THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT GREENSBORO Bryan School of Business and Economics Department of Business Administration MGT 312 - Human Behavior in Business Organizations Fall 2010 Professor E. Holly Buttner Office: Bryan 361 Email: or (preferred) (See instructions below) Office phone: 334-4529 Office Hours: Tues & Thurs. 12:30-2:00 or by appointment Note: The Bryan School has an attendance policy that says if you are not in attendance during the first class meeting, you can be dropped from the class to make room for students on the waiting list. TEXT and additional resources: The text for MGT 312 is Kreitner, Robert & Kinicki, Angelo, Organizational Behavior, 9th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2010. You can purchase the text at the UNCG Bookstore. The ISBN for the text 9780077398101. There are also additional resources that accompany the text at the Online Learning Center (OLC) which contains practice quizzes, power points, videos and exercises (Access to the OLC is at: Click on the link on the left that says, “First time users” and in the next screen click on “I am a student”.). The OLC also contains the Asset Gallery (AG) which houses self-assessments you will be completing as a requirement for the course. If you buy the text new from any other source or if you bought a used book or an eBook, you can purchase access to the OLC by going to for $15. Used or new texts may also be available at reduced cost from, or other booksellers. If you want to purchase access to an eBook version of the text for 180 days, you have two options: 1) you can purchase it by going to Once at that site, click on the Connect link on the left side. Then click on the Connect link that appears in the center of the page. When you purchase access to Connect, you will have access to the eBook as well as practice resources available through Connect. You will need to pay an additional fee for the OLC software access (about $15) in addition to the cost of a used or online text. A copy of the syllabus is available online through Blackboard. The self-assessments, a requirement for the course, are only available through the OLC. Copies of Power Point slides that accompany the text as well as practice quizzes and other materials are also in the OLC. You may find these materials useful for taking your notes in class and for review. However, reading and studying the text is essential for passing the course. Reading the power point slides is NOT a substitute for reading and studying the text. There will be a lot of material on the tests that is not covered in the slides. I urge you to read and study the text from the first day of class. Students who fail the first test have a very difficult time recovering and improving their grades. You should check Blackboard at least several times weekly, if not daily, for course announcements and updates. EMAIL: If you have a question regarding the course, you can email your question to me at: You MUST put your name, (last name first) and MGT 312 in the subject line (e.g. Smith, Nancy – MGT 312) or the email will be deleted and not opened. If you 2 do not receive a response to an email within 48 hours, you should assume that I did not receive it and you should resend it. PREREQUISITES for MGT 312: Students enrolled in MGT 312 must have achieved at least sophomore standing (31 or more earned credit hours, not including this term) at the beginning of the semester in which you take MGT 312 and a minimum GPA of 2.0. Any student who does not meet these requirements will be administratively dropped from the course. There is no guarantee that this administrative drop will be processed before drop/add week is over, so if you lack any prerequisites, drop yourselves so you may add another course in its place before the week’s end. . MGT 312 COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course, you should be knowledgeable about major concepts and theories of Organizational Behavior. The learning outcomes for this course are the following: 1. Explain the value dimensions of assessing national cultures using Hofstede's model. 2. Give specific examples of how the U.S. workplace is becoming more heterogeneous in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, and age. 3. Identify the stages of group development and explain the managerial responses appropriate to each stage. 4. Demonstrate an understanding of interpersonal awareness by explaining different styles of conflict resolution and negotiation techniques. 5. Provide an example of an ethical issue pertinent to leadership today. 6. Predict how perception and attribution affect the decision making process. 7. Explain and give examples of how personality, values and motivation affect employees’ performance. 