File - Van Thanh Phan EDIT 5370 Fall 2013

EDIT 2318 Course Syllabus
Computing and Information Technology
I. Topic: Digital Literacy
II. Instructor information
Van Thanh Phan
Office: EDUC 261 Desk 20
Phone: 806-787-8628
Office hours: By appointment
Course objectives
III. Course description
This is an introductory course in computers and technology. The course has been
designed to satisfy the technology and applied science requirement of the Texas Tech
University Core Curriculum:
“The objective of the technology and applied science component of a core curriculum
is to enable the student to understand how profoundly scientific and technological
developments affect society and the environment.”
The following statement was written to communicate the specific competencies
that students should achieve after completing the technology and applied science
“Students graduating from Texas Tech University should be able to demonstrate
understanding of how technology and applied science affects society and the
environment and to demonstrate understanding of the relationship of ethics and
By becoming more familiar with computers, including their history and
contemporary applications, you will develop an understanding of how technology and
applied science affect society.
IV. Course delivery: The course will be delivered completely online with an
instructor’s guidance and supervision.
V. Course objectives
At the end of this course, students are expected to be able to
describe the impacts of computers,
describe multimedia and Web 2.0 and their relevance,
describe ethical implications associated with the use of technology and applied
VI. Required materials
eTextbook (Required)
Title: Digital Literacy
Author: Jongpil Cheon & Steven Crooks
ISBN: 978-1-61549-629-7 or 978-1-61549-606-8
Note: This e-Textbook can be purchased via access code from Barnes & Noble
bookstore in the Student Union or online ( Then, you can follow
the directions and use the access code to access the e-Text.
 Blackboard (
You will need your e-Raider account to access the Blackboard website. Within
Blackboard, you will find a link for EDIT 2318 and all the updated information for the
o Syllabus
o Course schedule
o Chapter Assignments
o Online discussion activities
o Instructor’s contact information
Information on the course website will enable you to succeed in the course,
especially with the required module assignments. You will need to check the module
pages on the course website to get the required information on the assignments and
further instructions. It is vitally important that you check the course website several
times a week.
VII. Course policies
1) Assessment and grading policy
Your final grade for the course will be determined by your performance in the
following three areas:
 Digital Literacy (90%):
o Digital Literacy Chapter Quizzes (35%): You will need to log on
to and complete five sets of quizzes for each chapter’s content.
Please refer to the semester calendar for detailed deadline information. Each quiz
will be available only at scheduled periods.
o Quizzes on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data modules (10%). You will need
to complete two quizzes on artificial intelligence and big data in Blackboard.
o Chapter Assignments (45%): You will need to complete five assignments
pertaining to the chapters in the Digital Literacy eText within Blackboard. Please
refer to the semester calendar for detailed deadline information. Do not wait until
the last minute to do your assignments and submit them.
 Special Topic (5%): There will be one special topic in this course. The special topic
session will enable you to learn about a contemporary topic related to the course
content. Please refer to the semester calendar on Blackboard for the detailed
schedule. The special topic activities will not require you to do any prior preparation
or study to complete the activities.
 Online discussion (5%): Each week the instructor will post a discussion question on
Blackboard. You are strongly encouraged to participate in discussing to learn more
from your classmates. The instructor will visit this discussion board to facilitate and
examine the discussions.
 Final Grade Calculation:
Final Grade
Quizzes 45%
Chapter assignments 45%
Special topics 5%
Discussion 5%
 Grading Scale
95 or above = A+
90-94 = A
80-89= B
70-79 = C
60-69 = D
Below 60 = F
 Make-up assignment policy
Make up assignments are available only to students who can provide evidence for
their lateness. Each student may only have ONE excused make-ups. Contact the
instructor for make-up assignments. Failure to contact the instructor within 24 hours after
the deadline for the assignment you missed will result in your ineligibility for make-ups.
2) Student Behavior and Academic Integrity
Students are expected to behave in a professional, courteous and polite manner
toward all students, staff and faculty. Rude or disruptive behavior will result in a
reduction in final grades, and a report to the Office of Campus Life.
Academic integrity is central to the learning and teaching process. Therefore, it is
expected throughout this course. All policies in the Texas Tech University's Student
Handbook will be upheld. Receipt of this syllabus signifies an agreement that the student
will be held responsible and accountable for upholding the policies of Texas Tech
University for academic integrity. Any work copied (plagiarism) from prior semesters, or
from others (i.e. friends) will automatically result in a grade of “zero.” If plagiarism
occurs the student will be reported to the Dean of Students, and the Dean of their College.
The penalties for academic dishonesty can include but not limited to a zero or a grade of
"F" on the work in question, a grade of "F" in the course, or suspension. Please make
sure that you reviewed the university’s policy on Academic Integrity available online at
3) Students with Disabilities
Any student who, because of a disability, may require special arrangements
in order to meet course requirements should contact the instructor as soon as
possible to make any necessary arrangements. Students should present
appropriate verification from Student Disability Services during the instructor’s
office hours. Please note instructors are not allowed to provide classroom
accommodations to a student until appropriate verification from Student Disability
Services has been provided. For additional information, you may contact the
Student Disability Services office at 335 West Hall or 806-742-2405.
4) Discussion Forum Policy
Be polite in your interactions with other students. Your responds are
encouraged to be critical, but do not make rude or disparaging remarks about
anyone’s comments. Inappropriate behavior will result in a letter grade reduction.
VIII. Use of technology
o The instructor and students use emails to communicate with students
o The instructor uses Jing to capture instructional videos giving necessary guidance
and instruction, which cannot be well explained through emails.
o The instructor can also use Microsoft Lync to have a closer and more detailed
look at what kind of issues students have and figure out how to get the problem
resolved (using screen sharing and control is a powerful function of Lync)
o The instructor and students use blackboard discussion forum to exchange opinions
about issues in each learning module posed by the instructor
o Students can call or text the instructor if they need immediate and urgent helps.
IX. Instructional activities
Please note: The schedule is subject to change.
Get Started
Instructional Tasks
Read and Make sure to understand the syllabus
for the course
Go to the Syllabus Tab on the left hand
Course preparation (Get two separate access
* Get a Digital Literacy e-Text access code
Copyright and
Digital Literacy, Chapter 1
Chapter 1 Quiz Assessment
Chapter 1 Digital Literacy Assignment
Introduce yourself on Blackboard Discussion
Board #1
Digital Literacy, Chapter 2
Chapter 2 Quiz Assessment
Chapter 2 Digital Literacy Assignment
Quiz #1 []
Assignment #1
Discussion #1 [Blackboard
Quiz #2 []
Assignment #2 []
Discussion #2 [Blackboard]
Knowledge Enrichment Activity (Discussion)
Research in
Special Topic Week
Complete experiments for the research.
Privacy and
Digital Literacy, Chapter 3
Quiz #3 []
Assignment #3 []
Discussion #3 [Blackboard]
Chapter 3 Quiz Assessment
Chapter 3 Digital Literacy Assignment
Knowledge Enrichment Activity (Discussion)
Digital Literacy, Chapter 4
Quiz #4 []
Assignment #4 []
Discussion #4 [Blackboard]
Chapter 4 Quiz Assessment
Chapter 4 Digital Literacy Assignment
Knowledge Enrichment Activity (Discussion)
Web 2.0
Digital Literacy, Chapter 5
Chapter 5 Quiz Assessment
Chapter 5 Digital Literacy Assignment
Knowledge Enrichment Activity (Discussion)
Quiz #5 []
Assignment #5 []
Discussion #5 [Blackboard]