RESPIRATORY PHYSIOLOGY What will we discuss in this chapter? (Outline) I. Pulmonary ventilation * 1.Mechanisms of pulmonary ventilation 2.Indexes of pulmonary ventilation function II. Pulmonary gas exchange and Tissue gas exchange 1. Principles of gas exchange * 2. Pulmonary gas exchange * 3. Tissue gas exchange III. Gas transport in the Blood 1. Transport forms of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood 2. Oxygen transport * 3. Carbon dioxide transport * IV. Respiratory Regulation 1. Respiratory centers and formation of respiratory rhythm 2. Reflex regulation of respiration * V. Role of the lungs in regulation of acid-base balance Respiration System Respiratory component element Respiration is the exchange of gas between the body and the environment. External respiration : the exchange of gases between pulmonary blood and the external environment, which involves not only diffusion across the lung capillaries (pulmonary gas exchange, but also the bulk movement of gases in and out of the lungs (pulmonary ventilation, Internal respiration : the exchange of gases between the tissue cells and the systemic capillaries. The diffusion of gases between the interstitial fluid and the cytoplasm. Gas transport in the blood : physical solvation and chemical constitution. I. Pulmonary ventilation 1. Mechanisms of pulmonary ventilation pulmonary ventilation Definition *: Pulmonary ventilation is the exchange of gas between the alveoli and the environment. Functional structure of pulmonary ventilation Conducting airway and lung Thorax and respiratory muscle Pleural cavity and intrapleural pressure ** pulmonary ventilated dynamic * pulmonary ventilated resistance * Respiratory work (1) Functional structure of ventilation pulmonary ① Conducting airway and lung Conducting airways Nose, pharynx larynx are upper respiratory tract, and others are lower respiratory tract The conducting airways warm and humidify the inspired air but are not a site of gas exchange. The alveoli are composed of a single layer of epithelial cells and are the site for gas exchange. The combined surface area of the alveoli is approximately that of a tennis court. Distribution and resistance of conducting airways Defense mechanism of conducting airways Defense mechanism of conducting airways Overview of lung function and structure • • • • • Lung Functions Lungs are a site for gas exchange with the external environment. Regulate acid-base balance. Lungs have a defense mechanism. Lungs are a blood reservoir. Serve a biosynthetic function. Lungs Anatomy Lung Structure • Lungs are composed of three basic elements: conducting airways, alveoli, and blood supply. • Conducting airways enable air to reach alveoli and warm and humidify the air. • Alveoli are blind sacs where gases in the inspired air exchange with the blood. • Blood supply provides the heat and moisture to warm and humidify the inspired air and the nutrients for lung tissue, and it is the site of exchange between the body and inspired air. Pneumocytes I and pneumocytes II Blood Supply Blood Supply for Gas Exchange Blood Supply for Gas Exchange The intersection of lung with the external environment is huge • An advantage: beneficial to gas exchange and regulating acid-base balance. • An disadvantage: exposed to foreign substances which need more defense. • Approximately 20% of the total blood volume resides in the pulmonary vasculature normally, but changes in the cardiac output. • Lungs synthesize substances such as leukotrienes from arachidonic acid, convert substances to their active from. ② Thorax and respiratory muscle (thorax) Chamber—the chest Contraction of the external intercostal muscles makes chest volume larger Contraction of the external intercostal muscles makes chest volume larger Diaphragm is the main muscle of inspiration Dome-shaped Inspiration Expiration ③ Pleural cavity and intrapleural pressure Pleural cavity, a room between the partial pleura and the visceral pleura, a closed space that is not connect to the outside air. Intrapleural pressure forming * Intrapleural pressure=-lung retractive pressure Why? Intrapleural pressure is always negative, less than atmospheric pressure for whole life time. Intrapleural pressure is as medium resulting in that chest movement changes lungs volume. Formation of intrapleural pressure Formation of intrapleural pressure Intrapleural Space The chest consists of the rib cage and the diaphragm. Because of the natural elastic properties of the chest wall and lungs, the chest wall wants to expand and the lungs want to contract. Pleural cavity and intrapleural pressure Physiological significance ** •Intrapleural pressure increases lungs expansion for inspiration and ventilation. •Intrapleural pressure increases backflow of venous blood and lymphatic fluid to heart. Intrapleural pressure and diseases This produces difficult breath Pneumothorax (2) Pulmonary ventilated dynamic Moving air into and out of the lungs (ventilation) ①Lung-Chest Interaction • Lungs are suspended within a closed chamber—the chest. • Functional residual capacity (FRC) is the equilibrium volume when the elastic forces of the chest wall and lungs are balanced. • Changes in chest volume are responsible for changes in lung volume. • The chest consists of the rib cage and the diaphragm. Because of the natural elastic properties of the chest wall and lungs, the chest wall wants to expand and the lungs want to contract. Pressures in the lungs and chest • Alveolar pressure is the pressure within the lungs. • Intrapleural pressure* is the pressure between the chest wall and lungs. • The pressures within the lungs and chest are small in magnitude, being measured in centimeters of water rather than in millimeters of mercury. ② Pulmonary