National Honor Society Membership Application

HSHS NHS Application
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National Honor Society Membership Application 2016-2017
Holly Springs High School
Step 1: READ APPLICATION completely. Print or type all information neatly.
Step 2: Eligibility
The National Honor Society is a national organization based on student scholarship as well as
demonstrated leadership and commitment to service. Character is the fourth standard on which
membership is based. Character is evaluated by the NHS Faculty Council by reviewing school
disciplinary records and teacher input. For more information on how each of the pillars of National
Honor Society will be evaluated in this application, please see page 2.
Membership Requirements:
Rising junior or senior
3.6 weighted GPA
Evidence of leadership
Evidence of service
Evidence of strong character
Step 3: NHS Application Checklist – Documents that must be turned in by March 23rd at 2:45 pm:
1. _____ Completed Application: page 3 of the application (including signatures of student and parent)
2. _____ Personal Statement: page 4 of the application
3. _____ Statement of Service form: page 5 (signed by service supervisor)
4. _____ Statement of Leadership form: page 6 (signed by leadership supervisor)
5. _____ Optional statement regarding prior disciplinary infractions. Attach statement to application.
_____ The above documents must be complete and submitted in a packet to
Ms. Traversi in Student Services by Wednesday, March 23rd at 2:45 pm.
You do not need to request a transcript. Student Services will add a current transcript to your application.
Questions? Contact the NHS Advisors or NHS Officers:
Emily Felker, Advisor:
Jill Munchick, Advisor:
Alan Ellington, Advisor:
Maggie Redfield, President:
Jordan Stellar, Vice President:
Karina D’Abruzzo, Secretary:
Khavi Khuu, Communications:
Owais Mahmood, Service Chair:
Sarah Kreisler, Historian:
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National Honor Society Standards and Directions for completing attached documents
Requirement: 3.6 min. weighted, cumulative GPA (transcript will be provided by Student Services)
Requirement and Verification: At least one example of community service demonstrating a
commitment for a substantial period of time (at least 5 hours per semester) during high school
must be documented on the “Verification Statement for Service” form. Service at school is only
permissible if it is not required service for another HSHS Club (ex. DECA, HOSA, Key Club, etc.). If
unforeseen circumstances prevent you from obtaining a signature, please contact the NHS advisor
listed on page 1 of this application. (Note: Parent, relative, or student signatures on Verification
forms are not acceptable for verification of Service. You must ask an adult advisor/supervisor to
sign the Service form.)
Requirement and Verification: At least one example of community or school leadership that
involves a continuing commitment for at least 5 hours per semester during high school to be
documented on the “Verification Statement for Leadership” form. You must use examples that are
entirely separate from the Service activities listed in Section II. If circumstances prevent you from
obtaining a signature, please contact one of the NHS advisors listed on page 1 of this application.
(Note: Parent, relative, or student signatures on Verification forms are not acceptable for
verification of Leadership. You must ask an adult advisor/supervisor to sign the Leadership form.)
Character/Integrity (will be verified by HSHS staff after consideration of discipline records)
Criteria: According to the National Honor Society Handbook, a student of character:
 Takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations graciously
 Consistently exemplifies desirable qualities of behavior (cheerfulness, friendliness, poise,
 Upholds principles of morality and ethics
 Demonstrates the highest standards of honesty and reliability
 Cooperates by complying with school regulations concerning property, programs, office,
hall, BYOD, etc.
 Regularly shows courtesy, concern and respect for others
 Observes instructions and rules, is punctual, and faithful both inside and outside the
 Has powers of concentration, self-discipline, and sustained attention as shown by
perseverance and application to studies
 Manifests truthfulness by acknowledging obedience to rules, avoiding cheating in student
work, and demonstrating an unwillingness to profit knowingly by the mistakes of others
 Actively helps rid the school of bad influences or negative environments
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National Honor Society Membership Application
Student Name: __________________________________________________
Student ID Number: ________________________
Current Grade Level: ___________
Phone Number: ______________________________________
Email Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________
The HSHS National Honor Society is a group of motivated students of high academic standing who strive to utilize their
abilities to make a positive contribution to the community around them. Please carefully review the standards below.
NHS members must commit to each standard in order to remain in good standing. Failure to comply may result in
dismissal as outlined in the NHS Bylaws.