8. Identify and explain the dimensions of organizational structure and culture and the steps of organizational change. TOPICAL COVERAGE: The following topics will be covered in MGT 312. Individual behavior concepts such as ability, personality, learning, values, attitudes, perception, attribution, motivation, individual decision making, & ethical dimensions of decision making; Group behavior including stages of group development, group structure and processes, group decision, work teams, leadership, power & politics, conflict, and negotiation techniques. Organizational systems and processes including organizational structure and organizational change & stress management. COURSE PHILOSOPHY: Webster's definition of "learn" is: to acquire knowledge, skill or understanding; to explore; to investigate. The definition of "teach" is: to guide; impart knowledge; to make aware by information or experience. These concepts form the basis of what 3 we will be doing in MGT 312. I see my role as "teacher" as that of a guide with responsibility to organize the class and materials so that information will be understandable for you. I will use a variety of teaching techniques including lecture, cases, role plays, self-assessment instruments, homework assignments, group activities and exercises to give you an opportunity to acquire knowledge about and to experience organizational behavior. As a "learner" you also have responsibilities: to read the chapters before class to complete homework when assigned and turn it in during class on the assigned date come to class prepared to discus the reading assignment and assigned homework to attend class and participate in class discussions and in-class graded activities to complete an individual assessment project that consist of completing eight (8) assigned self-assessments in the Asset Gallery or additional resources in the OLC. to write a paper summarizing the results of one (1) of the self-assessments, as described in the section below study for and take two tests and complete the final exam. Each of these requirements is explained in more detail in the Graded Course Requirements section. I see this as a shared opportunity for us to investigate and explore organizational behavior and I invite you to join your classmates and me for a thought-provoking semester. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CLASS SUCCESS: Class Attendance and Participation: Experience is a wonderful teacher. Experience indicates that some of the keys to successful performance in a class are preparation, attendance, and participation. Attendance is essential to successfully completing MGT 312. I have found over the years that students who attend class and actively participate consistently earn better grades. To maximize your opportunity for learning, you should read the assigned material before we will cover it in class. Material covered in class, some of which is not in the textbook, will be included in questions posed on the tests and final exam. You are responsible for class material whether you are in class or not. I encourage you to find a study buddy now who can give you notes if you should have to miss class. Study Aids and other resources available online in the OLC: The Kinicki text comes with a rich package of resources to help you learn the material in MGT 312. In the main menu on the left of the MGT 312 OLC home page (access is at: ) is a link for the Asset Gallery (AG) where some self-assessments you must complete reside. Also on the left side of the home page is a dropdown menu for each chapter. Within each chapter link are online quizzes you can complete to practice for the tests and final exam. There are also power point slides you can use to take your class notes as well as some of the self-assessments you must complete. I encourage you to check out these resources the first week of class and to make use of them throughout the semester. Students who practice 4 using the quizzes AFTER a full review of the material have told me they were helpful. CLASS ETIQUETTE: Please plan your schedule so that you will be on time and stay the entire period, unless you have a genuine emergency. It is distracting for the rest of the class to have students arriving late and getting up and leaving during the class. If you have to leave class early for an emergency such as a doctor’s appointment, it is courteous to come up and let me know before class. Please turn off all beepers and cell phones or set them to vibrate before coming into the classroom. If you have an emergency call, please take it in the hall. Your cooperation will help us have a better classroom experience. GRADED COURSE REQUIREMENTS: 1. INDIVIDUAL SELF-ASSESSMENT PROJECT AND PAPER: You must complete and print out the results for eight (8) of the self-assessments in the Kreitner & Kinicki Asset Gallery and the Additional Resources section. The