ventilated mechanism • Direct dynamic: Pressure difference between atmosphere and alveolar gas. • Original dynamic: Contraction and relaxation of respiratory muscles induce thoracic cavity changes (expansion or diminution) • Pressure difference between atmosphere and alveolar gas results in: – Lung extension (Inspiration), alveolar pressure< atmosphere, gas in. – Lung retraction (Expiration), alveolar pressure>atmosphere, gas out. • Mechanism of artificial respiration: Making pressure difference between atmosphere and alveolar gas to result in pulmonary ventilation. Inspiration and Expiration Inspiration and Expiration Inspiration During inspiration and expiration, changes in intrapleural pressure alter alveolar pressure, which generates a pressure gradient leading to airflow and volume changes. The temporal relationship between these various parameters is illustrated in this figure. Expiration 0.5 Volume Change (L) 0 -5 Intrapleural Pressure (cm H2O) -8 +0.5 Air Flow (L/sec) 0 -0.5 +1 0 -1 Alveolar Pressure (cm H2O) Inspiration and Expiration •Inspiration: diaphragm conrtraction→chest volume↑→intrapleural pressure ↓→lungs expansion→alveolar pressure<atmospheric pressure →air is sucked into the lungs. (At the end of an inspiration, alveolar pressure=atmospheric pressure and airflow stops ) •Expiration: diaphragm relaxation→chest volume↓→intrapleural pressure ↑→lungs conrtraction→alveolar pressure>atmospheric pressure→ air is pushed out of the lungs. Therefore, expiration is a passive process. (At the end of an exspiration, also alveolar pressure=atmospheric pressure and airflow stops ) •Stronger ventilation: muscles of the chest wall help produce changes in chest volume beyond that produced by the contraction and relaxation of the diaphragm. Contraction of the external intercostal muscles helps increase the volume of the chest for stronger inspiration. while contraction of the internal intercostal muscles helps to decrease chest volume for stronger expiration. • Breathing pattern • Abdominal breathing: induced by diaphragm contraction or relaxation; • Thoracic breathing: resulted from external intercostal muscles contraction or relaxation; • Combined breathing: Abdominal breathing + Thoracic breathing • Connection with clinic Breathing pattern Eupnea (quiet breathing): diaphragm and external intercostal muscles are the main muscle of inspiration under resting conditions. – Contraction of the muscles increases chest volume inflating the lungs. – Expiration is a passive process (without muscle contraction). – Muscles of the rib cage augment the action of the diaphragm. Forced breathing (deep breathing, gasping, dyspnea): Inspiration and expiration are active process with many muscles contraction. Amplitude of intrapulmonary pressure change is related to breathing frequency, extent and unobstructed respiratory tract. Inspiration Expiration Eupnea: -2~-1 mmHg 1~2 mmHg Forced breathing: -100~-30 mmHg 60~140 mmHg (3) Pulmonary ventilated resistance thoracic elastic resistance elastic resistance,70% Respiratory esistance lung elastic 1/3 retracting force lung elastic resistance 2/3 lung surface tension inertial resistance non-elastic resistance 30% viscous resistance air way resistance (80%一90%) ① Relationship between elastic resistance and compliance Elastic resistance (ER): ER increased, not easily make lung`s deformation, and compliance used measures ER Compliance, C *: it is expansibility of elastic tissue with external force action. Relationship: C=1/ER Change: easy extension→large compliance→small elastic resistance→easy inspiration. Compliance, C = △V △P unit:L/cmH2O ② Lung compliance, CL lung volume % • Definition: changes of transpulmonary volume induced by changes in transpulmonary pressure • CL= △V/ △Ptp – transpulmonary pressure = alveolar pressure (PA)-intrapleural pressure (Pip) – eupnea, CLis about 0.2 L/cm H2O • Influencing factors – size of lung volume • specific compliance, Csp : compliance of unit lung volume – respiratory phase – body position – Abnormal pulmonary surfactant Lung compliance curve Transpulmonary pressure cmH2O specific complaince= eupneic compliance (L/cmH2O) functional residual volume ③Thoracic compliance, CT thoracic volume % CT=change in thoracic volume/change in transmural pressure – transmural pressure = intrapleural pressure-atmospheric pressure of outside chest wall – CT is about 0.2 L/cm H2O Functional residual volume Thoracic compliance curve transmural pressure cmH2O Large slope of curve middle section, big compliance and small resistance; When lung volume is justo major or justo minor, curve slope become smaller and elastic resistance larger. When lung volume is 67% of total lung capacity, transmural pressure is zero, and chest is at a natural (neutral) position without thoracic morphing (deformation), and does not display the elastic resistance (recoil force=0). Lung volume <67% of total lung capacity, oppressive chest produce a elastic recoil force outwards which is inspiratory dynamic and expiratory resistance. Lung volume >67% of total lung capacity, oppressive chest produce a elastic recoil force inwards which is expiratory dynamic and inspiratory resistance. ④ Lung-thorax compliance,CLT • Changes in lung volume induced by unit transmural pressure transmural pressure (Pt)=alveolar pressure(PA)-chest surface pressure (Pcs) • CLT =1/R = 1/(RL+RT) = 1/(1/CL+1/CT) Normal value: 0.1 L/cm H2O lung volume % • Normal equilibrium position of pulmonary retractive force inward and thoracal recoil force outward is the level at 40% of total lung capacity, which determine numerical value of intrapleural pressure and functional residual volume. transmural pressure cmH2O physiological saline filling lung collapse ⑤ pressure-volume curve Difference of