Supplementary material for the article PharmRes6848: Cyclosporine inhibition of hepatic and intestinal CYP3A4, uptake and efflux transporters: Application of PBPK modeling in the assessment of drug-drug interaction potential Michael Gertz, Catherine M. Cartwright, Michael J. Hobbs, Kathryn E. Kenworthy, Malcolm Rowland, J. Brian Houston and Aleksandra Galetin Summary of in vitro inhibition data from the literature A systematic search for any reports on cyclosporine potency against main uptake transporters, efflux transporters and metabolic enzymes was performed. The main transporter/enzymes for which IC50 (or Ki) data were available included the uptake transporters: NTCP, OATP1B1, OATP1B3 and OATP2B1; the efflux transporters: BCRP, BSEP, P-gp, MRP2 and the metabolic enzyme: CYP3A4. The search included hits for any of the different pseudonyms for some of the transporters: OATP1B1 (OATP-C, LST-1, OATP2), OATP1B3 (OATP8), OATP2B1 (OATP-B), BSEP (BAT, SPGP), MRP2 (cMOAT), BCRP (MXR) and cyclosporine (cyclosporin, ciclosporin). In addition to searches in Pubmed, the online based databases TP-search ( and UCSFFDA TransPortal ( were sourced for additional data. Table SI: Summary of IC50 or Ki (in italic) values of cyclosporine A against efflux and uptake transporters and CYP3A4; IC50 values highlighted with an asterisk indicate CsA concentration used for IC50 determination exceeded its solubility Transporter IC50 (Ki) (µM) System Efflux transporter Probe Reference ATPase activity Estrone-sulfate Methotrexate ATPase activity Pheophorbide a (Özvegy et al. 2001) (Xia et al. 2007) (Xia et al. 2007) (Pawarode et al. 2007) (Gupta et al. 2006) BCRP (ABCG2) 0.50 6.7*,1 7.8*,1 1.40* 4.3*,2 Membrane vesicles HEK cells expressing BCRP BSEP (ABCB11) 9.5*,3 7.5-7.8* 0.88* 2.0* (sensitive to cholesterol) Membrane vesicles SK-E2 cells BSEP vesicle transport assay Taurocholate Taurocholate Taurocholate (Byrne et al. 2002) (Wang et al. 2003) (Morgan et al. 2010) (Kis et al. 2009) 1.3 ([CsA] not specified) 0.46 (single [CsA] of 2.5µM)4 0.35 (single [CsA] of 0.5µM)4 4.7 ([CsA] not specified) 1.3 ([CsA] not specified) 0.8* 2.5* 0.62* 3.7* 5.1* Caco-2 Digoxin (B-A) (Choo et al. 2000) (Wandel et al. 1999) Digoxin (B-A) (Tang et al. 2002) Digoxin (B-A) (Horie et al. 2003) Calcein-AM (Ekins et al. 2002) Vinblastin (Ekins et al. 2002) Calcein-AM Digoxin (B-A) Digoxin (ER) Doxorubicin Vinblastin (Schwab et al. 2003) (Sugimoto et al. 2011) (Sugimoto et al. 2011) (Kusunoki et al. 1998) (Kusunoki et al. 1998) P-gp (ABCB1)5 LLC-PK1 cells expressing MDR1 2.2 (single [CsA] of 2.5µM)4 1.6* 6.18* 1.36* 2.22* MDCK cells expressing MDR1 5.0*,6 Membrane vesicles from HeLa cells expressing MRP2 8.11 (single [CsA] of 5µM)4 10 ([CsA] not specified) 3.0-3.9* 4.7*,7 21*,8 MDCK cells expressing MRP2 Digoxin (Tang et al. 2002) Digoxin (B-A) Vinblastin (B-A) Colchicine (B-A) Calcein-AM (Rautio et al. 2006) (Rautio et al. 2006) (Rautio et al. 2006) (Rautio et al. 2006) MRP1 (ABCC1) (Leier et al. 1994) MRP2 (ABCC2) Vinblastin (B-A) (Tang et al. 2002) Calcein AM (Wortelboer et al. 2003) A549 and MES-SA/Dx5 Calcein-AM Membrane vesicles from LLC-PK cells expressing MRP2 Uptake Transporter (Munic et al. 2011) (Chen et al. 1999) (Kamisako et al. 1999) NTCP (SLC10A1) 0.27* ([CsA] not specified) 1.0* LLC-PK1 cells expressing NTCP HeLa cells expressing NTCP Taurocholate (Mita et al. 2006) Taurocholate (Kim et al. 1999) 0.37* HeLa cells expressing NTCP Taurocholate (Ho et al. 2006) 0.50* HEK293 cells expressing OATP1B1 HEK293 cells expressing OATP1B1 HEK293 cells expressing OATP1B1 OATP1B1 (SLCO1B1) 0.209 0.05 + pre-incubation (Fehrenbach et al. 2003) Estradiol-glucuronide (Campbell et al. 2004) Estradiol-glucuronide (Hinton et al. 2008) 0.47 largest number of [CsA] 0.02 (Ki ~ 0.014) + pre-incubation largest number of [CsA] 0.37* 0.31* 0.24* * includes IC50 data in human hepatocytes 0.24 ([CsA] not specified) 3.5 ([CsA] not specified) HEK293 cells expressing