Members must attend the Induction Ceremony on May 3rd, 2016.
Members may miss only one meeting per semester each year.
Members must complete and document five (5) volunteer hours per quarter
Members must complete a minimum of one (1) hour in service as a peer tutor per quarter.
Members must participate in one (1) NHS group service project per semester.
Members must maintain a weighted, cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.6.
Members must maintain good moral character.
Applicants must be a rising junior or rising senior.
Members are required to pay the yearly NHS dues set by the national organization in compliance
with WCPSS School Board Policy.
The NHS Faculty Council will select members from all qualified applicants whose completed application includes
documentation of leadership, scholarship, service, and character. Information from the application as well as input from
the entire faculty and administration will be considered in the selection process.
I certify that all information I have provided in my application is original, factually correct, and honestly presented to
the best of my knowledge.
Student signature: ______________________________________
Date: _________________________
I have read the information provided by my student in this application and verify that it is his/her original
work, factually correct, and honestly presented.
Parent/Guardian signature: _________________________________
Date: ____________________
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Personal Statement: Please write a concise paragraph that describes how one of the four NHS standards is
evident in your daily activities. Please type or use black or blue ink.
Student Signature: ____________________________________________________
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Verification Statement for Service
Criteria: At least one example of community or school service that involves a continuing commitment for a
substantial period of time (at least 5 hours per semester) during high school. (Service cannot be required for
another HSHS Club.)
I, _______________________________________ (student name), do affirm and avow that I did complete the
following service activity on the date(s) listed below.
Project title: ___________________________________ Date(s) of Project: ____________________________
Specific volunteer work performed: ____________________________________________________________
Approximate total time spent: ____________________________
Requirement: Submit a brief paragraph detailing your role(s) and responsibilities in the
aforementioned activity. You may type/write the information in the space provided.
To the supervisor (who is not a parent, relative or another student):
By signing this document, you are agreeing that the student completed the activity described above as
evidence of “service” and that they are advocating for themselves in this paragraph to the highest degree
possible. Please note that this student is submitting an application for potential membership in the Holly
Springs High School Chapter of the National Honor Society.
Name of Coordinator/Supervisor (please print clearly) ___________________________________
Signature of Coordinator/Supervisor: ________________________________Date: ____________
Supervisor’s phone number: ______________Supervisor email: ___________________________
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Verification Statement for Leadership
Criteria: At least one example of community or school leadership that involves a continuing commitment for a
substantial period of time, at least 5 hours per project, during high school.
I, _______________________________________ (student name), do affirm and avow that I demonstrated
leadership in the following activity, in my school or community, on the date(s) listed below.
Activity title: ___________________________________ Date(s) of Activity: ____________________________
Specific leadership office/role : ____________________________________________________________
____________________________________ Approximate total time spent: ___________________________
Requirement: Submit a paragraph detailing your specific position(s) and responsibilities in the
aforementioned activity and how you executed these responsibilities. You may type/write the
information in the space provided.
To the supervisor (who is not a parent, relative or another student):
By signing this document, you are agreeing that the student completed the activity described above as
evidence of “leadership” and that they are advocating for themselves in this paragraph to the highest degree
possible. Please note that this student is submitting an application for potential membership in the Holly
Springs High School Chapter of the National Honor Society.
Name of Coordinator/Supervisor (please print clearly) _____________________________________
Signature of Coordinator/Supervisor: ________________________________Date: ______________
Supervisor’s phone number: ______________Supervisor email: _____________________________
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Timeline for National Honor Society Applications: Spring 2016
Applicants: Please keep this page for future reference.
February 10th: Applications available on HSHS & NHS websites and in Student Services
February 24th B lunch: Informational meeting for prospective new members in room 3636
March 23rd at 2:45 pm: Application Deadline – application must be submitted to Student Services
o Your application must be given to Ms. Traversi in person, not left on her desk. When you submit
your application you will be given a receipt as a record of submission.
April 12th: Letters of invitation and letters of non-acceptance will be emailed.
April 19th: Deadline for appeals (denied applicants)
o Appeals must be written and submitted to the advisor by 2:45 pm (by email or on paper)
April 26th: Responses to appeals will be emailed
May 3rd: National Honor Society New Member Induction, 7:00 pm
Applicants: Please keep this page for future reference.