English for Law II

Lecturer: Dr. sc. Marijana Javornik Čubrić
Classes: Tuesday 08:30 – 10:00
Office hours: Tuesday 10:00 – 11:00, Room
No. 6
Contact: marijana.javornik@pravo.hr
Pavić, Smerdel, Vićan, English for Lawyers,
Narodne novine, Zagreb, 2012
Units 11-17
March 1
March 8
March 15
March 22
March 29
April 5
April 19
April 26
May 3
May 10
May 17
May 24
May 31
Roman Civil Procedure
The Significance of a Constitution
The European Court of Human Rights
The Nature and Sources of American Federalism
The American Presidency
The Supreme Court of the USA
Case Method of Law Teaching
Student presentations
Vocabulary revision and translation practice
Revision; sample test
Mid-term examination
Final revision and signatures
NOT obligatory, but recommended
Substitute for the oral part of the examination
Suggested duration: 10-15 minutes
• Presenters: 1-3
• No reading; only notes
• Sources: at least 2 different sources; one
written, one can be from the Internet
• Draft to be sent a week in advance
• Questions and discussion or group work
Croatian Parliament, Constitution,
Constitutional Court, court system
ECHR – cases, decisions, implications (esp.
cases involving Croatian citizens)
American Constitution
Famous American presidents
American law Schools
Written examinations:
1. Translation of legal terms (Croatian into English)
2. Translation of legal terms (English to Croatian)
3. Completing the text
4. Basic definitions
5. Translation
Oral examination (without a presentation)
Discussion about topics covered during the course using relevant
legal terminology
 Temeljna načela i opća pitanja ustavnog prava
 Pregled razvitka ustavnosti
 Zaštita ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda. Razlozi donošenja prvih
deklaracija o pravima čovjeka i građanina. Razvitak ustavne zaštite
prava i sloboda čovjeka i građanina. Osobne slobode i prava.
Političke slobode i prava. Gospodarska, socijalna i kulturna prava.
Zaštita ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda prema Ustavu Republike
Hrvatske. Europska konvencija za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih
sloboda. Europski sud za ljudska prava.
 Ustrojstvo državne vlasti.
 Složene države i državne zajednice.
 Ustavnopravno reguliranje međunarodnih odnosa.
Fundamental principles and general issues of constitutional law.
A survey of the development of constitutionality.
Protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Causes for
adopting the first declarations of the rights of man and the citizen.
Development of constitutional protection of human rights and
freedoms. Personal freedoms and rights. Political freedoms and
rights. Economic, social and cultural rights. Protection of human
rights and fundamental freedoms according to the Constitutions of
the Republic of Croatia. The European Convention for the Protection
of Human Rights. The European Court of Human Rights.
Organization of state power
Composite states and state unions.
Constitutional law regulation of international relations.
criminal law, tort law, international law, property law, civil law, contract
law, administrative law, constitutional law, institutions, society
Law is a system of rules that is kept and enforced through a set of
____________. Law affects everyday life and ________ in a variety of ways.
___________________ regulates everything from buying a bus ticket to
complex transactions. __________________ defines rights and obligations
related to buying, selling or renting real property, such as homes and
buildings. ___________________ allows claims for compensation when
someone or their property is harmed. But if the harm is criminalized,
and the act is intentional (or, in come cases, reckless or negligent),
____________________ offers means to prosecute and punish the
perpetrator. _______________________ provides a framework for creating
laws, protecting people’s human rights and electing political
representatives, while ___________________ allows ordinary citizens to
challenge the way governments exercise power. ______________ deals
with disputes between individual citizens. _____________________
regulates affairs between sovereign states in everything from trade to
the environment or military action.
Law is a system of rules that is kept and enforced through a set of
INSTITUTIONS. Law affects everyday life and SOCIETY in a variety of
ways. CONTRACT LAW regulates everything from buying a bus ticket
to complex transactions. PROPERTY LAW defines rights and
obligations related to buying, selling or renting real property, such
as homes and buildings. TORT LAW allows claims for compensation
when someone or their property is harmed. But if the harm is
criminalized, and the act is intentional (or, in come cases, reckless
or negligent), CRIMINAL LAW offers means to prosecute and punish
the perpetrator. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW provides a framework for
creating laws, protecting people’s human rights and electing
political representatives, while ADMINISTRATIVE LAW allows ordinary
citizens to challenge the way governments exercise power. CIVIL
LAW deals with disputes between individual citizens.
INTERNATIONAL LAW regulates affairs between sovereign states in
everything from trade to the environment or military action.
Common law
Dual meaning of civil law
Public and private law
Parliament of the UK
Barristers and solicitors