pressure-volume curve between lungs inflation and collapse, and after deformation can not rapidly recover to its original state. lung volume Hysteresis(滞后现象 ) air filling intrapulmonary pressure Cat`s pressure-volume curve in vitro Lung Filling with physiological saline induces lung expansion with small pressure, and whole lung filling requires lower pressure, hysteresis of empty is not obvious after filling. Pressure of filling lung with air is much larger than with physiological saline (about 3 times) Reason: filling with air makes a liquid-air interface in alveolar lining liquid and alveolar gas, then produce surface tension. ⑥ Surface tension, T • Definition: with liquid-air interface, liquid surface contractility made by liquid intermolecular gravitation. • surface tension of spheric liquid-air interface is toward centrer and make pulmonary alveoli contractible producing elastic resistance. Laplace`s law: P = 2T/ r P: stand for the additional pressure (retractive pressure) produced by alveolar surface tension; T: represents surface tension; r: radius of curvature. ⑦ Pulmonary surfactant Component: dipalmitoyllecithin (二 DPL, DPPC) It is secreted by type II pneumocytes and monomolecular layer distributed on liquid-air interface, and its density changes with changes in alveolar volume, and its function is mainly to decrease surface tension (2/3 of total surface tension ) Physiological significance ** It is beneficial to maintain alveolar volume (stability); It reduces interstitial fluid production of lung interstitial tissue and alveolar cavity to prevent pulmonary edema; It decreases inspiratory resistance, reduces inspiratory work and help pulmonary ventilation and lung expansion. Surfactant, a phospholipid secreted by type II pneumocytes Alveolar volume changes with or without surfactant Surfactant lowers the surface tension of alveoli and causes surface tension to change with volume, than keeps alveolar pressure constant. Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, NRDS Alveolar volume changes without surfactant The surface tension of alveoli would cause small alveoli to empty into larger alveoli if it were not for the effect of surfactant. Clinic relation… Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, NRDS Alveolar pressure does not changes with surfactant Law of Laplace: P=2T/r Small-volume alveoli have a small surface tension while large-volume alveoli have a large surface tension. This enables alveoli of unequal size to exist side-by-side. ⑧ Non-elastic resistance Inertial resistance Viscous resistance Airway resistance Airway resistance is 80%一90% of total non-elastic resistance. airway resistance, (AR) =(atmospheric pressure-intrapulmonary pressure) (cmH2O) /unit time gas flow rate (L/s) •Influencing factor: – airspeed – airflow pattern • laminar flow, R=8ηL/πr4, • turbulent flow, R‘=fL/4π2r5 – airway calibre – lung volume •Distribution of airway resistance more AR is upper respiratory tract (most AR at nasal cavity). Resistance to air flow • Medium-sized bronchi are the major site of resistance. • Autonomic nervous system and inspired irritants alter resistance. • Changes in lung volume alter resistance because bronchi are supported by lung tissue. Medium-sized bronchi are the major site of resistance The contractile activity of the bronchiolar smooth muscle is influenced by the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic nerve, relaxation, resistance↓; parasympathetic nerve, contraction, resistance↑). Irritants such as cigarette smoke cause an increase in resistance. An increase in lung volume reduces resistance because the bronchi are pulled open. Patients with elevated airway resistance often breathe from an elevated FRC in an attempt to reduce the resistance. (4) Respiratory work • Work done by that respiratory muscles overcome elastic resistance and non-elastic resistance to realize pulmonary ventilation. • It is 3~5 % of total body energy consumption and it is very small. 2. Indexes of pulmonary ventilation function (1) Lung Volumes and Capacities • Four terms describe specific volumes of the lungs: tidal, expiratory reserve, inspiratory reserve, residual • Four terms describe lung capacities: functional residual, inspiratory, vital, total lung Measure of lung volumes and capacities Lung volumes and capacities * • The change in lung volume needed to move air in and out is called tidal volume (TV). During quiet breathing, tidal volume results from the contraction-relaxation of the diaphragm. • The maximum lung volume that can be achieved above tidal volume is called inspiratory reserve volume (IRV). • The minimum lung volume that can be achieved below tidal volume is called expiratory reserve volume (ERV). • Like the heart, the lungs cannot be completely emptied. The amount of air remaining in the lungs after a forced expiration is called the residual volume (RV). • The four lung volumes are combined in various ways to calculate four lung capacities. • ERV+RV=Functional residual capacity (FRC) • TV+IRV=Inspiratory capacity (IC) • ERV+TV+IRV=Vital capacity (VC) • RV+ERV+TV+IRV=Total lung capacity (TLC) * Functional residual capacity (FRC) • The volume at which these two opposing forces (lungs, contraction and chest, expansion) balance is called the functional residual capacity (FRC). • At FRC,the lungs and chest wall are in the “rest” position where forces are balanced and the pressure within the lungs equals atmospheric pressure. • Inspiration begins from FRC. • By the intrapleural space, changes in the chest volume, make that the lungs are pulled along and their volume also changes. Lung volumes and capacities Inspiratory Reserve Volume (3000 mL) Vital Capacity Inspiratory (4600 mL) Capacity (3500 mL) Tidal Volume (500 mL) EXpiratory Reserve Volume (1100 mL) Functional Residual Residual Volume (1200 mL) Capacity (2300 mL) The quantity of air moved by the lung can be divided into various volumes and capacities. Their relationship to one another is diagramed in this figure. Lung volumes and capacities Lung volumes and capacities can be used to describe lungs function in the hospital (2) Dead space volumes • Dead space is the volume of air that does not reach areas of the lung where gas exchange occurs. • Anatomical dead space is due to the conduction airways (150 mL). • Alveolar dead space is due to alveoli that receive inadequate blood flow (150 mL). • Physiological dead space is the sum of anatomical and alveolar dead spaces. Dead space volumes (3) Pulmonary ventilation •Minute ventilation volume, Vm •Vm =tidal volume×respiratory frequency •Maximum voluntary ventilation •ventilatory reserve percentage = Maximal voluntary ventilarion- Minute ventilation volume ×100% Maximal voluntary ventilarion Alveolar ventilation **: =(tidal volume-dead space )×respiratory frequency It is a pulmonary ventilative accurate estimating index Ventilation Equations • Minute ventilation is the total volume of air moved into the lungs per unit time and equals the tidal volume times the breathing frequency (MV=TV×F). • Alveolar ventilation measures the volume of air that actually reaches the alveoli per unit time because it takes into account dead space volume [VA =(TV-DS)×F ]. • Increasing tidal volume overcomes the effect of dead space volume. TABLE Tidal Volume (mL) F (breaths/min) MV (mL/min) VA (mL/min) 300 20 6000 3000 500 12 6000 4200 600 10 6000 4500 150 40 6000 0 Ventilation is uneven within the lungs •The weight of the lungs produces uneven inflation of alveoli. Lungs weight make different alveolar volume at the top and bottom of the lungs (e.g. alveoli at the top of the lungs are at a larger volume (more negative intrapleural pressure) than those at the base (less negative intrapleural pressure). Alveoli also exhibit a changing compliance as volume changes. Those at the base are ventilated more than those at the top of the lung (compliance regulation). •Surfactant helps alveoli of different sizes remain inflated. Surfactant can reduce surface tension which tries to make the alveoli smaller, and keep alveolar pressure constant. II. Pulmonary gas exchange and Tissue gas exchange 1. Principles of gas exchange * General Considerations • Dynamical movement of gas depends on gas partial pressure, that is to say, driving force for gas movement is the difference in gas partial pressure. • Physical diffusion and amount of blood flow influence the amount of a gas in the blood. O2 Pulmonary alveolus pulmonary capillary blood CO2 gas exchange • gas exchange O2 Tissue gas blood histiocytes exchange CO 2 2. Pulmonary gas exchange • Gas partial pressure, e.g. Po2 is 160 mm Hg (21% of 760 mm Hg). • Gas movement between alveolar air and blood is a passive process (pulmonary gas exchange) determined by the concentration gradient for the particular gas. • Normally, the partial pressure of oxygen is high and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide is low in alveolar air. The opposite is true for the partial pressure of these gases in the blood entering the lungs. • It is these differences in partial pressures that produce the driving force for oxygen to enter the blood and carbon dioxide to leave the blood as blood flows through the alveolar capillary bed. Partial pressure of O2 and CO2 in alveoli, blood and tissue (mmHg) Alveoli O2 O2 O2 CO2 CO2 Venous Blood O2 CO2 Arterial Blood Pulmonary Capillary Heart O2 O2 CO2 O2 CO2 Tissue Capillary CO2 Pulmonary gas exchange and tissue gas exchange Movement of gas between alveolar air and blood Gas Composition of Alveolar Air • Partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide in alveolar air are not the same as those in atmospheric air. • Humidification lowers the Po2 of inspired air. • Po2 of alveolar air is lower than inspired air because of uptake by the blood. • Carbon dioxide diffusing from pulmonary arterial blood into alveolar air raises alveolar Pco2 compared to that of inspired air. Pulmonary gas exchange and tissue gas exchange Influencing factors of pulmonary gas exchange ** • Fick’s law of diffusion relates four factors that determine the amount of gas transferred through a sheet of tissue: (1) cross-sectional area, (2) partial pressure, (3) diffusion constant, (4) thickness, and (5) ventilation/perfusion ratio. • Diffusion constant is related to the gas solubility and molecular weight. • Movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide are not limited by diffusion. Influencing factors of pulmonary gas exchange * Fick’s law Fick's law is a mathematical expression of some factors Gas diffusion is proportional to Surface area× Diffusion constant× Partial pressure gradient Thickness The physical properties of O2 and CO2 enable them to diffuse rapidly between the alveolar air and the blood. Therefore, the amount of these gases in the blood is not limited by diffusion. O2 solubility O2 solubility O2 solubility CO2 solubility Respiratory membrane Interocclusal Alveolar Epithelial Base Membrane Capillary Base Membrane Capillary Epithelial Cells Clearance Alveolar Epithelial Cells Liquid Layer Containing Alveolar Surfactant Normally, area of Respiratory membrane is very large being beneficial to gas exchange RBC RBC Alveoli Capillary RBC Structural Diagram of Respiratory membrane Respiratory membrane Thickness of Respiratory membrane is close related to clinic diseases Normally,thickness of Respiratory membrane is very small being beneficial to gas exchange Blood flow affects the amount of gas in the blood • The amount of gas dissolved in blood can be