Properties of Matter

Properties of Matter
Study Guide Review
1. If a substance is soluble, what should it do?
It should dissolve in water.
Liam has a 10 cm3 block that has a mass of 9
grams. Is he able to identify what element or
compound makes up that block? Why or why
No, he would need to examine several other
properties of the block.
3. What does a pH indicator test determine
about a given compound?
It determines if the compound is an acid, a
base, or a neutral substance.
4. An element is
A type of matter that cannot be broken
down into another substance by chemical
Melissa poured acid over a white compound. She
observed bubbles form in the liquid as the compound
changed to a blue color. What did Melissa observe?
A chemical reaction
True or False: Ryan is comparing two substances. They
are both heavy pieces of metal that are silver in color.
He also notices that both samples weigh the same and
bubbles when an acid is poured over them. With all of
these similarities, Ryan can be sure that the two metals
are the same.
Michael has a small steel marble. What is the
most accurate way to determine its volume?
He should use the volume displacement method by
dropping the marble into a graduated cylinder
partly filled with water.
8. Jordyn should fill her graduated cylinder with
water to the 100ml mark. She should then pour
the water into a 400 ml beaker. She should
then add a sugar cube to the beaker and stir
with a stir rod. Finally, she observes signs that
the cube dissolves in water.
Compounds with similar elements can have different pH
Smell, texture, color
Gracie needs to test to see if corn syrup can dissolve in
water. To run her test, she should add a sample of corn
syrup into water and stir the liquids with a stir rod.
Gracie then needs to determine if the corn syrup
dissolved in the water or if it remained separate. The
substance is considered miscible if it dissolves.
14. False
15. Sample 1 and Sample 2
16. She cannot determine whether each
of the samples is an element or a
17. True
18. Chemical properties area identified by
observing a substance during a chemical
reaction. To test the chemical properties
of a substance, Lily should add acetic acid
to the substance and observe its reaction.
The reaction, (or lack of reaction) is a
chemical property of the substance.
19. Neutralization is a process in which an
acid and a base react to produce a salt
and water.
20. Viscosity is the resistance of a liquid to
21. Compounds are matter formed by the
chemical combination of elements.
22. The ability to rust.
23.Physical properties are characteristics of
substances that describe its shape, size,
or form. Chemical properties are
characteristics that describe the atomic
or elemental composition of substances.
24.The independent variable is the part of
the experiment that is manipulated or
changed by the scientist.
25. The dependent variable is the part of the experiment
that is affected by the independent variable.
26. The control is a part of the experiment that is not being
is tested and is being used for comparison.
27. Orange juice, vinegar, lemon juice
28. Baking soda, antacids, drain cleaner, Windex
29. In dry areas, soil tends to be basic and very few plants
grow. If there is a drastic pH change, it can change
which plants can grow in an area.
30. water