Petty Cash Docket - Dundalk Institute of Technology

DkIT Petty Cash Procedures – Version 1 issued 1st May 2014
General Information
A designated person in the School/Department will hold this cash and, as required, will
exchange cash for valid receipts.
At any time, the value of the total of cash and receipts held, should equal the sum that
was first issued (ie the petty cash float).
The petty cash box should be held in a secure location and locked away when not in
It is the responsibility of Heads of Schools & Departments to ensure staff in their section
be made aware of these procedures and that they are strictly adhered to.
Petty cash must only be used for small cash payments (€50 maximum) to pay for bona
fide Institute expenditure. There must be no splitting of purchases to get around this
It must not be used to purchase goods or services that can be obtained through the
main Institute procurement system.
Petty cash must never be used for cashing cheques.
Departments should not use cash received directly into their department to fund their
petty cash float. Such cash should be forwarded to the Finance Office and together
with a lodgement slip and lodged as per all other income (please refer to our cash
handling procedure)
The following should not be paid by Petty Cash and will not be reimbursed by the Finance
Staff expenses eg. Entertaining, travel, parking, tolls, lunches, coffees, taxis etc. Travel &
subsistence must be claimed through the T&S system in payroll.
Gifts or flowers for DKIT staff
Parking Fines
Any receipts showing the purchase of alcohol
DkIT Petty Cash Procedures – Version 1 issued 1st May 2014
Claims within a School/Department
Staff requesting reimbursement through petty cash of small value items should:
Complete the Petty Cash Docket (attached Appendix 1) IN FULL to the authorisation
Attach original documentation to this docket securely. Documentation should be
Get authorisation signature from budget holder. There must be no self- authorisation;
Only at this point should the docket be presented to the administrator responsible for
managing the petty cash float;
The petty cash float manager then requests the claimant to sign the docket upon
receipt of funds.
It is advised that weekly reconciliations be carried out by each petty cash float manager for
their own accounting purposes.
Monthly Reconciliations
Monthly reconciliations must be completed and submitted to the Finance Office regardless of
the spend by the last working day of every month. As part of this reconciliation, the following
should be done:
A Petty Cash Reconciliation Form is completed in full;
The nominal code, subacc amounts and descriptions must be detailed;
This form should be cross referenced to the docket by numbering each docket and
chronologically filing them behind the Petty Cash Reconciliation Form.
Each docket must have the proper original receipts attached;
The total as per the form must agree to the total as per the dockets;
The numerical accuracy of the form must be checked before submitting to Finance;
A cheque will then be issued by finance to bring the float back up to its original amount.
For those requiring petty cash from the Finance Office petty cash box,
please call between 9.30 and 1.00 pm daily with receipts and
completed dockets for reimbursement.
DkIT Petty Cash Procedures – Version 1 issued 1st May 2014
Appendix 1- Petty Cash Docket
Date: ________________________ Subaccount: ______________________________________
Account: ____________________ Attribute:**________________________________________
Full description and reason for purchase: _________________________________________
Authorised by: ________________________________________ (Budget holder)
Amount received: €__________ Received by: ____________________________ (Claimant)
Note: Original receipts must be attached. Purchases must not be split. Reimbursement
amount is €50.00 max. Detailed descriptions of purchase/reason for purchase must be given.
** Please check the list of Attributes to ensure the correct one is selected.
DkIT Petty Cash Procedures – Version 1 issued 1st May 2014