RISK BASED AUDIT AND STATISTICAL SAMPLING APPLICATIONS IN CENTRAL EXCISE RECEIPT AUDIT Session 9.1-P-1 1 RISK BASED AUDIT Risk based audit is an approach to audit whereby the limited audit resources are efficiently focused only on those areas where the risk of audit is high instead of focusing equally on all areas & thereby spreading resources thinly. Risk based audit avoids: under auditing in high risk situations, & over auditing in low risk situations thereby ensure cost-effective audit Session 9.1-P-1 2 THE RISK MODEL OAR = IR*CR*DR where, OAR: overall audit risk IR: inherent risk CR: Control risk DR: Detection risk Given the OAR and an assessment of IR and CR, it is possible to assess DR Session 9.1-P-1 3 THE RISK MODEL Overall audit risk: Maximum risk acceptable to the auditor Inherent Risk: Risk that a material error will occur in the first place Control Risk: Risk that internal controls will fail to detect the error Detection Risk: Risk that audit procedures will fail to detect the error Session 9.1-P-1 4 RISK ASSESSMENT STRATIFIES POPULATION Based on risk perception, the population would have the following kinds of items: – Key Items which require high assurance from audit and are highly significant which could be checked 100% – High value items are generally checked 100% as a prudent audit practice – High risk, highly significant items would be subject to higher level of substantive test – Low risk, less significant items would be tested through lesser substantive tests Session 9.1-P-1 5 THE SAMPLING PROCESS The Sampling process entails the following steps: Determine the assurance levels of audit Assess the inherent risk and control risk for the entity and at the transaction level Design audit procedures for each strata of the population Session 9.1-P-1 Contd… 6 Contd… Use sampling techniques for drawing samples from each strata Substantive audit tests on the sample Evaluation of the results Projection of the sample results on the population Session 9.1-P-1 7 Statistical Sampling and Risk analysis in CERA to be applied in 2 areas Risk assessment and selection of unit for audit Drawing a sample of transactions after assessment of inherent risk and control risk Session 9.1-P-1 8 Factors having a bearing on the risk perception of a unit Revenue (Through PLA) Chapter Single Product, Multi Product Assesee prone to evasion Audit output MODVAT Session 9.1-P-1 9 Statistical Sampling in Central Excise Audit Presently, one month and one week from each quarter with highest revenue are selected for test check of transactions in a financial year In new system, the risk model is an analytical tool for selection of the sample size and samples. Session 9.1-P-1 10 Selection of Unit Two units viz. M/s Max India ltd., and M/s Swaraj Engines ltd. were selected for carrying out this study.The reasons for selection of these units were:Computerized system of accounting and invoicing The number of inputs/outputs was small so as to make the study easily manageable Session 9.1-P-1 Contd… 11 Contd… As the category of transaction being not large, it was easier to segregate the transactions in various categories and select the sample Units are public limited companies having professional staff Session 9.1-P-1 12 In the first unit:Items in each category were allocated consecutive numbers and then the required sample size was selected by using Random Selection tables Sample size selected was irrespective of the value It was feared where the transactions in the population vary in value, the sample might concentrate on low value transactions. Session 9.1-P-1 13 In the second unit:Modified technique of selecting samples on monetary basis was adopted All items in each category above a certain limit were segregated for 100% checking For the rest of the population, monetary unit sampling was adopted to select the sample size & sample with the help of computer using software IDEA 2001 Session 9.1-P-1 14 Control Risk Assessment Assess the adequacy of the policies and procedures in the auditee organization for detecting material error Evaluation of both the control environment and control systems existing in the company on the following