OATP1B1 HEK293 cells expressing OATP1B1 Atorvastatin (Amundsen et al. 2010) Atorvastatin (Amundsen et al. 2010) HeLa cells expressing OATP1B1 HeLa cells expressing OATP1B1 MDCK cells expressing OATP1B1 Estradiol-glucuronide (Tirona et al. 2003) Rosuvastatin (Ho et al. 2006) Cerivastatin (Shitara et al. 2003) MDCK cells expressing OATP1B1 MDCK cells expressing OATP1B1 Pitavastatin (Hirano et al. 2006) Bromo-sulphthaleine (Letschert et al. 2006) Fexofenadine (Matsushima et al. 2008) Rosuvastatin (Ho et al. 2006) Bromo-sulphthaleine (Letschert et al. 2006) Amanitin (Letschert et al. 2006) Rosuvastatin (Ho et al. 2006) Bromo-sulphthaleine (Letschert et al. 2006) OATP1B3 (SLCO1B3) 0.57* 0.06* 0.3 ([CsA] not specified) 0.3 ([CsA] not specified) HEK293 cells expressing OATP1B3 HeLa cells expressing OATP1B3 MDCK cells expressing OATP1B1 MDCK cells expressing OATP1B3 OATP2B1 (SLCO2B1) 0.07* 20 ([CsA] not specified) HeLa cells expressing OATP2B1 MDCK cells expressing OATP2B1 Metabolising enzymes CYP3A4 0.36-24.2 37 2 1.1 0.209 0.20 0.30 0.9811 1 HLM HLM HLM HLM HLM HLM HLM HLM Various Tacrolimus Midazolam Nifedipine Repaglinide (M1) Zonisamide Etoposide Midazolam (Foti et al. 2010) (Lampen et al. 1995) (Gascon et al. 1991) (Combalbert et al. 1989) (Kajosaari et al. 2005) (Nakasa et al. 1998) (Kawashiro et al. 1998) (Amundsen et al. 2011) Eadie-Hofstee plots (4 concentrations of the E3S (1, 1.5, 3 and 6µM) or methotrexate (0.375, 0.75, 1.5 and 3mM) and CsA at 0, 5, 10 and 20µM) EC50 value 3 Dixon plots (3 concentrations of the substrate (3-6µM) and CsA at 0, 10 and 30µM) 4 based on relative apparent permeability values in the absence and presence of a single concentration of a test and a control inhibitor (Gao et al. 2001) 5 Additional studies reporting IC50 values of CsA in other cells lines and membrane vesicles (Rao et al. 1994; Tiberghien et al. 1996; Wigler 1999; Tiberghien et al. 2000; Wang et al. 2001; Munic et al. 2010) 6 Dixon plots (5 concentrations of the substrate (up to 75µM and CsA at 0 and 10µM) 7 Double reciprocal Lineweaver-Burk plots (5 concentrations of the substrate (up to 100µM) and CsA at 0, 3, 10 and 30µM) 8 Double reciprocal Lineweaver-Burk plots (5 concentrations of the substrate (up to 12µM) and CsA at 0 and 15µM) 9 Dixon plots (3 concentrations of the substrate (0.2-5.4µM) and CsA at 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.8µM 10 no inhibition of CYP2C8 11 no inhibition of CYP3A5 2 Summary of physiological and cyclosporine specific parameters A summary of the employed PBPK model and all system parameters relating to blood flows, tissue volumes, extracellular and vascular space of the tissues as well as parameters defining CsA distribution in blood and tissue is provided here. The PBPK model and the local tissue models have been defined in previous work and the findings of those studies were applied here (Kawai et al. 1998; Tanaka et al. 1999; Tanaka et al. 2000). The drug independent parameters (V, Q, fvv, and fcv) have been collated from the literature (ICRP 1975; Davies et al. 1993; Brown et al. 1997; ICRP 2002). Table SII: Drug independent parameters of the employed PBPK model Mass1 Blood flows2 % of body weight % of cardiac output Adipose4 20.1 (32.1) 6.83 (10.33) 0.01 0.135 0.92 Bone 14.6 (13.0) 5.0 (5.0) 0.041 0.10 1.30 Brain 2.01 (2.17) 12 (12) 0.037 0.004 1.04 Gut5 2.028 (2.247) 19 (20.5) 0.066 0.103 1.04 Heart 0.458 (0.417) 4.0 (5.0) 0.262 0.100 1.03 Kidney 0.43 (0.458) 19 (17) 0.105 0.200 1.05 2.5 (2.33) 25.5 (27) 0.115 0.163 1.08 Hepatic artery - 6.5 (6.5) - Portal vein6 - 19.0 (20.5) - 0.694 (0.700) 100 Liver Lung fvv3 fvic3 Specific density g/mL 0.262 0.188 0.996 Muscle7 40.3 (29.2) 17 (12) 0.026 0.120 1.04 Skin 4.58 (3.83) 5.0 (5.0) 0.019 0.302 1.10 rest rest 0.026 0.120 1.04 Arterial blood 2.59; 1.649 (2.28; 1.399) - 1.06 Venous blood 5.18; 3.279 (4.56; 2.799) - 1.06 Plasma 4.28 - 1.03 Red blood cells 3.50 - 1.09 Rest of the body8 1 Reference men/women (72/59kg, excluding contents of stomach, small and large intestine); V are taken from ICRP report 89 Table 2.8 and Q are taken from ICRP report 89 Table 2.40 and cardiac output Table 2.39; tissue densities were available in the ICRP reports from 1975 and 2002; values excluding tissue blood; values in parenthesis represent reference women 2 Cardiac outputs of 390 and 354 L/h for men and women, respectively 3 Refers to vascular fraction (fvv) and interstitial fraction (fvic) of tissues (data taken from rat and assumed equivalent in human) 4 Adipose includes thymus given their comparable tissue concentration time profiles (Kawai et al. 1998) 5 Gut combines small and large intestine, stomach and pancreas (and spleen) volumes and flows; consequently Q G equal the hepatic input from the portal vein (for the oral simulations, enterocytes are modelled as separate gut compartment with the shown illustrated tissue volume and blood flow); fvv, fvic and tissue specific density were combined weighted by volume of the different tissues 6 Sum of gut and hepatic artery equals hepatic vein; for oral simulations gut was divided into gut and enterocytes; for the enterocyte compartment V and Q were 0.175% and 4.62% (this was deducted from the V and Q values of the gut listed above) 7 Includes the rest of the body (4.495 and 6.675% of body weight and 7.5 and 8.5% of the cardiac output for men and women, respectively) 8 The rest of the body was assigned to the muscle compartment 9 Blood residing outside the tissue vasculature; the volume of blood residing inside the vasculature is approx. 2.86 and 2.66% of total body weight for men and women, respectively Table SIII: Parameters defining tissue distribution; all tissue except adipose and liver show permeability rate limited distribution and different local models (1-4) are applied for the various tissues in accordance with the findings in rats (Tanaka et al. 1999) Model 1 Organ Muscle Adipose PSTC1 fuTC Kass Lh-1 133 BFL kdis mL.h-1 34.3 129 0.0595 0.0530 mL.h-1 4.22 0.304 Model 2 fuTC Lung Heart Bone Skin BT 16.7 12.7 34.8 11.6 KD,TC µg-eq.mL-1 10.2 4.47 22.5 31.1 0.0185 0.0230 0.893 1.0 µg.mL-1 0.0572 0.0262 0.333 0.327 Model 3 fuTC Kidney Liver Gut 36.1 BFL 124.7 BT kon µg-eq.mL-1 125 46.6 94 0.0306 0.0097 0.950 koff mL2. µg-1.h-1 2.85 34.6 7.06 KD,TC mL.h-1 1.71 6.44 6.31 µg.mL-1 0.600 0.186 0.894 Model 4 fuTC Rmax KD,EF Kass kdis µg.h-1 µg.mL-1 mL.h-1 mL.h-1 Brain 22.9 1.0 232 0.113 10.9 0.258 BFL, blood flow limited (in this case PSTC = 100x blood flow was incorporated); 1 Allometric scaling of PSTC was applied according to: PSTC = A(V)0.75, where V refers to the tissue volume (A was calculated for the rat data by rearranging the above equation for A; A was then applied to human tissue masses to extrapolate human PSTC values); fractions unbound in the interstitial fluids were calculated assuming binding to lipoprotein only using Eqs 1 and 2 ; fuI was 0.57 for skin, 0.015 for liver and spleen, and 0.03 for all other tissues Table SIV: Parameters defining blood distribution of CsA in human KD,BC (µg.mL-1) 0.1341 (Legg et al. 1988; Kawai et al. 1998) -1 nPT (µg-eq.mL ) 4.1451 (Legg et al. 1988; Kawai et al. 1998) PSBC (mL.h-1 per ml of blood) 560 (Kawai et al. 1993) 0.03 fup 0.45 Hct 1 These values represent the values reported originally by Legg et al. (1988); however, for the current analysis these values were recalculated for a fup value of 3% to recover the relationship between blood-to-plasma concentration ratio and total plasma concentrations described elsewhere (Legg et al. 1988) Table SV: Addition parameters for the modeling of CsA oral absorption Drug related parameters Peff (µm/s) 3.3 (1.65 – 4.95) FG 0.44 SHIF (fasted, fed) (µg.L-1) 16, 247 r (Neoral, Sandimmune) (µm) 0.018, 1.88 h1 0.018, 1.88 D (cm2/min) 1.76x10-4 ρ (g/mL) 1.2 System related parameters Ktst (h-1) 2.5 Ktduo (h-1) 4.29 Ktjej (h-1) 1.69 Ktil (h-1) 1.56 VL,st (mL) 250+50 VL,duo (mL) 46 VL,jej (mL) 300 VL,il (mL) 240 Vent,duo (mL) 19 Vent,jej (mL) 69 Vent,il (mL) 40 1 For r > 30 µm, h = 30 µm, for r < 25µm, h = r (Hintz et al. 1989); 2 (Avdeef et al. 2004) (Chiu et al. 2003) (Ducharme et al. 1995; Ku et al. 1998) (Persson et al. 2005) (Andrysek 2003; Hirunpanich et al. 2008) Same as r1 Based on molecular weight2 Default value in Gastro plus and SimCYP (Yu et al. 1996; Yu et al. 1998) Default values in Gastro plus (Paine et al. 1997) Table SVI: The fraction unbound of cyclosporine in human plasma fup (%) 1.3 1.6 (1.0-2.4) 1.6 (1.0-2.4) 1.3 (0.5-4.2) 1.34-1.59 1.5 1.53 (0.52-3.94) 1.33-1.99 3.1-4.5 17.0 Method ED ED ED ED ED MD ED ED UC EP Reference (Henricsson 1987) (Lindholm et al. 1988) (Lindholm et al. 1988) (Lindholm et al. 1989) (Lindholm 1991) (Yang et al. 1996) (Akhlaghi et al. 1999) (Akhlaghi et al. 1999) (Legg et al. 1987) (Zaghloul et al. 1987) ED, equilibrium dialysis in steel chambers; MD, microdialysis; UC, ultracentrifugation; EP; erythrocyte partitioning Summary of employed rate equation to simulate cyclosporine concentration-time profiles A summary of the rate equations defining the PBPK model of cyclosporine is provided below. It has been adapted into Matlab v.7.12 from previous reports by Rowland and co-workers (Kawai et al. 1994; Kawai et al. 1998; Tanaka et al. 2000). The set of ordinary differential equations were solved by the stiff solvers ODE15s or ODE23s. Terms Unit Description C µg/L Drug concentration Cu µg/L Unbound drug concentration V L Volume Q L/h Blood flow Hct scalar Hematocrit PS L/h Permeability surface area product fu scalar Fraction unbound fcv scalar Coefficient that related extracellular to plasma concentration in the tissue fci scalar Coefficient that related extracellular to interstitial concentration in the tissue p plasma BC Red blood cells AB, VB Arterial, venous blood E Combined plasma-interstitial compartment I Interstitial fluid TC Tissue-cellular compartment R Rapidly equilibrating tissue pool in tissue S Slowly equilibrating tissue pool in tissue NB Nonspecific binding pool in tissue SB Specific binding pool in tissue Binding to interstitial plasma protein. Cyclosporine is predominately bound to lipoproteins and the fraction unbound in plasma is given by Eq. 1; where N and KD represent the number of available binding sites and the dissociation constant, respectively. The fraction unbound in the interstitial fluids, fuI, of different tissues can therefore be estimated using the interstitial-to-plasma concentration ratio (IPR) assuming negligible contribution of albumin to cyclosporine binding. Eq. 1 Eq. 2 IPR for skin 0.25, liver and spleen 1.0 and rest of the body 0.5 (summarized in Kawai et al. 1994) a. Arterial blood (AB) concentration; equations describing the change of concentration-time profiles in the blood cells, the unbound concentration in the blood cells, the plasma concentration and the overall arterial blood concentration are defined below: Eq. 3 Eq. 4 Eq. 5 Eq. 6 b. Venous blood (VB) equations; the venous blood concentration represents the differential of all tissues outflow concentrations except gut and spleen (for which the venous blood enters the liver). The observed data was compared against predicted venous blood concentration (Eq. 9) Eq. 7 Eq. 8 Eq. 9 c. Rate equations for the extracellular concentration in all tissues; the capillary blood cell and the extracellular drug concentration were defined by the equations below (Eq. 11a represents the extracellular concentration in the brain): Eq. 10 Eq. 11 Eq. 11a The coefficients fcv and fci are defined by the equations below (Eq. 12 and Eq. 13) and define the coefficients to convert between CE (concentration in the extracellular space; including the vascular plasma and the interstitial space of a tissue) and concentrations in plasma (CP) or interstitial fluid (CI), respectively. Eq. 12 Eq. 13 d. Tissue concentrations were defined by different models in accordance with previously reported data in rat. i. Model 1 representing the muscle, adipose and brain (Eq. 14a); R, rapidly equilibrating and S, slowly equilibrating pools in tissue Eq. 14 Eq. 14a Eq. 15 ii. Model 2 representing the lung, heart, bone, skin and thymus Eq. 16 where Eq. 17 iii. Model 3 representing the spleen, gut, kidney and liver (Eq. 19a); NB and SB refer to non-specific and specific binding pools in tissue Eq. 18 Eq. 19a Eq. 20b 1 in case of the liver an addition compartment was included to monitor the hepatic inlet concentration to allow simulations of the interaction potential; for this, differential of the splanchnic organs, the hepatic artery and the input from the intestinal absorption were combined using a volume of 100mL (approximated portal blood volume) – like for the other blood compartments, this compartment was separated into red blood cells and plasma and the drug distribution between them e. Intestinal absorption; applied to the simulation of CsA concentration time profiles after oral doses of CsA Sandimmune and Neoral and in the assessment of the interaction potential at the level of intestinal (enterocytic) efflux and metabolism Terms Unit Description A µg Amount of drug Kt h-1 Transit rate constant ka -1 h Absorption rate constant FG scalar Fraction escaping intestinal extraction rSI cm Intestinal radius Peff µm/s Effective permeability D cm2/min Diffusion coefficient ρ g/mL Particle density (1.2mg/mL) h µm Diffusion layer thickness; same as CsA particle radius r µm Particle radius CS µg/L CsA solubility Vn L Volume residing in the different intestinal luminal segments, n The relevant rate equations for intestinal absorption of cyclosporine are summarized below and are based on the compartmental absorption and transit model (Yu et al. 1999). Eq. 21 Eq. 22 Eq. 23 (n = 2-7) Eq. 24 Eq. 251 Eq. 26 dAun,n dt dAdis,n dt Aun, n1 Kt n 1 Aun, n Kt n Adis, n1 Kt n1 Adis,n 3D Aun,n C S ,n rh Vn Adis,n 3D Aun,n C S ,n r h Vn Adis, n Kt n Adis, n k a ,n Eq. 27 Eq. 28 1 modelling of intestinal absorption and metabolism based on in vitro clearance data failed and consequently intestinal metabolism was modelled semi-mechanistically by incorporating the term FG (Eq. 24) Summary of in vitro inhibition data Model fitting was performed in R using generalized nonlinear least square regression analysis with a combined error model. The code is provided below (example CsA OATP1B1 no pre-incubation, Exp 1). The model was fitted to the untransformed uptake clearance values or alternatively to the percentage of control; this did not affect the IC50 estimates. library(nlme) modIC50<-function(concentration_inhibitor,range_CL,IC50,s_factor,B) {range_CL/(1+(concentration_inhibitor/IC50)**s_factor)+B} datIC50<-data.frame(concentration_inhibitor,uptake_rate) runIC50<-gnls(uptake_rate~modIC50(concentration_inhibitor,range_CL,IC50,s_factor,B), data=datIC50,start=c(range_CL=800,IC50=200,s_factor=1,B=75), weights=varConstPower(fixed=c(power=1),const=50)) summary(runIC50) Table SVII: Summary of IC50 values, standard errors and 95% confidence intervals of cyclosporine against OATP1B1 and OATP1B3 with (+) and without (-) pre-incubation Before pre-incubation IC50 (nM) SE After pre-incubation CI95 IC50 (nM) SE CI95 OATP1B3 Exp1 201 27.0 156, 257 28.4 10.2 15.3, 60.3 Exp2 244 47.2 164, 344 18.7 3.62 13.1, 26.5 Exp3 248 56.6 158, 386 11.6 3.47 5.7, 21.1 Exp4 100 27.8 68, 170 18.9 8.20 13.2, 44.2 32.5 8.25 19.6, 51.8 34.7 7.9 24.4, 51.1 OATP1B3 Exp1 163 Exp2 23.4 126, 213 n/a Exp3 217 21.3 183, 284 32.4 9.91 19.5, 57.8 Exp4 106 23.7 72, 163 28.0 5.26 19.6, 39.7 1 Confidence intervals were computed using -2loglikelihood profiling Table SVIII: Summary of IC50 values, standard error and 95% confidence intervals of AM1 against OATP1B1 and OATP1B3 with (+) and without (-) pre-incubation Before pre-incubation IC50 (nM) SE After pre-incubation CI95 IC50 (nM) SE CI95 OATP1B3 Exp1 395 66.5 292, 557 n/a Exp2 382 88.3 244, 587 126 32.4 