eight (8) self-assessments you should complete are listed below. Printing on front and back to save paper is preferable. Assess. Number 1 2 Assessment Corporate culture preference scale How do you score on the Big 5? Location AG1->Culture->Self Assessments (SA) Ch 52-> Add. Resources->Self Exercises #1 3 What are your Self-monitoring tendencies? Ch 5->Add. Resources->Self Exercises #2 4 What is your locus of control? Ch 5->Add. Resources->Self Exercises #3 5 The Type “A” Scale AG-> Individual Differences-> SA 6 Assessing how personality type influences goal setting AG-> Individual Differences-> SA 7 Career planning based on brain dominance AG-> Individual Differences-> SA 8 What is your preferred conflict handling style? AG-> Conflict & Power->SA 1 AG=Asset Gallery. AG is found in the left hand column of the Online Learning Center found at 2 Ch=Chapter resources. These resources are found in the left column of the Online Learning Center found at Click on the chapter link to open the drop-down menu. In this area you will see Additional Resources. In this area are Self-Exercises. Click on the Self-Exercises link to access the selfassessments. This table, along with instructions for handing in your assignment, is on the last page of the syllabus. After you have completed and printed all 8 assessments, select one (1) for your report. In your 1 1/2-page paper (no more than 10 lines of print on the second page), for the selected assessment, you should do the following: Indicate which assessment (the title) you have chosen to write about, Briefly indicate what the assessment measures, Summarize your feedback and what you have learned about yourself. 5 Indicate how you can use this information to be more effective at school, work and/or your personal life. You must complete and print out all 8 assessments along with the cover sheet (See the end of the syllabus) and your paper and hand them in on the due date, September 14th, in class. The paper reporting on the assessment results should be typed, double-spaced, and limited to 1 1/2 pages (not including the cover page with the table). So, in total, you should hand in the table (cover page), your 1-1/2 page paper and the printouts of the 8 self-assessment feedback reports. Important instructions for preparing the self-assessments to turn in: In order to earn full credit for the assessments, you must follow these instructions. First, put your assessment printouts in the order indicated in the table above. For each of the self-assessment feedback reports, write the title of the report on the top right hand corner of the first page of the report and then the first two substantive words of the title on each successive page. For example, if the title is: “The Type ‘A’ Scale”, you should write that title on the first page and on each succeeding page write “Type A” in the top right hand corner. Follow this labeling procedure for all 8 reports. Then number each and every page of all the reports also in the top right, starting with page 1 for the first page of the first report and so on to the last page of the last report. Please print front and back to save paper if you can. Failure to follow this procedure will result in a lower self-assessment report grade. THE INSTRUCTOR WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ASSIGNMENTS NOT PLACED INTO THE ORGANIZER BOXES BY STUDENTS AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS ON THE DUE DATE. SUCH BOXES WILL BE LOCATED IN THE CLASSROOM AT THE BEGINNING OF THE CLASS PERIOD. Late assessment printouts and reports will be downgraded one letter grade per day unless you bring in written evidence that you were in the hospital or suffering some other verifiable emergency on the date it was due. Unless you have a verifiable emergency, after three days beyond the deadline, no credit may be earned for the assignment. Note that printer breakdowns, computer failure, car breakdowns, and other difficulties are not acceptable reasons to avoid the late penalty if your paper is late. Late self-assessment reports handed in after the class period in which they are due MUST be handed in to one of the departmental secretaries in the Department of Business Administration Office in Bryan 366. Emailed assignments and assignments turned in via any way other than to Bryan 366 will not be accepted. DO NOT PUT THE REPORT IN THE BOXES OUTSIDE THE PROFESSOR’S DOOR AS THEY ARE NOT SECURE. The assignment will not be returned to you. The complete self-assessment assignment, including the paper and assessments is worth 16% of your course grade. 