limited by pulmonary blood flow. • The amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood is limited by perfusion. Movement of blood through the lungs Overview of Pulmonary Blood Flow and Resistance • The volume of blood flow through the lungs is the same as through the systemic circulation but because the resistance is lower (about one tenth the resistance of the systemic circulation) , pressure is lower too. • Pulmonary vascular resistance is increased by norepinephrine, serotonin, and histamine; while adenosine, acetylcholine, and nitric oxide decrease resistance. • Reduced alveolar oxygen (hypoxia) causes increased pulmonary vascular resistance. Lung volume affects pulmonary vascular resistance • Pulmonary vascular resistance increases at both small and large lung volumes because alveolar and extra-alveolar vessels are affected differently by changes in lung volume. • The capillaries are not supported by connective tissue, their caliber is influenced by alveolar volume. • At large lung volumes (ie, large alveolar volume), capillaries are compressed, which raises their resistance to blood flow. • At small lung volumes (ie, small alveolar volume), the connective tissue is not stretched, allowing the extraalveolar vessel to narrow, and resistance is high at low lung volumes because of extra-alveolar vessel narrowing. Blood flow is uneven within the lungs • Gravity causes blood pressure and therefore blood flow to be greater at the base than at the top of the lung. • Just as gravity produces regional differences in alveolar inflation (see Ventilation is uneven in the lungs), it also produces regional differences in blood flow. Balancing ventilation and perfusion Normal Ventilation-Perfusion Imbalance • Regional differences in ventilation and blood flow cause the top of the lung to be overventilated and the bottom of the lung to be overperfused under normal conditions. • Regional differences in the ratio of ventilation to perfusion result in regional differences in gas exchange from the top to the bottom of the normal lung. • Because of ventilation-perfusion imbalance, blood leaving the top of the lung has a higher Po2 and a lower Pco2 than blood leaving the base of the lung. Normal ventilation-perfusion imbalance VA / Q mismatch from top to bottom of the lung Normal ventilation-perfusion imbalance Perfusion ( Q ) 1 Ventilation ( VA ) Ve nti lat io n or Pe rf us io n L/ mi n 0 Apex of Lung Base of Lung Because of the effect of gravity, lung perfusion (Q), and ventilation (VA) increase from the top (apex) to the bottom (base) of the lung. Normal ventilation-perfusion balance Venous Blood Turn into Arterial Blood Which realizes Pulmonary Gas Exchange Efficiently. Normal ventilation-perfusion imbalance Efficiency of Pulmonary Gas Exchange is lower. Normal ventilation-perfusion regulation Pulmonary Gas Exchange is maintained by Regulation. Shunts • “Shunt” is a term used to describe a condition in which VA /Q is zero due to no ventilation. • Anatomical shunts result from blood vessels that do not flow past alveoli (arterial blood perfusing the bronchi goes directly into pulmonary veins without passing through the lungs). • Alveolar shunts result from alveoli that are not ventilated or are not capable of exchanging gas. • A physiological shunt is the sum of anatomical and alveolar shunts. • The greater the magnitude of the physiological shunt, the lower the Po2 and the higher the Pco2 of arterial blood. • The greater the magnitude of the physiological shunt, the greater the alveolar-arterial oxygen difference. Shunt and dead space are related and represent the limits of VA/Q • Shunt refer to conditions where VA/Q is zero because of no ventilation, whereas dead space refers to conditions where VA/Q is infinite because of no blood flow. • Both shunts and dead space have anatomical and alveolar components. • Shunts and dead space represent the limits of VA/Q. Shunt and dead space are related and represent the limits of VA/Q In the presence of a shunt, alveolar air has the gas composition of venous blood (pco2 =46mm Hg; po2 =40mm Hg) because it has not been altered by exchange with outside air. At the other extreme, dead space, alveolar air has the gas composition of inspired air (po2 =150mm Hg; pco2 =0) because it has not been altered by exchange with venous blood. Between these extremes where these is some degree of ventilation and perfusion, alveolar air and, therefore, pulmonary blood will have a po2 and a pco2 between these limits. VA /Q =0 (Shunt) VA /Q =Normal Pc o250 m m H g VA /Q =Infinity (Dead Space) 0 0 50 100 Po2 mmHg 150 Mismatches in the ventilation to perfusion ratio (VA/Q) affect the Po2 and Pco2 in alveolar air. In ventilated alveoli, as the level of perfusion decreases to zero (dead space), the Po2 increases and the Pco2 decreases. In perfused alveoli, as ventilation decreases to zero (shunt), the Po2 decreases and the Pco2 increases. Normal alveolar ventilation and blood perfusion matching each other for gas exchange Ventilation/perfusion ratio is about 0.84 Relationship between alveolar ventilation and alveolar partial pressure Abnormal alveolar ventilation for gas exchange Emphysema results in increased shunt. Body has anoxia. Abnormal alveolar ventilation for gas exchange Fibrotic lung disease (纤维化肺疾病) results in increased shunt. Body has anoxia. Abnormal alveolar ventilation for gas exchange Pulmonary edema results in increased shunt. Body has anoxia. Abnormal alveolar ventilation for gas exchange Asthma results in increased shunt. Body has anoxia. 