79, 201 Exp3 681 157 430, 13742 71.6 37.6 21.3, 189 Exp4 346 111 210, 641 88.0 28.4 46.2, 160 Exp5 252 98.9 124, 551 87.3 27.5 45.5, 140 OATP1B3 Exp1 210 58.8 87.0, 327 n/a Exp2 283 30.1 228, 340 65.6 14.7 43.5, 103 Exp3 180 25.5 138, 232 55.8 7.56 42.9, 72 Exp4 114 37.4 failed 73.6 9.39 58.5, 93.6 Exp5 168 50.1 95.6, 302 39.6 12.1 23.0, 77.5 1 Confidence intervals were calculated using -2loglikelihood profiling 2 Poorly defined profiles 1 2 3 4 500 200 CLuptake (µL/(sqcm.min)) 1000 1000 500 CLuptake (µL/(sqcm.min)) 200 500 200 CLuptake (µL/(sqcm.min)) 100 500 200 100 50 CLuptake (µL/(sqcm.min)) 1000 CsA - OATP1B1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 2000 5000 2 5 10 20 CsA concentration (nmol/L) 50 100 200 500 2000 5000 2 5 10 20 CsA concentration (nmol/L) 50 100 200 500 2000 5000 2 5 10 20 CsA concentration (nmol/L) 50 100 200 500 2000 5000 2000 5000 CsA concentration (nmol/L) 140 100 80 60 CLuptake (µL/(sqcm.min)) 40 200 250 150 50 100 CLuptake (µL/(sqcm.min)) 100 80 60 40 CLuptake (µL/(sqcm.min)) 100 50 CLuptake (µL/(sqcm.min)) 150 140 CsA - OATP1B3 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 CsA concentration (nmol/L) 2000 5000 1 5 10 50 100 500 CsA concentration (nmol/L) 5000 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 CsA concentration (nmol/L) 2000 5000 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 CsA concentration (nmol/L) 1 2 3 4 5 1200 1600 800 600 200 400 CLuptake (µL/(sqcm.min)) 500 200 100 CLuptake (µL/(sqcm.min)) 1000 1000 500 50 100 200 CLuptake (µL/(sqcm.min)) 500 200 100 CLuptake (µL/(sqcm.min)) 500 200 100 CLuptake (µL/(sqcm.min)) 1000 AM1 - OATP1B1 2 5 10 20 50 100 500 2000 5000 2 5 10 AM1 concentration (nmol/L) 20 50 100 500 2000 5000 2 5 10 AM1 concentration (nmol/L) 20 50 100 500 2000 5000 2 5 10 AM1 concentration (nmol/L) 20 50 100 500 2000 5000 5 10 AM1 concentration (nmol/L) 50 100 500 5000 AM1 concentration (nmol/L) 150 250 100 50 CLuptake (µL/(sqcm.min)) 200 150 100 CLuptake (µL/(sqcm.min)) 200 100 CLuptake (µL/(sqcm.min)) 50 150 100 50 CLuptake (µL/(sqcm.min)) 100 50 20 CLuptake (µL/(sqcm.min)) 250 200 AM1 - OATP1B3 1 5 10 50 500 AM1 concentration (nmol/L) 5000 2 5 10 20 50 100 500 CsA concentration (nmol/L) 2000 5000 1 5 10 50 500 AM1 concentration (nmol/L) 5000 5 10 50 100 500 AM1 concentration (nmol/L) 5000 5 10 50 100 500 5000 AM1 concentration (nmol/L) Figure S1: Individual log-log plots of 3H-estradiol-glucoronide uptake rate over cyclosporine or AM1 concentrations in the absence (black) and presence (red) of 30 minute pre-incubation in HEK cells transiently transfected with either OATP1B1 or OATP1B3; lines represent the lines of best fit obtained by generalized last square regression analysis for the experiments with no pre-incubation (black) and with pre-incubation of 30 minutes (red) Summary of clinical data and model performance PBPK model performance was evaluated against a number of studies reported after i.v. dose of cyclosporine and after oral doses of cyclosporine Sandimmune and Neoral. The relevant analytical assays employed in the studies considered for this assessment included HPLC, EMIT and RIA (both Sandoz and Incstar). Although only HPLC shows absolute specificity for cyclosporine, the other assays were included as they showed low cross-reactivity for cyclosporine metabolites (Steimer 1999) and good correlation to HPLC-analyses with coefficients close to one (McBride et al. 1989; Speck et al. 1989; Wolf et al. 1989; Yatscoff et al. 1990; Dasgupta et al. 1991; Dusci et al. 1992; McBride et al. 1992; Winkler et al. 1992; Beresini et al. 1993; Schutz et al. 1998). Table SIX: Summary of studies collated to assess PBPK model performance for the prediction of cyclosporine intravenous concentration time profiles Study Dose (mg) Infusion (h) Group Age (mean, y) N (individual) N (concentrations) VSS reported (L/kg) slope R2 VSS (2C)+ (L) VSS (NCA) + (L) CLb (2C) + (L/h) CLb (NCA) + (L/h) 1 190, 114 3 Healthy