2. IN-CLASS PARTICIPATION & HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS: Throughout the semester, in-class activities will be randomly assigned, completed, and 6 collected the same class day for grading. Depending upon course progression and time constraints, a minimum of ten (10) in-class assignments will be collected. Homework assignments also will be collected in class. I will announce any homework assignments in class. Some of these activites will be individual activities and others group work. In addition, at other times attendance will be taken. Completion of these activities as well as participation in class discussions will constitute your class attendance and participation grade. Simply attending class will not earn you full credit for attendance & participation. You must also contribute thoughtful, value-added comments during class discussion in such a way that I have opportunities to hear your comments. It is also important that I know who you are. While I make a concerted effort to learn names, in a large class, this may not be possible. Accordingly, I will hand out name cards in the beginning of the semester and I encourage you to bring it with you to class each day and post it on your desk so that your name is visible to me in the front of the classroom. Attendance, participation and homework together will comprise 16% of your course grade. NOTE: In-class work cannot be made up outside of class for any reason. Late homework assignments handed in after the class in which they were due will not be accepted. Students may miss up to two (2) of the in-class graded assignments, homework assignments or attendance sign-in sheets without penalty. EXCEEDING THIS GRACE NUMBER OF TWO WILL RESULT IN GRADES OF ZERO FOR EACH ADDITIONAL MISS. No exceptions will be made for this course requirement. 3. TESTS AND FINAL EXAM INFORMATION: Test-Taking Procedure. The tests and final exam will be administered in class during the regular class period. There will be two tests and a non-cumulative final exam. The first test is worth 20% and the second test is worth 22% and the final exam is worth 24% of your course grade. The tests will be multiple choice and possibly short answer questions, depending on class size. They will be closed book and closed notes. You are responsible for material in the text, material covered in class and any extra assigned readings. I expect you to abide by the UNCG Academic Integrity Policy in taking tests as well as all other work for the course. Tips for successfully studying for and completing the tests and exam are posted in the Course Documents section of BBD. The test dates are: September 30th for Test 1 November 4th for Test 2 The final exam schedule is listed in the Course Topics and Assignments section on the last page of the syllabus. Test Make-up Policy: If you miss a test, for any reason, your only option is to take a make-up test which will be administered on Thursday, November 18th, 2:00-3:15 pm. This make-up will cover the 7 material on both tests and will be all short-answer questions. You are responsible for checking with me ahead of time about location of the makeup. No other make-ups will be given. If you know ahead of time that you will be unavailable on a test day, you should let me know well ahead of time. If it is possible, we will set up a time for you to take the test early. If an early test is not possible, you will have to take the make-up. ADVERSE WEATHER/CLASS CANCELLATION POLICY: If class is cancelled due to adverse weather, instructor illness or for any other reason, you should consult the announcements section of Blackboard on line for available updates. You will be responsible for being aware of any scheduling or other changes announced on Blackboard, so be sure to check it frequently. GRADING POLICY: Your final grade will be weighted as follows: Self-Assessments Self-Assessment paper Test 1 Test 2 Final exam In-Class Attendance & Homework Assignments 8 8 20 24 24 16 100 points points points points points points Total Points GRADING SCALE: A+ A A- 97-100 93-96.99 90-92.99 B+ 87-89.99 B 83-86.99 B- 80-82.99 C+ C C- 77-79.99 73-76.99 70-72.99 D+ D D- 67-69.99 63-66.99 60-62.99 F below 60 NOTE - NO EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITIES: There are no opportunities for extra credit assignments. All credit earned in the course must be earned through regularly scheduled assignments described in this syllabus and in the Assignments section of BBD. NOTE: THE PROFESSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MODIFY THE DATES/ASSIGNMENTS OR ANY OTHER ASPECT OF THE ABOVE SYLLABUS. ANY SUCH CHANGES WILL BE POSTED IN THE ANNOUNCEMENT SECTION OF BLKBD. NOTE – BRYAN SCHOOL SENIOR EXAM MATERIAL: If you are a Bryan School major, you will be tested on the material we cover in MGT 312 in a comprehensive written examination in MGT 491. Your score on this exam will comprise a part of your grade for MGT 491. It is recommended that, at a minimum, you retain your notes for MGT 312 for review in preparation for the comprehensive exam in MGT 491. 