3. Tissue gas exchange Definition *: gas exchange between capillary blood flow and histiocytes. Influencing factor of tissue exchange – Distance between histiocytes and blood capillary – Tissues metabolic level Metabolic level ↑→O2 use↑, CO2 production↑→local PO2↓, PCO2↑→big difference with blood gas partial pressure→ gas exchange in tissue↑. Local metabolites↑→capillary opening amount↑→gas exchange in tissue↑. – Blood flow velocity of blood capillary Fast, there is not sufficient time to make gas exchange; Slow, transport of O2 and CO2 within unit time is decreased. Tissue gas exchange III. Gas transport in the Blood 1. Transport forms of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood Transport forms: physical dissolution (elementary substance O2, CO2) and chemical constitution (HbO2, HCO-3); • Systemic arterial and pulmonary venous blood are high in oxygen and low in carbon dioxide; • Systemic venous and pulmonary arterial blood are high in carbon dioxide and low in oxygen. Gas composition of arterial and venous blood O2 exchange between the alveoli and blood and O2 transport Movement of carbon dioxide and oxygen between the alveolar air and the blood and between the blood and peripheral tissue depends upon concentration gradients for these gases. As can be seen in this figure, the gradients favor the movement of oxygen from alveolar air to the tissue and movement of carbon dioxide from the tissue to alveolar air. Venous blood Po2=40 mmHg Pco2=46 mmHg O2 exchange between the blood and tissue cells and O2 transport Movement of carbon dioxide and oxygen between the alveolar air and the blood and between the blood and peripheral tissue depends upon concentration gradients for these gases. As can be seen in this figure, the gradients favor the movement of oxygen from alveolar air to the tissue and movement of carbon dioxide from the tissue to alveolar air. CO2 exchange between the tissue cells and blood and CO2 transport Movement of carbon dioxide and oxygen between the alveolar air and the blood and between the blood and peripheral tissue depends upon concentration gradients for these gases. As can be seen in this figure, the gradients favor the movement of oxygen from alveolar air to the tissue and movement of carbon dioxide from the tissue to alveolar air. CO2 exchange between the blood and alveoli and CO2 transport Movement of carbon dioxide and oxygen between the alveolar air and the blood and between the blood and peripheral tissue depends upon concentration gradients for these gases. As can be seen in this figure, the gradients favor the movement of oxygen from alveolar air to the tissue and movement of carbon dioxide from the tissue to alveolar air. 2. Oxygen transport in the blood • Oxygen is carried in two forms: dissolved (1.5%) and bound to hemoglobin (98.5%). • Dissolved oxygen is inadequate to meet the body’s needs. • Hemoglobin greatly increases the blood’s oxygen-carrying capacity. • Three terms describe the amount of oxygen in the blood: capacity, saturation, content. • Oxygen binding to hemoglobin is influenced by pH, carbon dioxide, 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG), and temperature. • Carbon monoxide decreases the blood’s oxygen content and capacity. Oxygen transport in the blood Physical dissolved form is secondary (1.5%). Oxygen transport in the blood Chemical combined form is dominating (98.5%). Oxygen transport in the blood under the low Po2 in the blood Structure of Hemoglobin Fe2+ Hemoglobin (Hb) enables the blood to carry large quantities of oxygen. Hb consists of a heme, an ironprophyrin, bound to a globin molecule, a large polypeptide chain. Four heme-globin complexes combine to form the whole Hb molecule. There are 4 different globin molecules that vary slightly in amino acid composition and are designated alpha, beta, gamma, and delta chains. The most common form is Hb A, which consists of 2 alpha and 2 beta chains. Oxygen binds to the iron atoms in Hb and because the molecule contains 4 iron atoms, 4 oxygen molecules can be bound. (1) Characteristic of Hb combining with O2 Reaction: fast, reversible, no enzyme catalysis, influenced by PO2. After Fe ion combined with O2, Fe ion is still Fe2+, so it is oxygenation rather than oxidization; Absorbing ability different made by response of different Hb to various spectrum. Ability of HbO2 absorbing shortwave spectrum (e.g. blue light) is stronger; Ability of HHb absorbing long wave spectrum (e.g. red light) is stronger; Blood color is related to Hb content, quality, arterial blood: bright red; venous blood: prunosus Cyanosis : when reduced Hb (HHb) in the body surface capillary bed blood is more than 5 g /100 ml, skin and mucosa display violaceous color. O2+ Hb HbO2 ** PO2 PO2 Three terms are used to describe the amount of oxygen in the blood • Oxygen content refers to the total amount of oxygen in the blood, that is, the sum of the amount dissolved plus the amount bound to hemoglobin (Hb). • Oxygen capacity is the maximum amount of oxygen that can combine with Hb. It is determined by exposing blood to a very high Po2 and calculating the amount bound to Hb after subtracting the amount dissolved. The oxygen capacity is determined by the amount of Hb in the blood and by the ability of Hb to bind oxygen. • Oxygen saturation * is the proportion of the total number of oxygen binding sites that are occupied. It is determined by the Po and the ability of Hb to bind oxygen, but not by the amount of Hb present in the blood. Oxygen saturation = Oxygen content / Oxygen capacity ×100% (2) Oxygen dissociation curve or named O2-Hb binding curve 0 20 Po2 (mm Hg) The curve describes relationship between the Po2 and the hemoglobin oxygen saturation ** He m og lo bi n O2 Sa tu rat io n (% ) Oxygen dissociation curve or named O2-Hb binding curve 100 20 Arterial Po2 Venous Po2 10 % Hemo globin Satur ation Oxygen Combined With Hb Oxygen Dissolved In Blood 0 0 0 50 Oxyge n Conte nt (mL/1 00 mL blood) 