. 12/16
Chapter 12 due
Fri. 12/18
Chapter 13 due; Final Discussion
Final Paper due
Your grade for this unit will be based on participation (small group and large group discussions),
homework and preparation (reading, annotations, reading guide, being prepared for class), tests /
quizzes (vocabulary, reading comprehension), and writing (final paper).
Annotation Requirements:
3 annotations + 1 sentence summary per chapter (10 points per week)
If you don’t complete the reading / annotations you will be required to complete a Reading Guide for
the missed chapter(s).
Annotation Guide
FOR EACH CHAPTER, complete AT LEAST 3 annotations and 1 one-sentence summary frame. Try to
spread out your annotations as much as possible through chapter!
Your one-sentence summary frame format:
Ch. ____________ begins with_________________________________, continues
with____________________ , and ends with ____________________________________.
Characterization / New Characters
Underline direct and indirect characterization
Explain what this tells the reader about the character’s personality
Underline or circle the names
Make note of how characters change or develop
Make note of how friendships change or develop
What is the feeling of the setting?
What adjectives are used to describe the setting?
Write a question
What are you confused about?
How did a specific passage make you feel?
This made me think of…
Underline the specific passage
Important Quote or Moment
How do you know it is important or significant?
How might this moment impact the characters or plot?
Underline the important quote or moment
Write a prediction
Underline foreshadowing
Literary Devices
Identify what type of literary device is used (simile, metaphore, hypole, etc.)
What is the effect of this literary device?
Underline the sentence