Islam - MyPAD

Islam today:
word Islam means 'submission to the
will of God'.
•Islam is the second largest religion in the
world with over 1 billion followers.
•People who follow the faith of Islam are
called Muslims
•1,591,000 Muslims in the UK, around 2.7% of
the population.
Muslims believe that there is only one God,
whose name in the Arabic language is Allah.
 God had special messengers or prophets these
were Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad
(Peace be upon him).
 When Muslims say the names of the prophets
they say ‘peace be upon him’ afterwards.
 Allah created the Earth and everything on it in
seven days.
 On the seventh day he created Adam and Eve
from clay.
The holy book for Muslims
The Qur’an was revealed by God to the prophet
Muhammad and that it is the direct word of God
The Qur’an is originally written in Arabic but is
translated in over 40 languages
There are 114 Chapters in the Qur’an
All chapters except one begin with “Bismillahir
rahmanir raheem” which means “In the name of Allah
the most merciful and the most kind”
Muslims are taught to learn and recite the Qur’an in
Arabic. Anyone who knows the Qur’an off by heart is
referred to as Hafiz
Sura 40:1-3
 English translation: The revelation of this
book is from Allah, exalted in power, full
of knowledge who forgives sins, accepts
repentance, is strict in punishment, and
has a long reach in all things. There is no
God but he: to him is the final goal.
Rules of the Qur’an
Before touching the Qur’an you must perform a ritual
washing (washing face then 2 hands all the way up to
the elbows, followed by washing part of the head and
finally washing of the feet up to the ankles). This is
also known as Ablution or Wudu.
 No text is allowed to be place above the Qur’an
 The Book is highly respected and when being read
Muslims have to reframe from talking, eating, drinking
or making distracting noises
 A special stand called the Rihal is used to keep the
Qur’an off the floor in respect for the Holy Book.
5 Pillars of Islam
Shahadah = faith or belief that there is no one except
Allah and the prophet Muhammad as his messenger.
Salat = prayer. This is traditionally done five times a
day. At dawn, midday, late afternoon, sunset and at
Zakat = charity. Once a year Muslims are supposed to
donate 2.5% of their wealth to charity.
Sawm = fasting, which takes place in the month of
Hajj = pilgrimage. Every Muslim once in their life
should visit Mecca.
By carrying out the Five Pillars it shows
that Muslims don’t try and fit their
religion around their secular lives but put
their faith first.
Everyday Life
Muslims are expected to live within the Islamic Laws called the Sharia
(God’s Way)
They are not allowed to steal, gamble, commit adultery or drink alcohol
Men must cover their bodies between the waist and knees
Women must be covered from head to toe with exception of their
hands and face
Clothes for women should not be transparent or show the shape of the
woman’s body
Common to see women and girls wearing head shawls; Hijab that covers
the head or Burka which covers whole body.
Muslims wash and pray before meals. The eldest person in the room
always eats first
Any meat that they eat must be prepared in a special way called Halal.
Muslim Festivals
Eid-Ul-Adha, Ramadan and Eid-Ul-Fitr
Is the celebration of sacrifice and marks the end of
Hajj, annual pilgrimage to Mecca. It takes place in the
last month of the Islamic calendar, Zul-Hijjah
Is a day of happiness, and a day to forgive and forget
The day usually starts with a visit to the mosque
where a special Eid Namaz (prayer) is read
Special dishes including lamb and sweet dishes are
consumed during the celebrations
Presents are often exchanged and some families hang
decorations and have fireworks
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and a time
when many Muslims across the world will fast during the hours of
Muslims believe that the gates of Heaven (Jannah) and Hell
(Jahanam) are locked for the duration of Ramadan
During Ramadan Muslims celebrate the time when the verses of
the Qur’an were revealed to the prophet Muhammad
Ramadan is a time of worship and contemplation. A time to
strengthen family and community ties
Muslims are expected to fast from sunrise to sunset. During
Ramadan Muslims get up early before dawn (Fajr) and have a light
meal. This time is known as Suhoor.
At the end of each day (Maghrib) Muslims traditionally break their
fast with a meal called the iftar. Following the custom of
Muhammad, the fast is often broken with dates, then followed by a
prayer and dinner
Ramadan concludes with the celebration of Eid-Ul-Fitr
Eid-Ul-Fitr or Id-Ul-Fitr is a Muslim
holiday that marks the end of Ramadan.
Eid is the Arabic word for ‘festivity’ while
Fitr means ‘to break the fast’ and so
symbolises the breaking of the fasting
period. Eid is celebrated over a three day
period in Islamic countries.
A mosque (masjid in Arabic) is a place for
worship in Islam. Although prayers can be
done privately, either indoors or
outdoors, nearly every community of
Muslims dedicates a space or building for
congregational prayer.
Common Components of Mosques
Prayer Hall- the central area for prayer
Prayer Rugs- during Islamic prayers, worshippers bow, kneel
and prostrate on these
Mihrab- the mihrab is an ornamental indentation on the wall
of a mosque, from which sermons or speeches are given
Dome- many mosques are decorated withal domed rooftop,
particularly in the Middle East. This architectural element
holds no spiritual or symbolic significance and is purely
aesthetic. The interior of a dome is usually highly decorated
with floral, geometric and other patterns
Shoe shelf- Muslims remove their shoes before entering a
mosque to preserve the cleanliness of the prayer space
Muslim Prayers
Before each prayer a Muslim is required to carry out a ritual wash.
 The routine consists of everyone sitting on the floor. The direction
which they should face during prayers is indicated on one of the
walls called a mihrab so they are facing Mecca
 Muslims are required to pray up to 5 times a day, which are spaced
throughout the say. Each prayer is a constant reminder of God and
the given opportunities that they are given to seek his guidance and
forgiveness. They are:
Late afternoon-’Asr
Mecca translated into Makah is a city in Saudi Arabia which is
considered to be the Holy City of Islam
Mecca is the home to the Kaaba- a cuboid building lying at the
heart of the holy Mosque. The Kaaba is the holiest building in Islam
and is a large stone structure which holds one single room with
marble flooring
Mecca is massively important this week as it is currently the week
of the annual Hajj pilgrimage. Hundreds and thousands of people
gather in Mecca to participate in one of the five pillars of Islam
Muslims take part in a pilgrimage to get to Mecca, which they are
required to do at least once in their lifetime. Once in Mecca, the
Muslims perform one of two rituals- the lesser pilgrimage of Urmar,
and the main pilgrimage of Hajj
After the pilgrimage of the Hajj, the celebration of Eid takes place
Special state of ritual purity
 To perform Ihram Muslims must wear special white clothing and
must not do any of the following:
-engage in marital relations
-shave or cut their nails
-use cologne or scented oils
-kill or hunt anything
-fight or argue
-women must not cover their faces, even if they would do so in their
home country
-men may not wear clothes with stitching
-bathing is allowed but scented soaps are frowned upon