50 100 Po2 (mm Hg) Oxygen is present in the blood in a dissolved form and is bound to Hb. The partial pressure of oxygen determines how much is in each form. Much more oxygen is bound to Hb at any partial pressure than is dissolved. Oxygen dissociation curve or named O2-Hb binding curve Total Blood Oxygen Content Oxygen Combined With Hb Oxygen Dissolved In Blood Oxygen Dissociation Curve Oxygen dissociation curve Notice that at normal arterial Po2 (100 mm Hg), Hb is over 95% saturated and that even at normal venous Po2 (40 mm Hg) it is still 75% saturated. Because of Hb, 100 mL of blood contain approximately 19 mL of O2 at arterial Po2 and about 14 mL at venous Po2 . This means that 5 mL of O2 were delivered to the tissue by 100 mL of blood because of Hb, more than 10 times the amount present in the dissolved form (0.3 mL). Shape like Reversed “S” Style Oxygen dissociation curve Embryo and adult have some different percent O2 saturation of hemoglobin Reason Why? (3) Influencing factors of oxygen dissociation curve ** Effect of pH on oxygen dissociation curve pH decrease results in curve right shift which means that Hb releases more O2 to tissue cells for use. Bohr effect *:pH↓ or PCO2↑ increase Hb releasing O2 (affinity↓) Effect of Pco2 on oxygen dissociation curve Pco2 increase results in curve right shift which means that Hb releases more O2 to tissue cells for use. Effect of temperature on oxygen dissociation curve Temperature increase results in curve right shift which means that Hb releases more O2 to tissue cells for use. Effect of 2,3-DPG on oxygen dissociation curve 2,3-DPG increase results in curve right shift which means that Hb releases more O2 to tissue cells for use. Effects of various factors on oxygen dissociation curve Al ve ol ar Ve nti lat io n (B as ic Ra te is 1) pH Al ve ol ar Ve nti lat io n (B as ic Ra te is 1) Pco2 30 35 Po2 140 120 40 100 45 80 50 60 55 40 60 20 Normal 65 (mm Hg) 0 (mm Hg) 6.9 Reaction of changing in one factor with other factors constant. Reaction of changing in one factor with other factors changeable as well. Carbon monoxide decreases the blood’s oxygen content and capacity Inhalation of carbon monoxide (CO) has several effects on oxygen transport by the blood. The affinity of CO for Hb is 240 times that for oxygen, so very small amounts of CO will occupy a large number of the oxygen binding sites. This effectively reduces the oxygen capacity of Hb. Because of this, Hb becomes saturated with oxygen at very low Po2 values, values that are less than those in venous blood. This means that little if any oxygen will be released for tissue use. The net effect is that at normal alveolar Po2 oxygen content and capacity of blood is greatly reduced even though Hb is saturated and the amount of dissolved oxygen is normal. Different ways influence total arterial O2 content (Summary) 3. Carbon dioxide transport by blood • Carbon dioxide is transported in the blood in three forms: dissolved, as bicarbonate (main form), and bound to hemoglobin. • Blood contains more carbon dioxide than it does oxygen. • Carbon dioxide binding to hemoglobin is affected by Po2. (1)Carbon dioxide transport by bicarbonate ion in the blood* Tissue Fluid blood plasma Metabolism (88%) RBC CA: carbonic anhydrase Carbon dioxide transport by bicarbonate ion in the blood (2)Comparison of dissociation curve of CO2 and O2 * Carbon Dioxide 60 Venous Pco2 Oxygen Arterial Pco2 30 0 C o2 or O2 C on te nt (m L/ 10 0 m L bl oo d) 0 50 Pco2 or Po2 (mm Hg) 100 The blood carries much more carbon dioxide than oxygen (3) Effect of O2 On CO2 dissociation curve * Bloo d carb on dioxi de Cont ent (Volu me% ) Pco2 (kPa) Haldane effect : O2 combining with Hb induces CO2 release, and HHb easily combines with CO2. Effect of O2 On CO2 dissociation curve (4)Interrelationship between O2 and CO2 in Transport by Blood ** Just as CO2 alters O2 binding to Hb (Bohr effect), O2 alters CO2 binding (Haldane effect). As the Po2 increases, less CO2 can bind to Hb. This interrelationship between O2 and CO2 binding to Hb facilitates gas exchange with Hb both in the lungs and in the tissue. In the lungs, Po2 is high, which reduces CO2 binding to Hb, facilitating release into alveolar air. In the tissue Po2 is low, which increases CO2 binding to Hb, facilitating its removal from the tissue. As described in the previous section (Oxygen Transport in the blood) changes in Pco2 facilitate oxygen binding to Hb in an appropriate manner in tissue and lung. IV. Respiratory Regulation 1. Respiratory centers and formation of respiratory rhythm Control of breathing rhythm • Medulla and pons (bridge) form the integration center and contain neural elements that define the basic breathing rhythm (Using transecting method). • In medulla, ventral respiratory group and the dorsal respiratory group that are responsible for establishing this rhythm. • The basic rhythm is modulated by higher brain centers and by receptors located in the chest wall and lungs. • Primary efferent output (depth and frequency of respiration ) is via the phrenic nerve to the diaphragm. • Motor nerves that exit the spinal cord at several levels in the thorax innervate intercostal muscles. These muscles are activated when large volumes of air must be moved. • Reflex of cough and sneeze is useful for defence in respiratory system. Control of breathing rhythm Rhythmicity unrhythmicity The fourth ventricle midbrain Intact vagus nerve Cut vagus nerve off Different respiratory centers in brain stem regulate breathing rhythm PC: Respiratory regulatory center; Böt C: Böt’s complex; VRG: ventral respiratory group; DRG: dorsal respiratory group; PBKF: Kölliker-FuseNucleus; A/B/C/D: Different transect; NTS: nucleus tractus solitarius Control of breathing rhythm 