completebylaws-dundee - Dundee

Bylaws of the Dundee-Crown Chapter of the National Honor Society
Article I
Name and Purpose
Section 1: The name of this chapter shall be the Dundee-Crown Chapter of the
National Honor Society of Secondary Schools, which appears on the charter granted by the
National Honor Society, duly signed by the national secretary.
Section 2: The object of this chapter shall be to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to
stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worth leadership, and to encourage the
development of character in all students of Dundee-Crown High School.
Article II
Requirements for Acceptance into National Honor Society
Section 1: Membership in this chapter shall be based upon scholarship, service,
leadership and character.
Section 2: To be eligible for selection to membership in this chapter the candidate
must have been in attendance at Dundee-Crown High School for a period equivalent to one
Section 3: Candidates eligible for selection to this chapter must be members of the
junior or senior class. Junior and senior candidates eligible for selection to this chapter will
have a minimum GPA of 5.0 (weighted grades). These scholastic levels of achievement will
be the minimum scholastic level of achievement for admission candidacy. All students who
can rise in scholarship to or above this standard may be candidates for selection to
membership. Their eligibility shall then be considered o their service, leadership, and
Section 4: to be eligible for selection to membership in this chapter, a student must
submit an application. The application and all of its parts must be submitted on or before
the due date. No exceptions for late applications will be made. The application must
include all the information requested. It will include a list of the student’s extracurricular
activities, achievements, etc. At least six activities in their high school career will be the
minimum requirement. Activities must come from at least two different school related
areas, including but not limited to, sports, clubs, school groups, and at least one out-ofschool activity. All parts of the application, including sponsor/teacher signatures, must be
submitted on or before the due date.
Section 5: An active member of the National Honor Society who transfers to this
school will automatically be accepted for membership at the previous school. The letter
must be signed by the principle f the former school. The transfer ember must maintain the
membership requirements for this chapter in order to retain his/her National Honor
Society membership.
Article III
Selection of Members
Section 1: The selection of members to this chapter of the national Honor Society
shall be by a multi-step process. First, each application will be reviewed by the chapter’s
Executive Board. If an applicant is not disqualified, they will then be rated be the entire
faculty. Any student with negative faculty comments will be reviewed by the Faculty
Council. The Faculty Council shall consist of a minimum of four teachers (faculty members)
selected by the principal and NHS advisor(s). The principal and the NHS advisor(s) may
attend the Faculty Council meeting, however, they are non-voting members. The Faculty
Council has the right to disqualify any candidate (student) for membership.
Article IV
Section 1: Any member who falls below the standards which were the basis of
his/her selection shall be warned. If during the next regular marking period of the school,
the member fails to meet the standards used as a basis for his/her selection to the Society,
his/her case shall be reviewed by the Faculty Council. A National Honor Society member
must maintain all the standards for membership in order to maintain his/her membership.
In the case of grades, a member may be given a one semester probationary period. In cases
of moral or ethnical concerns, a probationary period is not required. The Faculty Council
may convene to discuss and vote on critical issues regarding disciplinary measures as
Section 2: When a member is dismissed by the Faculty Council he/she must be
notified in writing. Once a member is dismissed, he/she is never again eligible for
membership in the Dundee-Crown chapter of the National Honor Society. Notice of a
dismissal will be indicated on the annual report submitted by the NHS adviser to the
national secretary.
Section 3: All members will show the qualities for Scholarship, Leadership,
Character and Service as defined in the national Honor Society handbook.
Section 4: Membership in this chapter shall be known as active and graduate. The
graduate members have no vote. Active members become graduate members at graduation.
Section 5: An active member of the National Honor Society who transfers from
Dundee-Crown High School will be given a letter (when requested by the member)
indicating the status of his/her membership and signed by the school principal and the NHS
Article V
Participation and Attendance
Section 1: The activities of this chapter shall be subject to the approval of the
Section 2: The regular meeting of this chapter shall be held at least one time a
mother during the regular school year. The dates and times will be determined by the NHS
Section 3: Special meetings, approved by the Executive Board and adviser(s), may
be called.
Section 4: All meetings shall be open meetings and shall be held under the
sponsorship of the principal or the NHS adviser(s).
Section 5: This chapter shall conduct its meetings in a manner seeking consensus by
majority vote.
Section 6: Members are expected to attend all NHS meetings unless excused by the
NHS adviser(s). If a member needs to be excused prior to a meeting due to another school
commitment, the member should submit in writing the reason for the absence and get the
appropriate coach/sponsor signature. These should be given only to a faculty advisor. If the
member is absent from school on the day of the meeting, the meeting absence will only be
excused with proof of an excused absence for that particular day. These should only be
given to a faculty advisor. The member must submit proof by the Friday of the meeting
Section 7: members are allowed two unexcused absences from meetings. The
second unexcused absence will result in a meeting of adviser(s), the member and the
Executive Board. A warning will be issued at that time. The third unexcused absence will
result in a dismissal hearing by the Faculty council. One a member is removed from NHS
they may not reapply.
Section 8: The Dundee-Crown NHS members will earn service points by
participating in community and/or school service projects. A first year members must earn
nine points and a second year member must earn twelve points. Each point is equivalent to
ninety minute of service time. (Service Point Guidelines are available upon request and may
be included with every National Honor Society application.) Seniors must have their points
turned in by May 1st in order to be eligible for graduation tassels.
Article VI
Executive Board
Section 1: the five officers of this chapter will constitute an Executive Board that
works together.
Section 2: NHS members will apply for a position on the Executive Board.
Applicants’ attendance at the selection meeting is mandatory, and he/she must give a short
speech. A simple majority of votes cast shall be necessary to select any member to the
Executive Board. If a paper vote is necessary for selection of the Executive Board, then the
votes shall be counted by the advisors.
Section 3: Applicants for the Executive Board must have a strong commitment and
show involvement in NHS activities. They must also be able to meet during Flex Block.
Section 4: Executive Board members will:
a. Preside at and organize the meetings of this chapter
b. Take attendance at all meetings
c. Keep records of members’ service points
d. Aid the adviser(s) in developing agendas, projects, etc. for the chapter
e. Select or appoint other members as chairpersons for various committees
Article VII
Section 1: The dues for each member will be $10.00 per year. New members should
submit their dues prior to the induction ceremony unless other arrangements have been
made with the chapter adviser(s).
Section 2: The adviser(s) are responsible for the collection of the dues.
Article VIII
Section 1: These by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the chapter,
provided that the amendment has been approved by the Executive Board and chapter
adviser(s), and that the chapter has had an open discussion of the proposed amendment.
Section 2: Any proposed amendment must be in compliance with the most recent
edition of the national Constitution of the National Honor Society.
These by-laws of the Dundee-Crown Chapter of the National Honor Society were reviewed
and approved by the chapter’s members on March 6, 2007, as witnessed by the Executive
Nick Andriano
Amanda Brousil
Kira Gavigan
Alex Packard
Leah Sanders
Kim Gavigan
Aaron Holmer
Faculty Council
Fred Bencriscutto
Janet Malecek
Roy Wendling
(Signatures on file with NHS Advisor.)