parameters: Session 9.1-P-1 Contd… 15 Contd… Management philosophy and working style Functioning of Audit Committee Organizational set up Internal Audit system Control of Central Excise department Segregation of incompatible functions. Control over accounting system. Restricted access to assets. Control of computer operations Session 9.1-P-1 16 Identification of Areas for Sampling The following two areas were identified where statistical sampling can be applied Availment of CENVAT credit on inputs as well as on capital goods Sale invoices Session 9.1-P-1 17 Stratification of Audit Population ( MAX INDIA Ltd.) On perusal of Sales/CENVAT records, the transactions of both types were segregated into following homogenous categories CENVAT SALES (I) Imported Material Domestic Sale a) General Buyers b) Sister concern c) Captive consumption (II) Indigenous Material Export (a) Major Suppliers (b) Sundry Suppliers (III) Capital Goods Job Workers Session 9.1-P-1 18 Stratification of Audit Population (Swaraj Engines Ltd.) CENVAT Imported Material Indigenous Material a) High Value b) Others Capital Goods a) High Value b) Others Session 9.1-P-1 SALE High Value Sister Concern Miscellaneous Job Work Without duty Export Captive Consumption 19 Inherent Risk Assessment MAX INDIA LIMITED Sr.No Category Inherent Risk evaluation 1 Imported material High 2 Major suppliers Medium 3 Sundry supplier High 4 Capital goods Low 5 General buyers Medium 6 Sister concern High 7 Captive consumption High 8 Export High 9 Job Worker High Session 9.1-P-1 20 Inherent Risk Assessment SWARAJ ENGINES LIMITED Sr. No Category Inherent risk evaluation 1 High value 2 Sister Concern Cent percent items were checked. High 3 Miscellaneous Medium 4 High High 6 Job Work Without Duty Export 7 Captive Consumption High 8 Imported Material Medium 9 Indigenous material Medium 10 Capital Goods Low 5 Session 9.1-P-1 N.A as the goods are entirely sold to PTL, Mohali 21 Determination of Required Audit Assurance and Sample After working out the control risk and inherent risk for each category of transactions, required audit assurance level and Sample size for each category has been worked out on the basis of Standard Statistical tables( Max India ltd.) and IDEA 2001( Swaraj Engines) Session 9.1-P-1 22 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS Session 9.1-P-1 23 Max India Ltd. Details of Sale Invoices Sr No Category Sample for Pilot Study No. %wrt population Old System Amount (Rs in lakh) No. %wrt population Amount (Rs in lakh) 1. General Buyers 194 2.71 297.31 1244 17.38 2097.29 2. Sister Concern 58 100.00 22.35 7 12.06 2.56 3. Export 114 79.72 1212.85 30 20.98 371.43 4. Job work 57 100.00 110.12 13 22.81 21.99 5. Captive use 114 36.66 45 14.47 Total 537 6.95 1339 17.33 1642.63 Session 9.1-P-1 2493.27 24 Max India Ltd. Details of CENVAT Invoices Sr. Category No. Sample for Pilot Study No. 1. Imported Material 2. Indigenous material 3. %wrt Amount population (in lakh) Old System No. %wrt population Amount ( in lakh) 114 93.44 145.05 22 18.03 23.13 (a) Major Suppliers 114 28.93 117.39 83 21.07 88.00 (b) Sundry Suppliers 114 7.41 19.32 283 18.40 47.80 Capital goods 114 57.87 22.24 25 12.69 0.87 TOTAL 456 20.26 304.00 Session 9.1-P-1 413 18.35 159.80 25 Swaraj Engines Ltd. Details of Sale Invoices Sr No Category Sample for Pilot Study % w.r.t. Population 1. High Value 2. % w.r.t. Value Old System % w.r.t. Population % w.r.t. Value 100.00 100.00 20.27 20.30 Sister Concern 16.37 22.89 19.48 21.07 3. Misc. 16.28 63.04 19.18 17.63 4. Job Work 30.50 37.80* 19.31 19.38* 5. Without Duty 53.74 87.38* 14.97 33.12* Total 21.66 33.45 Session 9.1-P-1 44.39* 19.23 20.91 26 21.21* Swaraj Engines Ltd. Details of CENVAT Invoices Sr No Category Sample for Pilot Study % w.r.t. Population A Inputs a) Imported b) High Value c) Others Total (A) B Capital Goods a) High Value b) Others Total (B) Total (A+B) % w.r.t. value Old System % w.r.t. Population % w.r.t. Value 100.00 100.00 5.71 100.00 100.00 15.43 -23.44 20.76 -22.20 22.08 7.13 29.32 20.78 21.97 100.00 16.09 100.00 49.48 -20.07 -19.38 16.67 90.63 19.93 3.59 31.90 20.68 21.20 Session 9.1-P-1 8.20 27 Thank You Session 9.1-P-1 28