volunteers 27.6, 28.2 22 2 256 2.5 Healthy volunteers 29 8 3 104.6 2 HLuTx 31 10 4 111.5 3 Healthy volunteers 29 11 5 62.3 2 Pre-HTx 50 7 23 16 15 16 12# 82(L), 118(L) 1.33 0.956 89, 80 81, 86 18.8, 16.4 18.6, 16.3 1.23 1.75 0.935 95 90 22.0 21.7 3.1-4.0 1.77 0.965 72 68 14.3 13.6 1.1 1.35 0.997 82 77 16.6 16.4 n/d 1.68 0.989 125 125 20.7 21.3 1 (Ducharme et al. 1995; Ku et al. 1998) – used for CLintH optimization, 2 (Gupta et al. 1990), 3 (Tsang et al. 1994), 4 (Min et al. 2000) and 5 (Lehle et al. 2007); # reported concentrations below 10 ng/mL were not consiered (common LLOQ); +compartmental (2 compartments, 2C) and non-compartmental analysis (NCA) using the mean reported blood concentration time profiles were performed in Phoenix (v., temporary licence); HLuTx and HTx, refers to heart-lung and heart transplant patients, respectively Table SX: Summary of studies collated to assess PBPK model performance for the prediction of cyclosporine Sandimmune® oral concentration time profiles Study Dose (mg) Group Age (mean, y) N (individuals) N (concentrations) Slope R2 1 570 single Healthy volunteers 27.6 10 2 300 single Healthy volunteers 27.9 22 3 300 single Healthy volunteers 27 24 4 600 single Healthy volunteers 30 7 5 150 single Healthy volunteers 35 12 6 152 (b.i.d) Steady-state HTx 7 177 (b.i.d) Steady-state KTx 8 302 (q.d.) Steady-state KTx 9 151 (b.i.d) Steady-state KTx 54 11 46 12 27.9 12 41.9 10 10 20# 19# 10 15 8 10 16 9 0.90 0.897 0.73 0.732 1.30 0.951 0.71 0.895 1.2 0.951 0.87 0.956 1.12 0.933 1.04 0.967 1.27 0.785 1 (Ducharme et al. 1995) – used for optimization, 2 (Mueller et al. 1993), 3 (Mueller et al. 1994), 4 (Edwards et al. 1999), 5 (Drewe et al. 1992), 6 (Akhlaghi et al. 2001), 7 (Bleck et al. 1996), 8 (Hollander et al. 1995) and 9 (Lang et al. 1989); # reported concentrations below 10 ng/mL were ignored (common LLOQ); HTx, KTx refer to heart and kidney transplant patients, respectively; b.i.d., twice daily; q.d., once daily Table SXI: Summary of studies collated to assess PBPK model performance for the prediction of cyclosporine Neoral ® oral concentration time profiles Study Dose (mg) Group Age (mean, y) N (individuals) N (concentrations) Slope R2 1 380 single Healthy volunteers 28.2 12 2 180 single Healthy volunteers 27 24 3 371.5 single Healthy volunteers 28.6 16 4 300 single Healthy volunteers 30 28 5 200 single Healthy volunteers 18-55 12 6 152 (b.i.d) Steady-state HTx 7 109 (b.i.d) Steady-state KTx 8 109 (b.i.d.) Steady-state RA 54 11 47 11 55 17 16 19# 20 10 11 8 10 8 1.05 0.885 1.42 0.967 0.984 0.881 1.09 0.953 1.08 0.937 1.08 0.947 0.870 0.918 1.26 0.997 1 (Ku et al. 1998) – used for optimization, 2 (Mueller et al. 1994), 3 (Min et al. 2000), 4 (Zimmerman et al. 2003), 5 (Grenier et al. 2006), 6 (Akhlaghi et al. 2001), 7 (Bauer et al. 2003) and 8 (Fox et al. 2003); # reported concentrations below 10 ng/mL were ignored (common LLOQ); HTx, KTx and RA refer to heart and kidney transplant patients and patients with rheumatoid arthritis, respectively Table SXII: Reported drug-drug interactions with cyclosporine A as inhibitor in white populations AUCI/AUC CmaxI/Cmax SLCO1B1 polymorphic study Comments 7.4 (Asberg et al. 2001) 6.6 Yes (Pasanen et al. 2007) a 8.7 (Hermann et al. 2004) 10.7 a 15.3 (Lemahieu et al. 2005) 13.7 b Bosentan 3.3 (Binet et al. 2000) 2.3 n/a a, c Cerivastatin 3.7 (Muck et al. 1999) 3.4-5.0 n/a a, d Fluvastatin 3.3 (Park et al. 2001) 4.1-6.0 Yes2 a, d Lovastatin 17.6 (Olbricht et al. 1997) >20 n/a a, d Pravastatin1 5.5 (Olbricht et al. 1997) 2.9 Yes (Niemi et al. 2004; Niemi et al. 2006) a 11.8 (Park et al. 2002) 7.0 Repaglinide 2.4 (Kajosaari et al. 2005) 1.75 Yes (Niemi et al. 2005; Kalliokoski et al. 2008) b Rosuvastatin 4.8-8.3 (Simonson et al. 2004) 6.9-12.2 Yes (Pasanen et al. 2007) a, e Simvastatin 8.0 (Ichimaru et al. 2001) 7.6 Yes3 b Atorvastatin a n/a, not available; 1 Additional and comparable data have been reported in children (Hedman et al. 2006); 2 Fluvastatin AUC not significantly different between SCLO1B1 genotypes (Niemi et al. 2006); 3 Significant effect on simvastatin-acid AUC, no effect on simvastatin-lactone AUC (Pasanen et al. 2006); a, AUC increase was assessed in comparison to historic data and not in a cross-over study design; b, AUC increase was assessed in the same individuals; c, bosentan is an inducer of its own metabolism and cyclosporine interaction data reported in Binet et al. (2000) were therefore compared to bosentan AUC at stead-state for the same dose regimen reported elsewhere (Weber et al. 1999); d, average fold-change of single dose and steady-state data; e, multiple dose levels (10 and 20 mg) and dose regimens (single dose and steady-state) were available for rosuvastatin PBPK model sensitivity to parameter variability In these simulations the sensitivity of the model (total blood, unbound plasma and unbound liver tissue concentrations) to the variation of certain parameters is illustrated by showing the average values in red (used for all simulations) and two additional parameters values. These represent upper and lower limits of the parameter (where available) or possible different states (e.g., for PS BC 10-fold higher or lower permeability into red blood cells as seen for other cyclosporine derivatives (Kawai et al. 1993)). fup 3.0, 1.5 (dashed) and 6.0 (dotted)% - blood and interstitial fluid binding were adjusted accordingly 2 2 3 10 2 10 1 10 Hct 10 Unbound liver tissue CsA concentration (ng/ml) Unbound plasma CsA concentration (ng/ml) Blood CsA concentration (ng/ml) 10 1 10 0 10 -1 0 5 10 15 Time (hours) 20 10 25 0 10 -1 0 5 10 15 Time (hours) 20 10 25 0 5 10 15 Time (hours) 20 25 5 10 15 Time (hours) 20 25 0.45, 0.35 (dashed), 0.25 (dotted) 2 2 3 10 2 10 1 10 10 Unbound liver tissue CsA concentration (ng/ml) Unbound plasma CsA concentration (ng/ml) Blood CsA concentration (ng/ml) 10 1 10 0 10 -1 0 5 10 15 Time (hours) 20 25 10 1 10 0 10 -1 0 5 10 15 Time (hours) 20 10 25 0 512L/h per L of blood, 0.1x (dashed), 10x (dotted) 2 2 3 10 2 10 1 10 10 Unbound liver tissue CsA concentration (ng/ml) Unbound plasma CsA concentration (ng/ml) 10 Blood CsA concentration (ng/ml) PSBC 1 10 1 10 0 10 -1 0 5 10 15 Time (hours) 20 25 10 1 10 0 10 -1 0 5 10 15 Time (hours) 20 25 10 0 5 10 15 Time (hours) 20 25 Cardiac blood flow 390, 312 (dashed) and 260L/h (dotted) 2 2 3 10 2 10 1 10 Bw 10 Unbound liver tissue CsA concentration (ng/ml) Unbound plasma CsA concentration (ng/ml) Blood CsA concentration (ng/ml) 10 1 10 0 10 5 10 15 Time (hours) 20 10 25 -1 0 5 10 15 Time (hours) 20 10 25 0 5 10 15 Time (hours) 20 25 74kg, 0.80x (dashed), 1.25x (dotted) 2 2 2 10 1 10 Unbound liver tissue CsA concentration (ng/ml) Unbound plasma CsA concentration (ng/ml) Blood CsA concentration (ng/ml) 3 10 10 1 10 0 10 -1 0 5 10 15 Time (hours) 20 25 10 1 10 0 10 -1 0 5 10 15 Time (hours) 20 10 25 0 5 10 15 Time (hours) 20 25 780, 600 (dashed) and 1014L/h (dotted) 2 2 3 10 2 10 1 10 10 Unbound liver tissue CsA concentration (ng/ml) Unbound plasma CsA concentration (ng/ml) Blood CsA concentration (ng/ml) 10 FG 0 10 -1 0 10 CLintH 1 10 1 10 0 10 -1 0 5 10 15 Time (hours) 20 10 25 1 10 0 10 -1 0 5 10 15 Time (hours) 20 10 25 0 5 10 15 Time (hours) 20 25 0 5 10 15 Time (hours) 20 25 0.44, 0.34 (dashed) and 0.59 (dotted) 2 2 3 10 2 10 1 10 10 Unbound liver tissue CsA concentration (ng/ml) Unbound plasma CsA concentration (ng/ml) Blood CsA concentration (ng/ml) 10 1 10 0 10 -1 0 5 10 15 Time (hours) 20 25 10 1 10 0 10 -1 0 5 10 15 Time (hours) 20 25 10 Figure S2: Simulation of the impact of parameter variability on CsA blood, unbound plasma and unbound liver tissue concentrations; simulations in red represent the average values and the dashed and dotted lines represent additional parameter values (either reported in the literature or based on anticipated variability) References Akhlaghi, F., J. 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