2. Reflex regulation of respiration (1) Chemoreceptive reflex Ventilation influenced by Po2 ,Pco2 , and pH ( [H+] )** • Two groups of chemoreceptors, medullary and peripheral, send afferent information to the medulla and influence the depth and rate of respiration. • Medullary chemoreceptors are sensitive to pH and increase ventilation when pH falls ( [H+]↑ ). • Peripheral chemoreceptors are sensitive to pH, Po2 , and Pco2 with Pco2 being most effective. • Sensitivity of the peripheral chemoreceptors is influenced by pH,. Po2 , and Pco2. ① Medullary chemoreceptors Chemical sensitive Area Chemical sensitive Area influencing respiration Nuclei related respiration The medullary chemoreceptors or central chemoreceptors are sensitive to pH. Since the blood-brain barrier is impermeable to H+, the medullary chemoreceptors do not directly sense the pH of the blood. However, CO2 can diffuse from the blood into the cerebral spinal fluid where it is converted to H+ and HCO3-.The hydrogen ions thus formed stimulate the medullary chemoreceptors. ② Effects of plasma Pco2 on ventilation* ③ Effects of plasma Pco2 and On ventilation * + H ④ Effects of plasma Po2 on ventilation* 2 he peripheral chemoreceptors: carotid and aortic bodies Ventilation↑ Notice, Serious anoxemia (hypoxia) will directly inhibit respiration ⑤ Ventilation influenced by Po2 ,Pco2, and pH ( [H+] ) ** The relative levels of pH, Po2 , and Pco2 influence the sensitivity of peripheral chemoreceptors to pH, Po2, or Pco2. When the Po2 or pH is low, the carotid body sensitivity to Pco2 is increased. Similarly, the carotid body sensitivity to oxygen is increased if the Pco2 is elevated. However, under some circumstances these interactions can be antagonistic. At high altitude Po2 falls because of the fall in atmospheric pressure. This stimulates ventilation but also reduces arterial Pco2 as carbon dioxide is blown off. The fall in Pco2 reduces the primary drive for ventilation and the sensitivity of the carotid body chemoreceptors to arterial oxygen. This leads to a further fall in arterial Po2 , enhancing oxygen’s stimulatory effect on ventilation. Ultimately, a steady state is reached between the stimulatory response to hypoxia (low oxygen) and the inhibitory effect of hypocapnia (low CO2). (2) Other respiratory reflexes Pulmonary stretch reflex : found in 1868 by Breuer and Hering. Definition*: pulmonary inflation or expansion result in inspiration inhibition turning into expiration and pulmonary collapse induces inspiration excitation (Hering-Breuer reflex). Pulmonary deflation reflex Proprioceptive reflex of respiratory muscles Defensive respiratory reflexes: cough reflex and sneeze reflex. Connect with clinic · · · · · · Effects of different factors on respiration (Summary) Changes in Ventilation Pathological respiratory patterns Coma Respiratory Depth Cheyne-stokes’ breathing Respiratory Center Respiratory Center Excitation Pulmonary Blood Encephalic high pressure Biot’s breathing Pathological periodical respiratory pattern V. Role of the lungs in regulation of acid-base balance Ventilatory Response to Acid-Base Changes • Because the CO2-bicarbonate buffer system plays a significant role in regulating pH, the lungs can alter arterial pH by changing arterial Pco2. • Ventilation is increased in response to metabolic acidemia. • Ventilation is decreased in response to metabolic alkalemia. Role of the lungs in regulation of acid-base balance •The CO2-bicarbonate buffer system is the major way in which the body maintains arterial pH because the lungs regulate the CO2 level of the blood and the kidneys regulate the amount of bicarbonate (chapter4). •CO2undergoes the following reaction in blood: CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H + + HCO3- pH=6.1+log ( [HCO3-] / Pco2) {deriving from the HendersonHasselbalch equation} •Normal blood values can be substituted for the various parameters. To convert the units of mm Hg for Pco2 to mEq/L, Pco2 is multiplied by 0.03. 7.4=6.1+log [24mEq/L/(0.03×40 mm Hg)]=6.1+log 20/1 This relationship shows that as long as the ratio of bicarbonate to CO2 is 20:1,pH will be 7.4. The body adjusts the amounts of these two substances in order to maintain a normal pH. The lungs regulate the amount of CO2. Role of the lungs in regulation of acid-base balance • Arterial H+ concentration can change for a variety of reasons. If the cause does not involve the lungs, it is said to be of metabolic origin. It is called metabolic acidosis if the pH decreases and metabolic alkalosis if the pH increases. If the lungs are the cause of the acid-base disturbance, the processes are called respiratory acidosis and respiratory alkalosis. • An elevation in arterial H+ concentration and Pco2 will stimulate ventilation. The increase in ventilation will lower the Pco2 driving (reaction 1) further to the left helping to lower the H+ concentration. In addition, the kidneys will generate bicarbonate and secrete H+. • An decrease in arterial H+ concentration and Pco2 will reduce ventilation allowing Pco2 to accumulate. This will generate additional H+ and help to return the pH to normal. Altered ventilation causes acid-base changes • CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H + + HCO3- • An inability of the lungs to remove CO2 results in respiratory acidemia. • Inappropriate removal of CO2 by the lungs results in respiratory alkalemia. Consideration after class 1. Please describe characteristic , forming mechanism and physiological meaning of intrathoracic pressure. 2. What are the influencing factors of the gas exchange? 3. Please describe concept , characteristic and influencing factors about oxygen dissociation curve. 4. How do changes in Po2 ,Pco2 , and pH ( [H+] ) influence the respiratory movement ?