8 UNCG ACADEMIC INTEGRITY CODE: I expect you to uphold and abide by the UNCG Academic Integrity Policy in all matters pertaining to this course. Violations of the Policy will be pursued in accordance with the code. All written work submitted should include the UNCG Policy statement written out (“I have abided by the UNCG Academic Integrity Policy in completing all aspects of this work.”) followed by your signature, indicating that you have abided by the Academic Integrity Policy. This pledge will also indicate that you have not used information, materials, or papers prepared by or given by any other individual or from any other source. For information concerning the Bryan School Faculty – Student Guidelines, explore the following website: The URL for the Academic Integrity Policy is the following: I look forward to working with you as we explore the behavioral topics that challenge managers and professionals in their work each day. Chapter Learning Objectives The learning objectives are listed on the first page of each chapter in the text. You are responsible for learning the material pertaining to the objectives for each chapter listed in the table below. While we will cover most of the objectives for each chapter listed below, we may not cover all for a particular chapter in class. You are still responsible for the material for testing purposes. Please bring any questions you have about material pertaining to a learning objective with you and ask about it in class. Chapter Learning Objectives 1 1,6-9 2 1, 4-6 3 1,3,4,8,9 4 1-5 5 1-5,8 6 1-3,5-8 7 1,3-8 8 1-7,8 (Job Characteristics model only) 9 4,5,8 10 2-4,8,9 11 3-5 12 1,2,4-6 13 2,3,7,9 15 1-4,6,7 9 16 17 18 2-5,8 1, 7 2,5-9 10 Course Topics and Assignments Week Topic 8/24 Introduction to MGT 312; Managing Diversity 8/31 Managing Diversity; Organizational Culture 8/31 HW: How does your diversity profile… @ Ch 2 AR->Self & group Ex-> second Self Exercise Organizational Culture; International OB 9/7 HW: Johnson & Johnson case – See BBD -> Assignments section International OB; Self-Concept, Personality, and Emotions Self-Assessment Project and OB Reflective Paper Due on Tuesday, 9/14 at the beginning of class. See instructions on the syllabus. Self-Concept, Personality, and Emotions; Values, Attitudes & Job Satisfaction 9/23: HW: Personal values clarification exercise @ Ch 6->Additional Resources->Self Exercises #4 9/28: Values, Attitudes & Job Satisfaction 9/30: Test 1 on Chapters 1-5. Perception & Attribution Fall break – No class on Tuesday; Thursday 10/14, Motivation Motivation; Improving Job Performance Group Dynamics; Teams 10/26: HW: Team Role Preferences Scale @ AG->Groups & Teams-> SA and Measuring role conflict & anxiety scale @ AR->Ch 10-AR-> Self & group Ex->SE #2 Individual & Group Decision making; 11/4: Test 2 on Chapters 6-11. Conflict & Negotiation; Power & Politics Power & Politics; Leadership HW: 11/16: How political are you scale @ Ch 15 -> AR -> SE #2; and What’s your self-perceived power @ Ch 15 -> AR -> SE #3 Leadership; Creating Effective Organizations; 11/25 Thanksgiving Managing Organizational Change & Stress MGT 312-01, 11:00 section: Final Exam, 12/14, 12-3 pm MGT 312-02, 12:30 section: Final Exam, 12/9, 12-3 pm 9/7 9/14 9/21 9/28 10/5 10/12 10/19 10/26 11/2 11/9 11/16 11/23 11/30 Chapter Assignments Ch. 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6 7 8 8, 9 10, 11 12 13, 14 14, 16 16, 17 18 AR=Additional Resources found under the chapter links on the left in the Online Learning Center (OLC) ; AG=Asset Gallery found in the Online Learning Center (OLC); SE=Self Exercise. See notes below the table on p. 4 for general information about location of resources 11 MGT 312 Self-Assessment Report Cover Sheet Your name (Please print)_______________________________________ Student ID #________________________ Section_________________ Please copy and paste this page into a new screen. Then print it off. Check off each assessment that you have completed in the table below. Place your paper immediately behind the cover page, followed by the printouts for each assessment in order according to the table indicated below. Be sure to follow the instructions for properly preparing your assessment feedback pages on the syllabus. Then clip together your complete Self-Assessment Report. Failure to follow these instructions will result in a lower grade. Assessment No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Assessment Completed Corporate culture preference scale How do you score on the Big 5? What are your self-monitoring tendencies What is your locus of control? The Type “A” Scale Assessing how personality type influences goal setting Career planning based on brain dominance What is your preferred conflict handling style? Please write out the UNCG Academic Integrity Policy and sign your name here: